
The Economic Aspect of Geology Part 18

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=Iron ores due to weathering of igneous rocks.= A small part of the world's iron ores, less than 1 per cent of the total production, are the result of surface alteration of serpentine rocks. These ores are mined princ.i.p.ally in Cuba (Fig. 12). Here they have been developed on a plateau-like area on which erosion is sluggish. The process of formation has been one of oxidation of the iron minerals and leaching of most of the other const.i.tuents, leaving the iron concentrated near the surface in blanket-like deposits. The minerals of the original rock contained alumina, which, like the iron, is insoluble under weathering conditions, and hence the Cuban iron ores are high in alumina. They also contain small quant.i.ties of nickel and chromium which have been concentrated with the iron. A large part of the iron minerals, especially where close to the surface, have been gathered into small shot-like nodules called _pisolites_. It is thought that the solution and redeposition of the iron by organic acids from plant roots may be at least a contributing cause in the formation of this pisolitic texture.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 12. Representing in terms of weight the mineralogical changes in the katamorphism of serpentine rock to iron ore, on the a.s.sumption that alumina has remained constant, eastern Cuba.]

The Cuban iron ores are similar in their origin to _laterites_, which are surface acc.u.mulations of clay, bauxite, and iron oxide minerals, resulting from the weathering of iron-bearing, commonly igneous, rocks.

The typical laterites carry more clay and bauxite than the Cuban iron ores, but this is due merely to the fact that the original rocks commonly carry more materials which weather to clay. In fact the Cuban iron ores are themselves, broadly speaking, laterites.

=Iron ores due to weathering of sulphide ores.= A relatively minute portion of the world's iron ore comes from the "gossans" or "iron caps"

over deposits of iron sulphides. The gossans are formed by oxidation and leaching of other minerals from the deposits, leaving limonite or hemat.i.te in concentrated ma.s.ses (see pp. 46-47).



Manganese ores are used mainly in the manufacture of steel, the alloys spiegeleisen and ferromanganese being added to the molten steel after treatment in the Bessemer converter and open-hearth furnace in order to recarburize and purify the metal. The alloy ferromanganese is also used in the production of special manganese steels. Manganese ore is used in relatively small amounts in dry batteries, in the manufacture of manganese chemicals, in gla.s.s making, and in pigments. Steel uses 95 per cent of the total manganese consumed, batteries and chemicals 5 per cent. On an average each ton of steel in the United States requires 14 pounds of metallic manganese, equivalent to 40 pounds of manganese ore.

With manganese ores, as with iron ores, the percentage of minor const.i.tuents,--phosphorus, silica, sulphur, etc.,--determines to a large extent the manner of use. Low-grade manganese ores, ranging from 10 to 35 per cent in manganese, 20 to 35 per cent in iron, and containing less than 20 per cent of silica, are used mainly in the production of the low-grade iron-manganese alloy called _spiegeleisen_ or _spiegel_ (16 to 32 per cent manganese). The higher-grade ores, ranging from 35 to 55 per cent in manganese, are used mainly in the production of the high-grade alloy called _ferromanganese_ or _ferro_, in which the manganese const.i.tutes 65 to 80 per cent of the total. To a very limited extent manganese is smelted directly with iron ores, thus lessening the amount to be introduced in the form of alloys; this, however, is regarded as wasteful use of manganese, since its effectiveness as so used is not very great. Steel makers usually prefer to introduce manganese in the form of ferromanganese rather than as spiegel. On the other hand, the ores of the United States as a whole are better adapted to the manufacture of spiegel. With the shutting off of foreign high-grade supplies during the war, resulting in the increased use of local ores, it became necessary to use larger amounts of the spiegel which could be made from these ores. Metallurgists stated that it was theoretically possible to subst.i.tute spiegel for the higher grade alloy up to 70 per cent of the total manganese requirement, but in actual practice this subst.i.tution did not get much beyond 18 per cent.

The princ.i.p.al manganese ore-producing countries in normal times are Russia, India, and Brazil. Relatively little ore is used in these countries, most of it being sent to the consuming countries of Europe and to the United States. The Indian ore has been used largely by British steel plants, but much of it also has gone to the United States, Belgium, France, and Germany. The Russian ore has been used by all five of these countries, Germany having a considerable degree of commercial control and receiving the largest part; a small quant.i.ty is also used in Russia. Brazilian ore has gone mainly to the United States, and in part to France, Germany, and England.

