
The History of Woman Suffrage Volume VI Part 55

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In June Mrs. Nettie Rogers Shuler, corresponding secretary of the National a.s.sociation, came to South Dakota and with Mrs. S. V.

Ghrist, vice-president of the State League, and Mrs. McMahon, a school of methods was held in the princ.i.p.al towns. The women were taught how to organize and were grounded in the new aspects of the campaign. Mrs. Catt was ill and could not come, which was the greatest blow the campaign had; however Mrs. Halsey W. Wilson, national recording secretary, took her place very acceptably.

Among the organizers Mrs. McMahon mentioned Mrs. R. E. H. Stevens, Miss Stella Crosley, Miss Gertrude Watkins, Miss Josephine Miller, Miss Liba Peshokova and Miss Ida Stadie and said: "But this efficient, faithful little band could not have won the campaign alone. South Dakota State women will perhaps never realize how much they owe to Mrs. John L. Pyle, president, who gave herself absolutely to the winning of their political freedom. She was at her desk from early in the morning until 11 o'clock and later at night. Nothing was allowed to stand in the way of her complete service. The best there was in her she gave to the cause and she has the grat.i.tude of those for whom and with whom she worked. Ably seconding her efforts were Mrs. Ghrist, vice-president; Mrs. Frank Meyer, office secretary; Mrs. Rewman and Miss Alice Lorraine Daly in the finance department; Mrs. Lewis L.

Leavitt, chairman of the Minnehaha committee; Miss Harriet Grant of Huron and Mrs. R. H. Lewis of Mitch.e.l.l. The whole structure rested on the county workers. There was never a Fair that was not covered nor a Teachers' nor a Farmers' Inst.i.tute nor a political meeting. Everywhere that voters gathered, there they were."

It may be presumed that those who would be disfranchised until they had completed their naturalization would cast their votes against the amendment but these were more than counteracted by American citizens, who, even if they did not believe in woman suffrage, would vote for the amendment because of this part of it. The election took place Nov.

6, 1918, and the amendment received 49,318 ayes and 28,934 noes; carried by 20,384. The following figures show the progress made from campaign to campaign: Opposing majority in 1910, 22,419; in 1914, 11,914; in 1916, 4,934.

The women of South Dakota are deeply grateful to the National American Woman Suffrage a.s.sociation, which always helped generously with organizers, speakers and money. It contributed $7,500 to this campaign. Various States were loyal and helpful and have the fullest appreciation and grat.i.tude.

RATIFICATION. The final scene in the drama of woman suffrage was staged on December 4, 1919, at 12:40 a. m., when the members of the Legislature, coming to Pierre at their own expense and at great inconvenience, in the middle of winter, unanimously ratified the Federal Suffrage Amendment. Many States were having special sessions for this purpose but Governor Norbeck, who would have to call one in January, did not wish to do so before then. He agreed, however, that if a majority of the members would come to Pierre at their own expense in order to ratify the amendment, he would call a session for that purpose.

This State has a new law which requires that in December of the year preceding an election there shall be "proposal meetings" held at the capital to propose candidates for nomination at the March primaries, each party holding a separate meeting. This year there were to be also three party conventions at the same time and practically all the politicians would be at the capital. Mrs. Pyle and her board asked the Governor to call the session for that time, for many of the members would be in attendance as delegates from their counties. Accordingly, after receiving the a.s.surance that a majority of them were willing to come to Pierre at their own expense, he issued a call for December 3 at 7 o'clock in the evening. It was dead of winter and distances are long. The call was issued after 3 o'clock on Sat.u.r.day and the session was to be the next Tuesday. Telephone and telegraph wires were kept humming for the next thirty-six hours and the men came from all directions. One man rushed home to Huron from Minneapolis, called to his wife to send his "grip" after him and just caught the train for Pierre. Another used up three automobiles getting to the train from his home many miles from the railroad, as the snow made the roads almost impa.s.sable.

The question arose how to put the resolution through the two Houses in the least possible time. It was finally done by introducing the resolutions in both Houses and giving them their first and second readings on the evening of December 3. They were then referred to the proper committees and the Legislature adjourned until the next legislative day. The earliest possible moment of the next day was one minute after midnight and this was the hour when it convened. The final pa.s.sage took place at 12:44 a. m. on the 4th by unanimous vote.

This was the first time that a South Dakota Legislature ever convened in the middle of the night but the members were anxious to get home as soon as possible and the trains leave in both directions about 2 a.



