
The Indomitable Master of Elixirs Chapter 864

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Chapter 864: Power Soldiers (3)

“Gong Zhiyu?” Linghe stared in astonishment at that handsome man standing before the city walls. He couldn’t believe that the person leading the attack was actually Gong Zhiyu.

How could that be?

When Gong Zhiyu met with Ji Fengyan previously, they had mutually diffused an impending war. Linghe was no fool and could tell that Gong Zhiyu was sincere in not wanting to get into a real fight with Ji Fengyan.


It was just a day ago and now Gong Zhiyu had suddenly come with an army full of the intention to kill?

“Gong Zhiyu, what do you mean by this?” Linghe frowned down at that man.

In reality, although they were well aware of Gong Zhiyu’s status, Linghe and company instinctively felt that his basic character was not evil.

Gong Huiyu looked amused after hearing Linghe’s question. He raised his head as a sinister glint flashed across his eyes. “What do I mean? Don’t tell me you still can’t tell?”

Gong Huiyu opened up his arms slightly and looked around. “Haven’t I brought my men here today to destroy your Fu Guang City?”

“Gong Zhiyu! Don’t be too arrogant!” Meng Fusheng’s expression instantly darkened when he heard that pompous statement.

“Arrogant?” Gong Huiyu raised his brows slightly. “I really am arrogant. What can you do about that? Anyway, this will be your final day on earth. I have magnanimously allowed you all another half day to live, to enjoy the splendors of this world. Aren’t you guys going to thank me for that? A person… should know when to show grat.i.tude.”

Meng Fusheng and company heard every single one of his sarcastic words. They finally realized then why the power soldiers had not yet made any movement.

It was all part of a malicious game played by that man. He just wanted to enjoy the sight of their helpless struggle before their death.

With no apparent reason, the “Gong Zhiyu” before Linghe had transformed into a completely different person. But that face was undeniably his.

“Gong Zhiyu, our Mistress was wrong about you! We never realized that you are such a devious and venomous person!” Recalling how Ji Fengyan had previously praised Gong Zhiyu, Zuo Nuo just felt that this person’s current behavior was unbearably disgusting.


Gong Huiyu did not express the least bit of anger after that admonishment. Instead, he laughed out loud.

“That’s right. I, Gong Zhiyu, have always been so devious and venomous. But now that you all know that, what can you do about it?” Gong Huiyu stopped smiling as the amus.e.m.e.nt in his eyes died off. He cast a sweeping glance across the group standing upon the wall. With a bored manner, he turned around and tossed out a cold command. “Kill them all.”

At Gong Huiyu’s order, the power soldiers surrounding Fu Guang City immediately howled like beasts. Some started ramming against the city gates with wild abandon, while others made use of their strong fingers to dig into the hard walls to climb their way up!

“d.a.m.n it! Don’t let them breach the city!” Meng Fusheng shouted in a low voice. His Blood Tribe men promptly raised their bow and arrows, as well as heavy rocks, aiming them directly at those power soldiers making their way up.

But their attacks were totally useless against the tough flesh and skin of those power soldiers. Even the continuous bashing by rocks the size of human heads only temporarily slowed them down.

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The Indomitable Master of Elixirs Chapter 864 summary

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