
The Economic Aspect of Geology Part 22

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=General comments.= In general, the commercially prominent copper deposits show a close relationship to igneous rocks in place, time, and origin. Seldom do the ores extend more than 1,000 feet away from the igneous rock.

The common downward order in sulphide deposits is: first, a weathered zone, originally formed mainly above the water table, consisting above of a leached portion and below of oxides and carbonates of copper in a gangue of quartz or clay; second, a zone of secondary sulphide enrichment, characterized by chalcocite coatings, chalcopyrite, and pyrite, with a gangue of quartz and igneous rock or limestone; and third, a zone of primary deposition with similar gangue, characterized by chalcopyrite, and at b.u.t.te by enargite and chalcocite. The oxide zone as a whole may be rich or lean in values, depending on the nature of the a.s.sociated gangue material and country rock. When these are more soluble than the copper--as is commonly the case in limestone--the copper may be residually concentrated, notwithstanding the fact that much copper originally present has been carried off in solution. When the a.s.sociated gangue and country rock are less soluble than the copper--as is common with quartz and igneous rocks--the oxide zone is likely to be depleted of values.

The zones formed by weathering and secondary enrichment are extremely irregular, both in distribution and depth, in any one deposit, and they overlap and grade into one another in a very complex fashion. In many places the primary zone is too lean to be mined to commercial advantage; but in other places, as at b.u.t.te, and in the limestone deposits of Bingham, the primary ores are of considerable importance.

When evidence of secondary sulphide enrichment was first recognized there was a tendency to magnify its effectiveness, and to a.s.sume that in most cases the values were due to this process; that the primary zones would be found to be valueless. In recent years the emphasis is being somewhat changed because of the recognizing in many camps of rich primary zones. While some chalcocite is clearly the result of secondary enrichment from above, other chalcocite seems to have been related closely to the primary deposition. The quant.i.tative discrimination of the two is a matter of great difficulty.

It has come to be recognized that the zonal arrangement caused by enrichment from the surface has been imposed usually on a zonal arrangement caused by the primary hot solutions and not related to the surface but to the source of the solutions. In some districts, as ill.u.s.trated by b.u.t.te and Bingham, the copper-bearing minerals seem to have been deposited nearest the igneous source, while the lead, zinc, gold, and silver minerals have been deposited farther away,--suggesting the cooling of the solutions with increasing distance from the igneous source. The further investigation of this primary zonal arrangement promises interesting results with a practical bearing on exploration and development.

One of the newer features of the investigation of copper deposits has been the recognition of the cyclic nature of the secondary concentration. This process has been related not only to the present erosion surface, but to older surfaces now partly buried under later rocks. Ransome's[33] summary of conditions at the Ray-Miami camp has a somewhat general application.

Supergene enrichment has generally been treated as a continuously progressive process. There is considerable probability, however, that it is essentially cyclic, although the cyclic character may not be patent in all deposits. A full development of the cycle can take place only under a certain equilibrium of a number of factors, including climate, erosion, topography, and character of rock. The essential fact appears to be that as enrichment progresses and chalcocite increases the process of enrichment becomes slower in action, and erosion may, in some circ.u.mstances, overtake it. With the removal of some of the protecting zone of chalcocite the protore is again exposed to oxidation and a second cycle of enrichment begins.

Although much of the enriched ore is now below ground-water level, it probably was once above that level, and enrichment is believed to have taken place mainly in the zone of rock above any general water table.

Where the old erosion surface roughly coincides with the present erosion surface, the deposits follow more or less the topography. Where the old erosion surface pitches below later sediments, the ores pitch with it, and therefore do not follow the present topography. The recognition of the cyclic nature of secondary concentration is obviously of great significance in exploration and development.

Although a vast amount of study has been devoted to the origin and enrichment of copper deposits, and although the general conditions and processes are pretty well understood, the results thus far have been largely qualitative rather than quant.i.tative.



The most prominent uses of lead are in the manufacture of alloys, such as type-metal, bearing metal, shot, solder, and casting metal; as the oxide, red lead, and the basic carbonate, white lead, in paints; for lead pipe, cable coverings, and containers of acid active material; and in lead compounds for various chemical and medical uses. Of the lead consumed in the United States before the war about 38 per cent was utilized in pigments, 30 per cent in alloys other than shot, 15 per cent in pipe, 10 per cent in shot, and 7 per cent in all other uses. During the war much larger quant.i.ties were used in munitions, such as shot and shrapnel.

