
Taken By Storm Part 35

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Storm scurried out the door and didn't take a breath until she was safely in her quarters. It was to be one night, no more. If she continued to make love with him, she was bound to fall in love with him. Besides, she already had feelings for the American.

She couldn't exactly define them, or perhaps she didn't want to. She made haste to dress, trying without success to avoid thoughts of the American. However, did she expect not to think about him after having made love with him?

She smiled and sighed, thinking how wonderful it had been and feeling a little guilty that she had enjoyed it so very much. Her climaxes had gone on forever with a little help from Burke. It was something she had not experienced with her husband, but then they had been young and inexperienced.

She finished dressing and warned herself to keep her distance from the American. It would do no good to get deeply involved with him.

But wasn't she already?

She wanted to free Burke's brother just as badly as he did. Cullen needed to learn he had a brother, and Burke needed to finally meet his brother. It was necessary for both parties, necessary for family to be reunited.

That was her priority, not intimacy with Burke. She had to keep that in mind or else she would find herself lost with no chance of finding her way back again.

It was decided that William and Philip would go and gather the information on Lady Alaina since they were familiar with the man who had last supplied it. In the meantime, Burke scribbled a note to Douglas, the ship's captain, and Malcolm and Angus were sent to collect more clothes and coins in case needed.

That left Storm, Tanin, and Burke to wait for their return.

By afternoon the camp had turned quiet; clouds still claimed the sky, though the rain had stopped.

Storm liked times like this when there were no pressing matters that needed her attention. She could just drift through the remainder of the day without worry. Such days were far and few between, so she took advantage when she could.

She made her way to the old church ruins. She didn't know why, but she felt drawn there, and so she went and sat on the crumbled stone wall.

Had guilt brought her here?

The night Daniel had died in her arms, she had sworn she would never love again, never be with another man again, and never forgive herself for not saving her husband.

Now here she was, fresh from making love with another man and wondering if she could possibly fall in love again or even dare give it thought.

"Where is he buried?"

Storm didn't startle; she had heard someone follow her, and since Burke's tracking skills were excellent,

he had meant to let her know that he trailed her.

"I left his grave unmarked," she said as he walked over to her. "I didn't want anyone disturbing him.Sometimes graves are robbed for clothes or boots and I wanted Daniel to rest in peace.""Would you prefer to be alone?""No, I don't feel the need to be alone," she said, glad that he had joined her though she couldn't say why. He looked handsome in his duster-it defined his character, wild and rugged and in command."What brought you here?" he asked.She hesitated. She still hadn't determined the answer to that question. She only knew it was the place she presently wanted to be."I'm not sure," she answered honestly.He reached out and took her hands in his. "No regrets, Storm?"She smiled. "Not a one.""Good. I feel the same, and I wouldn't want to think you came here to your husband's final resting place out of guilt."

"The thought had crossed my mind," she admitted, retaining her smile. "But I can honestly say I don't feelguilty." She wondered why it didn't disturb her but actually provided her with a sense of freedom."I'm glad for you; perhaps then you've finally let your husband rest in peace."Was that what she had done? Was that why she felt such a glowing sense of peace within her? Did she not only free herself, but Daniel of the burden she had placed on them both when she refused to let him go, let him rest in peace?

"Sometimes, Mr. Longton, you make sense."

"I thought I did all the time," he said on a laugh and squeezed her hands.

She returned the squeeze, his humor and thoughtfulness appreciated, as well as his touch. His hands were warm, and she felt safe. How long had it been since she felt safe?

He drifted closer to her, slow and easy, and she thought to stop him. If he came any closer, she would kiss him, and she couldn't chance that. She'd certainly want more from him-he was simply addictive, and that was not good for her.

Last night was their first and last time together.

It had to be, or else she risked losing her heart to him.

He was standing directly in front her before she realized it. His hand reached out until his fingers slowly

stroked her face.

"Your skin is so soft. I love to touch you," he said on a whisper.

She near shivered but instead grabbed hold of her pa.s.sion and attempted to divert it, ignore it, and do whatever she could not to respond.

Burke, however, obviously had a different plan in mind, and she silently cursed his persistence. He took hold of her neck with one hand while his lips found hers and teased them with nibbles and kisses.

That he attempted to seduce her was obvious; that it was working was just as obvious.

"I think we should return to my quarters," he whispered near her ear as he nibbled at her lobe.

Storm could do no more than sigh.

"My sentiments exactly," Burke said and grabbed her around the waist and hoisted her off the crumbled stone wall.

She thought to deny him, deny herself, but somehow she couldn't find the words. Before she knew it, she was naked in his bed and he was touching her everywhere, exploring every nook and cranny with his fingers and his lips.

