
The Burning of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania Part 3

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I also append to the foregoing the following graphic letter in the Pittsburgh Evening Chronicle, afterwards copied in the Chambersburg Franklin Repository. It is from the pen of the Rev. S. J. Niccolls, the esteemed pastor of the Presbyterian congregation in this place.

"So much misapprehension exists in many quarters concerning the facts connected with the burning of Chambersburg, that it has become a matter of justice to a wronged and suffering community to state them fully to the public. Many things have been written concerning this calamity, true in themselves, but disconnected from their attending circ.u.mstances, and so the most injurious impressions have been made on the minds of those who live remote from the border. A connected and truthful narrative of this sad event, it is hoped, will correct these.

"The history of the past month commences with the advance of Early up the Shenandoah, and the invasion of Maryland. The enemy, about fifteen hundred strong, soon occupied Hagerstown, and it was believed that they intended a raid on Chambersburg. At this time there were three hundred soldiers in the place, under command of General Couch, the whole number available in his department. The citizens rallied around these, and determined to defend the town. Barricades were thrown across the streets, cannon planted, houses occupied by sharpshooters, and every preparation made for defence. Soon, however, the enemy fell back across the Potomac, and the invasion was declared to be ended. The small body of troops under General Couch were withdrawn to protect the national Capital, and we were left defenceless. We were a.s.sured, however, that the fords of the Potomac were well guarded, and a large army lay between us and the rebels. The very papers in New York which now condemn us for our apathy were daily a.s.suring us that it was "all quiet on the Potomac," and that the enemy had fallen back. We were soon startled from our dream of security by the announcement that General Crooks had been defeated, and the rebels were again advancing to invade Pennsylvania.

"We did not then take arms, because it was plain to every one that if the forces of Crooks and Averill could not resist their advance, it would be folly in a few citizens to attempt it. We had seen an invasion once before, and knew what it meant. Antic.i.p.ating a repet.i.tion of the scenes of last year, the people of the county began to remove their stock and valuables. In the midst of conflicting rumors nothing could be learned of the movements of the enemy until Friday, July 29th. In the afternoon of that day it was known that they had crossed the Potomac, and were advancing rapidly on Chambersburg. We also learned from Mercersburg that the invading force was three thousand strong, or as it afterwards appeared, by actual count, thirty-one hundred, with six pieces of artillery. To meet this force there were in the town one hundred soldiers, with two pieces of artillery, and the citizens capable of bearing arms.

The number of the latter would not reach three hundred, a large portion of the population being already in the army, and quite a number absent, attending to the removal of their horses and valuables. The citizens who remained were willing to defend the place, had it been deemed practicable by General Couch; but with this small and inadequate force at his disposal, it seemed like courting destruction for the town to attempt its defence. A show of resistance, which none could hope would be successful, would only give them a pretext for burning. No word could be obtained from General Averill, who was then near Greencastle, though the most earnest efforts were made by General Couch to obtain his a.s.sistance.

"At four o'clock A. M. on Sat.u.r.day the military authorities left, and soon after the combined forces of McCausland and Bradley Johnson were placed in line of battle upon the range of hills commanding the town. The Eighth Virginia regiment, numbering about five hundred men, was thrown forward into the streets. These were detailed to burn the place....

"The scene that speedily followed is indescribable in its horrors. The soldiers went from house to house, bursting open the doors with planks and axes, and entering, split up the furniture to kindle the fire, or else scattered combustible materials in the closets and along the stairways, and then applied the torch. In a little over half an hour the whole town was fired, so complete were their arrangements to accomplish their h.e.l.lish designs. No time was given the inhabitants to save anything. The first warning of danger most of them had was the kindling of the fire in their houses, and even the few articles that some caught up in their flight were seized by the soldiers and flung back into the flames. Many such instances have come to the writer's knowledge, that in their dark malignity almost surpa.s.s belief. The aged, the sick, the dying, and the dead were carried out from their burning homes; mothers with babes in their arms, and surrounded by their frightened little ones, fled through the streets, jeered and taunted by the brutal soldiery. Indeed their escape seemed almost a miracle, as the streets were in a blaze from one end to the other, and they were compelled to flee through a long road of fire. Had not the day been perfectly calm, many must have perished in the flames.

