
The Legend of Ulenspiegel Volume I Part 39

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"The informer," said he, "having, as it happened, remained at Damme, so as not to go to Bruges to spend his money in riot and revelry, as is too often done at these holy times, was soberly taking the air on his own doorstep. Being there he saw a man walking in the street of the Heron. Claes, perceiving this man, went to him and saluted him. The man was arrayed in black cloth. He went into Claes's house, and the door of the cottage was left ajar. Curious to know what this man might be, the informer went into the porch, heard Claes speaking in the kitchen with the stranger, of a certain Josse, his brother, who having been taken prisoner among the reformed troops, had been for this put to death on the rack not far from Aix. The stranger said to Claes that the money he had received from his brother being money gained through the ignorance of poor folk, he was to employ it in bringing up his son in the reformed religion. He had enjoined Claes also to leave the bosom of our Mother Holy Church, and uttered other impious words to which Claes made answer only with these words: 'Cruel murderers! my poor brother!' And the accused thus blasphemed against our Holy Father the Pope and his Royal Majesty, accusing them of cruelty because they most justly punished heresy as a crime, being treason divine and human. When the man had made an end of eating, the informer heard Claes cry aloud: 'Poor Josse, may G.o.d have thee in His glory, they were cruel to thee!' Thus he even accused G.o.d of impiety, deeming that He may receive heretics into His heaven. And Claes ceased not to say 'My poor brother!' The stranger, then entering into frenzy like a preacher in his preaching, cried: 'She shall fall, great Babylon the Romish wh.o.r.e, and she shall become the habitation of demons and the haunt of every obscene bird!' Claes said: 'Cruel murderers! My poor brother!' The stranger, continuing his discourse, said: 'For the angel will take up that stone which is as great as a millstone. And it shall be cast into the sea, and he will say: 'Thus great Babylon shall be cast out, and she shall no more be found.' 'Messire,' said Claes, 'your mouth is filled with anger, but tell me when shall come the reign when they that are meek and lowly of heart shall be able to live in peace upon the earth?' 'Never,'

replied the stranger, 'so long as Antichrist, which is the Pope and the enemy of truth, reigneth.' 'Ah,' said Claes, 'you speak of our Holy Father without respect. a.s.suredly he knoweth naught of the cruel torments with which the poor reformers are punished.' The stranger made answer: 'He is not ignorant of these, for it is he that issueth the edicts, hath them enforced by the Emperor, now by the king, who hath the profit of confiscations, inherits from the dead, and readily brings suit for heresy against the rich.' Claes replied: 'These things are told in the country of Flanders, I must needs believe them; man's flesh is weak, even when it is royal flesh. My poor Josse!' And Claes by this signified that it was through base desire of lucre that His Majesty punished heresiarchs. The stranger, wishing to harangue further, Claes replied: 'Be so good, messire, as to hold no more such discourses with me, for if they were overheard, they would stir up some grievous suit against me.'

"Claes arose to go to the cellar and came up thence with a jug of beer. 'I will shut the door,' said he then, and the informer heard no more, for he must needs lightly leave the house. The door that had been shut was nevertheless opened again at nightfall. The stranger came out, but went back speedily and knocked at it saying: 'Claes, I am cold, I have nowhere to lodge: give me shelter, no one has seen me come in, the town is deserted and empty.' Claes received him in his house, lighted a lantern, and was seen preceding the heretic, mounting the stairs and bringing the stranger underneath the roof to a little chamber whose window looked towards the country...."

"Who, then," cried Claes, "who can have recounted all if not thou, vile fishmonger, whom I saw on that Sunday upon thy threshold, stiff as a post, hypocritically watching the swallows flying through the air?"

And with his finger he pointed to Josse Grypstuiver, the dean of the fishmongers, who showed his ugly face amid the crowd of the people.

The fishmonger smiled cruelly, seeing Claes betray himself in this fashion. All the people, men, women, and girls, said one to the other:

"The poor fellow, his words will past doubt cause his death."

But the clerk continued his announcement:

"The heretic and Claes," said he, "conversed together for long that night, and also during other nights, during which the stranger could be seen making many gestures of threatening or blessing, and lifting his arms to heaven as the manner is of his fellows in heresy. Claes seemed to approve of his words.

"Certes, during these days, evenings and nights, they talked opprobriously of the ma.s.s, of confession, of indulgences, and of His Royal Majesty...."

"No man hath heard it," said Claes, "and I cannot be accused thus without proofs!"

The clerk continued:

"Another thing was heard. When the stranger came out from thy house, on the seventh day at the tenth hour, the night being fallen already, thou didst walk in the way with him as far as close to the boundary of the field of Katheline. There he asked what thou hadst done with the wicked idols"--and at that the bailiff crossed himself--"of Madame Virgin, Master Saint Nicholas, and Master Saint Martin. Thou didst answer that thou hadst broken them to pieces and cast them into the well. And they were in fact found in thy well last night, and the fragments are in the torture-chamber."