She bit her lower lip so as not to make a sound, yet she wanted to scream out her pleasure. He moved over her and in her with ease and agility. Before she knew it, she was holding on to him for dear life as they simultaneously rode wave after wave of pleasure together.

When finally spent, they lay beside each other, hands clasped, breathing heavily, their pa.s.sion fulfilled. And that was how the remainder of the day continued since neither of them seemed to be able to get enough of each other.

Only when night finally claimed the sky and the camp peacefully slept did Storm and Burke surrender to much-needed rest.

Chapter 27.

B urke sat on the edge of the bed and knew he was in trouble. He and Storm hadn't been able to keep their hands off each other since they'd fallen into bed together fours days ago.

The more they made love, the more he enjoyed it and the more he wanted to make love to her-and the more he feared he was falling in love with her.

But then he had feared that before becoming intimate with her. She had, to his surprise, worked her way into his heart. He couldn't say when he first realized how he felt about her. It had just happened. All of a sudden, it was there.


It must have sneaked in when he wasn't looking. When he wasn't aware of it, never even considering it, and yet it had made itself known. He didn't mind. He rather liked the idea of loving Storm. She wasn't your ordinary woman, which meant he'd never have an ordinary life with her. He wouldn't be surprised if, once she arrived in America, she would find a cause to fight for and pursue it with gusto.

There was, however, one problem: How would he convince her to go with him to America?

He'd propose marriage.

That was a simple solution to his dilemma. But would she agree to marry him? She had been adamant about staying in Scotland. What made him think she would ever agree to leave her homeland?


There was that word again.

Would love prove to be the deciding factor in this difficult situation? Love would certainly not allow him to leave her behind. Someway, somehow, he would need to convince her that she had to return to America with him, preferably as his wife.

He ran his fingers through his tousled hair, having woken only a short time ago to find Storm gone from his bed. He didn't like when she wasn't there. He had fast grown accustomed to her sharing his bed, and he d.a.m.ned well favored her beside him.

She slept naked nestled against him so that anytime he woke in the middle of the night or early morning, he could touch or stroke her soft skin. He didn't know how he'd ever sleep without her. She had in a very short time become a necessary part of him that he had no intention of relinquishing.

As far as he was concerned, she belonged to him. They committed to each other each and every time they made love and she was going to have to accept that whether she wanted to or not.

She was his and that's all there was to it.

Unfortunately, he didn't think she'd see it that way.He'd have to convince her, and if he wasn't able to do that, then he'd have to take charge and make adecision-one he wasn't sure she'd be too happy with.

He dressed quickly and went in search of Storm. They really needed to discuss their situation. William and Philip would probably return any day now and then what time would they have? This needed to be addressed and settled now.

Burke glided to the ground on the rope and found that he was too late. William and Philip sat at the campfire with Storm. The sun had barely risen, and no doubt Storm had sensed the men's return, which was what probably had her leaving his bed so early. She had an uncanny sense that made her a good leader and proved advantageous for her time and again.

He wasn't happy about postponing their discussion until this evening, but he had no choice. Right now,his brother Cullen's situation needed discussing."Good news I hope," Burke said upon joining them at the campfire.Philip nodded. "Gratefully, Lady Alaina is a woman of habit.""Then there is a way for me to meet with her without her father knowing it?" Burke asked."She takes a stroll through the huge garden every day," Philip explained.

William grinned. "Better yet, she's by herself."

"Her father prides himself on the safety of his land," Philip said. "He would never suspect or even think one would dare approach his daughter on his property."

"She's not watched?" Burke asked.

"The property is watched," William informed him.

"You will need to go in without being seen," Storm said. "That will prove more dangerous than meeting with Lady Alaina."

"Not a problem, watchful eyes can be diverted or misled," Burke said with a.s.surance. "I'd like to see to

this as soon as possible."

"You should wait for Malcolm and Angus to return," Storm advised. "This way, if your meeting with Lady Alaina goes well, you'll have all you need to approach her father."

Burke nodded, knowing she was right, but anxious to get started. "When are they due to return?"

"Any day now," Storm said and looked to William and Philip. "Get some rest, Burke, and I will

formulate a plan and discuss it with you later."

The two men looked grateful to be dismissed and walked with weary strides to their respective homes.

Burke moved to sit beside Storm. "What do you think?"

"It seems too easy, and that worries me."

He wrapped his arm around hers and locked her fingers with his. "The earl probably feels safe with my

brother in custody."

"Or could it be a trap?"

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Taken By Storm Part 35 summary

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