
The Baroque Cycle - The System Of The World Part 19

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After some few minutes of fuss and bother, which he scarcely remembered since he'd been asleep on his feet, Daniel had been sent out of the Tower of London the way he'd come in, and ushered aboard Atalanta Atalanta. He had repaired to a small cabin and seized the first thing that looked like a bunk. Some time later he had been awakened by sunlight, and peered out a window to discover that they had moved all of a quarter of a mile from Tower Wharf. Situation Normal: some foul-up had brought the proceeding (whatever it was) to a stand; they had Hurried Up only to Wait. He had pulled a blanket over his face and gone back to sleep.

When he'd finally woken up, not long ago, and dragged himself, stiff and foul and squinty-eyed, abovedecks to p.i.s.s over the rail, he'd been startled to find open country around them, and the river's width swollen to a mile. He guessed they were nearing the end of Long Reach, between Erith and Greenhithe, which would put them about halfway from London to the sea.

To get to the rail, he had to "beg your pardon" through many dragoons. The entire First Company-more than a hundred men-had been crammed aboard. Even when half of them were packed in belowdecks, this made the upperdeck so crowded that men could not sit down. Rather than trying to walk upon the deck, the sloop's able seamen scampered like spiders through rigging overhead. Fortunately, as was the practice on all well-run ships, the aft or p.o.o.p was reserved for officers; and Fellows of the Royal Society were given honorary status as such. Once he'd dragged himself up the stairs to the p.o.o.p, Daniel found elbow room to spare, and plenty of s.p.a.ce along the rail to get fresh air, to urinate, and to spit out the cottony stuff that had grown in his mouth while he'd been sleeping. A cabin-boy, perhaps alarmed by the volume of fluid this already-shriveled gager was discharging into the Thames, even brought him a ladle of water.

And at some point Sir Isaac appeared at his elbow, making his day complete.

"He spoke willingly," Daniel repeated, trying not to sound aghast.

"Indeed, for a choice was laid before him: endure confinement and interrogation in the Tower to the end of his days, or tell what he knew, and be returned to Russia. He chose Russia."

"Well if you put it that that way, way, anyone anyone who speaks under torture does so willingly," Daniel pointed out. Normally he would have been slower to jab at Isaac, but he was in a wretched state, and moreover, had performed a great boon for Isaac during the previous day. who speaks under torture does so willingly," Daniel pointed out. Normally he would have been slower to jab at Isaac, but he was in a wretched state, and moreover, had performed a great boon for Isaac during the previous day.

Isaac retorted, "I saw the Muscovite returning to his cell on his own two feet when it was over. Whatever was done to him was less violent-though it may have been more excruciating-than the beatings that are given to yon soldiers, every day, for trifling offenses. Mr. White knows ways of securing the cooperation of prisoners without inflicting permanent injury."

"He'll go back to Muscovy with both of his ears, then?"

"His ears, his eyes, his beard, and all the limbs he came in with."

Daniel had not yet turned to look Isaac in the face. Instead he was facing abaft, looking at a pair of flat-bottomed river boats that followed in their wake. These were laden mostly with horses, and all the clutter that went with them, viz. saddles, tack, and grooms. No wonder they'd been slow to get underway.

While he'd been conversing with Isaac, the sloop had been negotiating a zigzag in the river, and widening its lead over the horse-barges; now they were swinging wide round a large, marshy lobe in the south bank, and coming in view of a place, a couple of miles downstream, where bright green downs and white chalk-hills crowded the right bank, and gave purchase for a river-side settlement. There, he knew, would be Gravesend. The seamen who were manning the sloop-scattered very thin over the crowd of Guards-became more alert. The laconic, incomprehensible commands of the sloop's captain came more frequently. They were going to put in there. Indeed, they had few other choices, as once they got below Gravesend there'd be nothing but ooze all the way to the North Sea; and what was the point of barging a lot of horses down the river to drown 'em?

"What do you imagine a Russian was doing here, in business with Jack the Coiner?" Daniel asked.

"Jack enjoys the lavish support of some foreign potentate, most likely the King of France," Isaac answered. "For make no mistake, the commerce of England is envied by all the world. Those Kings who cannot raise their own realms to our level, phant'sy that they can bring us down to theirs, by polluting our coinage. If the King of France may harbor such ambitions, why, so may the Tsar of all the Russias."

"You think the Muscovite is a Tsarish agent?"

"That is the most creditable explanation."

"You said he had a beard?"

"Indeed, a long luxuriant one."

"How many years' growth, would you say?"

"Soaked and stretched, it would extend below his navel."