"The conflagration in its height was a scene of surpa.s.sing grandeur and terror. A tall black column of smoke rose up to the very skies; around it were wrapped long streamers of flames, writhing and twisting themselves into a thousand fantastic shapes, while through it, as though they were prayers carried heavenward by the incense of some great altar sacrifice, there went up on the smoky, flame-riven clouds the cries and shrieks of the women and children. But the moment of greatest alarm was not reached until some of the more humane of the rebel officers warned the women to flee, if they wished to escape violence to their persons. We cannot, in this letter, describe the scenes of the sad flight which followed.

"The ferocity of the rebel soldiers during this affair seems almost incredible. With all their fierce pa.s.sions unrestrained, they seemed to revel in the work of destruction. An aged elder of the Presbyterian church was taken from his house and robbed; the building was fired while his wife, aged and infirm, was still in it. Upon his return, it was with the utmost difficulty she was saved. Escape by the street was impossible, and they were compelled to flee to a little garden in the rear of the house, where they sat for hours, surrounded by fire. The rebel Gilmore forbade a lady to remove her trunks from her house, and upon her telling him to his face what she thought of his conduct, he drew his pistol and declared "he would blow out her brains if she did not take that back." Many such instances, and worse, might be recorded. There were, indeed, some among them who acted humanely, refusing to do the work a.s.signed them, but they were exceptions.

"As soon as the town was thoroughly fired at all points, the rebels fell back. On their way out they burned the residence of the County Superintendent of Public Schools, because, as they told his family, 'he had taught negroes.' Two hours after their departure, General Averill entered the town, and we were once more inside the Union lines.

"Such is the story of the burning of Chambersburg. These outlines, however, form a poor picture of the reality. The blackened ruins of this once beautiful town must first be seen before the calamity can be understood, and not then, for it is only by looking at it in detail, by understanding the peculiar sadness there is in each separate loss, and seeing the strange diversity of sorrow there is in this common woe, that one can realize the full extent of the ruin. Eleven squares of blackened ruins and over three millions of dollars in property consumed is the outward estimate of the loss. But who can write the history of two thousand people suddenly made homeless, dashed from affluence to poverty, torn violently from the sacred a.s.sociations of the past, and driven forth houseless wanderers among strangers?

"The question is often asked, 'Who is responsible for this calamity?' Many coldly and unhesitatingly lay it upon the citizens themselves; but surely it is not necessary to argue that a few hundred citizens could not have resisted successfully three thousand veteran soldiers with six pieces of artillery. Many, too, have blamed General Couch, and false representations have gone forth that the citizens were greatly incensed against him. The writer of this letter has had peculiar opportunities of knowing the true state of the case, and would ask attention to the following facts. When General Couch took command of this department one year ago, he urged upon the citizens the necessity of forming organizations for home defence. His appeal was readily responded to, and all the citizens in the borough capable of bearing arms enrolled themselves in some organization. General Couch then made application to the War Department, asking that we might be uniformed and enrolled in the general service, so that, if we were ever overpowered, we would be treated as prisoners of war and not as guerrillas. This request was denied. He then proceeded to organize a cavalry force, from what was known as the 'six months' men,' for the defence of the border. Many of our citizens enlisted in this force. It was kept on the border until their term of service expired, when they re-enlisted for three years. But their new organization was scarcely completed, before they were taken from this department and sent to the Army of the Potomac. General Couch then proceeded to organize the 'Provost regiment, for special service in his department.' This was filled up to 1200 men, and then, as with the rest, taken from him by order of the Secretary of War. These gone, scarce a corporal's guard was left under his command.

"Two weeks before the advance of Early up the valley, General Couch renewed the request of last year, asking that the citizens might be armed and enrolled; stating, also, that they were ready to attempt their own defence. This was again denied. Then followed the request made by Governor Curtin, and endorsed by General Couch, which is already published in the Governor's Message. At the time of the invasion of Maryland the whole of the available force in the Department of the Susquehanna did not exceed three hundred men; and during the raid on Chambersburg, General Couch had but one hundred and thirty-five men under his command. Nor is he to blame for the smallness of this number. He had during this month of alarm organized six regiments of one hundred days' men; but these, as soon as equipped, were ordered to Washington by the Secretary of War. Such are the facts in the case. We make no comments on the propriety of leaving the border thus defenceless. Its security is perhaps a small matter compared with the strengthening of our armies elsewhere. We only say, General Couch is not to blame. He did everything a brave, earnest and faithful officer could do to avert this calamity.