At this word Claes appeared overwhelmed. The bailiff asked him if he had nothing to say in answer: Claes made a sign with his head to say no.

The bailiff asked him if he did not wish to retract the evil thought that had made him break up the images and the impious error that by reason whereof he had uttered words opprobrious to His Divine Majesty and His Royal Majesty.

Claes answered that his body was His Royal Majesty's but that his conscience was Christ's, whose law he meant to follow. The bailiff asked him if this law was that of our Mother Holy Church. Claes made answer:

"It is contained in the holy Gospel."

Called upon to answer the question whether the Pope is the representative of G.o.d upon earth:

"No," said he.

Asked if he believed it was forbidden to worship the images of Madame the Virgin and Messieurs the Saints, he replied that it was idolatry. Questioned on the point as to whether auricular confession be a good and salutary thing, he replied:

"Christ said: 'Confess yourselves one to another'."

He was valiant and stout in his answers, though he seemed sorely troubled and affrighted at the bottom of his heart.

Eight o'clock having struck, and the night falling, the members of the court withdrew, deferring till the morrow their final judgment.


In Katheline's cottage Soetkin wept distraught with anguish. And she said over and over again:

"My husband! my poor husband!"

Ulenspiegel and Nele embraced her with utmost tenderness. Then taking them into her arms she wept in silence. And then she signed to them to leave her alone. Nele said to Ulenspiegel:

"Let us leave her there, it is her own wish: let us save the carolus."

They went away together; Katheline kept moving round Soetkin, saying:

"Make a hole: the soul would fain escape!"

And Soetkin, with fixed eyes, looked at her without seeing her.

The cottages of Claes and Katheline touched, that of Claes set back with a little garden in front, Katheline's had a patch of ground planted with beans giving upon the street. This patch was surrounded with a green hedge in which Ulenspiegel to get to Nele's and Nele to get to Ulenspiegel's, had made a big hole in their childish days.

Ulenspiegel and Nele came into this garden patch, and from there saw the trooper who with head wagging spat into the air, but the spittle fell back on his doublet. A wicker flask lay by his side:

"Nele," said Ulenspiegel, in a whisper, "this drunken trooper has not drunk out his thirst; he must drink more still. We shall then be his master. Let us take his flask."

At the sound of their voices, the lansquenet turned his heavy head in their direction, hunted for his flask, and not finding it, he went on spitting into the air and tried to see his spittle falling back in the moonlight.

"He is full of brandy to the teeth," said Ulenspiegel; "do you hear how he can hardly spit?"

However, the trooper, having spit and stared in the air a long while, put out his arm again to get his hand on the flask. He found it, put his mouth to its neck, threw his head back, turned the flagon upside down, tapped on it to make it give up all its juice and sucked at it like a babe at its mother's breast. Finding nothing in it, he resigned himself, put the flask down beside him, swore a little in high German, spat again, waggled his head to right and left, and went to sleep muttering inarticulate and unintelligible paternosters.

Ulenspiegel, knowing that this sleep would not last, and that it must be thickened further, slipped through the hole in the hedge, took the trooper's flask, and gave it to Nele, who filled it with brandy.

The trooper did not cease to snore; Ulenspiegel pa.s.sed again through the hole in the hedge and put the full flask between his legs, came back into Katheline's bean patch and waited behind the hedge with Nele.

Because of the chill of the newly drawn liquor the trooper awoke a little, and with his first movement sought what was making him cold under the doublet.

Judging with drunken intuition that this might well be a full flask, he put his hand to it. Ulenspiegel and Nele saw him, in the light of the moon, shake the flask to hear the lap of the liquor, taste it, laugh, marvel that it should be so full, drink a mouthful, then a good gulp, put it down on the ground, take it up again and drink once more.

Then he sang:

When Seigneur Maan comes up the way To bid good e'en to lady Zee,

To high Germans, dame Zee, which is the sea, is the wife of Seigneur Maan, which is the moon and the master of women. And so he sang:

When Seigneur Maan comes up the way To bid good e'en to lady Zee, The lady Zee will straight purvey A cup of wine spiced daintily, When Seigneur Maan comes up the way.

With him she then will sup that day And give of kisses a relay: And when he's cleared the supper tray Within her bed to slumber lay When Seigneur Maan comes up the way.

Just so, my dear, provide for me, Good food and wine spiced daintily Just so, my dear, provide for me When Seigneur Maan comes up the way.

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The Legend of Ulenspiegel Volume I Part 39 summary

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