"He sounds like a Raskolnik to me," Daniel said.

"What's a Raskolnik?"

"I haven't the faintest idea. But they hate the Tsar. And one of the reasons they hate him is that he has decreed that they must shave off their long luxuriant beards."

This silenced Isaac for a while, by forcing him to carry out immense recalculations. Daniel took unfair advantage of it to add: "Not long ago a new warship being built for the Tsar in Rotherhithe was burned by an Infernal Device, secreted in the recesses of the hull during the night-time. It used clock-work to shatter a phial containing white phosphorus, which, when the air touched it, burst into flame. Or so I have inferred from smelling its smoke, and sifting through the residue."

Isaac was too fascinated by the news to wonder how Daniel had come by it. "That is the same mechanism as was used to set off the explosion in Crane Court!"

"Been looking into it, have you?"

"I did not ignore the warning you sent me."

"The one-armed Muscovite is no foreign agent," Daniel prophesied, "but a sort of Phanatique who absconded from Russia for the same reason that my great-grandfather, John Waterhouse, fled to Geneva during the reign of b.l.o.o.d.y Mary. At loose ends in London, he somehow became a part of Jack's criminal net-work. I am quite certain he has not the slightest intention of going back to Russia."

"Your hypothesis is belied by your own evidence," Isaac said. He had reverted to a high, magnificent tone that he used for philosophical discourse. "You have convinced me that the same organization that set off the Crane Court explosion, burned the Tsar's ship in Rotherhithe. But a mere band of criminals does not pursue foreign policy!"

"It may be that the Swedes paid them to destroy the ship a-building," Daniel said, "which is easier than sinking it after it is launched and armed. Or it may be that the Muscovite, being, as I gad, a sort of Phanatique, did it by himself, as Puritans used to strike whatever blows they might against the King."

Isaac reflected for a moment, then said, "To carry on discourse, of a speculative nature, about Jack's organization and its designs, is idle."

"Why is it idle?"

"Because in a few hours they will be in our power, and then we may simply ask them."

"Ah," Daniel said, "I could not tell if we were going to arrest Jack the Coiner, or invade France."

Isaac briefly made a noise that sounded like laughing. "We are going to lay siege to a castle."

"You can't be serious."

" 'Tis a Jacobite stronghold," Isaac said. He was being just a bit facetious.

"So in a sense we are are going to invade France," Daniel muttered. going to invade France," Daniel muttered.

"One might think of it as a chip of France on the banks of the Thames," Isaac said, showing a taste for whimsy that was, to say the least, out of character. But (as shown by the laugh and the sarcasm) he'd learned a conversational gambit or two during his decades in London.

For example, prating about the genealogy of n.o.ble families: "You remember the Angleseys, I am certain."

"How could I not?" Daniel answered.

Indeed, the very mention of the name forced him to come awake, as if he had had just been told that the sails of Blackbeard had been sighted on the horizon. He looked Isaac full in the face for the first time since the conversation had begun.

As a young man Daniel had known the Angleseys as a clan of dangerous crypto-Catholic court fops. The patriarch, Thomas More Anglesey, Duke of Gunfleet, had been a contemporary, and a mortal rival, of John Comstock, who was the Earl of Epsom and the first great n.o.ble backer of the Royal Society. Comstock had been the C, and Anglesey the first A, in the CABAL, the group of five who had run the Restoration government of Charles II.

In those days Daniel had been too naive to comprehend just how close the connections were between the Angleseys and the royal family. Later, he'd learned that the two sons of Thomas More Anglesey, Louis (the Earl of Upnor) and Phillip (Count Sheerness), were both b.a.s.t.a.r.ds of Charles II, fathered on a French Countess during the Interregnum, when Charles had been exiled in France. Thomas More Anglesey had then been induced, somehow, to marry the embarra.s.sed Countess and raise the two boys. He'd done a wretched job of it-perhaps he'd been distracted by ceaseless plot-making against John Comstock.

The younger of the two "Anglesey" b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, Louis, had been a great swordsman, and had used Puritans as practice targets during his years at Trinity College, Cambridge. He'd been there at the same time as Daniel, Isaac, and various other fascinating human specimens, including Roger Comstock and the late Duke of Monmouth. Later, Louis had become interested in Alchemy. Daniel even now blamed him for seducing Isaac into the Esoteric Brotherhood. But there was no point in laying blame today-for the Earl of Upnor had perished a quarter-century ago at the Battle of Aughrim, fending off a hundred Puritans, Germans, Danes, &c. with his rapier, until shot in the back.