The lead content of commercial ores varies widely. It ranges from as low as .25 per cent in the Joplin district of Missouri, to about 15 per cent in the Broken Hill deposits of Australia, and over 20 per cent in the Bawdwin mines of Burma. In the Coeur d'Alene district of Idaho and the southeastern district of Missouri, the two greatest lead producers in the United States, the average grades are about 10 per cent and about 3-1/2 per cent respectively. The grade of ore which may be profitably worked depends not only upon the economic factors,--such as nearness to consuming centers, and the price of lead,--but also upon the amenability of the ore to concentration, the content of other valuable metals, and the fact that lead is very useful in smelting as a collector of gold and silver.

Most lead ores contain more or less zinc, and lead is obtained as a by-product of most zinc ores. Argentiferous lead ores form one of the princ.i.p.al sources of silver, and also yield some gold. Lead and copper are produced together from certain ores. Thus the separation of many ores into hard and fast cla.s.ses, as lead, or zinc, or copper, or silver, or gold ores, cannot be made; in some of the mineral resource reports of the United States Geological Survey the statistics of these five metals are published together.

The main sources of lead ore, named in order of their importance, are the United States, Australia, Spain, Germany, and Mexico, which account for over 80 per cent of the world's production. Most of the countries of Europe outside of Spain and Germany produce small amounts of lead, but are largely dependent on imports. Spain exports argentiferous lead and pig lead mainly to England and France, with minor quant.i.ties to other countries of Europe and to Argentina. Before the war Germany, which was the largest European consumer, utilized all its own production of lead ores and imported an additional 10 per cent of the world's ores for smelting, as well as considerable amounts of pig lead. Its princ.i.p.al deposits were those of Silesia; under the Peace Treaty they may possibly be lost to Poland, leaving German smelters largely dependent on imports.

Australia before the war normally shipped lead concentrates and pig lead to England and also to Belgium, Germany, and j.a.pan. England, the second largest European consumer, before the war had insufficient smelting capacity within the British Empire and was partly dependent on foreign-smelted lead. During the war, however, England contracted for the entire Australian output, and enlarged its smelting capacity accordingly. This may mean permanent loss to Belgium, which had depended mainly on the Australian ores for its smelting industry before the war.

In North Africa there is a small but steady production of lead, most of which goes to France. Recent developments in Burma have shown large reserves of high-grade lead-zinc-silver-copper ores, and this region may be expected to become an important producer. There are also large reserves of lead in the Altai Mountains of southwestern Siberia and in the Andes Mountains of South America.

England, through control of Australian and Burman lead mines and smelters, domestic smelting facilities, and some financial control in Spain, Mexico, and elsewhere, and France, through financial control of Spanish and North African mines and Spanish, Belgian, and domestic smelters, have adequate supplies of lead.

The United States produces about a third of the world's lead and twice as much as any other country. Normally the domestic production is almost entirely consumed in this country. Mexico sends large quant.i.ties of bullion and ore to the United States to be smelted and refined in bond.

Mexican lead refined and exported by the United States equals in amount one-sixth of the domestic production. Small quant.i.ties of ore or bullion from Canada, Africa, and South America are also brought into the United States for treatment.

Through domestic production, smelting facilities for Mexican ore, and commercial ownership in Mexico and elsewhere, the United States controls over 45 per cent of the world's lead production. Before the war Germany, through the "Lead Convention" or International Sales a.s.sociation, and through smelting and selling contracts with large producing mines, practically controlled the European lead market as well as exports from Mexico and the United States and from Australia. During the war German foreign influence was practically destroyed.

In the United States about a third of the production of lead comes from southeastern Missouri and about a fourth from the Coeur d'Alene district of Idaho. The five states, Missouri, Idaho, Utah, Colorado and Oklahoma, produce about nine-tenths of the country's total output.

Reserves of lead ore are not large in proportion to demand, contrasting in this regard with zinc ore.


The princ.i.p.al lead mineral is the sulphide, galena, from which the great bulk of the world's lead is derived. Cerussite (lead carbonate) and anglesite (lead sulphate) are mined in some places in the upper part of sulphide deposits, and supply a small fraction of the world's output.

