
The Little Treasure of Prayers Part 2

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23. Prayer of a Wife.

Gracious G.o.d, faithful Father! Since Thou hast, through Thy mercy, called me into the holy state of matrimony to be the mistress of a house, in which state I can also serve and please Thee, my G.o.d, do Thou bestow grace upon me, Thy servant, that I may at all times sincerely fear Thee, and trust in Thee above all things, O my Creator and Redeemer; and that I may, next to Thee, fear, love and honor my husband, and desire none other besides him. Help, that according to Thy command, my will be in subjection to my husband, to obey him with all readiness, and that I, in the innermost of my heart, may ever be adorned with a meek and quiet spirit and many virtues, like unto the holy women of olden times who trusted in G.o.d, being in subjection to their own husbands. Grant that I may lead a chaste and pure life in fear and humility, that I may in all G.o.dliness and with kind and modest words restrain and subdue the anger and ill-humor of my husband, and be enabled to meet him with indulgence; that I may, in meekness, train my children and servants unto the praise and honor of Thy holy name, and that they may, with willing hearts, obey me in those things which are good and righteous before Thee. Help that I may be a faithful helpmeet unto my husband, that I may with care guard over the blessings which Thou hast graciously bestowed upon us and not squander them, but that I may work and a.s.sist, as is becoming me in this my calling, that I may be able to give unto the needy and extend a helping hand unto the poor. Protect us against unfaithful and wicked servants, who neglect and waste our property. Give me grace that I may patiently bear the cross in married life, and not so soon become discouraged or intimidated whenever afflictions come upon us; for our faith must be tested through trials and adversities. O Lord G.o.d! Into Thy almighty power I commend myself, my dear husband, all my children and servants, do Thou preserve us from sin, disgrace and all afflictions, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

24. Prayer of an aged Person.

Lord G.o.d, Thou our refuge forevermore, our life and length of years by whose hands our days are numbered, behold, I have reached the years, of which I can say that they are not pleasing to me. Since my strength has perceptibly decreased in this my old age, and many troubles and weaknesses come upon me, I humbly beseech Thee who hast so graciously and fatherly guided me from the beginning of my life, and hast been my hope from the days of youth until now, Thou wouldst not forsake me in old age, when I am gray-headed and weak, but continue to bear and deliver me unto a happy end of my life. But especially do I pray Thee, O merciful Father, to guide and direct me by Thy holy and good Spirit, that I may spend the rest of my life in a Christian walk with praying and sighing in true devotion to Thee, and that I may more and more prepare myself like a true Christian for a happy death, so that, if to-day or to-morrow my time should come, I may depart in peace like the aged Simeon, and leaving this world, may enter upon the joys of eternal life. Amen.

25. Prayer for a proper Performance of One's Duties.

Merciful and faithful G.o.d! Thou hast commanded, that every man should pursue a certain calling and be faithful in the same. Thou seest and knowest, therefore, omniscient Lord, what my duties are, and that I can do nothing without Thy grace, power and blessing, but that I can err in various ways; therefore I sincerely pray Thee, to strengthen my reasoning faculties, to bestow upon me bold and undaunted courage, that I may act reasonably and overcome all rising difficulties, and thus accomplish through Thy paternal guidance a desirable and blessed object. O my G.o.d, I trust in Thee, let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me, yea, let none that wait on Thee be ashamed. Show me Thy ways, O Lord, teach me Thy paths; for Thou art the G.o.d of my salvation, on Thee do I wait all the day. Preserve my soul, deliver me and sustain me in my troubles. Let me not be ashamed, for I trust in Thee. O my G.o.d, be not far from me, make haste to help me, O Lord, my salvation! Amen. Amen.


