
The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 638 - Pampered

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Chapter 638 - Pampered



Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“Jian, you’re finally here. What the h*ll! You caused this trouble, and you want me to clean up after you?” Mengjiao said softly as she appeared behind Jian Dan.

Jian Dan turned around and was almost scared out of her wits… “Mengjiao, is this your new image? You look like the female lead of a horror film!”

Mengjiao had very severe panda eyes. She looked haggard, her eyes were lifeless, and her hair was messy.

“You still have the cheek to criticize me? It’s all because of you!” Mengjiao complained.

“Because of me?” What did I do?

“I think you’re too used to Mr. Chu cleaning up after you.”

“Mengjiao, what… can you just spit it out?”

“Jian, have you forgotten that the post-producer was driven away by you?” Yuan Xinjie reminded her.

Jian Dan came to a realization.

Oh, right! It’s been so many days since the post-producer left in a fit of anger. Has Mengjiao had been helping me with the post-production editing these few days?

“Hehe… Mengjiao, it totally slipped my mind. I’m sorry!” Seeing Mengjiao’s haggard look, Jian Dan felt extremely guilty.

Mengjiao has to take care of the set decoration and now, the post-production editing as well. It’s been hard on her.

“Mengjiao, why didn’t you call me?”

“Are you blaming me now?” She wanted to call Jian Dan, but the ever-protective Chu Liyuan was by Jian Dan’s side, so she did not dare to.

She could end up in big trouble and Jian Dan still would not have been able to come.

“No, I wouldn’t dare! Mengjiao, my darling Mengjiao, don’t be angry. I’m at your disposal, okay?” Jian Dan pulled her ears and looked at Mengjiao pitifully.

With such a doleful expression, anyone who liked her would not be able to resist her. It was not only Chu Liyuan who fell for this whenever Jian Dan put on this look.

“Okay. I won’t be angry, but you have to give me a big treat. I’ve worked very hard these few days and need to nourish myself.”

“No problem! Take your pick.”

“I’ll hold you to your word. Also, one meal isn’t enough.”

“No problem. You can have all the meals you want.”

“Sigh, it must be nice to have a rich husband. Since that’s the case, I won’t stand on ceremony. You’re taking care of my meals for the whole of next month.”

“Huh?” A month?

“Why? Is there a problem?”

“No! Why would there be? Of course there’s no problem!”

“That’s more like it.” Mr. Chu is so rich. A few meals are nothing to him.

“Alright, since you’re here now, I’ll leave the editing to you. I need to catch up on my sleep.”


Jian Dan had completely forgotten about this matter. Seems that if s really as Mengjiao said—I’m already so used to being pampered by Uncle who always cleaned up after me.

“Yuanyuan, I’m sorry!” Jian Dan said to Yuan Xinjie in embarra.s.sment.

After all, she was the one who drove the post-producer away. If it wasn’t for Mengjiao, the whole production might have been delayed by days.

“It’s okay. Just don’t forget it again.” How could Yuan Xinjie bear to blame Jian Dan?

“Don’t worry, I won’t.”

Jian Dan promised as she gave a “cross my heart” gesture.

Jian Dan did not waste any time and went straight to the editing room. Although Mengjiao had been helping out these few days, she was not a professional editor after all, so her progress was not very fast.

The workload for the next few days will be very heavy. I might not even have time to go home.

I wonder if Uncle will come straight to the set after hearing this news..

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The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 638 - Pampered summary

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