
The Little Treasure of Prayers Part 5

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Good and merciful G.o.d, affectionate Father, by Thy grace I have pa.s.sed another night and again behold the cheering light. Thanks be unto Thee, that Thou hast been my keeper and protector, comforter and helper, that Thou hast as a Father kept my sick body, together with my distressed soul, by Thy power hast kept me from sudden death and dangerous temptations, and that Thy holy angel has defended me against the devil, the prince of darkness. By Thy grace and mercy I still live. Watch over me Thy poor creature to-day also, and so lead and guide me that I may neither think, speak, nor do evil. Lead me, the poor one of Thy flock, to Thy holy Word, and cause me to lie down in its green pastures, for this is my comfort in my distress. Preserve me, O G.o.d, for in Thee do I put my trust, Thou, and Thou alone, art my strength, my G.o.d and my n.o.blest treasure. Fill my heart and mind with fear and love to Thee. Separate me from all things not purely Thine. Hide me in Thyself, that in my trouble and affliction I may submit to Thy will, and trust in Thee alone, for besides Thee there is no other help in all the world. Thou art the true physician of the sick, the true comforter in every distress, the true helper in the hour of death. Beloved Father, heal me, comfort me, help me. Keep me this day from sin and all evil, from the wiles of the devil, from the temptations of the world and from the evil l.u.s.ts of my own sinful flesh. Give patience, hope and constancy. And when my life is at an end give me an easy and blessed death through Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, my Redeemer. Amen.

54. Evening Prayer of a sick Person.

Thanks be unto Thee, my G.o.d and Father, that Thou hast this day so mercifully succored me. Thy grace, Thy power, Thy comfort and Thy Spirit be with me in my sickness and help me through this night also. I commit my body and soul into Thy hands, Thy holy angels have charge concerning me, that the wicked one may have no power over me, through Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, our Lord. Amen.

55. Another Evening Prayer of a sick Person.

Almighty and merciful G.o.d, affectionate Father, Thou hast said: Call upon me in the day of trouble, I will deliver thee; therefore I pray Thee, have mercy on me and forgive all my sins with which I have offended Thee this day. I commit myself this coming night into Thy keeping, and let my soul be at rest, even if my body should be full of trouble. Let me not be carried away by sudden death without knowing Thy dear Son. If it be Thy gracious will, let me live till morning and pa.s.s this night without pain of body or distress of soul. Should this be my last night on earth, and Thou, in Thy unsearchable counsel, shouldst call me into Eternity, let me awake in Heaven and make me the humblest servant in Thy kingdom. In Thy name I fall asleep. Whether I shall awake on earth or in Heaven, I shall love and praise Thee with my whole heart, my faithful G.o.d. Amen. In Jesus' name. Amen.

56. Prayer in Sickness.

Gracious G.o.d and Father, I acknowledge and confess unto Thee that I have done evil all the days of my life and have not lived to Thy honor. I have fulfilled the l.u.s.ts of the flesh and have served myself and the world more than Thee. O Lord, I am very sorry that I have pa.s.sed the few days of my life in doing evil. I acknowledge that Thou art only visiting my iniquities upon me in sending this sickness. By this Thou wouldst call me to repentance. O Lord, Thou judgest me righteously and chastenest me that I may not perish with the unG.o.dly world. By this sickness Thou puttest me in mind of my mortality and teachest me to know mine end and the measure of my days, what it is. Verily, every man at his best state is altogether vanity, surely every man walketh in a vain show, he heapeth up riches and knoweth not who shall gather them. And now, Lord, what wait I for?

Deliver me from my transgressions. I know, Lord, that my times are in Thy hand, Thou hast written all my members in Thy book, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. My substance was not hid from Thee when I was curiously wrought in my mother's womb. Since it is Thy will that I should be sick, may I cheerfully do this Thy will. O Lord, Thine arrows stick fast in me, and Thy hand presseth me sore, there is no soundness in my flesh because of Thine anger, neither is there any rest in my bones because of my sins, as a heavy burden, they are too heavy for me. O my G.o.d, preserve my soul in every temptation, let this bodily sickness be a medicine for the healing of my soul. Keep Thou my heart and mind, and through the peace of my Lord Jesus Christ protect me with Thy shield and buckler against all the fiery darts of the devil.

