
The Assemble of Goddes Part 4

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Than sayd he to Cerber{us} fet me {that} prysonere / Tyl I haue hy{m} sene let hy{m} not go at large / As {the} wylt answere of hem I yeue the charge

Thus was this Colus take prysonere Than happed it so that the sa[m]e day Original has Pluto had prefyxed for a grete mater thh instead Mynos to syt in his robe of Ray of the Wherfore Cerber{us} toke the next way And led hy{m} to the place where the court shalbe where I told you Morpleus brought me

So thyder c[a]me Dya[n]a caryed in carre To make her compleynt as I told you all And so dyd Neptunus {that} doth make and mar Walewyng {with} his wawys & to{m}blyng as a ball Her matters they meued fal what may befall There was the fyrst syght {that} euer I them saw And yf I neuer do eft I care not a straw

But now to my matter retourne agayn And tu begyn new where I left.

whan al the G.o.ddis had done her besy payne.

The way to contryue how it shuld be reft Of his lyf Attropos had no cause eft To co{m}pleyn than Phebus stert vpon her fete / And sayd I pray you let me speke a word yet

Othea menyth wel to say on this wyse But al to entret Neptun{us} i hope shal not nede Me semyth I alone durst take {that} entesprise.

Er I am begyled or ellis I shal spede Original has How say ye Neptunus shal I do this dede. ellie Wy[l] ye your rancour seale at my request instead of Madame quod he reule me as ye lykyth best ellis

Gr[a]mercy sayd she of your good wyll That it pleysyth you to shew me that fauorus Wherfore the G.o.ddys hygh pleysur to fulfyll Performe my desyre & leue al olde rancoure For our elders wele & sauyng of oure honour Agayn this colus that ye long haue had It is done quod he forsoth than am I gladd

Sayd he now than Colus be {thou} to vs trewe Kepe well the eyr and oure grete rebell May we than sone euer to vs subdew Yes and that quod Colus shall here tell Nowhere in the eyr shall he rest nor dwel If he do therof put me in the faute Wyth my bytter blastes so shal I hy{m} asaut

What sayd the G.o.d Pluto what is his name.

That thus presumyth agayn vs to rebell Vertu quod attropes {that} haue he mykyl shame He is neuer confou{n}ded thus of hy{m} here I tell A sayd this pluto in dede I know hy{m} wel He hath ben euer myn vtter ennemye Original has Wherfore this mater agayn hy{m} take wyll I Ho instead of He For all the baytes {that} we for hym haue layde Wythout my helpe be not worth a pere For though ye all the contrary had sayd yet wold he brede right nigh your althris ere No maner of thynge can hym hurt or dere Saue only a sone of my b.a.s.t.a.r.d Whos name is vice he kepyth my vawarad.

Wherfore you Cerber{us} now I the charge Of Colus & wyl that thou heder fet My dere sone Vyce & say that I hy{m} charge.

That he to me come without ony let Armed at all poyntes for a day is set That he {with} Vertu for al {the} G.o.ddis sake In our defence must on hym batayl take.

Forth then went Cerberus {with} his fyry chein Brought thyd{er} vyce as he co{m}mau{n}ded was Agayn n.o.ble Vertu {that} batayl to dercygne On a glydy{n}g serpent rydy{n}ge a grete pace Formed lyke a dragon scaled hard as glas whoos mouth flammed fyre {with}out fayll wyng{i}s had it serpentyne & a long tayll

Armed was vyce all in cure boyll Harde as horne blacker fer than sute An vngoodly sort folowed hym perde Of vnhappy capteyns of myschyfe crop & rot Pryde was the fyrst {that} next hy{m} rode G.o.d wote On a roryng Lyon next whom{e} came Enuye Syttyng on wolfe he had a scornful eye

Wrath bestrode a wyld bore & next hy{m} ga{n} ride.

In his hond he bare a blody swerd Next whom cam couetise {that} goth so fer & wide Rydy{n}g on a Olyfau{n}t as he had ben a ferd After whom rode Gloteny wyth his fat berd Syttyng on a bere wyth his grete bely And next hy{m} on a gote folowed Lechery

Sloth was so slepy he came all behynd On a dull a.s.se a full wery pase Thyse were {the} capteins that vyce coud fynde Best to set his feld & folow on the chase As for pety capteyns many mo there was As sacrylege symony & dyssymulacyon Manslaughter mordre theft & extorcyon

Arrogau{n}ce Presu{m}pcyon wyth contumaci Original has Conte{m}pcyon Co{n}tempt & In.o.bedyence contumact Maly[s]e Frowardnes grete Ielasy instead of wodnes Hate Stryf and Impacyence contumaci Vnkyndnes Opp{re}ssyon {with} wofull neglyge{n}ce.

