
The Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church Part 34

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After these words a great light was seen suddenly coming from heaven to the apostle, and illumined him all around, so that human eyes might not see him for the heavenly light that surrounded him. The light continued nearly an hour, and Andrew gave up his ghost in that light, and went to Christ together with that beam, to whom is ever glory throughout all the world.

aegeas was seized by the horrid devil on the way homeward, before he came to his house, and he became exceedingly frantic, being cast to the earth in the sight of the men who went with him. He then departed from the world bloodthirsty to h.e.l.l, and his brother held the corpse of the holy Andrew with great reverence, that he might enwrap it. So great awe sprang up over all that people, that not one there remained who believed not in G.o.d.

The priests of that nation, and the same deacons who saw it all, recorded this pa.s.sion, lest any one should doubt concerning this narrative. Let us now pray to the Almighty Ruler, that his apostle may be our intercessor, as he had been the preacher of his church. Be to the Lord Creator honour and praise ever to eternity. Amen we say.


yses daeges enung, and yssere tide maer spreca embe G.o.des to-cyme. eos tid o midne winter is gecweden, ADUENTUS DOMINI, aet is DRIHTNES TO-CYME.

His to-cyme is his menniscnys. He com to us aa he genam ure gecynd to his aelmihtigan G.o.dcundnysse, to i aet he us fram deofles anwealde alysde.

Nu stent se gewuna on G.o.des gelaunge, aet ealle G.o.des eowan on cyrclic.u.m enungum, aeger ge on halgum raedingum ge on gedremum lofsangum, aera witegena gyddunga singallice on yssere tide recca. a witegan, urh G.o.des Gast, witeG.o.don Cristes to-cyme urh menniscnysse, and be am manega bec setton, a e we nu oferraeda aet G.o.des eowdome aetforan his gebyrd-tide, him to wurmynte, aet he us swa mildheortlice geneosian wolde. Crist com on am timan to mancynne gesewenlice, ac he bi aefre ungesewenlice mid his gecorenum eowum, swa swa he sylf behet, us cweende, "Efne ic beo mid eow eallum dagum, o issere worulde gefyllednysse." Mid isum wordum he geswutelode aet aefre beo, o middangeardes geendunge, him gecorene menn, e aes wyre beo aet hi G.o.des wununge mid him habban moton.

a halgan witegan witeG.o.don aeger ge one aerran to-cyme on aere acennednysse, and eac one aeftran aet am micclum dome. We eac, G.o.des eowas, getrymma urne geleafan mid yssere tide enungum, foran e we on urum lofsangum geandetta ure alysednysse urh his aerran to-cyme, and we us sylfe mania aet we on his aeftran to-cyme gearwe beon, aet we moton fram am dome him folgian to am ecan life, swa swa he us behet. Be yssere tide maersunge spraec se apostol Paulus on yssere pistol-raedinge to Romanisc.u.m leodum, and eac to eallum geleaffullum mannum, us manigende, "Mine gebrora, wite ge aet nu is tima us of slaepe {602} to arisenne: ure h?l is gehendre onne we gelyfdon. Seo niht gewat, and se daeg genealaehte. Uton awurpan eostra weorc, and beon ymbscrydde mid leohtes waepnum, swa aet we on daege arwurlice faron; na on oferaetum and druncennyssum, na on forliger-beddum and unclaennyssum, na on geflite and andan; ac beo ymbscrydde urh Drihten Haelend Crist."

Se apostol us awrehte aet we of slaepe ure asolcennysse and ungeleaffulnysse aet sumon saele arison, swa swa ge on yssere andwerdan r?dinge gehyrdon.

"Mine gebrora, wite ge aet nu is tima us of slaepe to arisenne." Witodlice ne gedafena us aet we symle hnesce beon on urum geleafan, swa swa as merwan cild, ac we sceolon onettan to fulfremedre geince, urh gehealdsumnysse G.o.des beboda. We sceolon asceacan one sleacan sl?p us fram, and deofles weorc forl?tan, and gan on leohte, aet is, on G.o.dum weorc.u.m. Gefyrn scean leoht ingehydes geond eoran ymbhwyrft, and forwel menige scina on sofaestnysse wege, a e fara urh G.o.dspellic sifaet to aes ecan lifes gefean. Efne nu "ure hael is gehendre onne we gelyfdon."

urh eonde ingehyd and G.o.dne willan, anum gehwilc.u.m is hael gehendre onne him waere aa he aet fruman gelyfde, and fori he sceal symle geeon on daeghwomlicere gecnyrdnysse, swa swa se sealm-scop cwae be G.o.des gecorenum, "a halgan fara fram mihte to mihte."