Lord, Thou knowest it that I am the work of Thy hands, Thou hast formed me out of the clay; we are the clay and Thou our potter. Alas! how I am broken in pieces! Spare me, O Lord; Thou wilt surely not, in Thy wrath, cast away nor break in pieces the work of Thy hands, Thou hast separated me from my mother's womb, Thou didst make me hope, when I was upon my mother's b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Thou art the Lord and giver of my life, and hast power to take it again at Thine own appointed time. Should it be Thy will, deal kindly with me, as Thou didst with king Hezekiah, to whose days Thou didst add fifteen years. Behold, for peace I have great bitterness, in love to my soul, deliver it from the pit of corruption and cast all my sins behind Thy back. Should this sickness not be unto death, then, O Lord, lift me up again and heal me, for I am very weak. O Lord Jesus, Thou heavenly physician, take me under Thy treatment, alleviate my pains and heal me by Thy wounds, and make Thy bitter sufferings and death my medicine. Lord, let me touch the hem of Thy garment, that is, Thy Word and sacraments, in which Thou art wrapped up, and make me whole by the virtue which cometh out of Thee. Should it be Thy will however, that in this sickness I shall go the way of all the earth, be it so, for I am no better than my fathers, only let Thy servant depart in peace, according to Thy Word, for mine eyes have seen Thy salvation which Thou hast prepared before the face of all people, a light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of Thy people Israel. Amen.

57. Prayer of a penitent in Sickness.

Almighty G.o.d and Father, because of sin Thou appointest over men all manner of diseases, but in particular bodily sickness, that they may not perish with the world. I come unto Thee with my load of sins and confess that on account of these I have deserved not only this sickness, but also eternal d.a.m.nation, being a child of wrath by nature and sold under sin, besides having, all the days of my life, transgressed all Thy commandments a countless number of times. I take my refuge in Thy boundless mercy. Enter not into judgment with me, for in Thy sight shall no man living be justified. Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions, but for Thy name's sake pardon mine iniquity, for it is great. Remove Thy stroke away from me and hearken unto the voice of my cry, hold not Thy peace at my tears. Spare me that I may recover strength, before I go hence, and be no more. Affectionate Father, behold, for peace I have great bitterness, in love deliver my soul from the pit of corruption and cast all my sins behind Thy back. Consider also my bodily affliction and take it away or alleviate it by Thy comfort. Give me patience, help me to bear my cross, or save me under it. Thy will be done. Do with me, O G.o.d, as it seemeth good unto Thee. I am Thine, in Thee I would remain. Amen.

58. Short Prayers in Sickness, for every Hour of the Day.

1. At One O'clock.

My Creator and Father, Thou true and only G.o.d, from whom cometh health and sickness, prosperity and adversity, it being Thy will that I should be afflicted so many days with this bodily sickness, give me Christian patience and the full a.s.surance of hope. In times of adversity as well as in times of prosperity, Thou alone art my beloved Father. In this life, it is but the common lot of every faithful member of the church to bear the cross. Why should I make myself an exception? When even my Saviour, Jesus Christ, the head of the church, had to suffer for me. Beloved G.o.d and Father, who art upright in all Thy ways, keep me in Thy Word and let it be my surest remedy and greatest delight. Amen.

2. At Two O'clock.

Beloved Lord Jesus, my faithful Advocate and Saviour, I well know that by my sins I have deserved nothing less than this bodily infirmity, together with every affliction. I am comforted, however, by Thine inexhaustable grace and most precious atonement, through which Thou hast redeemed my body and soul. Whatever may befall my body in this life, I am a.s.sured that my body and soul are delivered from h.e.l.l, and will eventually enter into eternal life and be crowned with health and heavenly glory. To this end help me, Lord Jesus. Amen.

3. At Three O'clock.

O Holy Ghost, most worthy and affectionate companion of my soul, and most faithful witness of my heavenly birthright and happiness, continue to abide in my heart during this protracted, bodily affliction, and quicken me by Thy divine comfort and keep me steadfast in Thy pure Word and most holy sacraments. Preserve in me faith, hope and charity, these three pillars of my Christianity. Enable me rightly to understand G.o.d's paternal will that I may in silence submit to it, live and die in accordance with it. Amen.

4. At Four O'clock.

Beloved and faithful G.o.d, teach me to remember mine end, that I may not sin. Give me a happy death; on the Judgment Day absolve me; keep me out of h.e.l.l; take me into Heaven. In the hour of death I will lay me down in peace and sleep. On the Judgment Day let me escape h.e.l.l and dwell safely in Heaven. Let the seed of Thy word take root in my heart, abide in me and quicken me, until Thou wilt come to take me to Thyself. Amen.

