
The Essential Doreen Virtue Collection Part 11

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No matter what you need help with, no matter what you believe your blocks or limitations to be, the angels have a solution waiting for you right now. Just ask them.

Spirit Releas.e.m.e.nt with Archangel Michael

Sensitive people-also known as clairsentients or empaths-frequently absorb others' energies. You may recall that a "clairsentient" is someone who is highly intuitive and who receives divine communication through physical sensations and emotional feelings.

Unwittingly, clairsentients take on another's fears and worries like a sponge drinks up water. This is especially true of clairsentient healers and teachers, whose caring nature attracts people to pour their troubles out to them. The troubled person feels relieved and unburdened after talking about her worries. However, the clairsentient feels drained or heavy because she has taken on the other person's troubles.

A burdened person is less able to help the world, so it is important for clairsentients to protect and clear their energy fields: - Avoid places where people abuse alcohol and other drugs. These environments attract earthbound deceased people, who vicariously enjoy the companionship of intoxicated individuals. Sensitive lightworkers are p.r.o.ne to hitchhiking earthbound spirits, so it's best to avoid bars, c.o.c.ktail parties, and discotheques.

- Avoid places filled with ego-ridden mind-sets. These include companies with manipulative philosophies, media sources that sell gossip and fear, organizations built upon compet.i.tion or jealousy, and groups with low morale.

- Shield yourself with light. If you must enter these environments, protect yourself by visualizing a white wall of light, at least one inch thick, surrounding you like a shield. You can put one wall between yourself and the other person, or you can box yourself in completely.

- Focus on love, light, and truth. Whenever you talk to a person who is in an ego mind-set, continually claim the truth either mentally or aloud. Do not allow yourself to view the other person's fears as real, or you will invoke your own ego. Remember always that as you see others, so you see yourself. It's best to listen sympathetically as you would if these people were describing a scary movie that frightened them terribly. You would empathize with their feelings, while simultaneously knowing that the source of their fear was unreal.

The Archangel Michael is the supreme protector and guardian angel of the Earth. He clears the planet and its population of darkness. If you feel drained or irritable, chances are that you have absorbed darkness. This darkness is nothing, in reality, because it is fear or the illusion of the absence of love. Since it is impossible that love is absent, there is nothing to fear. However, while we believe we live in bodies in a material planet, the earthbound rules affect us. One of those rules is that dark energy lowers our energy and mood.

The moment you become aware of feeling depleted or upset, you can be sure that an unloving thought is behind it. You have probably identified with someone else's fears or worries in some way, either because you judged them, felt sorry for them, or became angry with them. When we identify with others' fears in any way, we absorb their dark energy as we become one with them through our empathy.

In these times, you needn't struggle alone to rid yourself of darkness and absorbed fear. Instead, call upon the Archangel Michael. He doesn't need a formal invocation, just a sincere desire for his help. Saying or thinking, "Michael, please help me!" is enough to evoke his a.s.sistance instantly.

You'll know Michael is near because you'll feel a strong, sudden air pressure change. His presence feels like an etheric hug, rea.s.suring yet not co-dependent. Michael loves us and protects us, but he does not view us as helpless-he sees our true power!

Then ask Michael (either mentally or aloud) to clear you of all darkness. You needn't help Michael in any way. In fact, when we try to help Michael help us, we often get in his way. It's best to just step back and become completely vulnerable and trusting of his help. Don't withhold any secrets or issues from Michael-he can see them all, anyway. Still, he cannot help you with areas that you withhold from his healing touch.

You might feel Michael opening the top of your head, the crown chakra area. Michael and his helpers, known as the "Band of Mercy," may enter your body and pick the dark thought-forms out of your cells as if they were picking apples. Michael also uses a tool similar to a vacuum to suction the darkness out of you very quickly. When the darkness is gone, he reverses the vacuum so that it pours a thick, toothpastelike white energy into your body to fill you where darkness previously resided.

You may also feel Michael cutting "etheric cords" that stretch between you and another person. Everyone-not just clairsentients-builds these cords with people to whom we are close. They look like arteries and they come in varying degrees of thickness. Usually, etheric cords are attached to our major chakra energy centers, such as heart-to-heart, or solar plexus-to-solar plexus. These cords don't pose a problem when they connect two highly evolved people. However, you may have a cord attached to, for example, a sibling who is enduring life crises. In such cases, your sibling is likely feeding off your energy through your attached etheric cord. So you will feel drained without knowing why. The reason is that your sibling is acting as an energy robber, instead of tapping into her own natural source of energy.

When you call Archangel Michael to help you revive your energy and outlook, he uses his sword to cut away etheric cords that drain you. Michael and his Band of Mercy (his angelic a.s.sistants) also gather up stray earthbound spirits attached to you. These earthbound people belong in the afterlife plane. Michael escorts them to the light for their own spiritual growth. Very often, earthbound people do not realize they are dead. In other cases, earthbounds are afraid of going to the light. Sometimes they fear a punishing, angry G.o.d. Other times, they don't want to leave the material possessions acc.u.mulated during their earthly life. As mentioned earlier, some earthbounds who abused alcohol and drugs during their lifetime hang around bars and parties to absorb the energy of intoxication.

