
The Essential Doreen Virtue Collection Part 24

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Archangel Gabriel

(Judeo-Christian, Muslim) Also known as Abruel, Jibril, Jiburili, Serafili.

Gabriel's name means "G.o.d is my strength." Gabriel (who is female) is the famous angel who told Elizabeth and Mary of the impending births of their sons, John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth, respectively. The Archangel Gabriel also dictated the spiritual text of Islam, The Koran, to Mohammed. As a result, Gabriel became known as the "messenger" angel. Gabriel's role continues in the world, helping both parents and human messengers.

In the first role, Gabriel guides hopeful parents toward child conception or through the process of adopting a child. Gabriel gives strength and courage to these parents, and helps moms-to-be stay centered in blissful faith to create the best atmosphere for their baby.

In the second role, the archangel helps anyone whose life purpose involves art or communication. Call upon Gabriel for help, guidance, and agenting if you're an actor, artist, author, dancer, journalist, model, musician, reporter, singer, songwriter, teacher, or do anything involving delivering spiritual messages. Gabriel will open doors to help you express your talent in a big way. The archangel also acts as a coach, inspiring and motivating artists and communicators, and helping them to overcome fear and procrastination.

Gabriel has long been known as a powerful and strong archangel, and those who call upon her will find themselves pushed into action that leads to beneficial results. Gabriel is definitely an archangel of action! She says, "I'm here to manage those who speak up and speak out on behalf of societal needs. This process of advocacy is an ancient one, and few things have changed over the course of time, save for some technological advances. In other arenas, though, art and speech have maintained a constant and steady force, lending power to people who desire change and helpfulness. Allow me to open the doors of opportunity for those among you hearing your heart's call to perform, play, and create on a wider scale."

Helps with: Adopting a child Artists and art-related projects Child conception and fertility Journalism and writing Television and radio work INVOCATION.

Before beginning any artistic or communication project, ask Gabriel to guide and oversee your activities by saying aloud or mentally: "Archangel Gabriel, I ask for your presence as I [describe the project]. Please open my creative channels so that I may be truly inspired. Help me open my mind so that I may give birth to unique ideas. And please help me to sustain the energy and motivation to follow through on this inspiration. Thank you, Gabriel."

Archangel Haniel

(Babylonian, Cabalistic) Also known as Anael, Aniel, Hamiel, Onoel.

Haniel's name means "glory of G.o.d," or "grace of G.o.d." In ancient Babylon, a group of men known as "priests-astronomers" worked with astrology, astronomy, moon energy, and various deities for their divination and spiritual healing work. One of the archangels with whom they worked was Haniel, who was a.s.sociated with the planet Venus.

Some Cabalistic texts credit Haniel as escorting Enoch to the spirit world. Enoch was one of only two humans to ever be transformed into archangels-in his case, into the Archangel Metatron. (The other case was the prophet Elijah ascending into the Archangel Sandalphon, as you'll read about later on.) Haniel helps us recover the lost secrets of natural healing remedies, especially involving the harnessing of the moon's energy in potions, powders, and crystals. Haniel also helps us enjoy more grace in our lives. To add beauty, harmony, and the company of wonderful friends to your life, call upon Haniel. This archangel will also help you stay poised and centered before and during any important event, such as a speech, performance, first date, or job interview.

Archangel Haniel has a moon G.o.ddess energy: etheric, quiet, patient, and mystical. Haniel's wisdom comes from many eons of experience in working with humans. She says, "Yes, I'm patient with humanity because I can see all the good they've created. For every moment of intolerance, there are hundreds of deep kindnesses to overshadow the darkness. The light of humanity shines brighter today than ever. If you could see humanity from my point of view, you'd know why I have such deep regard and love for you all. I'm happy to help in whatever cause advances humanity above the din of clashing egos, and elevates you to the level from which you have come: G.o.d's grace and eternal beauty."

Helps with: Grace, bringing it into our lives Healing abilities Moon energy Poise Psychic abilities, especially clairvoyance INVOCATION.

If you've got an important function coming up that demands an excellent performance or refined social graces, ask Haniel to accompany you. You can call upon Haniel by thinking her name and describing your need, or by stating a formal invocation such as: "Archangel Haniel, overseer of grace, poise, and charm, please bring your Divine energy of loving wisdom to [describe the situation]. Thank you for guiding my words, actions, and mannerisms and helping me to enjoy myself, while bringing blessings to everyone who sees or hears me. I ask that your Divine magnetism draw only positive energies to me. O thank you, glorious Haniel, thank you."

