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The reader will have seen by this time, that, probably, the whole transaction was arranged before the man bought the first hoof of that drove of hogs. Some emissary of the Browns advised him to speculate in pork; to use his credit, which was good, and he did not see the Browns till he was preparing to start. They make him liberal offers, because they never intend to pay, and it matters little what they offer. He then sends some of the meaner members of the gang to the landing, to order him a few days' journey further, and there they meet him again, and butcher, and pack the hogs. They are well paid for their villany by the job, which they take care to make a fat one. The merchant was paid for his part of the rascality by the profit on his stores, and perhaps by a bonus out of the money advanced. They then thought that if they could implicate him in any unlawful business, he would tell no tales about them; accordingly, they entice him, or rather drive him to the counterfeit trade. But conscience makes bad men cowards, and they felt uneasy, so, by means of some of the band, they have him arrested; the proof is so positive that he must be convicted, and the poor fellow was thrown into the penitentiary. But even here they did not consider him safe, although under a false name; so, through the influence of some of the _aristocracy_, they get him pardoned; and then the moment he is free, they meet him, tell him of all they have done for him, and propose a new scene of action. Poor fellow, what can he do? He goes with them to this new scene of action, but in all probability he finds it a state of _rest_, for "dead men tell no tales."
Thus, for the paltry price of a drove of hogs, was an honest man ruined, and, for fear of detection, murdered.
Probably in no era of the world, and certainly never among a Christian people, was there formed a more bold, daring, and, at the same time, secret a.s.sociation, than the one whose const.i.tution and by-laws we now present to the reader. Composed of men of all and grades in society, from the priest at the altar, the judge on the bench, the lawyer at the bar, down to the most common felon and street thief or pickpocket, all bound together by a solemn oath, they laboured for the general cause of secret plunder, to the enriching of themselves at the expense of the ma.s.s. But having previously shown how I procured my information regarding these desperadoes, I shall leave farther comment on their acts, for the present, to the public, before whose tribunal they must be arraigned, and proceed at once to present their
_Hanging Rock, Western District of Virginia, July 12, 1798._
SECTION I.--_Art. 1._ This society shall be known by the name of the SECRET BAND OF BROTHERS.
_Art. 2._ It shall be governed by brethren who have become prominent by their many valiant deeds for the promotion of the society.
_Art. 3._ The officers of this society shall be known as Grand Masters, and shall be duly authorized, by this const.i.tution, to initiate, as members of this society, any male or female, who comes well and duly recommended by a brother, in good standing, as having served the probation which this const.i.tution requires.
_Art. 4._ It shall be the duty of a brother, before he gives the applicant information who the Band of Brothers are, to take him on probation three months, during which time he shall notify the Grand Master, that at such a date he will introduce the person, on probation, for initiation.
_Art. 5._ It shall be the duty of the Grand Master to notify all the Brotherhood, so far as he has it in his power, that such an individual will pray for the privilege of becoming a member of the Honourable Brotherhood, at such a date; and to likewise apprize them of the duty set apart, so far as in the power of each member, to carefully scan the motives of the said candidate, and, if they can ascertain by word, deed or action, that the candidate is not a fit person to become a member, to convey the same to the brother who recommended him, and the same must, in all cases, apprize the Worthy Grand what has been said against, and in favour of the said candidate;--and it must be strictly observed, that in no case shall the Worthy Grand condescend to be introduced without proper notice; and the same must in all cases be strictly obeyed.
_Art. 6._ It shall be the duty of every member to make the candidate the subject of trial, in every secret manner which he may think profitable to test his qualities as a true believer in the virtue of the Brotherhood; and likewise to throw every temptation in his way, which may be likely to sour his disposition against the formalities of the world, and thereby lead him into a closer commune with the Holy Brotherhood, of which he is to become a member, and which he is to believe to be true and honest in every sense of the word; and that all other religions and creeds are base, and founded upon speculative motives--that this is the only TRUE, by which he must stand through good or ill, and never secede, on pain of death on earth, and punishment eternal hereafter.
_Art. 7._ It shall be the duty of every brother to be strictly on his guard, concerning this brave and generous band, and give no intimation to any mortal being of its existence, unless he is fully persuaded that he or they are worthy by thought and act of the high and honourable character which the honourable body will ever confer upon them, by receiving them as men and brethren, worthy of the protection of the only true society under Heaven.
