
The Geneva Protocol Part 21

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En vue de completer les dispositions des alineas 4, 5, 6 et 7 de l'article 15 du Pacte, les Etats signataires conviennent de se conformer a la procedure suivante:

1. Si le differend soumis au Conseil n'a pu etre regle par lui ainsi qu'il est prevu au paragraphe 3 dudit article 15, le Conseil engagera les Parties a soumettre le differend a un reglement judiciaire ou arbitral.

2. a) Si les Parties s'y refusent, il est procede, a la demande d'au moins l'une des Parties, a la const.i.tution d'un Comite d'arbitres. Le Comite sera const.i.tue, autant que possible, par l'accord des Parties.


with one another or against a State which, if the occasion arises accepts all the obligations hereinafter set out, except in case of resistance to acts of aggression or when acting in agreement with the Council or the a.s.sembly of the League of Nations in accordance with the provisions of the Covenant and of the present Protocol.


The signatory States undertake to recognise as compulsory, _ipso facto_ and without special agreement, the jurisdiction of the Permanent Court of International Justice in the cases covered by paragraph 2 of Article 36 of the Statute of the Court, but without prejudice to the right of any State, when acceding to the special protocol provided for in the said Article and opened for signature on December 16th, 1920, to make reservations compatible with the said clause.

Accession to this special protocol, opened for signature on December 16th, 1920, must be given within the month following the coming into force of the present Protocol.

States which accede to the present Protocol, after its coming into force, must carry out the above obligation, within the month following their accession.


With a view to render more complete the provisions of paragraphs 4, 5, 6, and 7 of Article 15 of the Covenant, the signatory States agree to comply with the following procedure:

1. If the dispute submitted to the Council is not settled by it as provided in paragraph 3 of the said Article 15, the Council shall endeavour to persuade the parties to submit the dispute to judicial settlement or arbitration.

2. (_a_) If the parties cannot agree to do so, there shall, at the request of at least one of the parties, be const.i.tuted a Committee of Arbitrators. The Committee shall so far as possible be const.i.tuted by agreement between the parties.


_b_) Si, dans le delai que le Conseil aura fixe, elles ne se sont pas entendues en tout ou en partie sur le nombre, le nom et les pouvoirs des arbitres, ainsi que sur la procedure, le Conseil reglera les points en suspens. Il choisira d'urgence--en consultant les Parties--les arbitres et leur president, parmi les personnes qui, par leur nationalite, leur caractere et leur experience, lui paraitront donner les plus hautes garanties de competence et d'impartialite.

_c_) Apres que les conclusions des Parties auront ete formulees, le Comite d'arbitres, a la demande de toute Partie, sollicitera, par l'entremise du Conseil, sur les points de droit contestes, l'avis consultatif de la Cour permanente de Justice Internationale qui, dans ce cas, se reunira d'urgence.

3. Si aucune des Parties ne demande l'arbitrage, le Conseil reprendra l'examen du differend. Au cas ou le Conseil etablit un rapport vote a l'unanimite de ses membres autres que les representants de toute Partie au differend, les Etats signataires conviennent de se conformer aux solutions recommandees par lui.

4. Au cas ou le Conseil ne peut etablir un rapport accepte par tous ses membres autres que les representants de toute Partie au differend, il soumettra le differend a l'arbitrage. Il reglera lui-meme la composition, les pouvoirs et la procedure du Comite d'arbitres et aura egard, dans le choix des arbitres, aux garanties de competence et d'impartialite visees au No. 2_b_ ci-dessus.

5. En aucun cas ne pourront etre remises en question les solutions ayant deja fait l'objet d'une recommandation unanime du Conseil acceptee par l'une des Parties interessees.

6. Les Etats signataires s'engagent a executer de bonne foi les sentences judiciaires ou arbitrales et a se conformer, comme il a ete dit a l'alinea 3 ci-dessus, aux solutions recommandees par le Conseil. Dans le cas ou un Etat manquerait a ces engagements, le Conseil exercera toute son influence pour en a.s.surer le respect. S'il ne peut y reussir, il proposera les mesures qui doivent en a.s.surer


(_b_) If within the period fixed by the Council the parties have failed to agree, in whole or in part, upon the number, the names and the powers of the arbitrators and upon the procedure, the Council shall settle the points remaining in suspense. It shall with the utmost possible despatch select in consultation with the parties the arbitrators and their President from among persons who by their nationality, their personal character and their experience, appear to it to furnish the highest guarantees of competence and impartiality.