[163] The History is indebted for this chapter to Mrs. Ruth B. Hipple, member of the Legislative Committee of the State Woman Suffrage a.s.sociation and editor of the _South Dakota Messenger_.



The history of the suffrage movement in Tennessee filled only five pages of the volume preceding this one, which ended with 1900, and such as there was had been due princ.i.p.ally to that dauntless pioneer, Mrs. Lide A. Meriwether of Memphis, to whom this chapter is reverently and gratefully dedicated. The first suffrage society was formed in Memphis in May, 1889, and none of its founders is now living except Mrs. J. D. Allen of this city. In April, 1894, a society was formed at Nashville at the home of Mrs. H. C. Gardner by Miss Amelia Territt, Mrs. Bettie Donelson and a few others but it had no connection with the one at Memphis. Its members were earnest and capable but it did not long survive. Through the efforts of the National a.s.sociation a State organization was effected in 1897, the year of the Centennial Exposition in Nashville, and there was a convention in April, 1900, attended by Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, national president. There had been no State convention for five years when in 1906, through the initiative of Miss Belle Kearney of Mississippi a meeting was called in Memphis of which Miss Laura Clay of Kentucky sends the following account taken from her sc.r.a.pbook:

The conference of Southern Women Suffragists was held in Memphis December 19, 20, the opening session in the morning at the Peabody Hotel; the afternoon session at the residence of Mrs. J.

O. Crawford and the other sessions at the hotel. Miss Clay was elected chairman; Mrs. Nannie Curtiss of Texas, secretary. The meeting included representatives from many of the southern States and letters were received from "Dorothy Dix," Mrs. Caroline E.

Merrick and Mrs. Sophy Wright of New Orleans; Mrs. Mary Bentley Thomas of Baltimore; Mrs. Josephine K. Henry of Versailles, Ky.; Mrs. Eliza Strong Tracey of Houston; Mrs. Mary B. Clay and Mrs.

James Bennett of Richmond, Ky., and Mrs. Key, president of the North Texas Girls' College. Discussions on aspects of the suffrage question were led by Miss Kearney, Miss Clay, Mrs.

Meriwether and Mrs. Jennie H. Sibley of Georgia. The conference was resolved into a committee of the whole to formulate plans for concerted legislative work in the southern States. A thousand copies of the resolutions were printed. At this time the State Equal Suffrage a.s.sociation was re-organized, with Mrs. Meriwether honorary president; Mrs. J. D. Allen, president; Mrs. L. F.

Selden, corresponding secretary and treasurer; Mrs. M. M. Betts, recording secretary; Mrs. S. S. Deem, chairman of problems affecting women or children.

Mrs. Allen served continuously until 1912. In 1908 the State Federation of Labor not only endorsed woman suffrage but agreed to pet.i.tion members of the Legislature and Congress to work for it and they loyally kept their pledge. This same year suffrage literature was first distributed at the State Federation of Women's Clubs and Dr.

Shaw, then president of the National a.s.sociation, spoke in Memphis.

In 1910 the first suffrage State pet.i.tion work was begun in Memphis and its Nineteenth Century Club and the Newman Circle of Knoxville held parlor meetings and discussions. Knoxville formed a local league; the women's clubs began to awaken and the State Federation appointed its first legislative committee, with the object of having the laws unfavorable to women changed. In 1911 thousands of pieces of literature were distributed, press articles sent out and a resolution to amend the State const.i.tution by striking out the word "male" was first presented to the Legislature. The movement did not gain much impetus until the Nashville League was organized in the fall of this year and Chattanooga and Morrison soon followed. On Jan. 10-12, 1912, the a.s.sociation with its five virile infant leagues met in Nashville and plans for state-wide organization began. Miss Sarah Barnwell Elliott, an eminent writer, was unanimously chosen president. In October, 1913, the State convention met in Morristown and eight leagues answered the roll call.

The work in the Legislature naturally always fell heavily upon the Nashville League and from 1913 to 1919 the lobby was composed princ.i.p.ally of its members. The first real effort to break down the prejudice of the legislators was in 1913, when Miss Elliott and Mrs.

Guilford Dudley asked for an audience for Miss Laura Clay, president of the Kentucky a.s.sociation, and Miss Mary Johnston of Virginia, the novelist. This was granted and Miss Elliott was the first woman to address the Legislature, although no bill was before it.

At a called meeting of the Executive Board, at Memphis in May, 1914, the resignation of Miss Elliott was regretfully accepted and Mrs. L.