Eac is gehwilc.u.m men his endenexta daeg near and near; and se gemaenelica dom daeghwomlice genealaeh, on am underfeh anra gehwilc be am e he geearnode on lichaman, swa G.o.d swa yfel. Uton fori aelc yfel forfleon, and G.o.d be ure mihte gefremman, y-l?s e we onne willon onne we ne magon, and we onne fyrstes biddon onne us se dea to forsie geneada. "Seo niht gewat, and se daeg genealaehte." Her asette se apostol niht for aere ealdan nytennysse, e rixode geond ealne middangeard ?r Cristes to-cyme; ac he toscoc a dwollican nytennysse urh onlihtinge his {604} andwerdnysse, swa swa se beorhta daeg todraef a dimlican eostru aere sweartan nihte. Deofol is eac niht gecweden, and Crist daeg, see us mildheortlice fram deofles eostrum alysde, and us forgeaf leoht ingehydes and sofaestnysse. "Uton awurpan eostra weorc, and beon ymbscrydde mid leohtes waepnum, swa aet we on daege arwurlice faron." Uton awurpan urh andetnysse and behreowsunge a forgewitenan yfelu, and uton heonon-for stranglice wistandan deofles tihtingum, swa swa se ylca apostol on ore stowe his undereoddan manode, "Wistanda am deofle, and he flih fram eow; genealaeca G.o.de, and he genealaeh to eow." Leohtes waepna synd rihtwisnysse weorc and sofaestnysse.

Mid am waepnum we sceolon beon ymbscrydde, swa aet we on daege arwurlice faron. Swa swa daeges leoht forwyrn gehwilcne to gefremmenne aet aet seo niht geafa, swa eac sofaestnysse ingehyd, aet is, geoht ures Drihtnes willan, us ne geafa mandaeda to gefremmenne.

Symle we beo fram G.o.de gesewene, aeger ge wiutan ge wiinnan; i sceal eac gehwa see fordemed beon nele eallunga warnian aet he G.o.des beboda ne forg?ge, na on ofer?tum and druncennyssum. We sceolon habban gastlice gereordunge, swa swa se ylca apostol isum wordum taehte, "onne ge eow to gereorde gaderia, haebbe eower gehwilc halwende lare on mue, and sealm-boc on handa." Druncennys is cwylmbaere ing, and galnysse antimber. Salomon cwae, "Ne bi nan ing digle aer aer druncennys rixa." On ore stowe beweop se ylca apostol ungemeteG.o.dra manna lif, us cweende, "Heora wamb is heora G.o.d, and heora ende is forwyrd, and heora wuldor on gescyndnysse."

Na on forliger-beddum and on unclaennyssum, ac beo arwyre sinscipe betwux gelyfedum mannum, swa aet furon nan forliger ne unclaennyss ne sy genemned on G.o.des gelaunge; na on geflite and andan. Crist cwae be gesibsumum mannum, aet hi sind G.o.des bearn gecigede, and witodlice a geflitfullan sind deofles lyma. Se yfela sec symle ceaste, and {606} waelhreaw engel bi asend togeanes him. Anda is derigendlic leahter, and aefre bi se nifulla wunigende on gedrefednysse, foran e se anda ablent his mod, and aelcere gastlicere blisse benaem. urh andan bepaehte se deofol one frumsceapenan mann, and se nifulla is aera deofla daelnimend. Seo soe sibb aflig ungewaernysse, and aes modes digelnysse onliht, and witodlice se anda gemenigfylt yrsunge.