_Art. 8._ It shall be the duty of all, both members and Masters, to guard against the influence of party spirit, either political or religious, as termed by a certain cla.s.s of people, who, from their weak and shattered principles, have been led to suppose that the great and overruling Bible, among certain, is the Divine inspiration of the Deity, and was hewn from a solid rock, for the purpose of satisfying all men of the power of G.o.d, whom this band hold sacred, as a being of unchangeable character, who will, in the immortal state, prepare an everlasting place of rest for all who do not by their oaths confirm the total disapprobation of his supernatural power.
_Art. 9._ It shall be the duty of all brethren of this benevolent band, in their becoming members of this Christian (!) fraternity, to deny the principles of the book called the Bible, to be other than the work of priestcraft, got up to delude the weaker portion of mankind, and whose principles have been carried out to the uttermost parts of the earth, until even the heathen have suffered by the base intrigue of missionaries, of this rascally compilation of nonsense, by being made subservient to their most outrageous and villanous transactions.
_Art. 10._ That we do deplore the perversion of the power of G.o.d, as men and Christians, and believe it highly commendable to this, the only true society of Christian principles, to a.s.sociate and connect ourselves with all churches, of every denomination, and with all societies, not for the purpose of supporting them, but through these means to the furthering of our own designs.
_Art. 11._ That we labour to make proselytes of all with whom we come in contact, when it can be done without suspicion and danger to ourselves; that we believe this a true principle--founded upon Nature herself, our ruler--that policy dictates to us the necessity of keeping at peace with the world, and often appearing humble and G.o.dlike, that we may be taken as pious and G.o.d-serving people: at the same time, that we keep our "lights so shining," that all who wish, may be able to understand, appreciate, and embrace our principles.
_Art. 12._ That we hold, as a duty to mankind, that the G.o.d of nature, the only G.o.d, has made a benevolent donation to all his beings; and that it is against the principles of true Christianity, to allow one man to fare sumptuously day by day, while his neighbours, as good by nature, and far better by practice, shall be made his servants;--and therefore, we, the members of this honourable body, do pledge ourselves to try, by every means in our power, to diffuse the necessaries of life throughout the universe, that all may fare alike who live as Nature's Christians.
_Art. 13._ We pledge ourselves to take from the rich, and give to the poor; and, as none of the honourable body wish for more than the G.o.d of Nature has given--which is an abundance of this world's goods--we agree to take from the one, and give to the other; and that the wealthy, or the enemies of this society, shall be the ones we will strive to hara.s.s, by disapprobation of their tyrannical course; and no respect will we pay to persons, either politically or religiously, but swear to prove true to all the bearings which we have laid down in this our Const.i.tution.
_Art. 14._ We pledge ourselves to strive for the promotion of the true principles as set apart by us, and to use every means in our power to enlarge our inst.i.tution, and to abhor--save when dictated by policy--everything like priestcraft, (such as may be found in that book, called the Bible, in the twentieth chapter of Exodus, and known as the "ten commandments," which were said to have been written by the finger of G.o.d, and which have since been the cause of nine-tenths of the crime against the welfare of mankind,) and yet to take every means in our power--knowing, as we do, that we are the only rightful Christians, and few in number, in comparison with the other denominations--to carry out our motives, as dictated by policy, by linking ourselves to them by bonds of this same priestcraft; in other words, to be, if possible, promoted to the charge of their flocks, as priests or ministers; and all advancement of the like shall be duly appreciated by every worthy member; and the industrious and honest brother, so succeeding, shall be looked up to, and respected as one of more than ordinary talent.
_Art. 15._ We pledge ourselves to educate our children so as, if possible, to prevent them from becoming members of any society save that of the Holy Band,--known as the Secret Band of Brothers--the only correct and Christian people that strive to place all men upon an equal footing,--and, furthermore, to destroy all principles we may from time to time see developing in favour of that cla.s.s of people whom the world calls Christians, and that we do sincerely feel it a duty we owe to ourselves and the G.o.d of Nature, to try, by every means in our power--and in this case all means shall be considered justifiable--to overthrow all inst.i.tutions which take the Bible as their standard--as we hold that the G.o.d of Nature has set apart for us three principles and no other.
