
The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries Volume Iii Part 41

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TERZKY (_meeting him_).

O look there! Butler! Here we've still a friend!

WALLENSTEIN (_meets him with outspread arms, and embraces him with warmth_).

Come to my heart, old comrade! Not the sun Looks out upon us more revivingly In the earliest month of spring, Than a friend's countenance in such an hour.



My General: I come--

WALLENSTEIN (_leaning on_ BUTLER's _shoulder_).

Know'st thou already?

That old man has betray'd me to the Emperor.

What say'st thou? Thirty years have we together Lived out, and held out, sharing joy and hardship.

We have slept in one camp-bed, drunk from one gla.s.s, One morsel shared! I lean'd myself on _him_, As now I lean me on _thy_ faithful shoulder.

And now in the very moment, when, all love, All confidence, my bosom beat to his, He sees and takes the advantage, stabs the knife Slowly into my heart.

[_He hides his face on_ BUTLER'S _breast_.]


Forget the false one.

What is your present purpose?


Well remember'd!

Courage, my soul! I am still rich in friends, Still loved by Destiny; for in the moment That it unmasks the plotting hypocrite, It sends and proves to me one faithful heart.

Of the hypocrite no more! Think not his loss Was that which struck the pang: O no! his treason Is that which strikes this pang! No more of him!

Dear to my heart and honor'd were they both, And the young man--yes--he did truly love me, He--he--has not deceived me. But enough, Enough of this--swift counsel now beseems us.

The Courier, whom Count Kinsky sent from Prague, I expect him every moment: and whatever He may bring with him, we must take good care To keep it from the mutineers. Quick then!

Dispatch some messenger you can rely on To meet him and conduct him to me.

[ILLO _is going_.]

BUTLER (_detaining him_).

My General, whom expect you then?


The Courier Who brings me word of the event at Prague.

BUTLER (_hesitating_).



And what now?


You do not know it?




From what that larum in the camp arose?


From what?


That Courier--

WALLENSTEIN (_with eager expectation_).



Is already here.

TERZKY and ILLO (_at the same time_).

Already here?


My Courier?


For some hours.


And I not know it?


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The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries Volume Iii Part 41 summary

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