The ores of lead are of two general cla.s.ses:

The first cla.s.s, the so-called "soft" lead ores, nearly free from copper and precious metals, and commonly a.s.sociated with zinc ores, are found in sedimentary beds independent of igneous intrusion. They are of world-wide distribution, were the first to be extensively exploited, were at one time the dominant factor in world production of lead, and at present produce about 30 per cent of the world's total. They are represented by the deposits of the Mississippi Valley, of Silesia, and some of the Spanish deposits. The general description of the origin of the zinc ores of the Mississippi Valley on pp. 216-218 applies to this cla.s.s of lead ores. It should be noted, however, that in the princ.i.p.al United States lead-producing district, that of southeastern Missouri, the lead ores occur almost to the exclusion of the zinc ores, and are more disseminated through the limestone than is characteristic of the zinc ores. Ores of this type have been found extending only to shallow depths (not over a few hundred feet), and because of the absence of precious metals their treatment is comparatively simple.

The second cla.s.s consists of ores more complex in nature, which are found in a.s.sociation with igneous rocks, and which usually contain some or all of the metals, zinc, silver, gold, copper, iron, manganese, antimony, bis.m.u.th, and rare metals, with various gangue minerals among which quartz, siderite, and silicates are important. Today these ores are the source of about 70 per cent of the world's lead. They are represented by the lead deposits of the Rocky Mountain region (Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; Leadville, Colorado; Bingham, Utah; etc.); of Broken Hill, New South Wales; of Burma; and of many other places. They are all related to the earlier stages of the metamorphic cycle and occur in close genetic a.s.sociation with igneous activity. They include deposits in the body of igneous rocks,--in the form of well-defined veins, replacements along zones of fissuring and shearing, and disseminated ma.s.ses,--as well as veins and replacements in the rocks, particularly in limestones, adjoining igneous intrusions. The deposits present a wide variety of shapes depending on the courses of the solutions by which they were formed. The materials of the ore minerals are believed to have been derived from the igneous rocks and to have been deposited by hot solutions. The source of the solutions--whether magmatic or meteoric--presents the same problems which have been discussed elsewhere (pp. 41-42). The ores are frequently mined to great depths. Because of their complexity they require involved processes of treatment to separate out the values.

Ores of this nature have already been referred to in the discussion of the copper ores of Bingham and b.u.t.te, and will be referred to in connection with the zinc-lead-silver ores of Leadville, Colorado.

Special reference may be made here to the Coeur d'Alene district of Idaho, which is the second largest producer of lead in the United States.

The Coeur d'Alene deposits are almost unique in that they contain galena as vein-fillings and replacements in quartzite, with a gangue of siderite (iron carbonate). Quartzite (instead of limestone) is an unusual locus of replacement ores, and siderite is an unusual gangue.

These ores are believed to owe their origin to acid igneous intrusives, because of the close a.s.sociation of the ores with some of these intrusives, and because of the content of high-temperature minerals.

Some of the ore bodies are found far from intrusives, but it is supposed that in such cases further underground development may disclose the intrusives below the surface. Secondary concentration has been insignificant.

In general, weathering of lead ores at the surface and secondary sulphide enrichment below are not so extensive as in the case of copper and zinc. Galena is fairly stable in the oxide zone, and even in moist climates it is found in the outcrop of many veins. Weathering removes the more soluble materials and concentrates the lead sulphide with the residual clay and other gangue. In some districts cerussite and a little anglesite are also found in the oxide zone. The carrying down of lead in solution and its deposition below the water table as a secondary sulphide is not proved on any extensive scale. In this respect it contrasts with zinc; and when the two minerals occur together, lead is likely to be more abundant in the oxide zone, and zinc in the sulphide zone below. Such a change in composition with depth is also found in some cases as the result of primary vertical variations in the mineralization.



Zinc metal has commonly gone under the name of "spelter." Bra.s.s and galvanized iron contain zinc as an essential ingredient. Of the total United States zinc consumption in normal times, about 60 per cent is used in galvanizing iron and steel objects to protect them from rust, 20 per cent is used in the manufacture of bra.s.s and other alloys, 11 per cent goes into the form of rolled sheets for roofing, plumbing, etc., 1 per cent is employed in desilverizing lead bullion, and the remaining 8 per cent is used for pigments, electrodes, and other miscellaneous purposes. During the war the use in bra.s.s-making was greatly increased.

