
Socialism and Modern Science (Darwin, Spencer, Marx) Part 19

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[89] This appendix was written as a reply to a book by Baron Garofalo, called _La Superst.i.tion socialiste_. This book made quite a sensation in Italy and France, not on account of the solidity of its arguments, but merely because Garofalo had been a.s.sociated with Lombroso and Ferri in founding the modern school of criminology. As Garofalo's book is practically unknown in this country, I have felt justified in making many and large omissions from this appendix. Gabriel Deville exposed the emptiness of Garofalo's pretentious book in a most brilliant open letter to the Baron, which appeared in _Le Socialiste_ for the 15th of Sept., 1895.--Tr.

[90] The present work, which appeared in Italian in 1894, in French in 1895, and in Spanish in Madrid and Buenos-Ayres in 1895. It now appears in English for the first time.

[91] GIRAUD-TEULON, _Double peril social. L'Eglise et le socialisme_, Paris, 1894, p. 17.

[92] E. FERRI, _l'Omicidio nell' antropologia criminale_, Turin, 1895, together with _Atlas_ and more especially _Religion et Criminalite_ in _la Revue des Revues_, Oct.. 1895.

[93] DE MOLINARI, _Science et Religion_, Paris, 1894.

[94] Garofalo suppressed these lines in the French edition of his book.

[95] Tchisch, _la Loi fondamentale de la vie_, Dorpat, 1895, p. 19.

[96] And yet, how many judges have not, to the injury of the Socialists, denied this elementary truth taught by the dictionary!

[97] More correctly, collective ownership of the land.--Tr.

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Socialism and Modern Science (Darwin, Spencer, Marx) Part 19 summary

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