Smaller amounts of manganese ore have been produced in Germany, Austria-Hungary, Spain, and j.a.pan. This production has had little effect on the world situation. That produced in Austria-Hungary and Germany is used in the domestic industry. That from Spain and j.a.pan is in large part exported.

The highest grade of manganese ore comes from the Russian mines, especially those in the Caucasus region. Most of the ore used for the manufacture of dry batteries and in the chemical industry, where high-grade ores are required, has come from Russia. By far the larger part of the Russian production, however, has gone into steel manufacture. Indian and Brazilian ores have likewise been used mainly in the steel industry. Some j.a.panese ore also is of high grade and is used for chemical and battery purposes.

Nature has not endowed the United States very abundantly with manganese ores, and such as are known are widely scattered, of relatively small tonnage, and of a wide range of grade. The princ.i.p.al producing districts are the Philipsburg district of Montana and the Cuyuna Range of Minnesota; there are also scattering supplies in Virginia, Arizona, California, and many other states. The use of domestic ores has sometimes been unsatisfactory, because of frequent failure of domestic producers to deliver amounts and grades contracted for. It has been, on the whole, cheaper, easier, and more satisfactory for the large consumers to purchase the imported ore, which is delivered in any desired amount and in uniform grades, rather than to try to a.s.semble usable mixtures from various parts of the country.

Before the European War, the United States produced only 1 to 2 per cent of its needed supply of manganese, the rest being imported mainly from India, Russia, and Brazil, in the form of ore, and from England in the form of ferromanganese (about half of the total requirement). The partial closing of the first two and the fourth of these sources of supply under war conditions made it necessary to turn for ore to Brazil and also to Cuba, where American interests developed a considerable industry in medium-grade ores. At the same time steps were taken to develop domestic resources; and with the high prices imposed by war conditions, the domestic production, both of high- and low-grade ore, was increased largely, but still was able to supply only 35 per cent of the total requirements of manganese.

At the close of the war sufficient progress had been made--in the discovery of many new deposits in the United States, in the use of low-grade domestic ores, which before had not been able to compete with imported ores, and in the increased use of spiegel, allowing wider use of low-grade ores,--to demonstrate that, if absolutely necessary, and at high cost, the United States in another year or two could have been nearly self-sufficing in regard to its manganese requirements. The release of shipping from war demands resulted immediately in larger offerings of foreign manganese ore and of ferromanganese from England, at prices which would not allow of compet.i.tion from much of the domestic or Cuban ore production or from the domestic manufacture of alloys. The result was a rather dramatic closing down of the manganese industry, with much financial loss, the pa.s.sage of a bill for reimburs.e.m.e.nt of producers, and a demand on the part of the producers, though not of consumers, for a protective tariff. In the questions thus raised it is desirable that geologists and engineers professionally connected with the industry thoroughly understand the basic facts; for they are liable to be called upon for advice, not only on questions relating to domestic supplies affected by possible future foreign policies, but on the formulation of the policies themselves. Conservation, cheaper steel, and future trade relations of the United States all require consideration, before action is taken to protect this one of several similarly situated mineral industries, in the effort to make the country self-supporting.

These questions are further dealt with in Chapters XVII and XVIII.

Manganese production was also developed during the war in the Gold Coast of West Africa, in Costa Rica, in Panama, in Java, and elsewhere; but with the possible exception of Java and Chile, none of these sources are likely to be factors in the world situation. The war-developed manganese production of Italy, France, Sweden, and United Kingdom is also unlikely to continue on any important scale.


Like iron ores, manganese ores consist princ.i.p.ally of the oxides of manganese (pyrolusite, psilomelane, manganite, wad, and others), and rarely the carbonate of manganese (rhodochrosite). They are similar in their geologic occurrence to many of the iron ores and are often mixed with iron ores as manganiferous iron ores and ferruginous manganese ores.

The higher grade manganese ores are of two general types. Those of the Caucasus district in Russia are sedimentary beds, oolitic in texture, which were originally deposited as rather pure manganese oxides, and which have undergone little secondary concentration. They are mined in many places in much the same manner as coal. Those of India and Brazil are chiefly surface concentrations of the manganese oxides, formed by the weathering of underlying rocks which contain manganese carbonates and silicates. The origin of the primary manganese minerals in the Indian and in some of the Brazilian deposits is obscure. In others of the Brazilian ores, the manganese was deposited in sedimentary layers interbedded with siliceous "iron formations," and the whole series has subsequently been altered and recrystallized.

