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setifer, _Bl._ vagabundus, _L._ guttatissimus, _Benn_.
pictus, _Forsk_.
xanthocephalus, _Benn_.
Sebae, _C. & V._ Heniochus macrolepidotus, _Artedi_.
Holacanthus annularis, _Bl._ xanthurus, _Benn_.
imperator, _B1_.
Scatophagus argus, _Gm_.
Ephippus...o...b..s, _Bl._ Drepane punctata, _Gm_.
CIRRHITIDae, _Gray_.
Cirrhites Forsteri, _Schn_.
Scorpaena polyprion, _Bleek_.
Pterois volitans, _L._ miles, _Benn_.
Tetraroge longispinis, _C. & V._ Platycephalus insidiator, _Forsk_.
punctatus, _C. & V._ serratus, _C. & V._ tuberculatus, _C. & V._ suppositus, _Trosch_.
Dactylopterus orientalis, _C. & V._
TRACHINIDae, _Gunther_.
?Uranoscopus guttatus, _C. & V._ Percis millepunctata, _Gunth_.
Sillago siliama, _Forsk_.
SCIaeNIDae, _Gunther_.
Sciaena diacantha, _Lacep_.
maculata, _Schn_.
Dussumieri, _C & V._ Corvina miles, _C. & V._ Otolithus argenteus, _k. & v. H._
POLYNEMIDae, _Gunther_.
Polynemus heptadactylus, _C. & V._ hexanemus, _C. & V._ Indicus, _Shaw_.
plebeius, _Gm._ tetradactylus, _Shaw_.
SPHYRaeNIDae, _Aga.s.s_.
Sphyraena jello, _C. & V._ obtusata, _C. & V._
TRICHIURIDae, _Gunther_.
Trichiurus savala, _Cuv._
s...o...b..IDae, _Gunther_.
?Thynnus affinis, _Cant._ Cybium Commersonii, _Lacep._ guttatum, _Schn._ Naucrates ductor, _L._ Elacate nigra, _Bl._ ?n. sp.
Echeneis remora, _L._ scutata, _Gunth._ naucrates, _L._ Stromateus cinereus, _Bl._ niger, _Bl._ Coryphaena hippurus, _L._ Mene maculata, _Schn._
CARANGIDae, _Gunther._ Caranx Heberi, _Benn._ Rottleri, _Bl._ calla, _C.&V._ xanthurus, _K.&v.H._ talamparoides, _Bleek._ Malabaricus, _Schn._ speciosus, _Forsk._ carangus, _Bl._ hippos, _L._ armatus, _Forsk._ ciliaris, _Bl._ gallus, _L._ Micropteryx chrysurus, _L._ Seriola nigro-fasciata, _Rupp._ Chorinemus lysan, _Forsk._ Sancti Petri, _C. & V._ Trachynotus oblongus, _C. & V._ ovatus, _L._ Psettus argenteus, _L._ Platax vespertilio, _Bl._ Raynaldi, _C.&V._ Zanclus sp. n.
Lactarius delicatulus, _C. & V._ Equula fasciata, _Lacep._ edentula, _Bl._ daura, _Cuv._ inlerrupta.
Gazza minuta, _Bl._ equulaeformis, _Rupp._ Pempheris sp.
