
The Economic Aspect of Geology Part 10

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Geologists have been especially interested in the causes of plasticity of clay and in its manner of hardening when dried. In general these phenomena have been found to be due to content of colloidal substances of a clayey nature, which serve not only to hold the substance together during plastic flow but to bind it during drying. The part played by colloids in the formation of clays, as well as of many other mineral products, is now a question which is receiving intensive study.

The same processes which produce clay also produce, under special conditions, iron ores, bauxites, the oxide zones of many sulphide ore bodies, and soils, all of which are referred to on other pages.


In general the qualities of the earth materials which determine their availability for use are only to a minor extent the qualities which the geologist ordinarily considers for mapping and descriptive purposes. The usual geological map and report on a district indicate the distribution and general nature of the common rocks, and also the extent to which they are being used as mineral resources. Seldom, however, is there added a sufficiently precise description, for instance of a clay, to enable the reader to determine which, if any, of the many different uses the material might be put to. The variety of uses is so great, and the technical requirements for different purposes are so varied and so variable, that it is almost impossible to make a description which is sufficiently comprehensive, and at the same time sufficiently exact, to give all the information desired for economic purposes. If the geologist is interested in disclosing the commercial possibilities in the raw materials of an area, he may select some of the more promising features and subject them to the technical a.n.a.lysis necessary to determine their availability for special uses. In this phase of his work he may find it necessary to enlist the cooperation of skilled technicians and laboratories in the various special fields. The problem is simplified if the geologist is hunting for a particular material for a specific purpose, for then he fortifies himself with a knowledge of the particular qualities needed and directs his field and laboratory study accordingly.

Too often the geologist fails to recognize the complexity and definiteness of the qualities required, and makes statements and recommendations on the use of raw materials based on somewhat general geologic observations. On the other hand, the engineer, or the manufacturer, or the builder often goes wrong and spends money needlessly, by failing to take into consideration general geologic features which may be very helpful in determining the distribution, amount, and general characters of the raw materials needed.

It is difficult to draw the line between the proper fields of the geologist and those of the engineer, the metallurgist, and other technicians. It is highly desirable that the specialist in any one of these fields know at least of the existence of the other fields and something of their general nature. Too often his actions indicate he is not acutely conscious even of the existence of these related branches of knowledge. The extent and detail to which the geologist will familiarize himself with these other fields will of course vary with his training and the circ.u.mstances of his work. Whatever his limit is, it should be definitely recognized; his work should be thorough up to this limit and his efforts should not be wasted in fields which he is not best qualified to investigate.

These remarks apply rather generally to mineral resources, but they are particularly pertinent in relation to the common rock materials which the geologist is daily handling,--for he is likely to a.s.sume that he knows all about them and that he is qualified to give professional advice to industries using them. In connection with metallic resources, the metallurgical and other technical requirements are likely to be more definitely recognized and the lines more sharply drawn, with the result that the geologist is perhaps not so likely to venture into problems which he is not qualified to handle.

The limits to geologic work here discussed are not necessarily limits separating scientific from non-scientific work. The study and determination of the qualities of rocks necessary for commercial purposes is fully as scientific as a study of the qualities commonly considered in purely geologic work, and the results of technical commercial investigations may be highly illuminating from a purely geological standpoint. When a field of scientific endeavor has been established by custom, any excursion beyond traditional limits is almost sure to be regarded by conservatives in the field as non-scientific, and to be lightly regarded. The writer is fully conscious of the existence of limits and the necessity for their recognition; but he would explain his caution in exceeding these limits on the ground of training and effectiveness, rather than on fear that he is becoming tainted with non-scientific matters the moment he steps beyond the boundaries of his traditional field.


Soils are not ordinarily listed as mineral resources; but as weathered and altered rock of great economic value, they belong nearly at the head of the list of mineral products.


Soil originate from rocks, igneous, sedimentary, and "metamorphic" by processes of weathering, and by the mixing of the altered mineral products with decayed plant remains or _humus_. The humus averages perhaps 3 or 4 per cent of the soil ma.s.s and sometimes const.i.tutes as much as 75 per cent. Not all weathered rock is soil in the agricultural sense. For this purpose the term is mainly restricted to the upper few inches or feet penetrated by plant roots.

The general process of soil formation const.i.tutes one of the most important phases of katamorphism--the destructive side of the metamorphic cycle, described in Chapter II. Processes of katamorphism or weathering, usually accompanied by the formation of soils, affect the surface rocks over practically all the continental areas.

The weathering of a highly acid igneous rock with much quartz produces a residual soil with much quartz. The weathering of a basic igneous rock without quartz produces a clay soil without quartz, which may be high in iron. Where disintegration has been important the soil contains an abundance of the original silicates of the rock, and less of the altered minerals.

The production of soil from sedimentary rocks involves the same processes as alter igneous rocks; but, starting from rocks of different composition, the result is of course different in some respects.