5. At Five O'clock.

In my affliction and pain, where, O dear Jesus, could I make my refuge, but in Thy _five_ sacred wounds? In these I will be secure when I shall have lost my mind and my senses. I will abide in Thee, abide Thou also in me. Trim the lamp of my heart with the pure oil of faith, prepare me thro' Christian penitence to go forth with joy to meet Thee at Thy second coming, and in company with all the elect, forever to enjoy the wedding feast. Amen.

6. At Six O'clock.

I thank Thee, dear Lord and Father, that Thou hast created me in Thine image, with a human body and reasonable soul; and beseech Thee, that Thou wouldst not forsake me, Thy creature, in my distress, but wouldst exercise Thy paternal care over me, and powerfully deliver me. Many are my afflictions, and every day hath its own evils; but I know that Thou wilt finally deliver me from all afflictions and troubles; in Thee do I put my trust; let me never be put to shame. Amen.

7. At Seven O'clock.

O G.o.d, heavenly Father, who didst rest on the seventh day of the creation, do Thou also rest and keep Thy sabbath in my heart, Thou, who art my soul's only rest and comfort. O Lord Jesus, let the seventh and last word, that Thou didst utter upon the cross, also be my last word in the hour of death, that I may commend my spirit into Thy hands. O G.o.d, Holy Ghost, Thou heavenly teacher, Thou spirit of prayer, do Thou kindle in me constant devotion to prayer, that in the Lord's prayer, in the seven penitential Psalms, and other prayers and sighs, I may bring my wants to G.o.d, and be graciously heard by Him. Amen.

8. At Eight O'clock.

Dearest Lord Jesus, who didst upon the eighth day begin to suffer pain and to shed Thy blood: O, give me a willing spirit, patiently to bear my bodily infirmities to Thy glory, and the hope, that Thou wouldst graciously preserve me and my soul in the waters of tribulation, as Thou didst preserve the eight souls in Noah's ark. Let me be among the eight mult.i.tudes whom Thou callest blessed, that I may be poor in spirit, patient in tribulation, meek toward my enemies, hunger and thirst after righteousness, merciful toward suffering Christians, pure in heart, peaceful toward my neighbor, steadfast in persecution. O, let me advance in the school of patience through all its grades, until through perseverance, I will be promoted to the joyful school of everlasting life, where with the Father and the Holy Spirit, I will praise and love Thee evermore. Amen.

9. At Nine O'clock.

O my dearest Lord Jesus, Thy great sufferings reached a desired end, in that Thou wast delivered from them through a blessed death. O grant unto me a blessed departure, and make an end to my wearisome afflictions.. For this I will thank, praise, and glorify Thee with my whole heart. I know, Thou wilt not forget me, and my hope will not be lost forever. Here upon earth I am a member of Thy church militant, O let me be a member of Thy church triumphant. Amen.

10. At Ten O'clock.

O righteous and gracious G.o.d, I heartily acknowledge, that I am not only conceived and born in sin, but have on account of human weakness in various ways transgressed Thy holy ten commandments in thoughts, words and actions, so that I have not only deserved this my sickness and other temporal affliction, but have also deserved everlasting punishment. But since Thy dear Son, my faithful Saviour Jesus Christ, has made satisfaction for all my sins, original and actual, with His precious merits and holy blood; I beseech Thee, that Thou wouldst for His sake be gracious unto me, and of Thy great mercy, forgive my temporal and eternal punishment. Guide me by Thy Holy Spirit, that I may separate myself from the great mult.i.tude of the unG.o.dly, that I may strive after the true faith showing itself in good works; but especially that I may be patient under afflictions, fight a good fight, keep the faith and a good conscience, and finally live in Thy tabernacle forever. Do Thou alleviate my bodily pains according to Thy good will, and help me that I may bear my afflictions, for Jesus' sake. Amen.

11. At Eleven O'clock.

O faithful Lord Jesus, who didst often and powerfully comfort Thy disciples after Thy resurrection, and doest invite the weary and heavy-laden to Thee, and doest promise to comfort them: O do Thou visit me in my sickness, comfort and refresh me; Thou alone art my refuge, my counsel and my help. I yearn for the evening time of a blessed death, and long for the joyful resurrection of my body. O let me early experience these my requests, then will I forever praise Thee with the Father and the Holy Ghost. Amen.

12. At Twelve O'clock.

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