"Many also are under the impression that this place was disloyal, and consequently they have no sympathy with us in our affliction. Nothing does greater injustice to our suffering community than this. No town of its size in Pennsylvania has fewer "sympathizers" with the rebellion than Chambersburg. Its quotas have always been filled by volunteers, and many of its best citizens have fallen on the field of battle. Such was and such is the spirit of the inhabitants. The affliction into which they have fallen is so great that, were it the result of their own neglect, common charity should teach others to speak of them kindly. But they do not wish to be excused; they only ask to be judged by the facts in the case. The writer has stated such facts as he knows to be true, and subscribes his name to them.




A gentleman has just handed me the "Lutheran and Missionary" of Philadelphia, of August 11, in which I find the following excellent article, which, with a few omissions, is here subjoined. It is from the pen of our worthy townsman, Mr. John K. Shryock, who, as well as his brother, Samuel S. Shryock, have for years carried on a large business in the "Mansion House" as booksellers, and were among the many heavy sufferers by the fire. After alluding to the circ.u.mstances attending the advent of the insurgents, he says:

"I was in my house with my wife and two little children, and also a lady whose husband was taken to Richmond last summer, her little boy, and sister. The earliest warning we received was from the stifling smoke that poured through the house, and from some one knocking at the door and crying: 'If there is any one in this house, for G.o.d's sake leave, for it is all on fire.' I gathered my family together, and left with nothing but the clothes I had upon my person, two of the ladies not having time even to get their bonnets. Having gotten them out of the house, I ascended the stairs to see if any had been left behind in the haste. After having examined all the rooms, I met two of the infuriated wretches rushing up the stairs as I hurried down. At this time the house was filled with blinding smoke. I locked the front door, hoping that the unwelcome visitors would not be able to find their way out.

"I immediately hurried after my charge, and found them struggling their way through the streets, thronged with homeless women and children, the pavements blocked up by the rebels, who had ridden their horses in every imaginable way to hinder the course of the fugitives. The streets were filled with smoke and flame, and almost impa.s.sable. After we had reached a temporary shelter, my wife returned to the scene of destruction, as a bird to its nest, and on her way was stopped before a burning house, in which a corpse was lying, and a little child at the point of death. The dead woman was gotten out with difficulty, and buried in the garden without shroud or coffin, and the child was barely rescued and placed in her arms, when an officer in front of the house called out to his men: 'Boys, remember Hunter!' She ran up to him, uncovered the child, and said: 'Here is a dying baby we have saved from the house you have fired. Is your revenge sweet?' Shocked, the fellow burst into tears, and answered, 'No, madam.' He followed her some distance, and leaning down, asked her earnestly, 'Madam, can't I save something for you?' Her answer was, 'No, it is too late: I have lost all!' Warned to leave the house in which we had taken refuge, a party of us left, but soon became separated, and I lost my little boy, aged about ten, and did not find him till the next day, at Shippensburg, whither he had walked, a distance of eleven miles.

The rest of us kept upon the edge of the burning town, and for three or four hours watched the progress of the flames.

"One of the saddest sights I witnessed was the burning of the old Academy.

I watched it burn, timber by timber. Fifteen years of a.s.sociations as scholar and teacher were annihilated in the course of one short hour. My attention was then drawn to the flag-staff in the centre of the public square, and we all, of our party as well as others, expressed an ardent hope that it might stand, from which the American flag might wave, even over the ruins of the town. At noon we returned to the uninjured house of a friend, and spent the night in gazing upon the ruins of our once happy and beautiful town.

"The conduct of the rebel soldiery was barbarous in the extreme, though there were many honorable exceptions. Bundles were tired upon women's backs; ladies were forced to carry back into the houses articles of clothing they had saved from the flames; drunken wretches danced upon the furniture and articles of value and ornament; women's persons were searched in the most indecent manner; oaths and foul language abounded; aged women were locked in their rooms while their houses were on fire; trunks were rifled after being dragged by the owners from the ruins; promises of protection were made to be instantly broken. Everything was done to add to the terror and confusion of the panic-stricken women and children. Soon the hunger of the little ones added new horror to the scene. Families were separated, and distracted fathers and mothers could be seen everywhere, seeking amid the confusion for those that were missing. And yet no selfishness was apparent; every one was willing to aid and sympathize with his neighbor. No one complained, no one lost hope. A rebel officer stopped me, saying: 'Sir, cannot a little money be raised to satisfy that brute, McCausland; a very little money would save this end of the town.' My answer was: 'If ten cents would do it, it would not be forthcoming.' One rebel came running towards me, wringing his hands, saying, 'Horrible, horrible! I did not think it could be so bad as this!'