Se apostol beleac isne pistol mid isum wordum, "Ac beo ymbscrydde urh Drihten Haelend Crist." Ealle a e on Criste beo gefullode, hi beo mid Criste ymbscrydde, gif hi one cristendom mid rihtwisnysse weorc.u.m geglenga. as gewaedu awrat se ylca apostol swutellicor on ore stowe, us cweende, "Ymbscryda eow, swa swa G.o.des gecorenan, mid mildheortnysse and mid welwillendnysse, mid eadmodnysse, mid gemetfaestnysse, mid geylde, and habba eow, toforan eallum ingum, a soan lufe, seoe is bend ealra fulfremednyssa; and Cristes sib blissige on eowrum heortum, on aere ge sind gecigede on anum lichaman. Beo ancfulle, and G.o.des word wunige betwux eow genihtsumlice, on eallum wisdome taecende and tihtende eow betwynan, on sealmsangum and gastlic.u.m lofsangum, singende mid gife G.o.des on eowrum heortum. Swa hwaet swa ge do on worde oe on weorce, do symle on Drihtnes naman, ancigende am aelmihtigan Faeder urh his Bearn, e mid him symle on annysse aes Halgan Gastes wuna."

Uton fori us gearcian mid isum foresaedum reafum, be aes apostoles mynegunge, aet we to aere wundorlican gebyrd-tide ures Drihtnes mid freolslicere enunge bec.u.mon, am sy wuldor and lof a on ecnysse. Amen.


The service of this day, and the celebration of this tide speak concerning G.o.d's advent. This tide until midwinter is called ADVENTUS DOMINI, that is THE LORD'S COMING. His advent is his humanity. He came to us when he took our nature to his Almighty G.o.dhead, to the end that he might redeem us from the power of the devil.

The custom now stands in G.o.d's church, that all G.o.d's servants in the church-services, both in holy readings and in harmonious hymns, constantly at this tide recite the songs of the prophets. The prophets, through the Spirit of G.o.d, prophesied Christ's advent through humanity, and of that composed many books, which we now read over at G.o.d's service before his birth-tide, to his honour, for that he would so mercifully visit us. Christ came at that time to mankind visibly, but he is ever invisibly with his chosen servants, as he himself promised, thus saying, "Lo I will be with you on all days until the consummation of this world." By these words he manifested that there will ever be, until the ending of the world, men chosen to him, who will be worthy that with him they may have habitation with G.o.d.

The holy prophets prophesied both the first advent at the birth, and also the latter at the great doom. We also, G.o.d's servants, confirm our faith with the services of this tide, because we in our hymns confess our redemption through his first advent, and we admonish ourselves to be ready on his latter advent, that we may from that doom follow him to everlasting life, as he has promised us. Of the celebration of this tide the apostle Paul, in this epistle to the Roman people, and also to all believing men, spake, thus admonishing, "My brothers, know ye that it is now time for us to arise from {603} sleep: our salvation is nearer than we believed. The night is departed, and the day has approached. Let us cast away works of darkness, and be invested with weapons of light, so that we by day may go honestly; not in gluttony and drunkenness, not in adulteries and uncleannesses, not in strife and envy; but be invested by the Lord Jesus Christ."

The apostle has excited us to arise at some time from the sleep of our sluggishness and disbelief, as ye in this present lesson have heard. "My brothers, know ye that it is now time for us to arise from sleep." Verily it befits us not to be always delicate in our faith, as a tender child, but we should hasten to perfect excellence through the observance of G.o.d's commandments. We should shake sluggish sleep from us, and forsake the devil's works, and go in the light, that is, in good works. Of old the light of knowledge shone over the circ.u.mference of earth, and very many shine in the way of truth, who go through the evangelic path to the joy of everlasting life. Lo now "our salvation is nearer than we believed."

Through increasing knowledge and good will, salvation is nearer to every one than it was to him when he at first believed, and therefore he should ever increase in daily diligence, as the psalmist said of G.o.d's chosen, "The holy go from virtue to virtue."