First: That all men are made to live their time of probation on earth, and are not answerable hereafter for any deed they may commit, so it be sanctioned by the laws or const.i.tution of this society.
Second: That the course mankind in general pursues, particularly the so-styled religious cla.s.s of community, is wholly contrary to our views, and therefore wrong; and that the G.o.d of Nature, as our G.o.d, requires that we put down the fabulous book called the Bible, to save mankind from priestcraft and delusion, and bring them over to our principles.
Third: That there is but one unpardonable sin, which is, to allow Christians, our tyrants, to progress when we can make them r.e.t.a.r.d, by leaguing ourselves with, and instilling into their minds, and more particularly their offspring, all the n.o.ble sentiments which may tend to overthrow former prejudice and eradicate the present false views of moralists, until the Bible shall be looked upon by them in the light it now is by the followers of Mahomet, and until all the present laws of society be considered tyrannical and unjust.
_Art. 16._ The G.o.d of Nature, we hold as our G.o.d, has in no principle required us, through his wise construction of our component parts, to be in any manner driven by, or subject to man,--that He, as a wise, intelligent being, created all mankind upon an equality, and that all men should so stand in regard to each other--that no being was ever placed upon this earth to rule as monarch over others,--and, therefore, that all monarchies, all governments, which are headed by rulers, such as kings, presidents, governors, &c., are unlawful in the sight of G.o.d, and unjust--and that we, as men and Christians of the Holy Brotherhood, do hereby pledge ourselves, aye, do swear by all we hold sacred, that we will use all the cunning of our natures to put down all kingdoms, all governments which are ruled by crowned heads, presidents, or governors, or ruled by any principle of religion other than, nature--and that all religion, priestcraft, &c., is unholy in the sight of the Most High G.o.d, and that He requires of us, as a paramount duty, that we labour zealously for its final extermination, to the glory of Him and the benefit of mankind here and hereafter.
_Art. 17._ We hold that the foregoing articles are wholly correct, and fully sanctioned by the G.o.d of Nature--that whoever of our fraternity proves in anywise recreant to them is a traitor to us, to himself, and his G.o.d;--that the candidate for membership, in view of this, does by this article most solemnly declare and avow that all the foregoing are according to his most unbiased views--that such, and only such, he will ever support, nor shrink, nor waver from, nor expose the same, even in the agonies of death, on flood, or field, in prison, on the rack, scaffold, or feathered couch--that he understands this fully, and all the bearings of it, with all of the foregoing, his name, which he deliberately, without compulsion, sets to this const.i.tution, stands as lasting, undeniable proof--that he has come to this solemn determination after calm, mature deliberation--that he is over twenty-two years of age--and, finally, that he is willing to go through with all the oaths and ceremonies which this band sees proper to impose; in proof whereof, he now repeats the following
Almighty and all-merciful G.o.d! the Great Author and Disposer of all beings! I hereby pledge myself, in thy sight, to keep sacred the holy principles, one and all, which I this day have had set before and disclosed to me, by the Worthy Grand Master of the most ancient order under heaven--known by the appellation of the Secret Band of Brothers--and I pray thee, Almighty G.o.d! to watch the workings of my cultivated nature; and, Heavenly Father! keep me sane in mind, that I may always know the everlasting punishment which awaits me, if I prove recreant to the vows which I herewith do take upon me, with my own free will, in thy holy sight--and I pray thee, Almighty G.o.d! should I prove false to the vow or vows I now make, in becoming a member of this Holy Brotherhood, to shut from me the light of thy countenance--to visit the wrath of thy indignation upon me--to let my walks here on earth be paths of desolation, at the end of which be famine and death, and, in the world to come, torment and more tormenting pains racking my soul for ever! But, Almighty G.o.d! should I keep and carry out these, the only true principles, which thou in thy wisdom hast set aside for thy children to follow, then mayest thou be pleased to grant me a well-spent closing life on earth, and an undying existence with thee in thy holy kingdom of heaven!--Amen.