By that time his supposed father, the Duke of Gunfleet, had long since died. The Duke's final years had not been good ones. Having ruined the Silver Comstocks-driven John into rustic retirement, and the rest of them all the way to Connecticut-and having taken over their house in St. James's, he had seen his own fortunes destroyed, by bad investments, by his sons' gambling debts (which must have hurt him all the more, as they weren't really his sons), and above all by the Popish Plot, which was a sort of politico-religious rabies that had taken over London round 1678. He had packed the entire family off to France and sold the London palace to Roger Comstock, who had promptly leveled it with the ground and turned it into a real estate development. In France the Duke had died-Daniel had no idea when, but it would have been a long time ago-leaving only Phillip, Count Sheerness: the older of the two b.a.s.t.a.r.ds.

Count Sheerness. All of these names-Gunfleet, Upnor, and Sheerness-referred to places round the mouth of the Thames, and had been handed out to the Angleseys by Charles II in reward for services performed at time of the Restoration. Daniel could only recollect a few of the details. Thomas More Anglesey had been in a wee naval sc.r.a.p off Gunfleet Sands, and sunk a boat-load of die-hard Puritan sailors, or something like that, and had proceeded to the Buoy of the Nore, where he'd rallied a lot of Royalist ships around him. All of these names-Gunfleet, Upnor, and Sheerness-referred to places round the mouth of the Thames, and had been handed out to the Angleseys by Charles II in reward for services performed at time of the Restoration. Daniel could only recollect a few of the details. Thomas More Anglesey had been in a wee naval sc.r.a.p off Gunfleet Sands, and sunk a boat-load of die-hard Puritan sailors, or something like that, and had proceeded to the Buoy of the Nore, where he'd rallied a lot of Royalist ships around him.

The Nore was a sandbar-really the extremity of a vast region of shifting sands deposited round the place where the Thames and the Medway joined together and emptied into the sea. A Buoy had always been anch.o.r.ed there, a few miles off Sheerness Fort, to warn incoming ships, and to force them to choose between going to port-which would, G.o.d and tides willing, take them up the Medway, under the guns of Sheerness Fort and then of Castle Upnor, and eventually to Rochester and Chatham-or to starboard, which set them on the way up the Thames to London. Anglesey's makeshift fleet had been neither the first nor the last invasion force to use that buoy as a rallying-point. The Dutch had done it a few years later. In fact, one of the peculiar duties a.s.signed to the naval ships in this part of the river was to sail up to the Buoy and blow it out of the water whenever serious trouble loomed, so that foreign invaders could not find it.

At the time Charles II had come back, the ignominious Dutch invasion lay in the future, and Sheerness and Upnor seemed glorious names. But to any Englishman who'd been alive and awake during the Anglo-Dutch War, most certainly including Daniel and Isaac, such words as "Buoy of the Nore" and "Sheerness" connoted dark doings by foreigners, farcical bungling by Englishmen, grievous humiliation, proof of England's vulnerability to seaborne intruders.

So if Isaac's reference to Count Sheerness was the ink, then all of this history was the page the ink was printed on.

If they kept going as they were, they'd be in view of the Buoy of the Nore in a few hours.

"You can't be serious," Daniel blurted.

"If I observed faces, instead of stars, and philosophized about thinking, instead of Gravity, I could write a treatise about what I have seen pa.s.sing over your visage in these past thirty seconds," Isaac said.

"I wonder if I am arrogant to think that Waterhouses are no less deeply enmeshed in the affairs of the world, than Angleseys or Comstocks. For just when I think that all have pa.s.sed on, and my connections to them severed-"

"You find yourself on a boat for Sheerness," Isaac concluded.

"Tell me the tale, then," Daniel said, "for I've not kept up with the Angleseys."

"They've a French name now, and French t.i.tles, inherited from the mother of Louis and Phillip, and they dwell at Versailles, save when they are at the exile court in St.-Germain, paying homage to the Pretender. Only Phillip survived long enough to propagate the line-he had two sons before he was poisoned by his wife in 1700. The sons are in their twenties; neither has been to England or speaks a word of English. But the older of the two remains Lord of the Manor in certain pockets of land around Sheerness, on either bank of the Medway."

"And 'tis unthinkable he'd be anything but a Jacobite."

"The situation of his properties is most convenient for smugglers-or for agents of France. In particular he is lord of a certain lonely castle that stands off the Isle of Grain, in view of the open sea, and that may be reached directly from the Continent without interference by Her Majesty's Customs agents."

"Was all of this information provided by the Russian? For I am not inclined to trust him."

"The tale of the absorption of the Angleseys into France is well known. The particulars concerning Shive Tor come from the Muscovite."