Sandstones by weathering yield only a sandy soil. Limestones lose their calcium carbonate by solution, leaving only clay with fragments of quartz or chert as impurities. A foot of soil may represent the weathering of a hundred feet of limestone. Shales may weather into products more nearly like those of the weathering of igneous rocks.

Silicates in the shales are broken down to form clay, which is mixed with the iron oxide and quartz.

In some localities the soil may acc.u.mulate to a considerable depth, allowing the processes of weathering to go to an extreme; in others the processes may be interrupted by erosion, which sweeps off the weathered products at intermediate stages of decomposition and may leave a very thin and little decomposed soil.

Soils formed by weathering may remain in place as residual soils, or they may be transported, sorted, and redeposited, either on land or under water. It is estimated by the United States Bureau of Soils[14]

that upward of 90 per cent of the soils of the United States which have been thus far mapped owe their occurrence and distribution to transportation by moving water, air, and ice (glaciers), and that less than 10 per cent have remained in place above their parent rock.

Glaciers may move the weathered rock products, or they may grind the fresh rocks into a powder called _rock flour_, and thus form soils having more nearly the chemical composition of the unaltered rocks.

Glacial soils are ordinarily rather poorly sorted, while wind and water-borne soils are more likely to show a high degree of sorting.

The character of a transported soil is less closely related to the parent rock than is that of a residual soil, because the processes of sorting and mixture of materials from different sources intervene to develop deposits of a nature quite different from residual soils; but even transported soil may sometimes be traced to a known rock parentage.

Where deposited under water, soil materials may be brought above the water by physiographic changes, and exposed at the surface in condition for immediate use. Or, they may become buried by other sediments and not be exposed again until after they have been pretty well hardened and cemented,--in which case they must again undergo the softening processes of weathering before they become available for use. Where soils become buried under other rocks and become hardened, they are cla.s.sed as sedimentary rocks and form a part of the geologic record. Many residual and transported soils are to be recognized in the geologic column; in fact a large number of the sedimentary rocks ordinarily dealt with in stratigraphic geology are really transported soils.

The development of soils by weathering should not be regarded as a special process of rock alteration, unrelated to processes producing other mineral products. Exactly the same processes that produce soils may yield important deposits of iron ore, bauxite, and clay, and they cause also secondary enrichment of many metallic mineral deposits. For instance the weathering of a syenite rock containing no quartz, under certain conditions, as in Arkansas, results in great bauxite deposits which are truly soils and are useful as such,--but which happen to be more valuable because of their content of bauxite. The weathering of a basic igneous rock, as in Cuba, may produce important residual iron ore deposits, which are also used as soils. Weathering of ferruginous limestone may produce residual iron and manganese ores in clay soils.


The mineral ingredients in soils which are essential for plant growth include water, potash, lime, magnesia, nitrates, sulphur, and phosphoric acid--all of which are subordinate in amount to the common products of weathering (pp. 20-22, 23-24). Of these const.i.tuents magnesia is almost invariably present in sufficient quant.i.ty; while potash, nitrates, lime, sulphur, and phosphoric acid, although often sufficiently abundant in virgin soil, when extracted from the soils by plant growth are liable to exhaustion under ordinary methods of cultivation, and may need to be replenished by fertilizers (Chapter VII). Some soils may be so excessively high in silica, iron, or other const.i.tuents, that the remaining const.i.tuents are in too small amounts for successful plant growth.

Even where soils originally have enough of all the necessary chemical elements, one soil may support plant growth and another may not, for the reason that the necessary const.i.tuents are soluble and hence available to the plant roots in one case and are not soluble in the other. Plainly the mineral combinations in which the various elements occur are important factors in making them available for plant use. Similarly a soil of a certain chemical and mineralogical composition may be fruitful under one set of climatic conditions and a soil of like composition may be barren at another locality--indicating that availability of const.i.tuents is also determined by climatic and other conditions of weathering. Even with the same chemical composition and the same climatic conditions, there may be such differences in texture between various soils as to make them widely different in yield.

The unit of soil cla.s.sification is the _soil type_, which is a soil having agricultural unity, as determined by texture, chemical character, topography, and climate. The types commonly named are clay, clay loam, silt loam, loam, fine sandy loam, sandy loam, fine sand, and sand. In general the soil materials are so heterogeneous and so remote from specific rock origin, that in such cla.s.sification the geologic factor of origin is not taken into account. More broadly, soils may be cla.s.sified into provinces on the basis of geography, similar physiographic conditions, and similarity of parent rocks; for instance, the soils of the Piedmont plateau province, of the arid southwest region, of the glacial and loessal province, etc. In such cla.s.sification the geologic factors are more important. Soils within a province may be subdivided into "soil series" on the basis of common types of sub-soils, relief, drainage, and origin.