Empathetic lightworkers must vigilantly monitor their energy and mood levels to ensure against a build-up of psychic dirt from fears, worries, and earthbound spirits. Never fear that you are wearing out your welcome with Archangel Michael. He can be in many places and with many people simultaneously because he lives in a dimension unfettered by time or s.p.a.ce beliefs. You can ask him to live with you if you like. There are no restrictions or limitations, except those you decide for yourself.

Of course, having Michael next to our side does not allow us to disobey our inner Voice of G.o.d, which gives us rational guidance about staying safe in the material earthplane. If your inner teacher warns you to stay away from a certain locale, it would not be wise to ignore this warning just because you have asked Michael to accompany you. Michael is a wonderful server and protector, but he-like G.o.d and all the angels-will not usurp our personal responsibility for making decisions.

Spiritual Safety

You are safe in this world, in truth, for nothing can harm who you really are. Death, injury, and loss are illusions of the material world. Holding these truths in your heart and mind is your ultimate secret that allows you to walk in complete safety, wherever you are.

The angels will help you to feel safe and protected by surrounding you with their loving energy. For example, before you go to sleep at night, visualize your home surrounded by white light. This is a very real way to "seal" your home and insulate it against any lower-thought energies. Then, mentally ask for four guardian angels to stand post at the north, south, east, and westerly sides of your home.

Let's say that a person is ridden with ego thoughts such as, "I must steal from others to meet my material needs." Let's also suppose that this person is roaming your neighborhood at night, believing that robbery is their source of income. Your home, protected by angels, will repel this ego-bound person. He will not know why, but your home will not attract him.

Penetrating the loving guardianship of angels is impossible for any negative forces. The angelic energy deflects the lower-self energy of those with unholy intentions, like two magnets pushing each other away. The angels will also warn you, should you need information to avoid a dangerous situation. This is another reason why it's a good idea to go to bed with a clear and sober mind. After all, we need to have access to our dreams for our growth, safety, and protection.

Ask your angels to surround you and your loved ones always. When I'm on airplanes, I ask angels to surround and support the aircraft. In cars, I call upon angels to guide the vehicle and protect its tires, cha.s.sis, and engine.

If you are in an unfamiliar environment, or anywhere that you feel unsafe or dishonored, call upon the angels for protection. Walking down a lonely street, your angels will fly ahead of you and clear your path. In a situation where someone has unkind or dishonest intentions, your angels will intervene for you. If someone is about to betray you, you'll receive warnings from your angels as strong gut feelings. Please don't ignore these invisible answers to your prayers!

Instead of trying to control or fix negative situations on a human level, your angels will work with you from the spiritual plane. They will continuously remind you that you have all the power you need, right inside yourself. You and the angels are kin, in that you both are creations of the same all-powerful, all-loving Maker. You can call upon your divine power to heal any situation, and team up with your angels to shine truth and love wherever you go.

Our loved ones are so important, and you can send angels to guide, guard, and protect them. Visualize your child surrounded by dozens of wise and loving angels. Know that your visualization is the invitation that instantly brings angelic beings to your child's side. If you have a friend in distress, ask angels to comfort and help her.

You also help to guide and guard your city, nation, and planet by sending angels to political and military power centers. Pray that The Angelic Realm surrounds government leaders with higher wisdom and heavenly love. See angels happily hovering about the capitols and courthouses of the world. Know that your visualizations contribute powerful healing energy that attunes leaders' minds to the highest good for all concerned. The angels help these leaders lose their lower-self ego concerns, and connect with the one universal mind of divine intelligence.

Angel Therapy

I've been a spiritual psychologist for many years and have seen or tried nearly every form of therapy available. I hold B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in psychology and have been director of two inpatient and three outpatient psychiatric programs. I've stood beside psychiatrists who administered electro-shock therapy, various drugs, and traditional psychoa.n.a.lysis. I've witnessed Jungian, Freudian, and Rogerian therapy at work. I've attended workshops given by psychological greats such as Carl Rogers, Rollo May, and William Gla.s.ser. I mention all this as a basis for what I'm about to share.

While working with clients who have long-standing emotional blocks-usually, old resentments held toward themselves, an abuser, parent, sibling, or ex-spouse-I've discovered that the only barrier in their way is their decision to release these blocks. If a person decides to stay unhappy, no amount of therapy is going to be effective. It is only when the person says, "I am willing to be healed," that healing occurs.

Very often, clients are unwilling to heal because they fear repercussions related to their emotional and physical health. They fear boredom from a life that is crisis-free. They fear making changes in their thoughts and behaviors. They fear that health, or the process of getting healthy, would be more painful than illness.

That is where angel therapy comes in. Angel therapy is the fastest, most effective, and most enjoyable form of healing I have ever found. I have the angels to thank for introducing me to their therapeutic methods. Following the angel's warning about my car being stolen, I began asking my angels for advice in all areas of my life-including my counseling work.

