
The Lonely Island: The Refuge of the Mutineers Part 21

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He sipped a little, and his rough visage broke into a beaming smile. He drank it all, and then he smacked his lips and laughed--not quite a joyous laugh, but a wild, fierce, triumphant laugh, such as one might imagine would issue from the panting lips of some stout victor of the olden time as he clutched a much-coveted prize, after slaying some half-dozen enemies.

"Ha ha! I've got it at last!" he cried aloud, smacking his lips again.

And so he had. Long and earnestly had he laboured to make use of a fatal piece of knowledge which he possessed. Among the hills of Scotland McCoy had learned the art of making ardent spirits. After many failures, he had on this night made a successful attempt with the ti-root, which grew in abundance on Pitcairn. The spirit was at last produced. As the liquid ran burning down his throat, the memory of a pa.s.sion which he had not felt for years came back upon him with overwhelming force. In his new-born ecstasy he uttered a wild cheer, and filling more spirit into the cup, quaffed it again.

"Splendid!" he cried, "first-rate. Hurrah!"

A tremendous knocking at the door checked him, and arrested his hand as he was about to fill another cup.

"Who's that?" he demanded, angrily.

"Open the door an' you'll see."

The voice was that of Matthew Quintal. McCoy let him in at once.

"See here," he cried, eagerly, holding up the bottle with a leer, "I've got it at last!"

"So any deaf man might have found out by the way you've bin shoutin' it.

Why didn't you open sooner?"

"Never heard you, Matt. Was too much engaged with my new friend, I suppose. Come, I'll introdooce him to you."

"Look alive, then," growled Quintal, impatiently, for he seemed to have smelt the spirit, as the warhorse is said to smell the battle from afar.

"Give us hold o' the cup and fill up; fill up, I say, to the brim.

None o' your half measures for me."

He took a mouthful, rolled it round and round with his tongue once or twice, and swallowed it.

"Heh, that's _it_ once more! Come, here's your health, McCoy! We'll be better friends than ever now; good luck to 'ee."

McCoy thought that there was room for improvement in their friendship, but said nothing, as he watched his comrade pour the fiery liquid slowly down his throat, as if he wished to prolong the sensation.

"Another," he said, holding out the cup.

"No, no; drink fair, Matt Quintal; wotever you do, drink fair. It's my turn now."

"Your turn?" retorted Quintal, fiercely; "why, you've bin swillin' away for half-an-hour before I came."

"No, Matt, no; honour bright. I'd only just begun. But come, we won't quarrel over it. Here's the other half o' the nut, so we'll drink together. Now, hold steady."

"More need for me to give you that advice; you shake the bottle as if you'd got the ague. If you spill a drop, now, I'll--I'll flatten your big nose on your ugly face."

Not in the least hurt by such uncomplimentary threats, McCoy smiled as he filled the cup held by his comrade. The spirit was beginning to tell on him, and the smile was of that imbecile character which denotes perfect self-satisfaction and good-will. Having poured the remainder into his own cup, he refixed the bottle to the tube of the "still," and while more of the liquid was being extracted, the cronies sat down on low stools before the stove, to spend a pleasant evening in poisoning themselves!

It may be interesting and instructive, though somewhat sad, to trace the steps by which those two men, formed originally in G.o.d's image, reduced themselves, of their own free will, to a level much lower than that of the brutes.

"Doesn't the taste of it bring back old times?" said McCoy, holding his cup to the light as he might have held up a transparent gla.s.s.

"Ay," a.s.sented Quintal, gradually becoming amiable, "the good old times before that fool Fletcher Christian indooced us to jine him. Here's to 'ee, lad, once more."

"Why, when I think o' the jolly times I've had at the Blue Boar of Plymouth," said McCoy, "or at the Swan wi' the two throttles, in--in--I forget where, I feel--I feel--like--like--here's your health again, Matt Quintal. Give us your flipper, man. You're not a bad feller, if you wasn't given to grumpin' so much."

Quintal's amiability, even when roused to excess by drink, was easily dissipated. The free remarks of his comrade did not tend to increase it, but he said nothing, and refreshed himself with another sip.

"I really do think," continued McCoy, looking at his companion with an intensity of feeling which is not describable, "I really do think that-- that--when I think o' that Blue Boar, I could a'most become poetical."

"If you did," growled Quintal, "you would not be the first that had become a big fool on a worse subjec'."

"I shay, Matt Quintal," returned the other, who was beginning to talk rather thickly, so powerful was the effect of the liquor on his unaccustomed nerves; "I shay, ole feller, you used to sing well once.

Come g-give us a stave now."

"Bah!" was Quintal's reply, with a look of undisguised contempt.

"Jus-so. 'Xactly my opinion about it. Well, as you won't sing, I'll give you a ditty myself."

Hereupon McCoy struck up a song, which, being deficient in taste, while its execution was defective as well as tuneless, did not seem to produce much effect on Quintal. He bore it with equanimity, until McCoy came to a note so far beyond his powers that he broke into a shriek.

"Come, get some more drink," growled his comrade, pointing to the still; "it must be ready by this time."

"Shum more drink!" exclaimed McCoy, with a look of indignant surprise.

Then, sliding into a smile of imbecile good-humour, "You shl-'ave-it, my boy, you shl-'ave-it."

He unfixed the bottle with an unsteady hand, and winking with dreadful solemnity, filled up his companion's cup. Then he filled his own, and sat down to resume his song. But Quintal could stand no more of it; he ordered his comrade to "stop his noise."

"Shtop my noise!" exclaimed McCoy, with a look of lofty disdain.

"Yes, stop it, an' let's talk."

"Well, I'm w-willin' t' talk," returned McCoy, after a grave and thoughtful pause.

They chose politics as a light, agreeable subject of conversation.

"Now, you see, 's my 'pinion, Matt, that them coves up't th' Admiralty don't know no more how to guv'n this country than they knows how to work a Turk's head on a man-rope."

"P'r'aps not," replied Quintal, with a look of wise solemnity.

"Nor'-a-bit--on it," continued McCoy, becoming earnest. "An' wot on earth's the use o' the Lords an' Commons an' War Office? W'y don't they slump 'em all together into one 'ouse, an' get the Archbishop o'

Cantingbury to bless 'em all, right off, same as the Pope does. That's w'ere it is. D'ye see? That's w'ere the shoe pinches."

"Ah, an' what would you make o' the King?" demanded Quintal, with an argumentative frown.

"The King, eh?" said McCoy, bringing his fuddled mind to bear on this royal difficulty; "the King, eh? Why, I'd--I'd make lop-scouse o' the King."

"Come, that's treason. You shan't speak treason in _my_ company, Bill McCoy. I'm a man-o'-war's man. It won't do to shove treason in the face of a mar-o'-wa-a-r. If I _am_ a mutineer, w'at o' that? I'll let no other man haul down my colours. So don't go shovin' treason at me, Bill McCoy."

"I'll shove treason w'erever I please," said McCoy, fiercely.

"No you shan't."

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The Lonely Island: The Refuge of the Mutineers Part 21 summary

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