
The Gospel of Buddha Part 58

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Mirror of truth, the.

Mission, the preachers.

Moon, the, shines by night.

Moral powers.

Moral sense.

More fit to live.

More, sin no.

Mortification not the right path.

Mortification profitless.

Mortification vain.

Mother, a.

Muni of great understanding.

Mustard seed, the.

Naked ascetics.

Nakedness, impure is.

Name, honored be his.

Nature of religion consists in worship and sacrifice, the.

Nature of the rope, the.

Nature of self, the.

Near me, he who walks, righteously is ever.

Necessity of dissolution.

Nectar, the bee collects.

Needed, the one thing that is.

n.o.ble, eightfold path, the.

n.o.ble truths, the four.


Non-existence of the soul.

Non-ident.i.ty, ident.i.ty and.

Not any means to avoid dying.

Not worthy of yellow robes.

Nothing remains.

Nothing will remain.

Nothingness stares me in the face.

Nourishes his mind, the wise man.

Novices, precepts for the.

Now is the time to seek religion.

Now my lot to help.

Obedience to the laws of righteousness.

Obey the truth, let us.

Object and senses, contact of.

Observe the Uposatha or Sabbath.

Ocean; rivers in the ocean; my doctrine is like the great ocean.

Offering, four kinds of.

Omens abolished.

Omens of Buddhahood.

One hemp-grain each day.

One in essence.

One, the truth is but.

One thing that is needed, the.

Oneself, purity and impurity belong to.

Order, rules for the.

Order, the, (sangha) the sowing-ground of merit.

Ordination, [see also Pabbajja and Upasampada in the Glossary].

Others art thou thyself.

Others, the faults of.

Our water is all gone.

Outcast, the; by deeds one becomes an outcast; who is an outcast?

Outcome of evil, pain is the.

Outcome of good, happiness is the.


Overcome anger by love.

Overcome evil by good.

Overcome grief.

Ox led to slaughter.

Pain is the outcome of evil.


Parable of the hungry dog.

Paradise in the West, the; living in paradise; the paradise of the pure land.

Parties, listen to both.

Party in search of a thief, a.

Pa.s.s away, about to; people pa.s.s away; the truth will never pa.s.s away.

Pa.s.sed away according to his deeds.

Pa.s.sion, rain and.

Past, thou wilt reap the harvest sown in the.

Path of transmigration, weary; sign of the right; the eightfold; the immortal path; the n.o.ble eightfold path; mortification not the path; walk in the n.o.ble path; a pathless jungle; are all paths saving? [See also Maggo in the Glossary.]

Peace on earth.

Peacemaker, the.

People dissatisfied, the; people pa.s.s away; wise people falter not; wise people fashion themselves.

Perception of truth, the refreshing drink.

Perishable, the _I_.

Personalities of Buddha, the three.


Physician; the best physician; without beholding the physician.

Pit, treasure laid up in a deep.

Pity me not.


Pleasure, he who lives for; let a man take pleasure in the dharma.

Pleasures destroy the foolish; pleasures of self in heaven; why do we give up the pleasures of the world; religious wisdom lifts above pleasures.

Potter; potter, vessels made by the.

Power, incantations have no; magic power.

Powerful elephant.

Powerful king.

Powers, moral.

Practise the truth.

Praise of all the Buddhas, the.

Prayers; prayers vain repet.i.tions.

Preach the doctrine, glorious in the beginning, middle, and end; preach to all beings.

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The Gospel of Buddha Part 58 summary

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