The zinc content of the ores mined today ranges from a little over 1-1/2 per cent in the Joplin district of Missouri, to 25 per cent and higher in some of the deposits of the Coeur d'Alene and other western camps, and over 40 per cent in certain bonanzas in British Columbia and Russia. The ores usually contain both zinc and lead in varying proportions, and sometimes gold, silver, and copper are present. Of the zinc produced in the United States, about 73 per cent is obtained from ores containing zinc as the princ.i.p.al element of value, about 25 per cent from zinc-lead ores, and 2 per cent from copper-zinc and other ores. The average grade of the straight zinc ores is about 2-1/2 per cent.

Of the world's zinc ore, the United States produces in normal times about one-third, Germany about one-fifth, Australia about 15 per cent, Italy, North Africa and Spain each about 5 per cent. The remaining 15 to 20 per cent comes from a large number of scattered sources, including j.a.pan, East Asia, Norway and Sweden, Canada, Mexico, Austria, France, Greece, Siberia, and Russia. In the near future the Bawdwin mines of Burma will probably be increasingly important producers. Large reserves of zinc also exist in the Altai Mountains of southwestern Siberia, and in the Cordilleran region of South America. In short, zinc is one of the most widely distributed of metallic resources; there is consequently less necessity for great international movements than in the case of many other commodities.

The smelting of zinc concentrates is in general carried on close to the points of consumption and where skilled labor is available, rather than at the mines,--although smelters to handle part of the output have recently been built in Australia and in Burma. In Europe the great smelting countries have been Germany and Belgium, and to a lesser extent England and France. Before the war these four countries with the United States produced over nine-tenths of the world's spelter. Belgium did princ.i.p.ally a custom business, and a large part of its exports went to England. Australian and Tasmanian zinc ores were the basis of the Belgian and English smelting industries, and also supplied about one-third of the German requirements. Since the war England has contracted to take practically the entire Australian output. This fact, in connection with war-time destruction of Belgian smelters, leaves the future of the Belgian zinc industry in some doubt. Germany may possibly lose to Poland its richest zinc mines, those of Silesia. German activity in the rich deposits of Mexico is to be expected. France controls the deposits of North Africa and satisfies a considerable part of its requirements from that source. Smaller movements of zinc include exports from Italy to England, and a complex interchange among the lesser producers of Europe. English and French zinc-smelting capacity was expanded during the war, and the industry in these countries is in a strong position. j.a.pan also developed a considerable smelting industry during the war, importing ores from eastern Asia and Australia.

The United States normally smelts and consumes all its large production of zinc ores and does not enter foreign markets to any extent. Small amounts of zinc concentrates are brought in from Mexico and Canada to be smelted in bond. During the war,--when the Allies were cut off by enemy operations from the customary Belgian and German supplies of spelter, and by shortage of ships from Australian zinc ores,--Australian, Spanish, Italian, and other ores were imported into the United States, and large quant.i.ties of spelter were exported from this country to Europe. Mine and smelter capacities were greatly increased, over-production ensued, and with the cessation of hostilities many plants were obliged to curtail or cease operations. The United States has now about 40 per cent of the zinc-smelting capacity of the world.

For the present at least the capacity is far in excess of the domestic requirements.

Before the war German control of the international zinc market was even stronger than in the case of lead. The German Zinc Syndicate, through its affiliations, joint share-holdings, ownership of mines and smelters, and especially through smelting and selling contracts, controlled directly one-half of the world's output of zinc and three-fourths of the European production. It regulated the Australian exports by means of long-term contracts, and had considerable influence in the United States. To some extent it was able to so manipulate the market that zinc outside the syndicate was also indirectly controlled. During the war political jurisdiction was used by the Allied countries to destroy this German influence.

In the United States the princ.i.p.al zinc-producing regions are the Joplin and adjacent districts of Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Arkansas, furnishing about one-third of the country's output; the Franklin Furnace district of New Jersey, and the b.u.t.te district of Montana, each yielding about one-sixth of the total supply; and the Upper Mississippi Valley district of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois, the Leadville district of Colorado, and the Coeur d'Alene district of Idaho, each producing between one-tenth and one-twentieth of the total. Smaller quant.i.ties are produced in Tennessee, New Mexico, Nevada, and several other states.

