
The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 608: Great Catch of a Man

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Chapter 608: Great Catch of a Man


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“Oh my gosh! Uncle, why do you look so adorable when you’re jealous?” Jian Dan said with a smile as she pinched Chu Liyuan’s cheeks.

“Since I’m cute, don’t look at others then. Just look at me!”

Uncle’s wheedling behavior is so sultry. Its killing me!

At the thought that such a handsome, outstanding, domineering, adorable, and h.o.r.n.y man belonged to her, Jian Dan’s face lit up with a blissful smile.

“Okay! I’ll only look at you from now on. Only you…”

“Come, let me take a good look…” Jian Dan held Chu Liyuan’s face with both hands and inched closer, wanting to take a closer look at him.

As Jian Dan’s face got closer, Chu Liyuan’s breathing became a little labored. “You’re still so handsome up close. Just what did you grow up on? How can you be so devilishly handsome? You’re really so gorgeous.”

This girl is teasing me in public?

Is she certain that I wouldn’t dare to do anything to her here?

Chu Liyuan’s arms snaked around Jian Dan and brought her flush to him…

He leaned close to Jian Dan’s ear and said in an ambiguous tone, “Jian Jian, if you continue to be so naughty, I can’t guarantee what I’ll do.”

Chu Liyuan’s words scared Jian Dan so much that she shrank back in fear. “Sorry!”

Uncle would really do it.

Therefore, Jian Dan immediately caved…

In any case, there’s nothing to be embarra.s.sed about for being a coward in front of my husband.

Chu Liyuan was a little disappointed to see Jian Dan cave so quickly.

Because Chu Liyuan was here with her, time pa.s.sed very quickly. Soon, it was noon…

“Jian, let’s have lunch together!” Xinjie ran to Jian Dan. Just as she was about to hug Jian Dan’s arm, Chu Liyuan swiftly pulled Jian Dan into his arms.

“There’s a new western restaurant nearby with very delicious squid spaghetti. Shall we give it a try?” Chu Liyuan said tenderly to Jian Dan.

“Squid spaghetti? The one that will turn teeth black after eating it?” Jian Dan subconsciously covered her mouth.

I’ll be so ugly after eating.

Of course, Chu Liyuan could tell what Jian Dan was thinking. “It’s all in your mind. I’ll like you however you are.” As he spoke, he rubbed Jian Dan’s head dotingly.

Since Uncle has already said so, why should I be pretentious? Besides, squid spaghetti is very delicious.

Jian Dan was already salivating when she heard Chu Liyuan mention the dish. “What do you think?” After all, she was not the only one going with Chu Liyuan. She wanted to seek everyone’s opinion.

“Fine with us.” Mengjiao and the others said.

“Me too!” Xin Jie echoed.

“Since everyone agrees, let’s go! I’m famished!” Jian Dan said as she touched her flat stomach.

Just as they were about to set off…

“Are you guys going to have lunch?” Dong Feifei suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

“Yeah. Feifei, do you want to join us?”

Dong Feifei had wanted to decline, but she suddenly caught sight of someone…

How can there be such a handsome man? Is this man a celebrity? Fve never seen him before.

Judging from his bearing, he’s definitely not an ordinary person. Check out his attire! Armani’s bespoke suit, Italian handmade leather shoes, Patek Philippe limited edition cla.s.sic watch, and crystal custom-made cufflinks.

This outfit costs upwards of 20 million yuan.

What a great catch of a man!

Dong Feifei’s eyes were almost glowing.

Therefore, her rejection immediately turned into, “Sure! I’m here to ask you out for lunch anyway.” Dong Feifei’s tone and expression was very convincing..

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The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 608: Great Catch of a Man summary

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