
Tharon of Lost Valley Part 26

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Tharon, standing where he had stopped her, her breast heaving, her lips apart, seemed struggling against an unknown force. She put up a hand and tried to dislodge his fingers on her shoulder, but could not.

Presently she wet her lips and looked around the street, already filled with watching folk, then up at Kenset.

"What for?" she asked.

"I think I can tell you something," he answered quietly.

"All right," she said briefly, "let go an' I'll come."

Without a word the man loosed her. She went to El Rey and mounted.

Her riders mounted with her, Billy's face frowning and set. From the steps of Baston's store a few cowboys watched. There were no Stronghold men in town, for it was too early in the day.

In silence Kenset led out of town at a brisk canter. His lips were set, his eyes very grave.

In the short gallop that followed while they cleared the skirts of the town, he did some swift thinking, settled some heavy questions for himself.

He was about to take a decided step, to put himself on record in something that did not concern his work in the Valley.

He was going directly opposite to the teaching of his craft. He was about to take sides in this thing, when he had laid down for himself rigid lines of non-partisanship. His mind was working swiftly.

If he flung himself and his knowledge of the outside world and the law into this thing he sunk abruptly the thing for which he had come to Lost Valley--the middle course, the influence for order that he had hoped to establish that he might do his work for the Government.

But he could not help it. At any or all costs he must stop this blue-eyed girl from riding north to challenge Courtrey on his doorstep.

The blood congealed about his heart at the thought.

Where the rolling levels came up to the confines of the town they rode out far enough to be safe from eavesdroppers, halted and faced each other.

"Miss Last," said Kenset gently, "I'm a stranger to you. I have little or no influence with you, but I beg you to listen to me. You say there is no help for the conditions existing in Lost Valley. That outrage follows outrage. True. I grant the thing is appalling. But there is redress. There is a law above the sheriff, when it can be proven that that officer has refused to do his duty. That law is invested in the coroner. Your coroner can arrest your sheriff. He can investigate a murder--he can issue a warrant and serve it anywhere in the State. He can subpoena witnesses. Did you know that?"

Tharon shook her head.

"Nor you?" he asked Conford.

"I knew somethin' like that--but what's th' use? Banner's a brave man, but he's got a family. An' he's been only one against th' whole push.

What could he do when there wasn't another man in th' Valley dared to stand behind him? You saw what happened to Pete. He struck up Courtrey's arm when he shot at Tharon one night last spring. Th' same thing'd happen to Banner if he tried to pull off anythin' like that."

A light flamed up in Kenset's eyes.

"If you, Miss Last," he said straightly, "will give me your word to do no shooting, something like that will be pulled off here, and shortly."

He looked directly at Tharon, and for the first time in her life she felt the strength of a gaze she couldn't meet--not fully.

But Tharon shook her head.

"I'm sworn," she said simply.

Kenset's face lost a bit of colour. Billy, watching, turned grey beneath his tan. He saw something which none other did, a thing that darkened the heavens all suddenly.

"Then," said Kenset quietly, "we'll have to do without your promise and go ahead anyway. We'll ride back to town, demand of Service a proper investigation by a coroner's jury, and begin at the bottom."

Tharon moved uneasily in her saddle.

"Why are you doin' this?" she asked. "Why are you mixin' up in our troubles? Why don't you go back to your cabin an' your pictures an'

books an' things, an' let us work out our own affairs?"

Kenset lifted a quick hand, dropped it again.

"G.o.d knows!" he said. "Let's go."

And he wheeled his horse and started for Corvan, the others falling into line at his side.

When Kenset, quietly impervious to the veiled hostility that met him everywhere, faced Steptoe Service and made his request, that dignitary felt a chill go down his spine. Like Old Pete he felt the man beneath the surface. He met him, however, with bl.u.s.ter and refused all reopening of a matter which he declared settled with the burial of the snow-packer in the sliding canons where he was found.

"Very well," said Kenset shortly, "you see I have witnesses to this,"

and he turned on his heel and went out.

"Now, Miss Last," he said when they were in the wholesome summer sunlight once more, "if you have any friends whom you think would stand for the right, send for them."

"Th' Vigilantes," said the girl, "we'll gather them in twenty-four hours."

"The Vigilantes?"

"Th' settlers," said Conford.

"All right. Until they are here we'll guard the mouth of this canon that leads into the Rockface, as I understand it. Now take me to this man Banner."

At a low, rambling house in the outskirts of Corvan they found Jim Banner, sitting on the edge of his bed, undeniably sick from some acute attack. His eyes were steady, however, and he listened in silence while Kenset talked.

"Mary," he said, "bring me my boots an' guns. I been layin' for this day ever sence I been in office. I wisht Jim Last was here to witness it."

In two hours Kenset was on his way to the blind mouth of the pa.s.s that led into the Canon Country, Tharon was shooting back to the Holding on El Rey to put things on a watching basis there, while Conford and Billy went south and west to rouse the Vigilantes.

With Kenset rode Banner, weak and not quite steady in his saddle, but a fighting man notwithstanding.

All through the golden hours of that noonday while he jogged steadily on Captain, Kenset was thinking. He had food for thought, indeed. He carried a gun at last--he who had ridden the Valley unarmed, had meant never to carry one. He felt a stir within him of savagery, of excitement.

He meant to have justice done, to put a hard hand on the law of Lost Valley. Murders uninvestigated, cattle stolen at will, settlers' homes burned over their heads, their hearths blown up by planted powder when they returned from any small trip, their horses run off--these things had seemed to him preposterous, mere shadows of facts. Now they were down to straight points before him, tangible, solid. He got them from the blue eyes of Tharon Last, the gun woman, and he had taken sides!

He who had meant to keep so far out of the boiling turmoil.

He camped that night at the base of the Wall where the blind door entered, made his bed just inside the dead black pa.s.sage, and watched while Banner, weary and still weak, slept in his blankets beside him.

This was new work for Kenset, strange work, this waiting for men who called themselves the Vigilantes--for a slim golden girl who rode and swore and pledged herself to blood!

More than once in the quiet night that followed, Kenset wiped a hand across his brow and found it moist with sweat.

What did he mean? Again and again he asked himself that question.

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Tharon of Lost Valley Part 26 summary

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