
The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 628: Start With the Children

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Chapter 628: Start With the Children


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

After hearing Liao Meiran’s words, Liao Xingran became much more confident in herself.

She was now a female influencer who was sought after by millions of people. Many people were willing to spend a fortune on her, and many were crazy for her.

Liao Xingran had been sad when she thought that he was married.

But now, not only was he not married, but he had such an incredible stature as well.

At the thought that she would marry him in the future, Liao Xingran’s face turned red again.

Looking at her sister’s shy expression, Liao Meiran knew that her sister was really tempted.

Although girls had to be reserved, it was Chu Liyuan!

There was no need to be reserved when it came to Chu Liyuan. She naturally had to take the initiative and use some methods to attract his attention.

While Liao Xingran was still feeling shy, Liao Meiran had already started to formulate a plan in her heart.

Soon, the bus arrived at the destination. After everyone alighted the bus, the teacher began to make the sleeping arrangements.

Because the school often held such events, the teachers were all very experienced. Basically, the fathers would not partic.i.p.ate in such events, so the rooms they arranged were suites. This way, it would be more convenient.

In order to gain the upper hand, Liao Meiran used some means to get the teacher to arrange for them to stay in the room opposite Chu Liyuan and Jian Dan’s.

After allocating the rooms, they naturally had to put their luggage in the room first before starting the rest of the activities.

When they arrived at the rooms…

“Xiaoxin, Xiaokai, I didn’t expect us to stay so close to each other,” Tiantian said enthusiastically.

“Yeah.” Xiaokai and Xiaoxin said at the same time.

When Liao Meiran saw that her son was on good terms with Chu Liyuan’s children, her lips curled into a triumphant smile.

“h.e.l.lo, I’m Tiantian’s mother!” Liao Meiran greeted them enthusiastically. “h.e.l.lo, I’m Xiaoxin and Xiaokai’s mother,” Jian Dan replied with a smile. “Since they’re so close, let’s hang out in the afternoon. This way, we can take care of one another.”

“Sure!” Jian Dan agreed with a smile.

Jian Dan’s thoughts at that time were very simple—1/ the children have a good relationship, they will naturally be much happier during the activities.

Jian Dan would never have thought that there were people having designs on Chu Liyuan again.

They returned to their rooms to freshen up…

Just as she closed the door, she asked, “Tiantian, are you very close to the two children just now?”

“Yeah. Because I really like Xiaoxin. She’s the cutest girl in our cla.s.s.” It couldn’t be helped. Xiaoxin was indeed very cute. It was no wonder that even such a young child like Tiantian liked her.

Liao Meiran ignored the rest of Tiantian’s words because she only wanted to hear a definite answer.

“Xingran, G.o.d is really on our side now. Since Tiantian has such a good relationship with those two children, we can start with the children and get closer to Chu Liyuan bit by bit to make him notice you.”

“I think no man can resist your charm.”

“Okay. I understand what you mean, Sis. I’ll definitely work hard!”

She really liked Chu Liyuan very much. She had never said a word to him and saying this might seem a little fake.

However, she really liked him very much, and she seemed to have reached a point where she had fallen very hard for him.

Perhaps this is chemistry that only happens when one meets the right person.

However, chemistry required both parties. Otherwise, it was useless even if one party was so enthusiastic.

Furthermore, Chu Liyuan only had feelings for Jian Dan.

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The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 628: Start With the Children summary

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