26. Prayer before Labor.

Eternal and Merciful G.o.d! I would now take up my work anew, and cheerfully lay hold upon the task of my proper calling, into which Thou hast placed me Thy servant, and thus labor according to my talents received from Thee, that I might through them serve my neighbor and earn my daily bread. I would therefore pray Thee with all my heart, to bestow upon me knowledge, prudence, understanding and health for the performance of my labor and work, according to Thy grace-abounding promise, and to further and bless the same, that not only its beginning be well done, but that I may also, through Thy paternal a.s.sistance and in Thy name, profitably finish it, and at all times perform the duties of my calling in Thy fear with a good conscience. Into Thy hands I commend my work; grant that my undertakings be successful, and that I may accomplish the work begun in Thy name, that the light may ever be shining upon my path, unto Thy honor and praise and the welfare of myself and friends and neighbors, through Thy dear Son Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. O Lord Jesus, in Thy name and upon Thy Word I will let down my net. O Lord, help, O Lord, let my work prosper. Amen.

27. Prayer for Divine Blessing upon the Work of One's Calling.

Lord G.o.d! Thou hast a.s.signed work to every man according to his abilities, and it is Thy will, that we should eat our daily bread in the sweat of our face, until we return again unto dust, and that we should live by the work of our hands and prosper; behold, upon Thy word I will begin anew the work of my calling, grant that my efforts and labors be not in vain, but help that I may work with my hands the thing which is good, that I may have to give to him that needeth. Bestow upon me Thy favor and blessing at all times, for upon it depend all things, that I may accomplish my work and do wrong to no one, so that I may honor the Lord with my substance and provide for those near to me, especially for my own household. Bless us more and more, bless our substance and all that we have, for Thy blessing enriches us without the anxieties of the busy hand. Lord, gladden my heart and make cheerful my countenance, give me health, life and Thy blessing. All this, however, I ask of Thee in submission to Thy holy will, Lord, hear my prayer. Into Thy hands I commend my ways, in Thee I hope, Thou wilt do all things well. The Lord be praised daily. Amen.

28. Luther's Prayer based on the Scriptural Pa.s.sage: Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you.

Heavenly Father! Thou art indeed my Lord and G.o.d, who hast made me out of nothing and redeemed me through Thy Son. Thou hast commanded and appointed me to perform these my duties and labors, which I, however, cannot accomplish as I desire, and many troubles there be that frighten and oppress me, so that I am, as to my own power, without help and consolation; therefore I commend all things into Thy hands, do Thou help and console me, and be Thou all in all. Amen.

29. Prayer before beginning any Important Work.

Lord, Thou doest great things, which are unconceivable, and wonders innumerable, Thou whose strength is mighty in weakness; I call upon Thee, the Most High, to prosper the work of my hands and graciously help me to accomplish this work, which I have undertaken with entire confidence in Thee. Lord G.o.d, strengthen me in this hour, and depart not from Thy servant, whose hope is in Thee, and without Thee can do nothing. Prepare me with strength from on high, and give me the wisdom which is continually about Thy throne, that it may be with me and direct my labors. All depends upon Thy divine blessing; wherefore remember me, O Lord, and bless all I do and all I leave undone, in order that I may begin and accomplish my work prudently and successfully. May my actions be pleasing unto Thee, a.s.sist me by Thy advice, in order that I may be able most profitably to begin, continue and finish my work. For unto Thee do I commit the beginning and the accomplishment of my labors, and unto Thee will I thankfully ascribe all praise for prospering the work of my hands. Amen. In Jesus name, Amen, Amen!

30. Thanks returned after Labor.

Almighty, eternal and gracious G.o.d! I praise and thank Thee for Thy most holy presence and a.s.sistance, which Thou hast shown unto me this day, for without Thee I certainly could have done nothing, hence Thou alone art worthy to receive the praise. I beseech Thee, to permit these labors to be pleasing unto Thee, and to redound to the well-being of myself and neighbors, both bodily and spiritually, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with Thee and the Holy Ghost, true G.o.d, lives and reigns to all eternity. Amen.

31. Prayer during a Journey.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Thou ever-gracious Lord and Saviour! Thou who hast become a guest and stranger for us upon earth, I come unto Thee humbled in heart, and beseech Thee, that Thou wouldst permit my whole life and walk to be acceptable unto Thee. Preserve me also upon this my journey by the protection of Thy beloved angels upon all my ways graciously from all evil and accident, misfortune and danger of soul and body, so that I may successfully accomplish my work and return again to my beloved ones, in health and in vigor. Unto Thee alone, O Lord, do I commit my body and soul, all that I have and possess, during my journey. Do Thou direct my course and way to my welfare and blessedness. In the mean time do Thou faithfully protect my loved ones at home, that we may meet each other again in health and happiness. And when I have finally accomplished my journey of life here in this world, receive me unto Thyself, into Thy glory, by a peaceful and a blessed death. Amen.

