
The History of Woman Suffrage Volume III Part 62

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G. W. Husted of Westchester introduced it at once in the a.s.sembly and earnestly championed the measure. It pa.s.sed by a vote of 87 to 3. The bill was laid before the governor, who promptly affixed his signature to it, and thus, at last, secured to the women of the Empire State the right to vote on all school matters, and to hold any school offices to which they might be chosen. The bill was signed on February 12, and the next day being Friday, was the last day of registration in the city of Syracuse, the election there taking place on the following Tuesday. The news did not reach there until late in the day, the evening papers being the first to contain it. But, although so little was known of the measure, thirteen women registered their names as voters, and cast their ballots at the election. This was the first time the women of New York ever voted, and Tuesday, February 18, 1880, is a day to be remembered.[237] The voting for officers, like all other-school matters, was provided for, not under the general laws, but by the school statutes. There are two general elections in chartered cities and universal suffrage for school as well as all other officers; no preparation being required of voters but registration.

In the rural districts school meetings are held for elections, and there are, by the statutes, three cla.s.ses of voters described by law.

1. Every person (male or female) who is a resident of the district, of the age of twenty-one years, ent.i.tled to hold lands in this State, who either owns or hires real estate in the district liable to taxation for school purposes.

2. Every citizen of the United States (male or female) above the age of twenty-one years, who is a resident of the district, and who owns any personal property a.s.sessed on the last preceding a.s.sessment roll of the town exceeding $50 in value, exclusive of such as is exempt from execution.

3. Every citizen of the United States (male or female) above the age of twenty-one years, who is a resident of the district and who has permanently residing with him, or her, a child or children of school age, some one or more of whom shall have attended the school of the district for a period of at least eight weeks within the year preceding the time at which the vote is offered.

Several of the large cities hold their elections on the first Tuesday in March, while the majority of the rural districts hold their school meetings on the second Tuesday in October.

Preparations were at once made to call out a large vote of women in the cities holding spring elections, but all such efforts were checked by official action. The mayor of Rochester wrote to the governor, asking him if the new law applied to cities. Mr. Cornell laid the question before Attorney-General Ward, who promptly gave an opinion that inasmuch as the words "school meeting" were used in the law, women could only vote where such meetings were held, but were not ent.i.tled to vote at the elections in large cities.

Meantime the New York City a.s.sociation called a meeting of congratulation on the pa.s.sage of the bill on February 25, when Robinson Hall was crowded to overflowing with the friends of woman suffrage, some of whom addressed the vast audience.[238]

A ma.s.s-meeting of women was held at Albany, in Geological Hall, Mrs. Blake presiding. It was especially announced that the meeting was only for ladies, but several men who strayed in were permitted to remain, to take that part in the proceedings usually allowed to women in masculine a.s.semblies, that is, to be silent spectators.

Resolutions were pa.s.sed, urging the women to vote at the coming election, and the names of several ladies were suggested as trustees. March 19, 1880, the Albany County Woman Suffrage a.s.sociation[239] was formed, whose first active duty was to rouse the women to vote in the coming school election, which they did, in spite of the attorney-general's opinion.

Mr. Edwin G. Halbert of Broome also introduced a bill in the Senate, for a const.i.tutional amendment, to secure to women the right of suffrage, which was pa.s.sed by that conservative body just before its adjournment. Meantime Mr. Wilc.o.x urged the pa.s.sage of the bill to prohibit disfranchis.e.m.e.nt, which was brought to a third reading in the a.s.sembly. He prepared and circulated among the members of the legislature a brief,[240] showing their power to extend the suffrage. The argument is unanswerable, establishing the fact that women had voted through the early days of the Colonies, and proving, by unanswerable authorities, their right to do so; thus establishing the right of women to vote in 1885. Mr.

Wilc.o.x' researches on this point will prove invaluable in the enfranchis.e.m.e.nt of woman, as his facts are irresistible. Following is the proposed bill:

AN ACT _to Prohibit Disfranchis.e.m.e.nt_.

Introduced in the a.s.sembly by Hon. Alex. F. Andrews, March 31, 1880. Reported by the Judiciary Committee for consideration, May 24. Ordered to third reading, May 27. Again so reported, unanimously, March 16, 1881. Again ordered to third reading, May 3, 1881; ayes 60, noes 40. Vote on pa.s.sage, May 11, 1881; ayes 59, noes 55, majority 4. (65 necessary to pa.s.s).