_Art. 18._ The foregoing articles having been read and acceded to by the candidate for membership, and the prayer having been repeated by him, he shall be considered a member of this fraternity--known as the Secret Band of Brothers--and the Grand Master shall then proceed with the following:--
Most worthy Brother! You have now been initiated into some of the secrets of the Holy Brotherhood, otherwise called the Secret Band of Brothers; you have become a member of an Order which, I trust, you will ever cherish--feeling it is worthy of any of G.o.d's children; and, if you so consider it, and also consider yourself a true and lawful member, you will now make the same manifest by an inclination of your head, in token of a.s.sent,
_Art. 19._ The member having bowed in a.s.sent, the Grand Master shall again proceed, as follows:--
Now, Brother, you, through choice, can take one degree, which will ent.i.tle you to a benefit in sickness or in distress; and likewise ent.i.tle you to the use of the SCALE, which will enable you to converse with any Brother without any possible chance of detection, by paying the trifling sum of twenty-five cents per month, to the Worthy Grand, who is the proper person for you to apply to for a.s.sistance, which in all cases must be done verbally:--in token of a.s.sent that you wish this degree conferred upon you, you will now lay your hand upon your heart and answer in the affirmative.
_Art. 20._ After conferring the foregoing degree, the Grand Master shall again proceed, as follows:
Brother, it is now my pleasant duty to inform you that the degree just taken ent.i.tles you to a full membership of the Holy Brotherhood, and also ent.i.tles you to a benefit of thirty-three cents per day, if imprisoned, or confined by sickness, caused by exposure or otherwise,--which you, in all cases, must make known to the Worthy Grand, if possible, through a Brother, but by no other process; and you must be careful to observe one particular point, which is, NEVER, under any circ.u.mstance, to approach the Worthy Grand as an intimate acquaintance, for fear of being suspected as such, and thereby bringing mistrust upon him through some person who may have had their eye upon you, as a man not carrying out the principles which they approve of as being the ones best calculated to promote their priestcraft.
_Art. 21._ The Grand Master shall thus continue:
You being now a member of this Holy Brotherhood, it falls to my lot to apprize you of the position which you now occupy, and some of the duties inc.u.mbent upon you. This society claims you as a Brother, and, should you be sick, will prepare hospitable means for your comfort--should you be in difficulty, through misfortune, you will ever find friends ready and willing to a.s.sist you: should you for any offence be brought to trial, your judges, jurors, witnesses, &c., you will find composed of men selected from this Holy Brotherhood: you have the privilege at any time to go and come as you please, to retire or live in public life; but you are to make known every transaction whereby certain may be considered as dishonest--and if the person offending is not committed by a Brother, you are bound, if possible, to see that the offender is brought before the tyrannical bar, and, likewise, if it lies in your power, to have the said offender convicted; and, if convicted, it shall furthermore be your duty to apprize the Grand Master the length of time he is sentenced, to what prison, and what punishment--as we, as men and Christians, hold it a duty for each member to throw every obstacle in the way of the people CALLED Christians, for the purpose of bringing them to the laws which Nature's G.o.d has set apart.
_Art. 22._ Having now informed you of some of the benefits and duties falling upon you, as a Brother, I now come to an article of penalty, which you will find requires your close attention, as follows:
If you betray a Brother, this Const.i.tution allots to you but one punishment, which is--#DEATH BY VIOLENT MEANS!#--AND THIS SENTENCE WILL SURELY BE CARRIED INTO EFFECT--as sure as that there is a sun at noonday, or stars at night; and the Brother, so terminating your career, shall receive, in compensation, the sum of THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS, which shall be paid to him by a Grand Master, for this society.
_Art. 23._ If you are ever true and faithful to the Brotherhood, you shall be sustained by them, in all your undertakings, right or wrong; and should you meet with danger, by reason of the Brotherhood, which sometimes happens, by your making the same known to the Grand Master, he will, if your quarterly and annual payments have been regularly made, refund you the full amount. You will be charged, annually, five dollars for your head, and a half cent per annum on all your common chattels and freehold property,--which you will be required to pay in advance, yearly, to ensure you the benefit and full privilege of the Secret Band of Brothers' Mutual Insurance; the principle of which is adopted for the special benefit of the Brotherhood, as we feel no interest in befriending any, not even our own blood relations, unless with a motive of sooner or later bringing to bear our Christian creed, and making them true and faithful Brethren.