Murmur Myschef Falshod & detraccyon Vsury Periury Ly and adulacyon

Wrong Rauyne St.u.r.dy vyolence Fals Iugement {with} Obstynacyon Dysceyt Dronknes & Improuydence.

Boldnes in yll {with} foule and Rybaudy.

Fornycacyon Incest and Auoutry Vnshamfastnes {with} Prodygalyte Blasfeme vaynglory & worldly vanyte

Ignorau{n}ce Dyffydence {with} Ipocrysy Scysme Rancour Debate and Offence Heresy Errour {with} Idolatry.

New fangylnes and sotyll false Pretence I{n}ordynat desyre of worldly excellence Fayned pouerte wyth apostasy Dysclaunder scorn & vnkynd Ielousy

Hoordom baudry false mayntenaunce Treyson abusyon and pety brybry Vsurpacyon {with} horryble vengaunce Came alder last of that company All thyse pety capetayns folowed by and by.

Shewyng theymself in the paleyse wyde And say they were redy that batayl to abyde

Idylnes set the comyns in aray Without the palayse on a fayr felde But there was an ost for to make a fray I trow suche a nother neuer man beheld Many was the wepyn among he{m} {that} they weld What they were {that} came to that dysporte I shall you declare of many a sondry sort

There were bosters crakers & brybours Praters sasers strechers and wrythers Shamefull shakelers soleyn slauedours Oppressours of people and myghty crakers Mayntenours of quarels horryble lyers Theues traytours {with} false heretykes Charmars sorcerers & many scysmatykes.

Preuy symonyakes wyth false vsurers Multyplyers coyn wa.s.shers & clyppers Wrong vsurpers wyth grete extorcyoners Bacbyters Glosers and fayre flaterers.

Malycyous murmurers with grete claterers Tregetours Tryfelers Feyners of tales Lastyuous lurdeyns and Pykers of malys.

Rouners Vagabundes Forgers & lesingis.

Robbers Reuers Rauenous Ryfelers.

Choppers of Chyrches Fynders of tydynges Merrers of maters and mony makers.

Stalkers by nyght wyth Euysdroppers.

Fyghters Brawlers Brekers of louedayes Getters Chyders Causers of frayes.

Tytyuyllis Tyrau{n}tis {with} Tourmentours.

Corsyd apostatis Relygyous dyssymulers: Closshers Carders wyth comon hasardours.

Tyburne colops and Purskytters.

Pylary knyghtys double tollyng Myllers.

Gay Ioly tapters {with} hostelers of the stewes.

h.o.r.es and Bawdes that many bale brewes

Bold blasfemers wyth false Ipocrytes.

Broth.e.l.lers Brokers abhomynable swerers.

Dryuylls Dastardes dyspysers of ryghtis Homycydes Poyseners & comon morderers Scoldis Caytyues Comberous clappers.

Idolatres Enchauntors {with} false regenates.

Sotyl ambydextrys and sekeers of debatis.

Pseudo Prophetes false Sodemytes.

Quesmers of chyldren wyth fornycatours.

wetewoldes that suffre syn in their syghtis.

Auoutrers and abhomynable auauntours.

Of syn grete clappers & makers of clamours Vnthryftes & vnl.u.s.tes came al to that game {with} lusk{i}s & loselis {that} might not thryue for sham{e}

These were the comons {that} came thid{er} {that} day.

Redy bowne in batayl Vertu to abyde.

Apollo theym beholdyng began to say To the G.o.ddys & G.o.ddesses beyng there {that} tid{e} Me semyth conuenyent an herowd to ryde To Vertu & byd{e} hy{m} to batayl make hy{m} boune Hy{m}self to defend forsoth it shal be sone.

And let hym not be sodeynly take.

All dyspur[u]eyed or that he beware.

For than shold our dyshonour awake.

If he were cowardly take in a snare.

Ee quod Vyce for that haue I no care.

I wyll auauntage take where I may.

That heryng Morpleus p{re}uely stale away.

And went to warne Vertu of al this afray.

And bad hy{m} awake and make hymself strong For he was lyke to endure that daye.

A grete mortall shoure er it were euensonge.

{with} Vyce wherfore he bad hym not longe.

Tary to send after more socoure.

If he dyde it shold torne hym to dolour.

And brefely the mater to he declared.

Lyke as ye haue herd begynnyng and ende.

Well quod Vertu he shall not be spared To the feld I wyl go how it wende.

But gramercy Morple{us} myn own dere fre{n}de Of your trew hert & faythfull entente.

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The Assemble of Goddes Part 4 summary

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