Crozier French succeeded her. At the State convention held October 29, 30 in Knoxville a division occurred and some of the delegates, refusing to be headed by Mrs. French, elected as president Mrs. James M. McCormack, who was first vice-president. Mrs. French was unanimously elected by a part of the original a.s.sociation, which had obtained a charter October 13, incorporating the name Tennessee Equal Suffrage a.s.sociation. This a.s.sociation continued to be a dominating force in suffrage activities. Mrs. French resigned the presidency April 1, 1915, and her unexpired term was filled by the vice-president-at-large, Mrs. John M. Kenny of Nashville. The holding of the annual convention of the National a.s.sociation in Nashville Nov.

12-17, 1914, was the turning point in the history of suffrage in Tennessee because of its far-reaching educational propaganda and because Nashville was the political center of the State.

Mrs. Dudley was elected president at the State convention held at Jackson in October, 1915. She went to east, west and middle Tennessee, visiting in the first year of her administration nineteen towns, many of them twice, and a.s.sisting the Campaign Committee in organizing fourteen. She made addresses in twenty-two different cities. Toward the end of the year Miss Sue S. White, of Jackson, the recording secretary, a court stenographer and business woman, gave a month to organizing the headquarters staff and making plans to carry forward the work in a businesslike way.[165]

Mrs. Catt was making a strong effort to have the various States follow the same policy at the same time and thereby each could contribute to the national victory. With the view of securing woman suffrage planks in both Democratic and Republican national platforms, each a.s.sociation was asked to secure endors.e.m.e.nt from its political State conventions.

Early in January, 1916, Mrs. Dudley and Mrs. Kenny went before the executive committees of both parties, asking for a plank in the platforms and also that delegates be instructed to vote for a suffrage plank in the national platform this year. In May Mrs. Dudley spoke before the platform committees and the conventions of both endorsed woman suffrage. Former Governor Ben Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. James S.

Beasley, the Hon. H. Clay Evans and Harry Anderson were of much a.s.sistance with the Republicans and Governor Tom C. Rye and U. S.

Senator Kenneth D. McKellar secured the resolution from the Democrats.

Tennessee sent seven women to the Republican national convention in Chicago, who marched in the famous parade through wind and rain to the convention hall, Mrs. Dudley carrying the State suffrage banner.

Eleven women went to the Democratic national convention in St. Louis, where they stood bravely in the "golden lane" through which the delegates marched to the convention. Mrs. Dudley was chosen to address the Tennessee delegation and it was a proud moment for the women of the State when they voted solidly for the suffrage plank. In October farewell banquets to congressmen on the eve of their departure for Washington, to influence their votes for the Federal Suffrage Amendment, were given in Knoxville, Nashville and Memphis. The State Federation of Women's Clubs endorsed woman suffrage this year by a large majority, under the leadership of Mrs. George Fort Milton of Chattanooga and Mrs. D. T. Kimbrough of Nashville. Other endors.e.m.e.nts were those of the Southern Federation of Labor (unanimous), obtained through the efforts of Mrs. Walter Jackson of Murfreesboro; the Tennessee Women's Press and Authors' Club, through Miss Libbie Morrow; the State conventions of the Beemen, the Nurserymen and the Horticulturists, at the request of Mrs. Kimbrough.

Mrs. Dudley soon came to be known nationally. She spoke on the Federal Amendment at the luncheon of four hundred given to the incoming members at the Congress Hotel in Washington; addressed congressional committee hearings, and in December she joined the "lobby" at the national suffrage headquarters in Washington to interview southern Senators and Representatives. The State convention was held in Nashville, Jan. 30, 31, 1917. Mrs. Dudley was unanimously re-elected and served until her election to the board of the National a.s.sociation in December. At this convention Mrs. Kenny was elected chairman of publicity and under her direction special suffrage editions of newspapers were published in the princ.i.p.al towns and cities and copies mailed to every voter. The plate matter sent out by the national press committee was widely distributed.

Mrs. Leslie Warner was elected president in 1918, and at the State convention held in Nashville in June, 1919, Mrs. George Fort Milton succeeded her. During her seven years of suffrage activity Mrs. Milton had rendered valuable service in various official positions. It was while this convention was in session that the news came of the submission of the Federal Suffrage Amendment by Congress and there was a demonstration of joy. In the evening a brilliant public banquet took place at the Tulane Hotel. The convention extended its official board to include a chairman from each congressional district, for the ratification campaign. Three weeks later the board held a meeting at Lookout Mountain, formulated plans for organizing the districts politically and pledged the largest amount of money for State work in the history of the a.s.sociation.