Archangel Jeremiel

(Judaic) Also known as Ramiel, Remiel.

Jeremiel's name means "mercy of G.o.d." In ancient Judaic texts, Jeremiel is listed as one of the seven core archangels.

He's also a.s.sociated with helping Baruch, a prolific author of apocryphal Judaic texts in the first century A.D., with his prophetic visions. One vision, catalyzed by Jeremiel, was of the coming Messiah. In another vision, Jeremiel took Baruch for a tour of the different levels of Heaven.

In addition to being an Archangel of prophetic visions, Jeremiel helps newly crossed-over souls review their lives. This is a service he helps the still-living with, too. If you'd like to take an inventory of your life up till now so that you can make positive adjustments, call upon Jeremiel. He will help you fearlessly a.s.sess your history and learn from prior experiences so that you're even stronger and more centered in love in the future.

Jeremiel says, "A life review today, held at regular intervals, will prove to be of great benefit to you in determining your next station and steps. By reviewing your life along the way, you make your duty that much more enjoyable when you get to the other side. You'll already have reviewed the major crossroads, and won't suffer or have regrets when you admit to yourself that you could have done better.

"A life review is far more comprehensive on the other side, of course, but you can compose one while you're still in physicality. Carve out some quiet time and ask me to enter your thoughts or dreams at night. I shall display pictures of major events within your life that will spark your memory of smaller occurrences. It's often in those seemingly minor interactions with other people that your greatest realizations occur. This is where life lessons often spring from. Then, you can easily base your philosophies and decisions upon what you've realized, which will always be for the benefit of everyone involved."

Helps with: Clairvoyance and prophetic visions Life reviews and making life changes Psychic dreams, including their interpretations INVOCATION.

If you're concerned about the future, call upon Jeremiel for additional insight and information: "Archangel Jeremiel, please help me release fears, worries, and tension about my future . . . and the future of the world. [Tell Jeremiel about any situation that is weighing particularly on your mind.] I ask for your prophetic insights about the future. Please clearly give me guidance about anything that I may do or change to create the highest and best future for myself and all concerned. Thank you."

Archangel Jophiel

(Judeo-Christian) Also known as Iofiel, Iophiel, Jofiel, Zophiel.

Jophiel's name means "beauty of G.o.d." This archangel is known as "the Patron of Artists." She was present in the Garden of Eden, and later, she watched over Noah's sons.

As the archangel of art and beauty, Jophiel helps us metaphysically and physically. First, Jophiel helps us think beautiful thoughts; to see and appreciate beauty around us; and to, therefore, create, manifest, and attract more beauty into our lives. After all, beautiful thoughts lead to beautiful outcomes.

In the physical world, Jophiel helps with artistic projects and illuminates our creative spark. She gives us ideas and the energy to carry out artistic ventures. Jophiel also helps us create beauty at home, at work, and in our relationships. She helps us to slow down and smell the roses.

Archangel Jophiel has an uplifting energy that's fun and pleasant to be around. She's friendly and positive, like an ideal best friend. She says, "Worry never helped anything, so why turn to it during times of need? It won't nurture or heal you-quite the opposite, actually. It's so much better to put the effort into something creative as a way to quietly meditate through positive action. Create, create, create! In this way, you mirror G.o.d's own creativity. That's why you feel closest to G.o.d when you're fully engaged in writing, speaking, and other artistic projects."

Helps with: Artistic projects and artists Beautiful thoughts Interior decorating Slowing down from a hectic pace INVOCATION.

If you find yourself in an ugly situation, chances are good that ugly thoughts helped to manifest it. Call upon Jophiel to turn things around: "Archangel Jophiel, please help me with [describe the situation]. Thank you for helping me see the inner Divine beauty within myself and everyone involved. Thank you for your intervention in creating a beautiful outcome. In grat.i.tude, and in the name of all that is beautiful, I thank you, Jophiel."

Archangel Metatron

(Judaic, Cabalistic) Also known as Metatetron, Merraton, Metaraon, Mittron.

The meaning of Metatron's name isn't clear, since his name doesn't end in the "el" suffix of all the other archangels (with the exception of Metatron's twin brother, Sandalphon). "El" stands for "El Elyah," the Hebrew name of the all-loving G.o.d of Abraham-as opposed to the jealous, vengeful G.o.d of Moses, who is called Jehovah. So, archangel names describe their function, and then end in "el" to mean "of G.o.d." The term angel itself means "messenger of G.o.d."

