
The Florentine Painters of the Renaissance Part 6

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LINDENAU MUSEUM, 91. St. Francis before the Sultan.


60. Madonna and Saints.

60A. Last Judgment. L.

61. SS. Dominic and Francis.

62. Glory of St. Francis.

(Magazine.) Head of Saint.

Boston (U. S. A.).

MRS. J. L. GARDNER. Death and a.s.sumption of Virgin.

Brant Broughton (Lincolnshire).



S. DOMENICO, OVER ENTRANCE. Fresco: Madonna and Saints.

GESu. Annunciation. E.

Two _Predelle_. E.

Triptych: Madonna with four Saints, etc.


AKADEMIE, 27. Head of Baptist.


ACADEMY, 166. Deposition (three pinnacles by Lorenzo Monaco).

227. Madonna and six Saints.

234-237. Fourteen scenes from Life of Christ. 1448.

240. Madonna enthroned (but not the Trinity above).

243. Story of SS. Cosmas and Damian (in part).

246. Entombment.

250. Crucifixion.

251. Coronation of Virgin.

252-254, Sixteen scenes from Life of Christ and Virgin, except the "Legge d'Amore." 1448.

258. Martyrdom of SS. Cosmas and Damian.

265. Madonna with six Saints and two Angels.

266. Last Judgment (not the d.a.m.ned nor the Inferno).

281. Madonna and eight Saints and eight Angels. 1438 (ruined).

283. _Predella_: _Pieta_ and Saints. L. (ruined).

UFFIZI, 17. Triptych: Madonna with Saints and Angels; _Predella_.


1162. _Predella_ to No. 1290: Birth of John.

1168. _Predella_ to No. 1290: _Sposalizio_.

1184. _Predella_ to No. 1290: Dormition.

1290. Coronation of Virgin.

1294. Tabernacle: Madonna, Saints, and Angels. 1443.

MUSEO DI SAN MARCO. Frescoes, all painted from between about 1439 to no later than 1445.

CLOISTER. St. Peter Martyr; St. Dominic at foot of Cross; St.

Dominic (ruined); _Pieta_; Christ as Pilgrim with two Dominicans; St. Thomas Aquinas.

CHAPTER HOUSE. Large Crucifixion.

UPPER FLOOR, WALLS. Annunciation; St. Dominic at foot of Cross; Madonna with eight Saints.

ROOMS, NO. 1. "Noli me Tangere."

2. Entombment.

3. Annunciation.

4. Crucifixion.

5. Nativity.

6. Transfiguration.

7. Ecce h.o.m.o.

8. Resurrection.

9. Coronation of Virgin.

10. Presentation in Temple.

11. Madonna and Saints.

15-23. Crucifixions (some ruined).

24. Baptism.

25. Crucifixion.

26. _Pieta_.

28. Christ bearing Cross.

31. Descent to Limbo.

32. Sermon on the Mount.

33. Betrayal of Judas. Panels: Small Madonna and Angels; Small Coronation.

34. Agony in Garden. Panel: Small Annunciation.

35. Inst.i.tution of the Eucharist.

36. Nailing to Cross.

37. Crucifixion.

38. Adoration of Magi, and _Pieta_.

42, 43. Crucifixions.

S. DOMENICO DI FIESOLE (near Florence) Madonna and Saints (architecture and landscape by Lorenzo di Credi).


Frankfort a./M.

HERR ADOLF SCHAEFFER. Madonna enthroned and four Angels.


663. Paradise.

MRS. J. E. TAYLOR. Small panel.


M. EDOUARD AYNARD. Madonna with SS. Peter, Paul, and George, with Angels and kneeling Donor.


PRADO, 14. Annunciation.

DUKE OF ALBA. Madonna and Angels.


989-991. Legends of Saints.

992. Entombment.


DUOMO, CHAPEL OF S. BRIZIO. Ceiling Frescoes: Christ as Judge; Prophets (a.s.sisted by Benozzo Gozzoli). 1447.


1290. Coronation of Virgin.

1293. Martyrdom of SS. Cosmas and Damian.

1294. Fresco: Crucifixion.

M. GEORGES CHALANDON. Meeting of Francis and Dominic.

M. NOEL VALOIS. Crucifixion with Cardinal (probably) John Torquemada, as Donor. L.


429. Madonna and four Saints.


SALA V, 1-18. Altarpiece in many parts.


SALA VI, 7. Salvator Mundi.


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