While the desirability of particular soils is related in a broad way to the character of the parent rocks, and while by geologic knowledge certain territories can be predicated in advance as being more favorable than others to the development of good soils, so many other factors enter into the question that the geologic factor may be a subordinate one. A soil expert finds a knowledge of geology useful as a basis for a broad study of his subject; but in following up its intricacies he gives attention mainly to other factors, such as the availability of common const.i.tuents for plant use, the existence and availability of minute quant.i.ties of materials not ordinarily regarded as important by the geologist, the climatic conditions, and the texture. As the geologic factors are many of them comparatively simple, much of the expert work on soils requires only elementary and empirical knowledge of geology.

The geologist, although he may understand fully the origin of soils and may indicate certain broad features, must acquire a vast technique not closely related to geology before he becomes effective in soil survey work and diagnosis.

For these reasons the mapping and cla.s.sification of soils, while often started by geologists of state or federal surveys, have in their technical development and application now pa.s.sed largely into the hands of soil experts in the special soil surveys affiliated with the U. S.

Department of Agriculture and with agricultural colleges.


[13] A good summary of this subject may be found in _Engineering Geology_, by H. Ries and T. L. Watson, Wiley and Sons, 2d ed., 1915.

[14] Marbut, Curtis F., Soils of the United States: _Bull. 96, Bureau of Soils_, 1913, p. 10.




Soils are weathered rock more or less mixed with organic material. The weathering processes forming soils are in the field of geologic investigation, but the study of soils in relation to agriculture requires attention to texture and to several of their very minor const.i.tuents which have little geologic significance. Soil study has therefore become a highly specialized and technicalized subject,--for which a geological background is essential, but which is usually beyond the range of the geologist. To supply substances which are deficient in soils, however, requires the mining, quarrying, or extraction of important mineral resources, and in this part of the soil problem the geologist is especially interested.

Soils may be originally deficient in nitrates, phosphates, or potash; or the continued cropping of soils may take out these materials faster than the natural processes of nature supply them. In some soils there are sufficient phosphates and potash to supply all plant needs indefinitely; but the weathering and alteration processes, through which these materials are rendered soluble and available for plant life, in most cases are unable to keep up with the depletion caused by cropping. A ton of wheat takes out of the soil on an average 47 pounds of nitrogen, 18 pounds of phosphoric acid, 12 pounds of potash. On older soils in Europe it has been found necessary to use on an average 200 pounds of mixed mineral fertilizers annually per acre. On the newer soils of the United States the average thus far used has been less than one-seventh of this amount. The United States has thus far been using up the original materials stored in the soil by nature, but these have not been sufficient to yield anything like the crop output per acre of the more highly fertilized soils of Europe.

In addition to the nitrates, phosphates, and pota.s.sium salts, important amounts of lime and sulphuric acid, and some gypsum, are used in connection with soils. Lime is derived from crushed limestone (pp.

82-83), and is used primarily to counteract acidity or sourness of the soil; it is, therefore, only indirectly related to fertilizers.

Sulphuric acid is used to treat rock phosphates to make them more soluble and available to plant life. It requires the mining of pyrite and sulphur. Gypsum, under the name of "land-plaster," is applied to soils which are deficient in the sulphur required for plant life; increase in its use in the future seems probable. There are also considerable amounts of inert mineral substances which are used as fillers in fertilizers to give bulk to the product, but which have no agricultural value. The proportions of the fertilizer substances used in the United States are roughly summarized in Figure 4.

The United States possesses abundant supplies of two of the chief mineral substances entering into commercial fertilizers,--phosphate rock and the sulphur-bearing materials necessary to treat it. For potash the United States is dependent on Europe, unless the domestic industry is very greatly fostered under protective tariff. For the mineral nitrates the United States has been dependent on Chile, and because of the cheapness of the supply will doubtless continue to draw heavily from this source. However, because of the domestic development of plants for the fixation of nitrogen from the air, the recovery of nitrogen from coal in the by-product processes, and the use of nitrogenous plants, the United States is likely to require progressively less of the mineral nitrates from Chile.

The fertilizer industry of the United States is yet in its infancy and is likely to have a large growth. Furthermore much remains to be learned about the mixing of fertilizers and the amounts and kinds of materials to be used. The importance of sulphur as a plant food has been realized comparatively recently. The use of fertilizers in the United States has come partly through education and the activity of agricultural schools and partly through advertising by fertilizer companies. The increased use of potash has been due largely to the propaganda of the German sales agents. An examination of a map showing distribution of the use of fertilizers over the country indicates very clearly the erratic distribution of the effects of these various activities. One locality may use large amounts, while adjacent territory of similar physical conditions uses little. The sudden withdrawal of fertilizers for a period of three or four years during the war had very deleterious effects in some localities, but was not so disastrous as expected in others,--emphasizing the fact that the use of fertilizers has been partly fortuitous and not nicely adjusted to specific needs.



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