LEGISLATIVE WORK. In 1915 Mrs. L. Crozier French, State president, appointed Mrs. Guilford Dudley, president of the Nashville League, legislative chairman to sponsor a resolution for a woman suffrage amendment to the State const.i.tution. The members of the lobby committee were Mrs. Kenny, Mrs. Kimbrough, Mrs. W. G. Spencer, Mrs.

Reau E. Folk, Mrs. Ittie K. Reno, Mrs. Victoria James Roach and Mrs.

A. Y. Scott. To amend the const.i.tution it is necessary to obtain a majority in the first Legislature and a two-thirds majority in the succeeding one before the question is submitted to the voters. In January when the House committee met to report on the amendment it was opposed almost to a man. Mrs. Dudley with all her committee back of her made an eloquent appeal for justice and fair play, urging them at least to permit the House to vote on the measure. When she finished not a man raised his voice against it. The House adjourned to permit Mrs. Dudley and Mrs. Scott to speak to the members and the final roll call registered only fourteen noes. It pa.s.sed the Senate with only three dissenting votes. The leagues all over the State had brought strong pressure to bear upon their representatives. In 1917 it was replaced by the Presidential suffrage bill.

On May 17 a conference was held at Tullahoma, where the Campaign Committee was formed. Two joint-chairmen headed the executive committee, Mrs. Kenny and Mrs. Henry J. Kelso of Knoxville, with Mrs.

Scott vice-chairman. On the resignation of Mrs. Kelso, Mrs. Milton was elected in her place.[166] Miss Elizabeth Breen, executive secretary, gave untiring and efficient service. Headquarters were opened in Nashville. This Campaign Committee was the trail-blazer. Although in operation only seven months it organized thirty-two leagues; enrolled 9,600 names; printed and distributed 75,000 pieces of literature and expended on organization work over $4,000. State-wide publicity was gained; the workers received valuable training in organizing and public speaking and it was a harmonizing force.

It was difficult to enlist Tennessee suffragists in street speaking, not that they had not the courage of their faith but they feared to violate the conservative traditions of their southland. After seeing its wonderful effect during the national suffrage convention in Atlantic City in 1916 a few of the bold-hearted summoned courage and the first attempt was made in Jackson and Memphis in 1917 by Mrs.

Kimbrough, Mrs. Kenny, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Reno and Miss White. At the State Fair in Nashville in 1918 the Campaign Committee took charge of the open air meetings, these women speaking eight or ten times each day, and they were rewarded by the great number of enrollment cards signed by those who received the message favorably.

In 1917 the legislative campaign was conducted under the friendly administration of a Democratic Governor, Tom C. Rye, and under the direction of Mrs. Dudley, State president, and Mrs. Ezzell, legislative chairman. Before direct plans had been made, advices came from the National a.s.sociation to concentrate on a Presidential and Munic.i.p.al suffrage bill similar to that pa.s.sed in Illinois in 1913.

This was agreed upon and General G. T. Fitzhugh of Memphis drew up the bill. His services were of great value to suffrage interests because both as a citizen and a member of the bar he was held in the highest esteem. From this time until the State Supreme Court decision of 1919 removed the last barrier to this bill he was a valued friend and adviser, and was a.s.sociate counsel in the last legal battle on ratification from the Chancery to the Supreme Court--all without financial remuneration.

This Presidential and Munic.i.p.al suffrage bill was one of the first introduced, sponsored in the House by Speaker Clyde Shropshire and in the Senate by C. W. Rocks of Humboldt, and its progress was watched with great interest. Pet.i.tions were sent to the members from all parts of the State. The Memphis and Nashville members were solid for it from the beginning with one exception--Senator John M. Thompson, a violent "anti" from Nashville. Both suffragists and "antis" were invited to speak before the House Judiciary Committee and both accepted, but after two postponements through courtesy the "antis" did not put in an appearance and the suffragists alone were heard. General Fitzhugh came to speak for the bill. There had been much discussion as to its validity without the insertion of a poll tax clause and it was in jeopardy. An appeal was made to a friend whose legal advice and services the suffragists had always had for the asking--General Charles T. Cates, Jr., Attorney General, who came from his home in Knoxville to construe for the committee some of the perplexing phases and the committee unanimously recommended the bill.