"You stated a minute ago that Jack the Coiner was an agent of Louis XIV," Daniel said, "and that he was generously supported. You are telling me that this thing you call Shive Tor-"

"Has been made available to Jack," Isaac concluded. "It is the head-quarters of his criminal empire, his treasure-keep, his bolt-hole, his conduit to France."

It is a convenient explanation, Daniel said to himself, Daniel said to himself, for the fact that a varlet has been able to evade you for so many years. for the fact that a varlet has been able to evade you for so many years. But he knew if he said it aloud, Isaac would heave him overboard. But he knew if he said it aloud, Isaac would heave him overboard.

"You phant'sy that's where it is, don't you?"

Isaac stared at him, and did not so much as blink for a long time. After a bit this made Daniel nervous, and as if he needed to fill in the silence with some words. "It would make sense," he continued, "if the gold-the Solomonic Gold-came off a ship, as you suppose-what better place to unload it, and to store it, than a remote and obscure watch-tower, without most of Her Majesty's defenses and customs houses?"

"I shall thank you not to divulge this to the others. We must take utmost care until the gold is safe in the Tower of London."

"What then?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Suppose you find King Solomon's Gold in Shive Tor and bring it home to your laboratory, and extract the Philosophic Mercury from it-that's it, then, isn't it?"

"That's what what, then?"

"It's the End of the World or something, it is the Apocalypse, you've solved the riddle, found G.o.d's presence on Earth, the secret of eternal life-really, this entire conversation conversation is idle, in a sense-none of it is idle, in a sense-none of it matters, matters, does it?" does it?"

"There is no telling," Isaac said, in the soothing tones of one who is trying to calm a madman. "My calculations from the Book of Revelation suggest that the End of the World will not occur until 1876."

"Really!?" Daniel said, fascinated. "That's a h.e.l.l of a long time. A hundred sixty-two years! Perhaps this Solomonic Gold is over-rated."

"Solomon had it," Isaac pointed out, "and the world did not come to an end then, then, did it? Christ Jesus Himself-the Word made flesh-trod the earth for thirty-three years, and even now, seventeen centuries later, the world is a heathenish and foul place. Never did I suppose that the Solomonic Gold was to be the world's Panacea." did it? Christ Jesus Himself-the Word made flesh-trod the earth for thirty-three years, and even now, seventeen centuries later, the world is a heathenish and foul place. Never did I suppose that the Solomonic Gold was to be the world's Panacea."

"What is is it, then? What is the bleeding point?" it, then? What is the bleeding point?"

"If nothing else," Isaac said, "it will furnish me with the means to give the German a warm welcome warm welcome when he comes over the sea." when he comes over the sea."

And he turned away from Daniel and went belowdecks.

Lieutenant's Lodging, the Tower of London AFTERNOON.

SAID L LIEUTENANT-GENERAL E EWELL T THROWLEY, the Lieutenant of the Tower: "I do most humbly beg your pardon, my lord, but I simply the Lieutenant of the Tower: "I do most humbly beg your pardon, my lord, but I simply did not understand. did not understand."

His prisoner and guest, Rufus MacIan, Lord Gy, peered with his one extant eye across the dining-room table into the flushing face of his captor and host. Lord Gy was only thirty years old, but he was big and whiskery and banged-up and haggard. Very clearly and distinctly, he repeated his last statement: "Yeir buird is a fere bit o wrichtwork. A jiner today can never fetch such mastie straiks as these, he must send strags upaland to scaff amang the rammel, an plaister all together oot o skifting his grandfaither would hae tossed inti the chaffer."

Ewell Throwley was forced to abort, and circle back around. "My lord, we are military men, the both of us, and saw hard service in the late War. This remains true in spite of the revolutions in Fortune that have made you a condemned prisoner, and me the officer in charge of the Liberty of the Tower. I learned in my my service, as I daresay service, as I daresay you you did in did in yours yours, that there is a time to set courtly manners aside, and speak plainly plainly, one gentleman to another. There is no shame, no dishonor in so doing. May I speak to you in that wise now?"

Lord Gy shrugged. "Aye, let's hae it."

Gy was the name of a river near Arras. Back in the days when he had been named simply Rufus MacIan, this man had, on an impulse, splashed across it and cut a French gentleman in two with one swing of a five-foot-long Claymore. The Frenchman had turned out to be a Count, and a Colonel, with a poor sense of direction. The tide of a battle had been turned as a consequence of that Claymore-stroke. MacIan had been enn.o.bled as Lord Gy.

