
Shadow Of The Swastika Part 3

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"When the farmers of Woodford County [KY] a.s.sembled in October, 1841, to consider a program of hemp production for the navy, they only went as far as to express an opinion that the government should employ a rope spinner in Kentucky for the purpose of converting the fiber into yarns, which could be transported much more cheaply and safely than the bulky raw material. The Committee on Agriculture of the Kentucky House of Representatives inquired into the matter early in 1842 . . .

"Both houses of the General a.s.sembly sent to the Senators and Congressmen from Kentucky a request that they use their 'best exertions'

to have established in the state one or more agencies for the inspection and manufacture of hemp for the navy. A select committee of Congress, appointed to consider the resolutions from Kentucky, reported three resolutions of its own: that the navy be directed to construct a factory at Louisville 'for the purpose of depositing and manufacturing . . .

such hempen fabrics of domestic water-rotted hemp as the public service may require'; that inspectors be appointed to test the fiber that might be offered for sale; and that, after due notice to the public, purchase of the necessary amount of fiber be made at the factory. The Committee contended that its plan would build up during peacetime a source of hemp which would be vitally important in case of war, encourage American agriculture and manufactures, and decrease the unfavorable balance of trade." (23)

[NOTE: For many years we Kentuckians have had a good deal of our heritage and history buried beneath a thick layer of propaganda from a source of power and control in this country which knows neither honor nor justice. Now, we are learning the truth. Our history as a state built upon the foundation of a long- and dishonestly- outlawed industry endures.]


Even after Pearl Harbor, ITT was working for the n.a.z.is, reports Higham: ". . . the German army, navy, and air force contracted with ITT for the manufacture of switchboards, telephones, alarm gongs, buoys, air raid warning devices, radar equipment, and thirty thousand fuses per month for artillery sh.e.l.ls used to kill British and American troops."

ITT also "supplied ingredients for the rocket bombs that fell on London," and other devices as well, without which "it would have been impossible for the German air force to kill American and British troops, for the German army to fight the Allies in Africa, Italy, France, and Germany, for England to have been bombed, or for Allied ships to have been attacked at sea." (24)

In 1938, "following a series of meetings with Luftwaffe chief Herman Goring, [ITT founder and chairman Sosthenes] Behn encouraged ITT's Lorenz subsidiary to purchase 28 percent of the Focke-Wulf firm, manufacturer of the bombers that were to sink so many Allied ships during the war," according to researcher and author Jim Hougan. (25)

Anthony Sampson, in "The Sovereign State of ITT," reports on what is perhaps the most bizarre aspect of the US/n.a.z.i corporate partnership, war reparations:

". . . ITT now presents itself as the innocent victim of the Second World War, and has been handsomely recompensed for its injuries. In 1967, nearly thirty years after the events, ITT actually managed to obtain $27 million in compensation from the American government, for war damage to Focke-Wulf plants - on the basis that they were American property bombed by Allied bombers."


The Foreign Claims Settlement Commission was responsible for this payment to ITT, and other U.S. corporations as well.

Bradford Snell reports that "After the cessation of hostilities, GM and Ford demanded reparations from the U.S. Government for wartime damages sustained by their Axis facilities as a result of Allied bombing. By 1967 GM had collected more than $33 million in reparations and Federal tax benefits for damages to its warplane and motor vehicle properties in formerly Axis territories . . . Ford received a little less than $1 million, primarily as a result of damages sustained by its military truck complex at Cologne." (27)


Contemporary history records Allen Dulles as one of America's top spymasters, from his early days in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in World War II, to his position as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the 1950s and early 1960s (until President John F. Kennedy fired him over the Bay of Pigs disaster in 1961), and finally to his membership on the controversial Warren Commission, which investigated President Kennedy's a.s.sa.s.sination. Until recently, his pivotal role in promoting a U.S. corporate relationship with the n.a.z.is was little known. Loftus and Aarons describe the post-World War I role of Allen, and his brother, John Foster, in the following terms:

"We first turn to Dulles's creation of international finance networks for the benefit of the n.a.z.is. In the beginning, moving money into the Third Reich was quite legal. Lawyers saw to that.

And Allen and his brother John Foster were not just any lawyers.

They were international finance specialists for the powerful Wall Street law firm of Sullivan & Cromwell. . . .

"The Dulles brothers were the ones who convinced American businessmen to avoid U.S. government regulation by investing in Germany. It began with the Versailles Treaty, in which they played no small role. After World War I the defeated German government promised to pay war reparations to the Allies in gold, but Germany had no gold. It had to borrow the gold from Sullivan & Cromwell's clients in the United States. Nearly 70 percent of the money that flowed into Germany during the 1930s came from investors in the United States, many of them Sullivan & Cromwell clients. . .

"Foster Dulles, as a member of the board of I.G. Farben, seems to have had little difficulty in getting along with whoever was in charge. Some of our sources insist that both Dulles brothers made substantial but indirect contributions to the n.a.z.i party as the price of continued influence inside the new German order. . . ."



1. Facts and Fascism, George Seldes, p. 122 Trading with the Enemy, Charles Higham, p. 167

2. Even the G.o.ds Can't Change History, Seldes, pp. 140-144

3. Facts and Fascism, p. 68

4. Ibid., p. 262

5. Trading with the Enemy, pp. 162-165

6. Ibid., p. 166

7. Power, Inc., Morton and Mintz, pp. 497-499

8. Trading with the Enemy, pp. 163-165

9. The Plot to Seize the White House, Jules Archer, Hawthorn Books, 1973 (Quoted from It's A Conspiracy, National Insecurity Council, EarthWorks Press, 1992, pp. 179-184)

10. Trading with the Enemy, pp. 167-168

11. Facts and Fascism, pp. 68-70

12. Trading with the Enemy, pp. 45-46

13. Power, Inc, pp. 499-500

14. The Secret War Against The Jews, Aarons and Loftus, pp. 44-65

15. Trading with the Enemy, pp. 61-62

16. Ibid., pp. 49-52

17. Ibid., p. 176

18. The Emperor Wears No Clothes, Jack Herer, pp. 127-130

19. One Thousand Americans, Seldes, pp. 142-143

20. Trading with the Enemy, pp. 154-156

21. Ain't n.o.body's Business If You Do, p. 734

22. Popular Mechanics Magazine, Vol. 76, No. 6, Dec. 1941 (The Emperor Wears No Clothes, 1995 edition, p. 199)

23. A History of the Hemp Industry in Kentucky, Professor James F.

Hopkins, University of Kentucky Press, 1951

24. Trading with the Enemy, p. 99

25. Spooks, Jim Hougan, pp. 423-424

26. The Sovereign State of ITT, Anthony Sampson, p. 47 (Power, Inc., pp. 500-501)

27. GM and the n.a.z.is, by Bradford C. Snell, Ramparts Magazine, June 1974, pp. 14-16 (Democracy for the Few, Michael Parenti, pp.


28. The Secret War Against the Jews, pp. 55-60

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