_Whereas_, the common law ent.i.tles women to vote under the same qualifications as men; and

_Whereas_, said common law has never been abrogated in this State; and

_Whereas_, a practice nevertheless obtains of treating as disfranchised all persons to whom suffrage is not secured by express words of the const.i.tution; and

_Whereas_, the const.i.tution makes no provision for this practice, but on the contrary declares that its own object is to secure the blessings of freedom to the people, and provides that no member of this State shall be disfranchised or deprived of any of the privileges secured to any citizen unless by const.i.tutional provision and judicial decision thereunder; and

_Whereas_, this practice, despite the want of authority therefor, has by continuance acquired the force of law; and

_Whereas_, many citizens object to this practice as a violation of the spirit and purpose of the const.i.tution, as well as against justice and public policy; and

_Whereas_, the legislature has corrected this practice in repeated instances, its power to do so being in such instances fully recognized and exercised; therefore

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and a.s.sembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. Every woman shall be free to vote, under the qualifications required of men, or to refrain from voting, as she may choose; and no person shall be debarred, by reason of s.e.x, from voting at any election, or at any town meeting, school meeting, or other choice of government functionaries whatsoever.

SEC. 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act, are hereby repealed.

SEC. 3. This act shall take effect immediately.

Various memorials were sent to the legislature in behalf of this bill, and a hearing was granted to its advocates.[241] The a.s.sembly chamber in the beautiful new capitol was crowded as it had never been before. A large proportion of the senators and a.s.semblymen were present, many of the judges from the various courts, while the governor and lieutenant-governor occupied prominent places, and large crowds of fashionable ladies and leading gentlemen filled the seats and galleries. The chairman of the committee, Hon. George L. Ferry, presided. The ladies were graciously received by the governor, who, at their request, gave them the pen with which he signed the bill providing "school suffrage for women," and in return they presented him a handsome gold-mounted pen, a gift from the City Society.

The first voting by women after the pa.s.sage of the new law, was at Syracuse, February 17, only five days after the bill received the governor's signature, but the great body of women had not the opportunity until October. At that time in Fayetteville, the home of Matilda Joslyn Gage, women voted in large numbers; the three who had been placed upon the ticket, trustee, clerk and librarian were all elected. It was an hour of triumph for Mrs. Gage who was heartily congratulated upon the result. It was remarked that so quiet an election had seldom been known. At Middletown, Orange county, Dr. Lydia Sayre Hasbrook urged the women to take advantage of their new privilege, and when the day of election came, although it was cold and stormy, over 200 voted, and elected the entire ticket of women for trustees, Mrs. Hasbrook herself being chosen as one.

There were many places, however, where no women voted, for the reform had all the antagonisms and prejudices of custom to overcome. Many obstacles were thrown in the way to prevent them from exercising this right. The men of their families objecting, and misconstruing the law, kept them in doubt both as to their rights and duties. The clergy from their pulpits warned the women of their congregations not to vote, fathers forbade their daughters, husbands their wives. The wonder is that against such a pressure so many women did vote after all.

October 12, 1880, the elections took place in a large proportion of the eleven thousand school districts of the State, and the daily journals were full of items as to the result. We copy a few of these:

LOWVILLE, Lewis County, Oct. 16, 1880.--The business meeting was held on the evening of the 12th, and was attended by twenty ladies. On the following day at 1 P.M., the election was held.

The ladies had an independent ticket opposing the inc.u.mbent clerk and trustee. Seven voted. Four were challenged. They swore their votes in. Boys just turned twenty-one years of age voted unchallenged. The clerk, who is a young sprig of a lawyer, made himself conspicuous by challenging our votes. He first read the opinion of the State superintendent of public instruction, and said that the penalty for illegal voting was not less than six months' imprisonment. My vote was challenged, and although my husband is an owner of much real estate and cannot sell one foot of it without my consent, I could not vote.

From Penn Yan a woman writes:--About seventy ladies voted here, but none who did not either own or lease real estate. The argument so often used against woman suffrage--viz: that the first to avail themselves of the privilege would be those least qualified to do so, is directly refuted, in this town at least, since the ladies who voted are without doubt those who by natural ability and by culture are abundantly competent to vote intelligently as well as conscientiously.

A woman in Nunda writes:--Only six women attended the school meeting in the first district on the 12th, but over forty went to the polls on the 13th. Two women were on one of the tickets; the opposition ticket was made up entirely of males. We were supported by the best men in the village. The ticket bearing the names of Mrs. Fidelia J. M. Whitcomb, M. D., and Mrs. S. Augusta Herrick, was elected.

From Poland a woman writes:--Our school meeting was attended by about thirty men and two women. The population of the village is between three and four hundred. My neighbor and I were proud of the privilege of casting our first vote. There was nothing of special interest to call out voters, as our trustees are satisfactory to all. If circ.u.mstances required, there would be many women voters here.