Reserves of zinc are ample for the future. They are now developed considerably in advance of probable requirements, a fact which causes keen compet.i.tion for markets and renders zinc-mining more or less sensitive to market changes.


The most important mineral of zinc is the sulphide, sphalerite or "zinc blende." The minerals of the oxide zone are smithsonite (zinc carbonate) and calamine (hydrous zinc silicate), which yield minor amounts of zinc and are especially productive at Leadville, Colorado. Zincite (zinc oxide) and willemite (zinc silicate) are the important minerals in the deposits of Franklin Furnace, New Jersey. The a.s.sociation of most deposits of zinc with more or less lead has been noted.

The ores of zinc are of two general cla.s.ses, corresponding to the two cla.s.ses of lead ores (pp. 211-212). Zinc ores of the first type are in veins and replacements in sedimentary rocks at shallow depths, independent of igneous a.s.sociation, and are supposed to have been formed by cold solutions. They are found in the Mississippi Valley, in Silesia, and in many of the smaller European deposits. They were formerly the leading zinc-producers, and now produce about 45 per cent of the world's total. Zinc ores of the second type consist of veins and replacements related to intrusive rocks, sometimes extending to considerable depths, and of more complex composition. They include most of the deposits of the American Cordilleran region (b.u.t.te, Coeur d'Alene, Leadville, etc.), of Franklin Furnace, of Australia, of Burma, and of many other places.

The zinc-lead ores of the type found in the Mississippi Valley are of special interest, in that they are sulphide ores of an origin apparently independent of igneous agencies. These ores occur as fissure-fillings and replacements, mainly in nearly flat-lying Paleozoic limestones and dolomites--the Bonne Terre dolomitic limestone of southeastern Missouri, the Boone formation of southwestern Missouri and Oklahoma, the Galena dolomite of Wisconsin and Illinois. They are variously a.s.sociated with a gangue of dolomite, calcite, quartz, iron pyrite, barite, and chert. Not infrequently they are spread out both in sheets and in disseminated form along carbonaceous layers within or at the base of the limestone.

The source of the primary sulphides has been a subject of much discussion. All are agreed that they were first deposited with the sediments in minutely dispersed form, through the agency of the organic contents of the sediments, and that such deposition was somewhat generally localized by estuarine conditions which favored the acc.u.mulation of organic remains. Many years ago, before the evidence of estuarine deposition was recognized, Chamberlin suggested an ingenious hypothesis for the northern Mississippi Valley,--that the organic material had been localized by ocean's currents forming something in the nature of a Sarga.s.so sea. Differences of opinion become acute, however, when the attempt is made to name the precise sedimentary horizon, out of several available horizons, in which for the most part this primary concentration occurred. Judging from the organic contents of the several beds, the primary source may have been below, within, or above the present ore-bearing horizons. If the ore came from the lower horizons, it was introduced into its present situation by an artesian circulation, for which the structural conditions are favorable. If the ore was derived from overlying horizons, downward moving solutions accompanying erosion did the work. If the primary source was within the horizon of present occurrence of the ores, both upward and downward moving waters may have modified and transported them locally. For each of these hypotheses a plausible case can be made; but much of the evidence can be used interchangeably for any one of them. In spite of the wealth of data available, it is astonishingly difficult to arrive at a conclusion which is exclusive of other possibilities. Without attempting to argue the matter in detail the writer merely records his view, based on some familiarity with these districts, that, on the whole, the evidence favors the acc.u.mulation of these deposits by downward moving meteoric solutions during the weathering of overlying strata; but that it is by no means certain that a part of the ores has not been derived from lower horizons. The great area of the producing districts in comparison with their depth, the uniform a.s.sociation of the ore-bearing zone with the surface regardless of geologic horizon uncovered by erosion, the failure of the ores to extend in quant.i.ty under cappings of later formations, and the known efficacy of oxidizing waters in local downward transfers of zinc and lead, seem to suggest concentrating agencies which are clearly related to surface conditions.

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The Economic Aspect of Geology Part 22 summary

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