Metatron's unusual name probably stems from his uncommon origins, as one of only two archangels who were once mortal men who walked upon the earth (the other one being Sandalphon, who was the prophet Elijah). There is various speculation among texts and experts that the name Metatron means "he who occupies the throne next to the Divine throne," or that his name is a derivation of the name Yahweh, the Jewish term for the unspoken sacred name of G.o.d. He has also been called "the Angel of the Presence."

Metatron is the youngest of the archangels, since his creation occurred after the other archangels. The prophet and scribe Enoch, who is said to have "walked with G.o.d" (in the book of Genesis), retained his G.o.d-given purity during his mortal life. Enoch was also a scholar on heavenly secrets, having received The Book of the Angel Raziel (also known as Sefer Raziel), a textbook about G.o.d's workings penned by Archangel Raziel, and given to Adam, Noah, Enoch, and Solomon. As a result, G.o.d escorted Enoch directly to the seventh Heaven-the highest level-to reside and work. Enoch was given wings and transformed into a great archangel named Metatron.

Since Enoch was a skilled and honest scribe upon Earth, he was given a similar job in Heaven: to record everything that happened on Earth and keep it in the Akashic records (also known as The Book of Life). Enoch is in charge of recording and organizing this material.

Metatron is a fiery, energetic angel who works tirelessly to help Earth's inhabitants. He acts as an intermediary between Heaven and Earth, since he's had extensive experience as both a human and an angel. As such, he helps us understand Heaven's perspective, and to learn how to work with the angelic realm.

Metatron also has a special place in his heart for children, especially those who are spiritually gifted. After the Exodus, Metatron led the children of Israel through the wilderness and into safety. He continues to lead children today, both on Earth and in Heaven. Metatron is very concerned about children who are labeled as having Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and he helps parents, educators, scientists, and health-care professionals find natural alternatives to Ritalin and other psychoactive medications.

Metatron helps newly crossed-over children adjust to Heaven, and helps living children love themselves and be more focused. Metatron also helps children become spiritually aware and to accept and polish their spiritual gifts.

Metatron's energy is strong and highly focused, like a laser beam. He's very motivational, and will encourage you to overcome procrastination and to take bold steps forward. He's also philosophical and can help you understand things like other people's motivations for action, and why different situations occur.

He says: "My human life gave me the ability to grasp human concepts of life and death, which are abstract concepts to those who've always existed in the ethers. I do understand the gripping fear of death that underlies many human emotions. Having crossed that divide, though, I want to underscore the sentiment that you've so often heard: that there truly is nothing to fear in coming here. The time is planned according to your soul's calendar, and death cannot occur one moment before that time is reached.

"There is no such thing as a premature or unplanned death, and unpleasantries a.s.sociated with death are largely of the human imagination. Even those who die violently are spared from heinous suffering mainly due to G.o.d's intervention. Their souls are cast out of their bodies at the time of inevitability, long before any suffering could set in. Their disa.s.sociation with the event occurs because they're already focused upon the realization of that which follows after the physical existence. The fascination they have in experiencing their newfound life, following death, removes all concentration from the suffering that the human seems to undergo at the moment of death. We a.s.sure you that all of this comes from the compa.s.sion of the Great Creator, who is with us all, always."

Helps with: Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Children's issues Recordkeeping and organization Spiritual understanding Writing INVOCATION.

If a child you care about has been labeled as having ADD or ADHD, and medication has been recommended or prescribed, call upon Archangel Metatron to see if alternative treatments are viable: "Archangel Metatron, I ask for your powerfully loving intervention in helping [name of child], who has been labeled as 'disordered.' Please help us to know G.o.d's will for this child, and guide all of the adults involved to do what's best for the child. Please help us stand strong among authority figures, and to do what we know is right. Please help all of the adults involved in making decisions on behalf of this child engage in harmonious discussions, even if there are differing opinions. Metatron, please protect this child from any harm, now and in the future. Thank you."

Archangel Michael

(Judeo-Christian, Islamic) Also known as Beshter, Mika'il, Sabbathiel, Saint Michael.

Michael's name means "he who is like G.o.d" or "he who looks like G.o.d." Archangel Michael is a leader among archangels. He's in charge of the order of angels known as "the Virtues," and he oversees the lightworker's life purpose. His chief function is to rid the earth and its inhabitants of the toxins a.s.sociated with fear. The humans whom he enlists and works with are called "lightworkers," and Michael asks them to perform spiritual teaching and healing work on a professional or casual basis.

