
The Buffalo Runners Part 42

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Of course, during these first days of his weakness his sister Elspie nursed him. She would, if permitted, have done so night and day, but in this matter she had to contend with one who was more than a match for her. This was Old Peg, the faithful domestic.

"No, no, dearie," said that resolute old woman, when Elspie first promulgated to her the idea of sitting up all night with Duncan, "you will do nothin' of the sort. Your sainted mother left your father an'

Fergus an' yourself to my care, an' I said I would never fail you, so I can't break my promise by letting you break your health. I will sit up wi' him, as I've done many a time when he was a bairn."

It thus came to pa.s.s that Elspie nursed her brother by day, and Old Peg sat up with him at night. Of course the duties of the former were considerably lightened by the a.s.sistance rendered by various members of the family, as well as friends, who were ever ready to sit by the bedside of the wounded man and read to or chat with him. At such times he was moderately cheerful, but when the night watches came, and Old Peg took her place beside him, and memory had time to commence with him undisturbed, the deed of which he had had been guilty was forced upon him; Conscience was awakened, and self-condemnation was the result.

Yet, so inconsistent is poor humanity that self-exculpation warred with self-condemnation in the same brain! The miserable man would have given all he possessed to have been able to persuade himself that his act was purely one of self-defence--as no doubt to some extent it was, for if he had not fired first Perrin's action showed that he would certainly have been the man-slayer. But, then, young McKay could not shut his eyes to the fact that premeditation had, in the first instance, induced him to extend his hand towards his gun, and this first act it was which had caused all the rest.

Often during the wakeful hours of the night would the invalid glance at his nurse with a longing desire to unburden his soul to her, but whenever his eye rested on her calm, wrinkled old visage, and he thought of her deafness, and the difficulty of making her understand, he abandoned his half-formed intention with a sigh. He did not, indeed, doubt her sympathy, for many a time during his life, especially when a child, had he experienced the strength and tenderness of that.

After attending to his wants, it was the habit of Old Peg to put on a pair of tortoise-sh.e.l.l spectacles and read. Her only book was the Bible. She read nothing else--to say truth, at that time there was little else to read in Red River. The first night of her watch she had asked the invalid if he would like her to read a few verses to him.

"You may if you like, Peg," he had replied. "You know it iss little I care for releegion, for I don't believe in it, but you may read if you like--it may amuse me, an' will help to make the time pa.s.s--whatever."

Thus the custom was established. It was plain that the old woman counted much on the influence of the simple Word of G.o.d, without comment, for every time she opened the Bible she shut her eyes and her lips moved in silent prayer before she began to read.

The invalid was greatly tickled with this little preliminary prayer, and would have laughed aloud if he had not been too weak to do so. As time went on, however, he became interested in the Gospel narratives in spite of himself, and he began to experience some sort of relish for the evening reading--chiefly because, as he carefully explained to Elspie, "the droning o' the old wumman's voice" sent him to sleep.

Meanwhile the other invalid--Duncan senior--progressed as slowly as did his son. The nursing of him was undertaken chiefly by Jessie Davidson-- the sympathetic Jessie--who was established as an inmate of Ben Nevis _pro tem_, for that very purpose. She was ably seconded--during part of each day--by Billie Sinclair, between whom and the old Highlander there grew up at that time a strong friendship. For many weeks poor old McKay was confined to his bed, and then, when allowed to rise, he could only walk across his room with the aid of the strong arm of his stalwart son Fergus. To sit at his open window and look out at his garden was his princ.i.p.al amus.e.m.e.nt, and smoking a long clay pipe his chief solace.

Like Duncan junior, old Duncan was quite willing to hear the Bible read to him now and then, by Jessie Davidson and more especially by Little Bill; but the idea of deriving any real comfort from that book never for a moment entered his head.

One day Elspie came to him and said:

"Daddy, Dan wants to see you to-day, if you feel well enough."

"Surely, my tear. It iss not the first time he will be seein' me since I got the stroke."

"He has brought you a present--something that he has made--which he hopes will be useful to you."

"What is it, Elspie?"

"You shall see. May I tell him to come in and bring it with him?"

"Surely, my tear. Let him come in. It iss always goot for sore eyes to see himself--whatever."

Elspie went out. A few minutes later there was heard in the pa.s.sage a strange rumbling sound.

"What in all the world iss that?" said the old man to Little Bill, who happened to be his companion at the time.