The manganese ores of Philipsburg, Montana, the princ.i.p.al large high-grade deposits mined in the United States, were derived by surface weathering from manganese carbonates which form replacements in limestone near the contact with a great batholith of granodiorite. The primary manganese minerals probably owe their origin to hot magmatic solutions, as suggested by the close a.s.sociation of the ores with the igneous rock, the presence of minerals containing chlorine, fluorine, and boron, and the development in the limestone of dense silicates and mineral a.s.sociations characteristic of hot-water alteration. The manganese ores are mined princ.i.p.ally in the oxidized zone. Rich silver ores are found below the water table, but mainly in veins independent of the manganese deposits.

At b.u.t.te, Montana, a little high-grade manganese material has been obtained from the unoxidized pink manganese carbonate, which is a common mineral in some of the veins. It is a.s.sociated with quartz and metallic sulphides and is similar in origin to the copper ores of the same district (pp. 201-202).

The lower-grade and the more ferruginous manganese ores are of a somewhat similar origin to the princ.i.p.al high-grade ores, in that they represent surface concentrations of the oxides from smaller percentages of the carbonates and silicates in the rocks below. Deposits of this nature have been derived from a wide variety of parent rocks--from contact zones around igneous intrusions, from fissure veins of various origins, from calcareous and clayey sediments, and from slates and schists. The manganese and manganiferous iron ores of the Cuyuna district of Minnesota, the largest source of low-grade ores in this country, were formed by the action of weathering processes on sedimentary beds of manganese and iron carbonates const.i.tuting "iron formations." The process is the same as the concentration of Lake Superior iron ores described elsewhere.

Manganese, like iron, is less soluble than most of the rock const.i.tuents, and tends to remain in the outcrop under weathering conditions. To some extent also it is dissolved and reprecipitated, and is thus gathered into concretions and irregular nodular deposits in the residual clays. In some cases it is closely a.s.sociated with iron minerals; in others, due to its slightly greater solubility, it has been separated from the iron and segregated into relatively pure ma.s.ses. With manganese, as with iron, katamorphic processes are responsible for the concentration of most of the ores. The ores are in general surface products, and rarely extend to depths of over a hundred feet.



The princ.i.p.al use of chrome ores is in the making of the alloy ferrochrome (60 to 70 per cent chromium), used for the manufacture of chrome, chrome-nickel, and other steels. These steels have great toughness and hardness, and are used for armor-plate, projectiles, high-speed cutting tools, automobile frames, safe-deposit vaults, and other purposes. Chrome ore is used also both in the crude form and in the form of bricks for refractory linings in furnaces, chiefly open-hearth steel furnaces; and as the raw material for bichromates and other chemicals, which are used in paints and in tanning of leather. In the United States in normal times about 35 per cent of the total chromite consumed is used in the manufacture of ferrochrome, and about 35 per cent for bichromate manufacture, leaving 30 per cent for refractory and other purposes.

In the higher commercial grades of chrome ore the percentage of chromic oxide is 45 to 55 per cent, but under war conditions ore as low as 30 per cent in Cr_{2}O_{3} was mined. Recovery of chrome from slags resulting from the smelting of chromiferous iron ores was one of the war-time developments.

The princ.i.p.al chromite-producing countries in normal times are New Caledonia, and Rhodesia (controlled by French and British interests), and to a somewhat lesser extent Russia and Turkey (Asia Minor). Small amounts of chromite are mined in Greece, India, j.a.pan, and other countries. The Indian deposits in particular are large and high-grade but have been handicapped by inadequate transportation. The production of chrome ore in New Caledonia, Rhodesia, Russia, and Turkey has usually amounted to more than 90 per cent of the total world's production. The ore from New Caledonia has been used by France, Germany, England, and to some extent by the United States. Rhodesian ore has been used by the United States and the princ.i.p.al European consumers. Latterly more Rhodesian ore has gone to Europe and more Caledonian ore to the United States. The Russian ore has been in part used in Russia and in part exported, probably going mainly to France and Germany. The Turkish ore has been exported to the United States, England, and Germany; it probably supplied most of Germany's chromite requirements during the war.

During the war the United States was temporarily an important producer, as were also Canada, Brazil, Cuba, and to a minor degree Guatemala.

The richest chrome ore mined at present comes from Guatemala, but the mines are relatively inaccessible. The New Caledonian, Rhodesian, Russian, Turkish, and Indian ores are also of high grade. The ores mined in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Cuba, Greece, and j.a.pan are of lower grade.