When it came to a vote in the House women from all sections of the State were present. Among the most untiring workers were George Fort Milton, editor of the Chattanooga _News_, and Mrs. Milton; Miss Margaret Ervin of Chattanooga; Mrs. Isaac Reese, Mrs. Harry Anderson and Mrs. Scott of Memphis; Miss White, Mrs. Kimbrough and Mrs. Kenny.

Many members of the Nashville League served at frequent critical times. The vote in the House was 59 ayes, 25 noes, on Jan. 19, 1917, Lee's birthday, an anniversary celebrated throughout the South, and it was fittingly referred to by some of the members as an appropriate occasion for Southern men to give justice to women. Following its pa.s.sage the Hon. William Jennings Bryan, who was in Nashville, was invited to address the Legislature and spoke strongly in favor of it.

Mrs. Bryan accompanied him and at a luncheon given in her honor at the Hermitage Hotel, attended by members of the Legislature and over two hundred guests, she made an eloquent plea for suffrage and Mr. Bryan spoke again.

While this bill was pending in the Senate the newspapers throughout the State were giving much more publicity to woman suffrage than they had ever done before. Many of the county papers favored it and published matter sent them. The _Labor World_ gave continuous support.

Some of the best suffragists were newspaper women and they gave freely of their time and talents. The excellent service of Mrs. W. A. Overall is recalled; though not a "professional" her clear, logical articles impressed impartial readers. Of the large daily papers the Knoxville _Sentinel_ and the _Commercial Appeal_ and _News Scimitar_ of Memphis were favorable. The Jackson _Daily Sun_ and the Nashville _Banner_ were opposed. The Chattanooga _News_ was an ardent advocate, while the Chattanooga _Times_, under the control of the New York _Times_, was strongly opposed. The Nashville _Tennesseean_ was regarded as the official organ of the suffragists. Its owner, former U. S. Senator Luke Lea, while in the Senate in 1913 had been one of three southern Senators to vote for the Federal Amendment. Throughout the campaign he was ready at all times to help in every way possible, ignoring his personal political interests. This was true of U. S. Senator McKellar and Governor Rye.

When the first canva.s.s of the Senate was made the sentiment was about as follows: For the bill 11; unalterably opposed, 7; uncertain, 15.

The cla.s.sification "uncertain" was most appropriate, for fifteen more uncertain men were never encountered. When a.s.sured that the measure could safely be brought to vote it would be discovered that changes had occurred over night which would mean defeat. The "antis" worked through a hastily organized local society at Nashville, which was inspired by Judge John J. Vertrees, a prominent lawyer of that city. A Charles McLean of Iowa, who had been used by the opponents in other State suffrage campaigns, made two or three visits to Nashville during the session. The State suffrage convention in this city a few days before the bill came to a vote in the Senate was the largest ever held and many delegates remained for the vote.

The bill was introduced by Senator C. W. Rooks, who with Senator John C. Houk led the fight for it. It was lost on February 3 by 21 noes, 12 ayes. A motion to reconsider by Senator A. E. Hill carried it over until the Legislature reconvened on March 7. The generosity of Mrs.

Scott, vice-chairman of the Campaign Committee, who gave $500, enabled the State a.s.sociation to employ four organizers and the National a.s.sociation paid the salaries of three more. New organizations were formed and remote towns, which had scarcely ever heard of suffrage, were visited. A telegram from President Wilson urging the Senate to pa.s.s the bill was received at the March session but was not read in that body until the day after it was defeated.[167] The motion for reconsideration was laid on the table the first day by 18 ayes, 10 noes.

Incessant work in behalf of the bill was carried on in the districts of hostile or doubtful Senators from September until January, 1919, when the Legislature met and the bill for Presidential and Munic.i.p.al suffrage was again introduced. It was a hard fight for many weeks made by Mrs. Warner and her committee, with daily, continuous work at the Capitol and "back log" work through the State, where she had the constant help of her board. Mrs. A. G. Buckner, as legislative chairman, worked unceasingly, as did Mrs. Margaret Ervin Ford, Mrs.

Reno and Miss Matilda Porter, the lobby committee, a.s.sisted by Miss Josephine Miller, a national organizer. Mrs. Dudley came after the national suffrage convention in March.

Attorney L. D. Miller of Chattanooga introduced the bill in the House and conducted the fight for it. It pa.s.sed the third and final reading April 3 by 52 ayes, 32 noes. Speaker Seth M. Walker of Wilson county became a convert and eloquent advocate, leaving his desk to plead for it. [See Ratification.]

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