XIPHIIDae, _Aga.s.s._ Histiophorus immaculatus, _Rupp._
THEUTYIDae, _Gunther._ Theutys Javus, _L._ stellata, _Forsk._ nebulosa, _A. & G._
ACRONURIDae, _Gunther._ Acanthurus triostegus, _L._ nigrofuscus, _Forsk._ lineatus, _L._ Tennentii, _Gthr._ leucosternon, _Bennett._ ctenodon, _C.&V._ rhombeus, _Kittl._ xanthurus, _Blyth._ Acronurus melas, _C. & V._ melanurus, _C. & V._ Naseus unicornis, _Forsk,_ brevirostris, _C. & V._ tuberosus, _Lacep._ lituratus, _Forster._
AULOSTOMATA, _Cuvier._ Fistularia serrata, _Bl._
BLENNIIDae, _Mull._ Salarias fasclatus, _Bl._ Sal. marmoratus, _Benn._ tridactylus, _Schn._ quadricornis, _C.&V._
GOBIIDae, _Mull._ Gobius ornatus, _Rupp._ giuris, _Buch. Ham._ albopunctatus, _C. & V._ grammepomus, _Bleek._ Apocryptes lanceolatus, _Bl._ Periophthalmus Koelreuteri, _Pall._ Eleotris ophiocephalus, _K. & v.H._ fusca, _Bl._ s.e.xguttata, _C. & V._ muralis, _A. & G._
MASTACEMBELIDae. _Gunther._ Mastacembelus armatus, _Lacep._
PEDICULATI, _Cuv._ Antennarius marmoratus, _Gunth._ hispidus, _Schn._ pinniceps, _Commers._ Commersonii, _Lacep._ multiocellatus _Gunth._ bigibbus, _Lacep._
ATHERINIDae, _Gunther._ Atherina Forskalii, _Rupp._ duodecimalis, _C. & V._
MUGILIDae, _Gunther._ Mugil planiceps, _C. & V._ Waigiensis, _A.G._ Ceylonensis, _Gunth._
OPHIOCEPHALIDae, _Gunther._ Ophiocephalus punctatus, _Bl._ Kelaartii, _Gunth._ striatus, _Bl._ marulius, _Ham. Buch._ Channa orientalis, _Schn._
LABYRINTHICI, _Cuv._ Anabas oligolepis, _Bleek._ Polyacanthus signatus, _Gunth._
Amphiprion Clarkii, _J. Benn._ Dascyllus arua.n.u.s, _C. & V._ trimaculatus, _Rupp._ Glyphisodon septem-fasciatus, _C. & V._ Brownrigii, _Benn,_ coelestinus, _Sol._ Etroplus Suratensis, _Bl._ Julis lunaris _Linn._ decussatus, _W Benn._ formosus, _C.&V._ quadricolor. _Lesson._ dorsalis, _Quoy & Gaim._ aureomaculatus, _W. Benn._ Cellanicus, _E. Benn._ Finlaysoni, _C. & V._ purpureo-lineatus, _C. & V._ cingulum, _C. & V._ Gomphosus fuscus, _C. & V._ coeruleus, _Comm._ viridis, _W. Benn._ Scarus pepo, _W. Benn._ harid. _Forsk._ Tautoga fasciata, _Thunb._ Hemirhamphus Reynaldi, _C. & V._ Georgii _C.& V._ Exocoetus evolans. _Linn._ Belone annulata, _C. & V._
Bagrus gulio, _Buch_.
albilabris, _C. & V._ Plotosus lineatus, _C. & V._ Barbus tor, _C. & V._ Nuria thermoicos, _C. & V._ Leuciscus dandia, _C. & V._ scalpellus, _C. & V._ Ceylonicus, _E. Benn_.
thermalis, _C. & V._ Cobitis thermalis, _C. & V._ Chirocentrus dorab, _Forsk_.
Elops saurus, _L._ Megalops cundinga, _Buch_.
Engraulis Brownii, _Gm_.
Sardinella leiogaster, _C. & V._ lineolata, _C. & V._ Neohowii.
Saurus myops, _Val_.
Saurida tombil, _Bl._
Pleuronectes, _L._
Syngnathus, _L._
Tetraodon ocellatus, _W. Benn_.
tepa, _Buch_.
argyropleura, _E. Bennett_.
argentatus, _Blyth_.
Balistes biaculeatus, _W. Benn_.
lineatus, _Bl._ Triacanthus biaculeatus, _W. Benn_.
Alutarius laevis, _Bl._