Also to every man is his last day nearer and nearer; and the common doom approaches daily, at which every one will receive according to what he has merited in body, whether good or evil. Let us then flee from every evil, and do good according to our power, lest we be willing when we cannot, and pray for time when death compels us to depart. "The night is departed, and the day has approached." Here the apostle has placed night for the old ignorance, which reigned through all the world before Christ's advent; but he scattered the erroneous ignorance by the illumination of his {605} presence, as the bright day drives away the dim darkness of the swart night. The devil is also called night, and Christ day, who has mercifully released us from the devil's darkness, and given us the light of knowledge and truth. "Let us cast away works of darkness, and be invested with weapons of light, so that we by day may go honestly." Let us by confession and repentance cast away the forthgone evils, and let us henceforth strongly withstand the instigations of the devil, as the same apostle in another place exhorted his followers, "Withstand the devil, and he will flee from you; draw near unto G.o.d, and he will draw near unto you." The weapons of light are works of righteousness and truth. With those weapons we should be invested, so that we by day may go honestly. As the light of day forbids everyone to perpetrate that which the night allows, so also the knowledge of truth, that is, the thought of our Lord's will, allows us not to perpetrate deeds of wickedness.

We are ever seen by G.o.d, both without and within; therefore should everyone who wills not to be condemned especially take care that he transgress not G.o.d's commandments, either by gluttony or drunkenness. We should have ghostly refection, as the same apostle taught in these words, "When ye gather yourselves to refection, let each of you have salutary lore in mouth, and psalm-book in hand." Drunkenness is a death-bearing thing, and the material of libidinousness. Solomon said, "Nothing is secret where drunkenness reigns." In another place the same apostle bewailed the life of intemperate men, thus saying, "Their belly is their G.o.d, and their end is perdition, and their glory in pollution." Not in adulteries and uncleannesses, but let there be honourable union between believing persons, so that at least no adultery nor uncleanness be named in G.o.d's church; not in strife and envy. Christ said of peaceful men, that they are called children of G.o.d; and verily the strifeful are limbs of the devil. The evil ever seeks contention, and a cruel angel will {607} be sent against him.

Envy is a pernicious vice, and ever will the envious be continuing in affliction, because envy blinds his mind and deprives it of every ghostly bliss. Through envy the devil deceived the first-created man, and the envious is a partic.i.p.ator with the devils. True peace drives away discord, and enlightens the darkness of the mind, and envy certainly multiplies anger.

The apostle closed this epistle with these words, "But be invested by the Lord Jesus Christ." All those who are baptized in Christ are invested with Christ, if they adorn their christianity with works of righteousness. Of these weeds the same apostle wrote more plainly in another place, thus saying, "Clothe yourselves, as G.o.d's chosen, with mercy and with benevolence, with humility, with moderation, with patience, and have, before all things, true love, which is the bond of all perfections; and let Christ's peace rejoice in your hearts, in which ye are called in one body.

Be thankful, and let G.o.d's word dwell among you abundantly, in all wisdom teaching and stimulating among yourselves, in psalms and ghostly hymns, singing with G.o.d's grace in your hearts. Whatsoever ye do in word or in work, do it ever in the name of the Lord, thanking the Almighty Father through his Son, who with him ever continueth in unity of the Holy Ghost."

Let us then prepare ourselves with these before-said garments, according to the apostle's admonition, that we may come to the wonderful birth-tide of our Lord with solemn service, to whom be glory and praise ever to eternity.



Erunt signa in sole et luna et stellis: et reliqua.

Se G.o.dspellere Lucas awrat on isum daegerlican G.o.dspelle, aet ure Drihten waes sprecende isum wordum to his leorning-cnihtum, be am tacnum e ?r yssere worulde geendunge gelimpa. Drihten cwae, "Tacna gewura on sunnan, and on monan, and on steorrum, and on eoran bi eoda ofryccednyss:" et reliqua.

Se halga Gregorius us trahtnode yses G.o.dspelles digelnysse us undergynnende: Drihten ure Alysend us gewilna gearwe gemetan, and fori cydde a yfelnyssa e folgia am ealdigendan middangearde, aet he us fram his lufe gestilde. He geswutelode hu fela rowunga forestaeppa yssere worulde geendunge, gif we G.o.d on smyltnysse ondraedan nella, aet we huru his genealaecendan dom, mid mislic.u.m swinglum af?rede, ondraedon. Her wiufan on yssere r?dinge cwae se Haelend, "eod arist ongean eode, and rice ongean rice, and micele eorstyrunga beo gehwaer, and cwealm, and hunger."