Another told me that they had received orders, before they entered the town, _to burn every house in it_; and yet another informed me that their object was to effect an entrance during the night, and then burn it. In some cases the women attempted to extinguish the fire, and were prevented by threats and personal violence. Some were thrust from their houses, others were struck, and in some instances pistols were drawn upon them.

One lady had a bucket of water, which she had brought to extinguish the fire, thrown in her face. In almost every case the sick and the infirm were _hindered_ from leaving their homes. There appeared to be a desire to have some burned, if possible, _by accident_! One rebel, who helped a lady to save some of her clothing, was seen led out of the town handcuffed. An officer who suffered himself to be persuaded to save some property, said, as he left the house he refused to fire, 'Madam, you have saved your house, but have cost me my commission, and perhaps my life.' A negro saved his life by dressing himself in woman's clothes, and carrying on his head a feather bed, thereby hiding his face and hands. Little children cried to 'go home'--the home that was destroyed; old men wept over the town in which they had lived for three-quarters of a century; citizens looked on with dismay upon the destruction of their life-long labor and industry.

Many fled to the cemetery for refuge, and there, in the midst of death, was one little life added to the wretched throng. The words of our Saviour, with regard to the destruction of Jerusalem, were forced upon us: 'Let him which is on the house-top not come down to take anything out of his house; neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!'

"The town soon became one ma.s.s of smoke and flame, which ascended straight up to heaven, as if to call down the vengeance of G.o.d upon the incendiaries. Here and there whirlwinds went up like gigantic corkscrews, carrying paper and clothing high into the air, and miles into the surrounding country, as if to bear witness of the foul outrage. I saw more than one rebel soldier weeping like a child over the desolation he had made. Hardened as they were to the horrors of war, this was too terrible even for them to bear. One cried out to me in an agony of remorse: 'Oh, I never enlisted for this!'

"For miles around, the frightened inhabitants fled, they knew not whither; some continuing their flight until they dropped to the ground with exhaustion. Pocket-books and watches were taken by wholesale; bundles, shawls and valises were s.n.a.t.c.hed out of women's and children's hands to be thrown away. Cows and dogs and cats were burned to death, and the death-cries of the poor dumb brutes sounded like the groans of human beings. It is a picture that may be misrepresented, but cannot be heightened. One young girl was crying; but, meeting a squad of the marauders she controlled her tears, saying: '_They_ shan't see me cry!'

Full grown men, forgetful of themselves, sobbed over the dest.i.tution of those they loved, and self-sacrificing women strove to comfort those of weaker hearts, who had lost no more than themselves. We know of instances where persons had saved money and valuables of others, with which they had, in the excitement, been entrusted, to the exclusion of their own. In the midst of this awful scene, the _sympathy_ and _encouragement_ we had all along received from our loyal friends of a sister State, through the columns of the Tribune, Times and Independent, arose before us like a dense cloud, and, for the time, we hesitated which was most our enemy,--New York or Virginia. Five hundred of the enemy in our streets, two hundred as guard outside, three thousand within supporting distance; this, too, with more than two thousand effective _United States_ cavalry only _nine_ miles off, for hours. Oh, for one-half of the brave Franklin County boys, that were then far away from their homes, fighting the battles of the Union! We blame no one. Our loyalty, as strong as ever, forbids us; but there is an awful responsibility SOMEWHERE.

"One scoundrel accepted five dollars from a frightened female, to carry her trunk to a place of safety, _where he coolly broke it open, and helped himself to the most valuable part of the contents_. A little dead child was enclosed in a chest, and buried by the terrified parents in their garden, for fear it would be burned in their house.

"A lady in delicate health was watched by one of the robbers, and allowed to drag her trunk outside of the town; after which he searched it, and appropriated the valuables it contained. She asked, whether that was Southern chivalry, and received for reply: "Take that back, or I'll blow your brains out." She did _not_ retract, and did _not_ have her brains blown out. It was sad to see ladies escaping from their houses with nothing but a few photographs or an alb.u.m.