Their advice about healing continued throughout the writing of this book. The messages I received in Part I have influenced my current counseling work. They taught me the method described in this chapter and a.s.sured me that it would be well received. I initially used it with my long-term clients, who expressed great satisfaction with the angel therapy. Then, I began teaching and demonstrating this method with my seminar audiences. After I consistently received positive feedback about angel therapy's results, I decided to incorporate it into all of my sessions.

Today, my work consists of listening to and relaying to my clients, the messages I hear from their angels. I use a combination of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and angel oracle cards to receive these angel messages. After we identify emotional blocks that are challenging my client, we use angel therapy to clear the blocks away. Common blocks that the angels identify in our sessions include low self-esteem, money obsessions, unforgiveness toward self or another, jealousy, feeling unsafe, and a fear of not fulfilling one's life purpose.

Angel therapy starts with the understanding that whenever you feel pain-emotional or physical-it means you have chosen a thought from your lower-self, or ego. I'll give you a brief summary of how this occurs. The details about the ego aren't crucial for angel therapy to work; however, understanding the dynamics of pain and of healing is helpful.

Since G.o.d only created love, pain is unreal. Pain is rooted in ego-based thoughts of, "I am separate from G.o.d and other people." The ego is completely incapable of love, and it creates thoughts ranging from irritation to murder. Sometimes, spiritual seekers are horrified that they have violent and unloving thoughts. They think, Something's wrong with me! A spiritual person shouldn't think this way, and they conclude that they've backslid upon the spiritual path.

When we judge an ego thought as "bad" or "wrong," though, we give the ego power and the illusion of reality. A better way to handle ego thoughts is based upon the Eastern approach: Simply notice it without judgment. Say to yourself, "Oh, I see that I'm having an ego thought of anger, jealousy, compet.i.tion, or (fill in the blank)."

All thoughts create etheric forms, which clairvoyantly look like soap bubbles. There are no neutral thoughts or periods of time when your thoughts don't create a form. These forms go out in the physical world and manifest into creations that mirror your thoughts.

In angel therapy, you notice your ego thought and then call upon angels to surround and encircle you. Instantly, they will be by your side. Perhaps you can see them or feel their presence by an air-pressure change around you.

Picture or feel your ego thought as a soap bubble about the size of a clear cantaloupe. Mentally image yourself holding the thought-form in the hand with which you normally write. This is your releasing hand. Then, see or feel yourself handing this thought-form bubble to the angels.

They immediately take your thought-form away, to the Light, where they purify it. The angels return your thought-form to you in its purist form, which is love. This love may contain ideas that will help you transform some personality trait or circ.u.mstance in your life. In this way, you can correct whatever habits created the original ego thought initially.

After you feel the release from pain, it's important to thank your angels. Your grat.i.tude and happiness is their "paycheck" for services rendered. If you'll join them in giving glory to G.o.d-Who is one with your higher self-the angels are doubly delighted.

Enfolded in Angel Wings

You are never alone, and angels accompany you constantly, even when you are unaware of their presence. The angels want to interact with you more frequently. They'd love to be fully involved with every aspect of your life, yet they cannot help you unless you specifically ask. Like many practices that are good for us, such as meditation and exercise, we benefit by making angel communication a regular part of our life. Surround yourself with reminders, such as angel statues and posters, so you won't forget to call upon your heavenly friends for help and a.s.sistance.

We needn't wait until crisis or pressure has. .h.i.t before asking our angels for help. In fact, it's a good idea to work with your angels in any trying situation before it gets to the boiling point. However, if you forget to include your angels in your plans, they still will answer your call of "Help" if you get into a jam.

There are no limits to what your angels can do in your life. They are very, very powerful beings. Once you invite them into your life, get ready, because your life will change in very miraculous ways. If you don't quite yet fully believe in angels, you will know that they are real after asking for and receiving their help two or three times.

The Angelic Realm loves you, and they see you as you truly are on the inside-as an innocent and perfect child of G.o.d. They know that you have made occasional mistakes just like the rest of us. Yet, angels overlook our errors and see the love and good intentions within our hearts. See yourself and others through the eyes of an angel, and you'll see a beautiful world that is light, bright, and hopeful.

You are an angel, and you are a blessing to the world.


with the


To those who serve as angels,

in heaven and upon the earth.

Thank you for your love, dedication, and service.

Please continue to have patience with us

while we learn how to accept

your gifts with grat.i.tude and grace.


Thank you to G.o.d, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Frederique, Pearl, and my other guides and angels. Much love and grat.i.tude to Louise L. Hay, Reid Tracy, Jill Kramer, Christy Salinas, Jeannie Liberati, Jenny Richards, Margarete Nielsen, Jacqui Clark, Kristina Tracy, Karen Johnson, Ron Tillinghast, Joe Coburn, Anna Almanza, Suzy Mikhail, Adrian Sandoval, and Lisa Kelm.

I very much appreciate the angelic help I've received from Steve Prutting, Charles Schenk, Bronny Daniels, Janine Cooper, and Jennifer Chipperfield. Thank you to all the wonderful men and women to whom I have given angel readings, and angel blessings to my clients and students who allowed me to print their case studies and stories in this book.

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