(_c_) After the claims of the parties have been formulated, the Committee of Arbitrators, on the request of any party, shall through the medium of the Council request an advisory opinion upon any points of law in dispute from the Permanent Court of International Justice, which in such case shall meet with the utmost possible despatch.

3. If none of the parties asks for arbitration, the Council shall again take the dispute under consideration. If the Council reaches a report which is unanimously agreed to by the members thereof other than the representatives of any of the parties to the dispute, the signatory States agree to comply with the recommendations therein.

4. If the Council fails to reach a report which is concurred in by all its members, other than the representatives of any of the parties to the dispute, it shall submit the dispute to arbitration. It shall itself determine the composition, the powers and the procedure of the Committee of Arbitrators and, in the choice of the arbitrators, shall bear in mind the guarantees of competence and impartiality referred to in paragraph 2 (_b_) above.

5. In no case may a solution, upon which there has already been a unanimous recommendation of the Council accepted by one of the parties concerned, be again called in question.

6. The signatory States undertake that they will carry out in full good faith any judicial sentence or arbitral award that may be rendered and that they will comply, as provided in paragraph 3 above, with the solutions recommended by the Council. In the event of a State failing to carry out the above undertakings, the Council shall exert all its influence to secure compliance


l'effet, ainsi qu'il est dit a la fin de l'article 13 du Pacte.

Dans le cas ou un Etat, manquant a ces engagements, recourrait a la guerre, les sanctions prevues a l'article 16 du Pacte, interpretees de la maniere indiquee au present Protocole, lui deviendraient immediatement applicables.

7. Les dispositions du present article ne s'appliquent pas au reglement des differends qui pourraient s'elever a la suite des mesures de guerre prises par un ou plusieurs Etats signataires en accord avec le Conseil ou l'a.s.semblee.


La disposition de l'alinea 8 de l'article 15 du Pacte demeure applicable devant le Conseil.

Si, pendant le cours d'une des procedures d'arbitrage prevues a l'article 4 ci-dessus, l'une des Parties pretend que le differend, ou une partie du differend, porte sur une question que le droit international laisse a la competence exclusive de cette Partie, les arbitres consulteront sur ce point la Cour permanente de Justice internationale par l'entremise du Conseil. L'avis de la Cour liera les arbitres qui se borneront, si cet avis est affirmatif, a le constater dans leur sentence.

Si la question est reconnue par la Cour permanente ou par le Conseil comme etant de la competence exclusive d'un Etat, la decision intervenue n'empechera pas que la situation soit examinee par le Conseil ou par l'a.s.semblee, conformement a l'article 11 du Pacte.


Si, conformement a l'alinea 9 de l'article 15 du Pacte, le differend est porte devant l'a.s.semblee, celle-ci aura, pour le reglement du differend, tous les pouvoirs devolus au Conseil en ce qui concerne l'essai de conciliation des Parties, tel qu'il est prevu aux alineas 1, 2 ct 3 de l'article 15 du Pacte et au No. 1 de l'article 4 ci-dessus.

A defaut de reglement amiable obtenu par l'a.s.semblee:


therewith. If it fails therein, it shall propose what steps should be taken to give effect thereto, in accordance with the provision contained at the end of Article 13 of the Covenant. Should a State in disregard of the above undertakings resort to war, the sanctions provided for by Article 16 of the Covenant, interpreted in the manner indicated in the present Protocol, shall immediately become applicable to it.

7. The provisions of the present article do not apply to the settlement of disputes which arise as the result of measures of war taken by one or more signatory States in agreement with the Council or the a.s.sembly.


The provisions of paragraph 8 of Article 15 of the Covenant shall continue to apply in proceedings before the Council.

If in the course of an arbitration, such as is contemplated in Article 4 above, one of the parties claims that the dispute, or part thereof, arises out of a matter which by international law is solely within the domestic jurisdiction of that party, the arbitrators shall on this point take the advice of the Permanent Court of International Justice through the medium of the Council. The opinion of the Court shall be binding upon the arbitrators, who, if the opinion is affirmative, shall confine themselves to so declaring in their award.

If the question is held by the Court or by the Council to be a matter solely within the domestic jurisdiction of the State, this decision shall not prevent consideration of the situation by the Council or by the a.s.sembly under Article 11 of the Covenant.


If in accordance with paragraph 9 of Article 15 of the Covenant a dispute is referred to the a.s.sembly, that body shall have for the settlement of the dispute all the powers conferred upon the Council as to endeavouring to reconcile the parties in the manner laid down in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of Article 15 of the Covenant and in paragraph 1 of Article 4 above.

Should the a.s.sembly fail to achieve an amicable settlement:

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