32. Prayer while beginning a Journey at Sea.

Eternal G.o.d, behold, I now journey upon the deep, and commit myself to the wild, rough sea; here on the waters I am tossed to and fro between heaven and earth, how shall this little ship, small and weak in structure, which cannot protect itself, protect me? On whom then shall I, wretched man, put my trust? Alas, O G.o.d and Lord, alone upon Thee and Thy fatherly power and care, for neither man nor any of Thy creatures can save me. The wind bloweth whithersoever it will, the sea lifts up its waves, beneath me I see neither ground nor foundation, and above the lone heavens. The men who a.s.sist me are in like danger and care; wherefore, O G.o.d, I lift my eyes alone unto Thee, from whom cometh my help, my help cometh from the Lord, who hath made heaven and earth. To Thee do I commit myself both body and soul, life and property. Unto Thee alone do I look, in Thee alone do I put my trust, my hope is in Thee, there is no help in man. Bear Thou this little ship on Thy wings, and preserve me within and be with me in the ship, else, O Lord, we perish; but if I only have Thee, I will ask nothing of heaven or earth! Yea, while I now depart from land and leave the same behind me, help me, to forsake and deny all confidence in worldly and human a.s.sistance, and to commit myself unto Thee alone.

Lord, behold, I have entirely submitted to Thy will, do unto me as may seem good in Thy sight, that it may redound to the welfare and salvation of my soul. I commit myself into Thy hands, for Thou hast drawn me into Thy embrace, and no one shall pluck me out of Thy hand, because I am a member of Christ's fold, and a sheep of his pastures, wherein I will gladly live and die by the help of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

33. Prayer of a Seafarer during a Storm.

Almighty G.o.d, Thou G.o.d of the righteous! Thou who hast made the sea and the dry land, and upholdest all things by Thy hand, and raisest the stormy wind, which lifteth up the waves, so that the ship is tossed now to the heavens, and now down again to the depths, that a person is reeled to and fro like a drunken man at his wit's end, as the Holy Spirit says.

We are now in great danger and distress in this our journey on the sea.

As Thou hast said: "Call upon me in the day of trouble, I will deliver thee," we therefore in this our great need, from which no creature can save us but Thou alone, hold out to Thee thy word with believing hearts, and humbly ask Thee to manifest Thy power according to Thy great mercy, and say unto the wind and the sea: Peace, be still! and graciously protect us from shipwreck and danger, hold and preserve us by Thy gracious hand, and redeem us graciously from this danger, and we will praise Thy name as long as we live, never forget Thy deeds of mercy and amend our lives so that henceforth they may conform to Thy holy Word.

Alas! Lord, be merciful unto us, and forgive us our sins for Jesus Christ's sake. Alas! help us, lest we perish! Alas! Lord, redeem us for Thy mercy's sake! But if it be Thy will here to end our lives, then give unto us Christian patience, preserve us in the true faith and give us the end of our faith, the salvation of our souls! Thou canst redeem from death, Thou canst also redeem us out of this danger. Hear us, hear us, hear us, Lord G.o.d Father, for Jesus Christ's sake! Lord Jesus, for the sake of Thy five blessed wounds! Lord G.o.d, Holy Spirit for the sake of Thy mercy and grace! Help us, Lord G.o.d, the Father! Help us, Lord G.o.d, the Son! Help us, Lord G.o.d, the Holy Ghost, for Thy own sake, and for the honor of Thy name, and for Thy infinite mercy's sake. Amen.

A brief Instruction concerning Confession and Absolution.

My dear Christian, when you come to confession, you must not be satisfied in repeating with the mouth a prayer which you have committed to memory, or to permit a prayer of confession to be repeated to you by your confessor, but you must yourself bring with you a penitent heart, out of which your confession will then freely flow, for to confess without a penitent heart is mocking G.o.d, and without it no forgiveness of sins can take place.

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