_Art. 24._ If at any time you think it would be policy for you to withdraw--or, in other words, retire--you will find it beneficial for you to watch for, and detect every species of fraud--done by any other clan than the Brotherhood--and convey the same to your worthy Brethren; and in all cases, do all you can to make war with what the self-styled Christians call moral principles; and whenever you see or hear of an imprudent act in a Brother, it shall be your duty to convey the fact to the Brother--if not by your own tongue, by that of some Brother of the band,--and if you see any manifestations made throughout the community of a moral, or, what is termed of a religious nature, it shall be your duty to oppose and oppress the leaders in every shape and manner possible, as we hold all such calculated to keep in darkness many who might, otherwise, be made true and faithful Brethren, and followers of Nature's G.o.d: and the moral part of the community, so termed, who will not give us an opportunity to enroll their names, watch; and if by aping them you can make inroads upon their creeds, or false views, you will add not only to the promotion of the society, but will sustain a character throughout the Brotherhood, not to be forgotten; and, furthermore, as there are many ways to find out the principles of men, it is to be the constant duty of each member of this Brotherhood, to take advantage of every opportunity of finding out the opinions of the ma.s.s--by talking as much as possible about the villanous transactions which happened at an early day, in the new settlements, and the active part which he took in detecting the band, &c.--by which means he not only learns who are friendly towards the promotion of this Brotherhood, but also who are the ones for this society to watch as their most deadly enemies;--and a Brother must, in no case, refuse to give money for the construction of the most popular churches, and must always pay great respect to the priests--for through them we hope to hide many of what might be termed, by our enemies, deeds of darkness; but such as we, as men and Christians, believe to be lawful and proper duties: and one who does not comply with the rules and regulations of this band so far as in his power, after having taken the solemn oath, shall be treated by all honourable members as unworthy of their protection, and shall be proscribed by the Brotherhood--WHICH PROSCRIPTION LEAVES HIM LIABLE TO SUDDEN AND VIOLENT DEATH, AT ANY MOMENT!
_Art. 25._ Each member who has been duly sworn in, as Grand Master, can have the privilege of withdrawing his name from the Holy Brotherhood, by recommending one whom he considers worthy, and in whom he pledges himself can be put unbounded confidence, and one who has never failed to pay his quarterage and yearly dues in advance; (as such a failure a.s.suredly prohibits him from promotion;) and this office grants to the holder his travelling expenses, and two dollars per day, while on business of the society, and, likewise, secures him double the benefit of a private, in sickness or difficulty. Now, therefore, Brother, you have the full meaning of the foregoing, and the same chance of promotion as either of the Brethren.
SECT. II. _Art. 1._ The Grand Masters of this society shall consist of six, to every fifty mile square,--five of whom have no power, other than to bear the annual returns, in case of absence or sickness of the Grand--in which case they are ent.i.tled to his pay, for their services and expenses--said pay to be deducted from the moneys in their possession, at the meeting of the society; and in case of death or resignation, the seat or seats of the former Grand or Grands must be filled by the next Grand or Grands, in rank--said rank to be through the official age of the subordinates; whose seats, as THEY rise, must again be filled by some one of the private members, whose appointment must be confirmed by a pet.i.tion, signed by three-fourths of the Brethren; and, in case of two or more candidates running for the same office, the one having the most names shall be considered duly elected--whereupon he must solemnly pledge himself to keep the funds intrusted to him, belonging to the Brotherhood, secure; that should he, at any time, be required to resign, by three-fourths of the Grands, he will make due returns of all moneys in his possession; and that, in all cases, he will be ready to render a correct account of all moneys received and paid out by him, which account shall, also, be duly made out and handed in at every annual meeting.
_Art. 2._ It shall be the duty of every Grand to keep his accounts, and the Const.i.tution of this society, written on paper, with a certain kind of acid, which cannot be read, unless held to the fire, when the heat will bring to the face of the paper the desired intelligence; and it shall, furthermore, be the duty of the Grand Master to commit to memory this Const.i.tution and By-laws,--that he may, at any time, be able to give any pa.s.sage verbatim, without the a.s.sistance of referring to the article itself, as it endangers the Brotherhood to have the doc.u.ments on hand;--and it shall also be the duty of the Grand Masters, in office, to supply the five, who are not matured officers, with one article at a time, until they commit the same to memory; when it shall be their duty to instruct them the manner in which the same is written in acid; and then to demand a written Const.i.tution from each, which, if not written correctly, must be corrected and returned every three months, until perfected.