Michael has inspired leaders and lightworkers since his time in the Garden of Eden, where he taught Adam how to farm and care for his family. Joan of Arc told her inquisitors that it was the Archangel Michael who gave her the impetus and courage to lead France during the Hundred Years' War. In 1950, he was canonized as Saint Michael, "the Patron of Police Officers," because he helps with heroic deeds and bravery.

Archangel Michael is extremely tall and handsome, and he usually carries a sword, which he uses to release us from the snare of fear. When he's around, you may see sparkles or flashes of bright blue or purple light. Michael is a fiery energy, and his presence is enough to make you sweat. I've had a number of female students tell me that they thought they were having menopausal hot flashes until they realized they'd just invoked Michael, and it was his presence creating all the heat!

Michael also has an incredible knack for fixing electrical and mechanical devices, including computers. I've called on him a number of times to help me with errant telephones, fax machines, and types of electronics, and he always comes through. A student of mine even invoked him when she was fixing a friend's plumbing (something she knew nothing about, but offered to do because she had faith that she could figure it out). As soon as this woman called Michael, the plumbing seemed to fix itself, and the operation was completed in no time!

Michael guides and directs those who feel lost, or stuck with respect to their life's purpose or career path. He can stimulate the unmotivated or fearful into action. Michael also provides clear guidance about which step to take next.

Helps with: Commitment and dedication to one's beliefs Courage Direction Energy and vitality Life's purpose, all aspects of Motivation Protection s.p.a.ce clearing Spirit releas.e.m.e.nt Worthiness and increased self-esteem INVOCATION.

Call upon Michael whenever you feel afraid or vulnerable. He will instantly come to your side, lending you courage and ensuring your safety, both physically and emotionally. You'll feel his warrior-like presence next to you in much the same way that a loving bodyguard would protect you. Anyone who might have intended to harm you will have a change of mind or heart.

Michael doesn't require that you say a formal invocation, and he will come to anyone who calls upon him. For example, you could think the thought: "Archangel Michael, please come to me now. I need your help!"

Then mentally describe the situation with which you need a.s.sistance. As stated earlier, you'll know he's with you when you sense his characteristic warm energy.

Archangel Raguel

(Judeo-Christian) Also known as Akrasiel, Raguil, Rasuil, Rufael, Suryan.

Raguel's name means "friend of G.o.d." His chief role in Heaven is to oversee all of the other archangels and angels. He ensures that they're all working well together in a harmonious and orderly fashion, according to Divine order and will. As a result, he's often referred to as "the Archangel of Justice and Fairness." Raguel loves to be a champion to underdogs, and he can help those who feel slighted or mistreated become more empowered and respected.

Archangel Raguel is enthusiastic and friendly, and he's a "battery"-meaning that he'll energize you when you need a boost. Think of having a best friend who's a combination attorney, spiritual counselor, therapist, and motivational coach, and you'll have an idea of Raguel's multiple talents and the extent of his helpfulness. Raguel is a loving gentleman who will never interfere with your free will. However, if you ask him for help, he'll be there in an instant.

He says: "I so often see people who let themselves down without realizing their potential and options. My availability is unlimited, and there really aren't any reasons to attempt anything alone with so much friendship available. I often work anonymously within groups of other helpers, so you may not know that I'm there helping you at your request. But know that I am!"

Helps with: Arguments, resolving Cooperation and harmony in groups and families Defending the unfairly treated Empowerment, especially for underdogs Mediation of disputes Orderliness INVOCATION.

Raguel is a wonderful resolver of conflicts. If you've had an argument with someone and you need closure with that person, ask Raguel to intervene: "Archangel Raguel, thank you for intervening into my relationship with [name of other person involved], bringing both of us to a level of peace and harmony. I'm grateful for your help in resolving our differences with love and cooperation. I appreciate the forgiveness that we feel toward one another. I know that G.o.d's will is eternal peace, and as children of G.o.d, I'm aware that both of us are the embodiment of that peace. Thank you for helping us live that truth, now and forever. In peace and grat.i.tude, I thank you."

Archangel Raphael

(Judeo-Christian) Also known as Labbiel.

Raphael's name means "G.o.d heals" or "G.o.d has healed," based upon the Hebrew word rapha, which means "doctor" or "healer."

Raphael is a powerful healer of physical bodies, both for humans and animals. Those who call on Raphael are healed rapidly. It's said that he healed the pain that Abraham felt after being circ.u.mcised as an adult.

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