And syan betwux am us cwae, "Tacna beo on sunnan, and on monan, and on steorrum, and on eoran eoda ofriccednys, for gemencgednysse s?licra ya and sweges."

Sume as tacna we gesawon gefremmede, sume we ondraeda us towearde.

Witodlice on isum niwum dagum arison eoda ongean eoda, and heora ofriccednyss on eoran gelamp swior onne we on ealdum boc.u.m raeda. Oft eorstyrung gehw?r fela burhga ofhreas, swa swa gelamp on Tyberies daege aes caseres, aet reottyne byrig urh eorstyrunge afeollon. Mid cwealme and mid hungre we sind gelome geswencte, ac we nateshwon gyta swutele tacna on sunnan, and on monan, and on steorrum ne gesawon. We raeda on tungelcraefte aet seo sunne bi hwiltidum urh aes monelican trendles underscyte aystrod, and eac se fulla mona faerlice f.a.getta, onne he aes sunlican leohtes bedaeled {610} bi urh aere eoran sceadwunge. Sind eac sume steorran leoht-beamede, faerlice arisende, and hraedlice gewitende, and hi symle sum ing niwes mid heora upspringe gebicnia: ac ne maende Drihten as tacna on aere G.o.dspellican witegunge, ac a egefullan tacna e am micclan daege forestaeppa. Matheus se G.o.dspellere awrat swutelicor as tacna, us cweende, "aerrihte aefter aere micclan gedrefednysse, bi seo sunne aystrod, and se mona ne syl nan leoht, and steorran fealla of heofonum, and heofonan mihta beo astyrode, and onne bi aeteowed Cristes rode-tacn on heofonum, and ealle eorlice maega heofia." aere s? gemengednyssa, and daera ya sweg ungewunelice gyt ne asprungon, ac onne fela aera foresaedra tacna gefyllede sind, nis nan twynung aet a feawa e aer to lafe sind witodlice gefyllede beon.

Mine gebrora, as ing sind awritene aet ure mod urh waerscipe wacole beon, aet hi urh orsorhnysse ne asleacion, ne urh nytennysse geadlion; ac aet symle se oga hi gebysgige, and seo embhydignys on G.o.dum weorc.u.m getrymme. Drihten cwae, "Menn forsearia for ogan and andbidunge aera inga e bec.u.ma ofer ealne middangeard. Witodlice heofonan mihta beo astyrode."

Heofonan mihta sind englas and heah-englas, rymsetl, ealdorsc.i.p.as, hlafordsc.i.p.as and anwealdu. as engla werod beo aeteowde gesewenlice urum gesihum on to-cyme aes strecan Deman, aet hi stilice aet us ofgan aet aet se ungesewenlica Scyppend emlice forber. onne we geseo mannes Bearn c.u.mende on wolcnum, mid micelre mihte and maegenrymme. Drihten gecigde hine sylfne mannes Bearn gelomlicor onne G.o.des Bearn, for eadmodnysse aere underfangenan menniscnysse, aet he us mynegige mid am gecynde e he for us underfeng. He is solice mannes Bearn, and ne manna Bearn, and nis nan oer anes mannes bearn buton Crist ana. He bi on mihte and on maegenrymme geswutelod am e hine on eadmodnysse wunigende gehyran noldon, aet hi onne gefredon his {612} mihte swa miccle stilicor, swa micclum swa hi nu heora swuran to his geylde nella gebigan. as word sind gecwedene be am wiercorenum, ac her fylia a word e a gecorenan frefria. Se Haelend cwae, "onne as wundra ongynna, ahebba onne eowre heafda and behealda, foran e eower alysednyss genealaeh." Swilce he swutellice his gecorenan manode, 'onne middangeardes wita gelomlaeca, onne se oga aes micclan domes bi aeteowod, ahebba onne eowre heafda, aet is, gladia on eowrum mode, fori onne es middangeard bi geendod, e ge ne lufodon; onne bi gehende seo alysednyss e ge sohton.' On halgum gewrite bi gelomlice heafod gesett for aes mannes mode, foran e aet heafod gewissa am orum limum, swa swa aet mod gediht a geohtas. We ahebba ure heafda onne we ure mod araera to gefean aes heofonlican eles. a e G.o.d lufia, hi sind gemanode aet hi gladion on middangeardes geendunge, foran onne he gewit, e hi ne lufodon, onne witodlice hi gemeta one e hi lufodon.