The use of domestic chromite supplies in the United States presents much the same problem as does manganese. The ore bodies are small, scattered, and of a generally law grade. War-time experience showed that they could be made to meet a large part of the United States requirements, but at high cost and at the risk of early exhaustion of reserves. California and Oregon are the princ.i.p.al sources, and incidental amounts have been produced in Washington, Wyoming, and some of the Atlantic states. With the resumption of compet.i.tion from foreign high-grade ores at the close of the war, the domestic mining industry was practically wiped out; the consequences being financial distress, partial direct relief from Congress, and consideration of the possibilities of a protective tariff,--which in this case would have to be a large one to accomplish the desired results (see Chapters XVII and XVIII).


The princ.i.p.al chrome mineral is chromite, an oxide of chromium and iron.

Chromite is a common minor const.i.tuent of basic igneous rocks of the peridot.i.te and pyroxenite type. In these rocks it occurs both as disseminated grains, and as stringers, and large irregular ma.s.ses which probably represent magmatic segregations. Alteration, and weathering of the parent rock, forming first serpentine and then residual clays, make the chromite bodies progressively richer and more available, by leaching out the soluble const.i.tuents of the rock leaving the chromite as residual concentrates. All the important chromite deposits of the world are a.s.sociated in somewhat this manner with serpentine or related rocks. They are formed in the same way as the lateritic iron ores of Cuba, and from the same sort of rocks (pp. 171-173). Chromite is very insoluble, and the mechanical breaking down of deposits and transportation by streams frequently forms placers of chrome sands and gravels. Such placers have not been worked to any extent.

Katamorphic processes give the important values to chromite deposits.



The princ.i.p.al use of nickel is in the manufacture of nickel steel, the most important of all alloy steels. Ordinary nickel steels carry about 3-1/2 per cent nickel. Nickel is used in all gun and armor-plate steels, and in practically all other good steels except tool steels. It is also extensively alloyed with other metals, particularly with copper to form the strong non-corrosive metal (monel metal) used for ship propellers and like purposes. Nickel is also used for electroplating, for nickel coins, for chemicals, etc. Of the total production about 60 per cent is used in steels, 20 per cent in non-ferrous alloys and 20 per cent in miscellaneous uses. The ores mined range from 2 to 6 per cent in metallic nickel.

Canada (Sudbury, Ontario) produces over three-fourths of the world's nickel and is likely to have an even greater share of the future production. The French supply from New Caledonia is second in importance, and minor amounts are produced in Norway and in several other countries. The control and movement of the Canadian and New Caledonian supplies are the salient features of the world nickel situation. Nickel leaves the producing countries mostly as matte.

Canadian matte has been refined mainly in the United States, but the tendency is toward refining a larger proportion in Canada. In Europe there are refineries in France, England, Belgium, Germany, and Norway, which normally treat the bulk of the New Caledonian and some of the Canadian production. Small quant.i.ties of New Caledonian matte or ore are also refined in j.a.pan, and during the war considerable amounts came to the United States.

The United States now produces perhaps 10 per cent of its normal requirements of nickel from domestic sources, princ.i.p.ally as a by-product of copper refining. However, the United States has a large financial interest in the Canadian deposits, and refines most of the matte produced from Sudbury ores in a New Jersey refinery. Shipments to Europe of Canadian nickel refined in the United States have been a feature of the world's trade in the past.

The nickel-bearing iron ores of Cuba, consumed in the United States, const.i.tute a potential nickel supply of some importance, if processes of preparation become commercially perfected.

Known supplies of nickel in Canada and New Caledonia are ample for a considerable future, and geologic conditions promise additional discoveries at least in the former field. The probable reserves of the Sudbury district have been estimated to be fully 100,000,000 tons, which would supply the world's normal pre-war requirements for about a hundred years.

In recent years the British and Canadian governments have taken an active interest in the nickel industry. They organized a joint commission for its investigation, the report[31] of which furnishes the most comprehensive view of the world nickel situation yet available. The British government has directly invested in shares of the British-American Nickel Company, and has negotiated European contracts for sale of nickel for this company. The Canadian government has exerted some pressure toward larger refining of nickel matte in Canada.


The princ.i.p.al ore minerals are the nickel sulphides and a.r.s.enides (particularly pentlandite, but also millerite, niccolite, and others), which are found at Sudbury intergrown with the iron and copper sulphides, pyrrhot.i.te and chalcopyrite; and the hydrated nickel-magnesium silicates (garnierite and genthite), which are products of weathering. The richer ores of Canada contain about 5 or 6 per cent of nickel, the New Caledonian ores less than 2 per cent. The Sudbury ores carry also an average of about 1.5 per cent of copper.

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