
The Mammals of Warren Woods, Berrien County, Michigan Part 5

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(3) There is another record of a mammoth tooth which was found at an unknown location in Berrien County. It was at one time owned by Mr.

Smith, who gave it to Dr. Crane. Its present whereabouts is unknown.


A mud bar beside the Galien River in Warren Woods. A growth of mud-bar herbs adjoins the flood-plain forest on the left. August 29, 1919.

Flood-plain forest in Warren Woods. There are few shrubs, but a considerable amount of herbage is present. August 29, 1919.




b.u.t.tonbush swamp in Warren Woods. The swamp is surrounded by flood-plain forest. August 29, 1919.

Climax beech-maple forest on the higher ground in Warren Woods. August 29, 1919.




[Footnote 1: L. R. Dice, _Occasional Papers, Mus. Zool._, No. 65.]

[Footnote 2: Adolphe B. Covert, _Natural History--History of Washtenaw County_, p. 194. 1881.]

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The Mammals of Warren Woods, Berrien County, Michigan Part 5 summary

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