"In the evening of that dreadful day, it was overpowering to witness the change in circ.u.mstances. One of our prominent citizens went with his family to the house of his hostler; another to the residence of his negro servant. On the next day it was a still more sorrowful sight to see refined ladies flock to the church to draw Government rations, and receive articles of second-hand clothing, sent up by the spontaneous charity of persons residing along the line of the c.u.mberland Valley Railroad. It was hard to eat the bitter bread of charity, but this mortification was borne with the same heroism with which they looked upon the sacking and burning of the dear old town. To see the grey-haired men and women, the middle-aged, the youthful, and childhood, all represented in the dest.i.tute but uncomplaining throng, was one of the most solemn sights the world ever saw. Wyoming and Chambersburg will live in the history of Pennsylvania, and the infamous names of Butler and McCausland, will be handed down to posterity, as the types of savage barbarity.

"At 2 P. M., the Union forces advanced through the town. The citizens cheered the dusty and jaded warriors, but no soldierly huzzas came from _their_ parched and suffocated throats, as they rode through smoke and flame and the intense heat of the smouldering ruins. One repeated exclamation of, 'My G.o.d!' was all that was heard, and then, as they pa.s.sed the flag-staff, each one shouted, 'Remember Chambersburg!' And so they exclaimed, and so they shouted, as they dashed at a trot through the town.

I may live to be an old man, but never, never shall I see such sights again, as I saw that day in the stricken town of Chambersburg.


Aug. 6, 1864.


The following is a correct list of the buildings burned by the rebels in Chambersburg, with their estimated value by a committee of disinterested gentlemen appointed for that purpose:

South side of Market Street.

Jacob Wolfkill--Two-story frame and brick building, $700 Patrick Campbell's heirs--Two-story brick building, 700 Peter McGaffigan--Two-story building, 600 James C. Austin--Two-story brick building, new, 5,000 R. Austin--Two-story brick building, 3,000 William H. McDowell--Two-story stone front and brick back building, brick stable, 3,000 James M. Brown--Two-story stone front and brick back building, stable, 3,300 Jacob Sellers--Two-story brick front and back building, stables, and ice-house, (hotel,) 4,000 J. W. Douglas--One-story frame building, 600 Martin Brown--Frame front and log building, 1,000 J. A. and J. C. Eyster--Log front and back building, 1,000 Mrs. Jordan--Two-story brick front and back building, 5,000 L. S. Clark--Two-story frame building and stable, 1,200 C. M. Duncan--Two-story building, law-office, stable, 2,000 E. Culbertson--Two-story brick building, office, stone barn, 6,000 Mrs. Bard--Two-story brick building, and row of law offices, 6,500 Gehr & Denny--Two three-story brick buildings, and one two-story, (dwellings and "Franklin Repository" office,) 5,500 C. M. Duncan--Three-story building, (Franklin Hotel,) three-story brick arcade, brick stables, &c., 15,000 Aug. Duncan--Three-story brick building, 1,500 Henry Monks--Three-story brick building, 1,500 Edward Aughinbaugh--Three-story brick building, 1,500 Dr. William H. Boyle--Three-story brick building, 2,000 Mary Gillan--Three-story brick building, 1,500 T. J. Wright--Three-story brick building, 1,800 S. F. Greenawalt--Two-story brick building, stable, 3,000 A. H. McCulloh--Two-story brick building, stone stable, 2,000 Rev. Mr. Nelson--Two-story building, stable, 2,000 J. P. Culbertson--Three brick buildings, 5,000 Mrs. Riddle--Two-story brick building, stable, 3,500 E. Finfrock--Two-story building, stable, 2,000 W. F. Eyster & Bro.--Two buildings, (foundry,) stable, 4,000 R. E. Tolbert--Two-story brick building, stable, 2,000 M. Gillan's heirs--Two three-story brick buildings, log house, brick stable, 6,000 Alex. Fritz--Two-story brick building, 1,000 Mrs. Frederick Smith--Two-story brick building, 1,200 J. Burkholder's heirs--Two-story brick building, barn, 2,000 Hunter Robison--Two-story brick building, stable, 1,200 Jacob B. Miller--Two-story brick building, 400 John Bigley--Three small dwellings, 500 Thomas Cook--Three wooden buildings, 600 N. Pierce--Two-story building, 1,000 Barnet Wolff--Two-story frame building, 600 J. M. Wolfkill--Two-story brick front and two back buildings, 2,500 Jacob Shafer--Two-story brick building, 1,000 Richard Woods--Two-story brick building, 800 John King--Two-story buildings, 400 Christ. Pisle--Two-story brick building, 500 Mrs. Elizabeth Stouffer--Two-story brick building, 1,800 A. Banker--Brick shop, house and barn, 2,000 Mrs. Butler--Two-story building and stable, 400 Mary Rapp--Two-story log building, 400 James Nill's heirs--Two-story brick front, 500 Josiah Allen--Two-story brick building, 1,000