"It sounds like wheels, I think," said Billie.

The door opened as he spoke, and Dan Davidson entered, pushing before him an invalid chair of a kind that is familiar enough in the civilised world, but which was utterly unknown at that time in those regions.

"Goot-mornin', Tan; what hev you got there? Iss it a surprise you will be givin' me?"

"It is a chair, sir, which will, I hope, add a good deal to your comfort," said Dan. "I made it myself, from the memory-model of one which I once saw in the old country. See, I will show you how it acts.

Push me along, Jessie."

Dan sat down in the chair as he spoke, and his sister Jessie, who entered at the moment, pushed him all about the room with the greatest ease.

"Well, well!" said the amused invalid. "Ye are a clever man, Taniel.

It iss a goot contrivance, an' seems to me fery well made. Could Little Bill push it, think ye? Go an' try, boy."

Little Bill found that he could push Dan in the chair as easily as Jessie had done it.

"But that is not all," said Dan. "See--now I will work the chair myself."

So saying he laid his hands on the two large wheels at either side-- which, with a little wheel behind, supported the machine--and moved it about the room, turned it round, and, in short, acted in a very independent manner as to self-locomotion.

"Well, now, that _iss_ goot," exclaimed the pleased invalid. "Let me try it, Tan."

In his eagerness the poor man, forgetting for a moment his helpless condition, made an effort to rise, and would certainly have fallen off the chair on which he was seated if Elspie had not sprung to his a.s.sistance.

"Come, there's life in you yet!" said Dan as he a.s.sisted the old man into the wheel-chair. "Put your hands--so. And when you want to turn sharp round you've only to pull with one hand and push with--"

"Get along with you," interrupted the old man, facetiously giving the chair a swing that caused all who stood around him to leap out of his way: "will you hev the presumption to teach a man that knew how to scull a boat before you wa.s.s born? But, Taniel," he added, in a more serious tone, "we must hev one like this made for poor Tuncan."

As this was the first reference which McKay had made to his younger son since his illness--with the exception of the daily inquiry as to his health--it was hailed as an evidence that a change for the better was taking place in the old man's mind. For up to that period no one had received any encouragement to speak of, or enter into conversation about, Duncan junior.

"You are right," returned Dan. "I have been thinking of that, and have even laid in the wood to make a similar chair for him. But I fear he won't be able to use it for some time to come. Elspie was thinking, if you don't object, to have your bedroom changed to one of the rooms on the ground floor, so that you could be wheeled into the garden when so inclined."

"Yes, daddy," said Elspie, taking up the discourse; "we can put you into the room that corresponds with Duncan's room at the other end of the house, so that you and he will be able to meet after your long illness.

But there is another contrivance which Dan has been making for us--not for you, but for Old Peg. Tell daddy about it, Dan."

"Like the chair," said Dan, "it is no novelty, except in this out-o'-the-way place. You see, I have noticed that Old Peg is rather deaf--"

"Well, Tan," interrupted old McKay with a benignant smile, "it iss not much observation that you will be requirin' to see that!"

"Just so. Well, I also observed that it gives Duncan some trouble to speak loud enough to her. So I have invented a sort of ear-trumpet--a tin pipe with an ear-piece at one end and a mouth-piece at the other, which I hope may make things easier."

"Hev ye not tried it yet?" asked McKay.

"Not yet. I've only just brought it."

"Go down, lad, an' try it at wanse, an' let me know what the upshot iss."

Down they all went accordingly, leaving Duncan senior alone.

They found Old Peg in the act of administering beef-tea refreshment--or something of that sort--to the invalid. Peter Davidson and Archie Sinclair were there also, paying him a visit.

"Hallo, Little Bill!" said Archie as his brother entered. "You here! I guessed as much. Your pa.s.sion for nursing since you attended Dan is outrageous. You do more nursing in this house, I do believe, than Elspie and Jessie and Old Peg put together. What d'ee mean by it, Bill?

I get no good of you at all now!"

"I like it, Archie, and I'm training myself to nurse you when you get ill or old!"

"Thank 'ee for nothin', Little Bill, for I don't mean to become either ill or old for some time to come; but, I say, are they goin' to perform an operation on Old Peg's head?"

This was said in consequence of Elspie shouting to the old woman to let her put something into her ear to cure deafness.

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The Buffalo Runners Part 42 summary

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