"I knew that I could rely upon you, my lord, as a fellow-soldier," Lieutenant-General Ewell Throwley went on. " 'Tis well. For there is a certain matter never spoken of in polite society, and yet known to all, which will, if we ignore it-pretending that it does not exist-turn what should be a pleasant social occasion into an insufferable ordeal. You do know-or as you would say, 'ken'-what I speak of, my lord?"

"Crivvens!" exclaimed Lord Gy. "Wha hae foost.i.t ben the heid-hoose!?" Then he added, with unmistakable sarcasm: "Serr's, a coud gae through the fluir."

"Brilliant, that is a paradigmatic specimen," said Throwley. "It is this, my lord: you do not speak English."

An awkward moment across the table there. Rufus MacIan drew breath to answer, but Throwley headed him off: "Oh, you understand it perfectly. But it is not what you speak speak. The polite euphemisms are many. We say, my lord Gy has a Highland lilt, a brogue, a burr. But this is to gloss over the true nature of the problem, which is that you simply and in fact are not speaking English. You could if you wanted, but you don't. Please, I beg of you, my lord Gy, speak English, and consider yourself welcome in my house, and at my table."

" 'Twas o the table-the buird-a was discoursing, when ye set in with such an uncanny rant concerning ma accent."

"It is not not an accent. This is my an accent. This is my point point. My Lord."

"Sixteen month hae a lodged in the Tower o London," said Lord Gy very slowly, "and never seen th'inside o this hoose till now. A meant only to offer a compliment on the furnishings." The Scotsman gripped the edge of the tabletop with both hands and lifted it half an inch off the floor, testing its weight. "These baulks wuid serve to stop bools. Which is to say, cannonb.a.l.l.s."

"Your compliments are accepted with grat.i.tude," said Throwley. "As to the delay in extending my hospitality-most regrettable. As you know, it is a long-standing tradition for the Lieutenant of the Tower to take tea with Persons of Quality who have been committed to this place. As a fellow-veteran, I have impatiently awaited the day when I could share this table with you. As no one knows better than you, my lord, during the first year of your incarceration, it was felt best to keep you in heavy irons stapled to the floor of Beauchamp Tower. This I do most sincerely deplore. But since then, we have not heard from you the threats, the promises of death, dismemberment, and mayhem; or if we have, we have not understood them. It has been deemed suitable to move you to a Yeoman Warder's house, like the other guests. You and Mr. Downs have been getting along famously, I presume?"

Both Rufus MacIan and Ewell Throwley now turned their attention to the portly, bearded Beefeater who had escorted the prisoner across the Parade and into the Lieutenant's Lodgings. Yeoman Downs looked tremendously satisfied. Indeed, had looked that way, without letup, since he had opened the door of his wee house on the green a quarter of an hour ago, and led his guest across the gra.s.s in a flying wedge of armed Sentinels.

"We hae gaen alang," said Lord Gy gravely, "like a hoose afire."

The Lieutenant of the Tower and the Yeoman Warder alike seemed just a bit uncomfortable with this simile; and so there was now an awkward silence. Lord Gy filled it by humming some sort of weird aimless Gaelic chaunt.

The Lieutenant's Lodging, which was situated in the southwestern corner of the Inner Ward, was a Tudor sort of house, typical of pre-Fire London; now it was remarkable chiefly in that it had never burned down. Downs, Throwley, and MacIan were in a dining-room that had seen a lot of hard service. Throwley's maid and steward hovered in a corridor. Another maid-a servant of Lord Gy, who had followed Downs and Gy across the green-tarried in the entrance-hall with a covered basket. Several armed guards stood outside the front door, looking out over the Parade, which was quiet. Drumbeats, and the bellowing of sergeants, could be heard drifting over the fortifications from the direction of Tower Hill, where the garrison was drilling. Too one could hear the sporadic pock, pock, pock pock, pock, pock of carpenters building the platform where, in seven days, Rufus MacIan's head would be detached from his body. of carpenters building the platform where, in seven days, Rufus MacIan's head would be detached from his body.

"Splendid," said Throwley weakly, "that is what Mr. Downs has reported, and most fortunate it is that I have been able to share this table with you before your, er, departure."

"Ye spake a minute or of lang-standin traditions," said Lord Gy, and looked significantly at the Yeoman Warder. Downs relayed the signal to the young woman in the entry hall, who now ventured into the dining-room. Ewell Throwley raised his eyebrows and blinked, for she was a tall and muscular la.s.s with enough red hair to cover three average heads. As she burst across the threshold of the room she executed a sort of running curtsey and tossed a grin at Throwley.

"On the Muir of Rannoch, they grow braw, or they grow na at all," MacIan offered by way of explanation.

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