North side of Market Street.

C. Stauth--Two two-story log buildings, $800 Samuel Brant--Two-story brick building, 800 John M. McDowell--Two two-story brick buildings, (hotel,) barn, shop, etc., 3,500 D. Trostle--Two-story brick building, and brick barn, 1,500 Mrs. Radebaugh--Stone and frame barn, 800 Mrs. Jos. Chambers--Two-story brick building, stable, 5,500 G. W. Brewer--Two-story brick building, barn, 5,500 Mrs. Jacob Smith--Log stable, 100 John Miller--Two-story brick building, hotel, stables, shops, 8,000 J. B. Cook--Two-story stone and four two-story buildings, bark-house, stable, etc., 5,000 C. W. Eyster--Two three-story brick flouring mills and two-story brick dwelling, 15,000 Lambert & Huber--Four-story stone and frame paper-mill and steam-house, 15,000 C. W. Eyster--Two-story brick building, stable, 3,000 S. M. Shillito--Two-story brick building, 1,500 James King--Two-story brick building, frame shop, 1,200 P. Brough--Three-story brick building, 3,000 John Noel--Three-story stone building, stable, 8,000 Court House--Three-story brick, 45,000 Engine-house--Two-story brick, 1,000 D. O. Gehr--Two-story brick building, and brick stable, 5,500 B. F. Nead--Two-story brick building, brick stable, 5,000 A. D. Caufman--Three-story brick building and stable, 4,000 Mrs. Goettman--Two-story brick building, brick stable, etc., 5,500 Peiffer's heirs--Two-story stone house, (old jail,) smith-shop, frame shop, stable, 2,600 T. B. Kennedy--Large two-story brick building, etc., 8,000 Rev. B. S. Schneck--Two-story stone and brick building, 3,000 L. Humelshine--Two-story building, 600 S. Etter--Two-story brick building, 3,000 Dr. N. Schlosser--Two-story building, 1,000 S. Eckert--Two-story stone and brick building, 1,000

West side Main Street to Square.

Benj. Chambers--Two-story brick building, $5,000 W. G. Reed--Two-story brick building, stable, 5,000 Mrs. C. Snyder--Two-story brick building, 3,000 Allen Smith--Two-story brick building, stable, 1,600 C. Flack--Two-story building, stable, 1,000 J. Schofield--Two-story building, brick shop, stable, 1,600 M. P. Welsh--Two-story brick building, 2,500 C. Stouffer (machinist)--Two-story brick building, stable, 3,000 Geo. Chambers (residence)--Two-story brick building, stable, 7,000 G. Chambers (Female Seminary)--Three-story stone building, 5,000 G. Chambers--Two-story brick building, law office, &c., 2,000 A. J. Miller--Two-story stone building, &c., 4,500 James Watson--Two-story brick building, 4,500 R. Austin--Two-story brick building, 2,500

East side Main, from Square to King Street.

Franklin Hall--Three-story brick building, $20,000 Jacob Hoke & Co.--Two-story brick building, stable, 5,500 Dr. Langenheim--Two-story brick building, stable, 3,000 Widow Montgomery (hotel)--Three story brick building, stable, 9,000 Daniel Trostle (hotel)--Two-story brick and stone buildings, sheds and stable, 7,000 Miss Susan B. Chambers--Brick shop, house and stable, 2,500 A. P. Frey--Two-story building, coachmaker-shed, shop, stable, 3,000 A. S. Hull--Two-story brick building, 2,000 Mrs. Geo. Goettman--Two-story building, shop, 1,200

West side Main, from Square to Washington Street.

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The Burning of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania Part 3 summary

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