David Hopkins and Gustave Dettloff were candidates for school trustee in district No. 1 of New Lots, Long Island, at the last election. Mr. Hopkins is a farmer and was seeking reelection. Mr.

Dettloff is connected with an insurance company in this city, and is a well-known resident of the town. The friends of Mr. Hopkins about an hour before the closing of the polls, perceived that there was danger of their candidate's defeat. A consultation was held, and it was decided to utilize the new law giving women the privilege of voting. Accordingly, several farm wagons were procured and sent through the district to gather in the farmers'

wives and daughters. The wagons returned to the polls with 107 women, all of whom voted for Mr. Hopkins, thus saving him from defeat. It was too late to use a counter poison. The total number of votes cast was 329, Mr. Hopkins receiving eighty majority.

PORT JERVIS. Oct. 13.--The annual election of school trustees occurred to-day and was attended with unusual excitement. Eight hundred and thirty votes were polled, 150, for the women's ticket, the remainder being divided. Only fifty ladies voted, a great many being kept from the polls by the crowd of loafers standing around. The Protestant ticket, composed of three men, was elected. The election was held in a small room, and this was crowded with men who amused themselves by pa.s.sing remarks about the ladies until the police were called in. Every lady who offered her vote was challenged and a great many left the polls in disgust. In Carpenter's Point and Sparrowbush, two suburbs of the village, the ladies voted and were not molested.

Only a few women voted on Tuesday evening at the election for school trustees in the first district of Southfield, Staten Island. When the poll was opened Judge John G. Vaughan, the retiring trustee, presided. A motion was made to reelect him by acclamation. Amid great confusion Judge Vaughan put the motion and declared it carried. Then Officers Fitzgerald and Leary had to take charge of the meeting to preserve order, and Judge Vaughan's opponents withdrew, threatening proceedings to have the election declared invalid. Abram C. Wood was elected school trustee in the West New Brighton (S. I.) district by 69 majority, which included the votes of eight of eleven women present. Other women promised to vote if Mr. Wood needed their support. Mr.

Robert B. Minturn presided.

SING SING, Oct. 13.--Five women voted at the school meeting last night.

MOUNT MORRIS, Oct. 13.--One hundred and twenty women voted at the school election here last evening.

GLEN'S FALLS, Oct. 13.--I am informed that women did vote here and in the neighborhood last evening.

PERRY, Oct. 13.--A large woman vote was cast here. Two women were elected members of the school-board.

PEEKSKILL, Oct. 13.--Five women voted in one district.

SHELTER ISLAND, Oct. 13.--Women voted at our school meeting.

COFFIN SUMMIT, Oct. 15.--Six women voted at the school meeting here. A lady was nominated for trustee and received many votes, but was defeated.

STAMFORD, Oct. 15.--Four ladies voted at the school meeting.

PORT RICHMOND, Oct. 15.--Six ladies attended the school meeting.

The chairman, Mr. Sidney P. Ronason, made a speech, welcoming them, stating that an unsuccessful effort had been made by citizens to induce a leading lady to become a candidate for trustee; also, that Lester A. Scofield, the retiring trustee, would cheerfully give way if any competent lady would take his place. This Mr. Scofield confirmed, but, no lady being nominated, he was reelected without opposition.

BALDWINVILLE, Oct. 15.--Thirty-three ladies voted at the school election.

LOCKPORT, Oct. 15.--Two Quaker ladies voted at the school meeting of the first district of this township. One of them, Dr. Sarah Lamb Cushing, was chosen tax-collector by 23 votes out of 26. On the entrance of the ladies, smoking and all disorder ceased, and the meeting was uncommonly well-conducted.

LAWTON STATION, Oct. 15.--Of the 16 votes cast at the school meeting here, 15 were given by women. A woman received the highest vote for school trustee, but withdrew in favor of one of the male candidates. The proceedings were enlivened with singing by the pupils under the direction of the teacher. Several improvements in the building were ordered at the instance of the ladies.

KNOWLESVILLE, Oct. 15.--Many women meant to vote at the school meeting, but a person went from house to house and threatened them with legal penalties if they did. Mrs. James Kernholtz was nominated for tax-collector at the meeting, but declined, saying the pay was too small. Miss Adelina Lockwood, being nominated for librarian, declined, but was elected by acclamation, amid great applause. The meeting was very large, but unusually orderly.

FLUSHING, Oct. 15.--Forty women voted at the school meeting here, and in the adjoining district.

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The History of Woman Suffrage Volume III Part 62 summary

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