Ne gewure hit la, aet aenig geleafful, see gewilna G.o.d to geseonne, aet he heofige for middangeardes hryrum; hit is solice awriten, "Swa hwa swa wile beon freond yssere worulde, he bi G.o.des feond geteald." Witodlice se e ne blissa on nealaecunge middangeardes geendunge, se geswutela aet he his freond waes, and bi onne oferstaeled aet he G.o.des feond is. Ac gewite ises middangeardes freondscipe fram geleaffulra manna heortan, and gewite fram am e aet oer lif gelyfa toweard, and hit urh weorc lufia. a sceolon heofian for middangeardes toworpennysse, a e heora heortan wyrtruman on his lufe aplantodon, a e aet towearde lif ne seca, ne his furon ne gelyfa: we solice, e aes heofonlican eles gefean eallunga oncneowon, sceolon anmodlice to am onettan. Us is to gewiscenne aet we hraedlice to am faron, and urh one scyrtran weg bec.u.mon, foran e es middangeard is mid menigfealdum unrotnyssum geread, and mid wyrnyssum geangsumod.

{614} Hwaet is is deadlice lif buton weg? Understanda nu hwilc sy on weges geswince to ateorigenne, and eah nelle one weg geendigan. Drihten cwae, "Behealda aes fictreowa and ealle ore treowa, onne hi sprytta, onne wite ge aet hit sumorlaeh. Swa eac ge magon witan, onne ge as foresaedan tacna geseo, aet G.o.des rice genealaeh." Solice mid isum wordum is geswutelod aet ises middangeardes waestm is hryre. To am he wext aet he fealle; to y he sprytt aet he mid cwyldum fornyme swa hwaet swa he aer sprytte. es middangeard is am ealdigendan menn gelic: on iugoe bi se lichama eonde on strangum breoste, on fullum limum and halum; witodlice on ealdlic.u.m gearum bi aes mannes waestm gebiged, his swura aslacod, his neb gerifod, and his lima ealle gewaehte; his breost bi mid sicetungum geread, and betwux wordum his orung ateora; eah e him adl on ne sitte, eah forwel oft his hael him bi adl. Swa is isum middangearde: aet fruman he waes eonde swylce on geogohade, he waes on lichamlicere haele growende, and on speda genihtsumnysse faett, langsum on life, stille on langsumere sibbe; ac he is nu mid ylde ofsett, swylce mid gelomlaecendum hefigtymnyssum to deae geread.

Mine gebrora, ne lufige ge isne middangeard e ge geseo aet lange wunian ne maeg. Be isum cwae se apostol, "Ne lufige ge middangeard, ne a ing e him on wunia, foran swa hwa swa middangeard lufa, naef he G.o.des lufe on him."

Wel is G.o.des rice sumerlicere tide wimeten, fori onne gewita a genipu ure dreorignysse, and lifes dagas urh beorhtnysse aere ecan sunnan scina.

Ealle as foresaedan ing sind mid micelre gewissunge getrymde urh isne aefterfyligendan cwyde, "So ic eow secge, Ne gewit eos maeg, oaet ealle as ing gewura." as word spraec Drihten to Iudeiscre maege, and heora {616} cynn ne gewit urh ateorunge, aeran e es middangeard geenda. Be isum andgite cwae se apostol Paulus, aet "Drihten sylf astih of heofonum on stemne aes heah-engles, and mid G.o.des byman, and a deadan aerest arisa; syan we e lybba, and on lichaman beo gemette beo gelaehte for mid am orum on wolcnum togeanes Criste, and we swa symle syan mid G.o.de beo.

Frefria eow mid isum wordum." Eac on isum andgite gewaerlaeh se G.o.dspellere Matheus, isum wordum, "Drihten asent his englas mid byman and micelre stemne, and hi gaderia his gecorenan fram feower windum, of eallum eorlic.u.m gemaerum o a healican heofonan."

Se apostol cwae, "We e lybba." Ne maende he hine sylfne mid am worde, ac a e on life urhwunia o geendunge yssere worulde. Mid am is eac geswutelod, aet mancynn mid ealle ne ateora aer aere geendunge, ac hi habba hwaeere sceortne dea, a e onne on life gemette beo; foran e heofonlic fyr ofergae ealne middangeard mid anum bryne, and a deadan arisa of heora byrgenum mid am fyre, and a lybbendan beo acwealde urh aes fyres haetan, and aerrihte eft ge-edcucode to ec.u.m ingum. Ne dera aet fyr nan ing am rihtwisum, e ?r fram synnum geclaensode waeron; ac swa hwa swa ungeclaensod bi, he gefret aes fyres ?m; and we onne ealle to am dome bec.u.ma. Ne bi se dom on nanum eorlic.u.m felda gedemed, ac bi swa swa se apostol her wiufan on yssere r?dinge cwae, aet we beo gegripene on wolcnum togeanes Criste, geond as lyft; and aer bi seo twaeming rihtwisra manna and arleasra. a rihtwisan nahwar syan ne wunia buton mid G.o.de on heofonan rice, and a arleasan nahwar buton mid deofle on h.e.l.le suslum.

Se Haelend beleac is G.o.dspel mid isum wordum: "Heofen and eore gewita, and mine word naefre ne gewita." Ne awenda heofon and eore to nahte, ac hi beo awende of am hiwe e hi nu on wunia to beteran hiwe, swa swa {618} Iohannes se G.o.dspellere cwae, "onne bi niwe heofon and niwe eore."

Ne beo witodlice ore gesceapene, ac as beo ge-edniwode. Heofon and eore gewita, and eah urhwunia, foran e hi beo fram am hiwe e hi nu habba urh fyr geclaensode, and swa-eah symle on heora gecynde standa.

onne bi seo sunne be seofonfealdum beorhtre onne heo nu sy, and se mona haef aere sunnan leoht.

Dauid solice be Cristes to-cyme isum wordum witeG.o.de: "G.o.d cym swutellice, and he ne suwa. Fyr byrn on his gesihe, and on his ymbhwyrfte bi swilic storm." Se storm awyh swa hwaet swa aet fyr forswael. Be am daege cwae se witega Sofonias, "Se miccla G.o.des daeg is swie gehende, and earle swyft: biter bi aes daeges stemn: aer bi se stranga gedrefed. Se daeg is yrres daeg, and gedrefednysse daeg and angsumnysse, yrme daeg and wanunge, eostra daeg and dimnysse, byman daeg and cyrmes."

Mine gebrora, setta ises daeges gemynd aetforan eowrum eagum, and swa hwaet swa bi nu hefigtyme geuht, eal hit bi on his wimetennysse gelieG.o.d.

Gerihtlaeca eower lif, and awenda eowre eawas, witnia mid wope eowre yfelan daeda, wistanda deofles costnungum; buga fram yfele, and do G.o.d, and ge beo swa micclum orsorgran on to-cyme aes ecan Deman, swa micclum swa ge nu his strecnysse mid ege forhradia. Se witega cwae, aet se miccla G.o.des daeg is swie gehende, and earle swyft. eah e gyt waere oer usend geara to am daege, naere hit langsum; foran swa hwaet swa geenda, aet bi sceort and hraed, and bi swilce hit naefre ne gewurde, onne hit geendod bi. Hwaet eah hit langsum waere to am daege, swa hit nis, eah ne bi ure tima langsum, and on ure geendunge us bi gedemed, hwaeer we on reste oe on wite one gem?nelican dom anbidian sceolon. Uton fori brucan aes fyrstes e us G.o.d forgeaf, and geearnian aet ece lif mid him see leofa and rixa in ealra worulda woruld. Amen.


Erunt signa in sole et luna et stellis: et reliqua.

The Evangelist Luke wrote in this day's gospel, that our Lord was speaking in these words to his disciples, concerning the signs which will happen before the ending of this world. The Lord said, "There shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars, and on earth there shall be affliction of nations," etc.

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The Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church Part 34 summary

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