_Art. 3._ It shall be the duty of the Grand Masters to examine their five subordinate officers, four times each year, until they find each capable of drafting a const.i.tution, and of giving each article its correct No. and proper place,--with full instructions as to secrecy, in keeping all the six words, with their proper tables, from the ordinary members--as the ordinary members are not ent.i.tled to the use of the six words, which are termed Qualities;--and, furthermore, if any of the Grand Masters know of a letter of importance, which one of the members has written to a Grand Master or Subordinate Grand, it shall be the duty of the said Grand Master, if possible, to QUALIFY the letter, either upon the inside or outside, as the case may be--for the qualities are highly essential,--and it shall still, furthermore, be the duty of all Grand Masters, to teach their Brethren the necessity of their committing as much of the language as shall be given them on their initiation; and, likewise, the great importance, for the general safety, that all letters shall contain as much of the secret language as can be made to answer the purpose,--because it will be easily read by the Grand Masters, and common members, but will be impossible for the worldly people to unravel.
_Art. 4._ It shall be further observed, that no Grand, if known to reveal to any common member more than the initiation prayer, and what has been specified in the foregoing--with the exception of the meaning of the figure 9, in the fourth column, to which all are ent.i.tled--can be thought worthy of the honourable Grand's station; and in no case can such an offence be forgiven--and that, as a punishment for such an offence, he shall not only be discharged from the high and honourable office of Grand Master, but shall have a vote of censure pa.s.sed upon him, which shall for ever disqualify him from holding office; and he shall, thenceforth, be closely watched, and in case he shows, or in any way manifests, any sign of malicious disapprobation, he shall be tried in secret, by the Grands and members of his District; and upon three-fourths giving their opinion that he is an enemy to the Brotherhood, it shall be the duty of the Grand Master to take him on probation, six months, and apprize him of the fact, that he is, in the opinion of the Brotherhood, acting, or about to act, a treacherous part,--and that he has been granted the state of probation, and the privilege of leaving the District, or changing his treacherous principles:--if he choose the former, his name must be sent to every Grand Master in the Union; if he choose the latter, his after good works must recommend him; but in case he should refuse either, it shall be the duty of the Grand Master to put upon his head the usual reward--of a traitor, which is three hundred dollars, to whoever takes his life, with the highest approbation which can be placed upon the Brother, so doing, by his honest Brethren.
[The following qualities are known and used by the Grand Masters alone, the common members being wholly ignorant of their existence; and thus it is, that these grandees can so completely foil their followers, without the least risk of the latter being the wiser. The qualities are made for the special purpose of designating each individual, and at the same time be entirely safe from the least suspicion. When a Grand Master has had the honour of promotion conferred, he is supplied with the table of qualities; likewise the secret of correspondence is submitted to his confidence, under an oath, the penalty of which is death, if he, by word, deed, or action develop, or by any means expose, the principles of his special charge. After he has taken the solemn oath, the chief Grand gives him the secret for preparing the sympathetic ink, which is used upon all occasions where one Grand is corresponding with another; and where a Brother is about to travel, it is the duty of the Grand Master presiding, in the district where he resides, to give him a plain letter of recommendation, with the private qualities in cipher, in a definite manner, that the Grand Master who receives the same may not be deceived; and ofttimes has the poor ninny carried in his supposed letter his death warrant. As the secret of the cipher is not known to any but those of the fraternity who have been promoted above the ranks of the subordinate, it leaves the latter completely in the hands of their Grand Masters. But we would not have our readers to understand, by our explanation, that it is our belief, that the private qualities are always carried out to a letter, as laid down in their const.i.tution and by-laws; yet we have no hesitation in saying, that we believe that the members live more closely to their profession than many of our Christian inst.i.tutions; and that there are many that walk as near the line of their profession as they know how, we have every reason to believe from the daily ill.u.s.trations we have of depravity among us. We therefore give you the correct qualities of the Grand Masters, which are held entirely apart from the common Brotherhood, by the preceding restrictions set forth in this note.]
_Art. 5._ The Grand Master shall be fully invested with power to give out the following catalogue of useful flash words. The six words of QUALITY are highly beneficial in conversation, and must, in all cases, be used when one is present who is not known to be a member. By this means can be found out the strange Brethren, who are ever ready for any sound so familiar to their ears. The dualities, also, serve to advance the Brethren, who are made acquainted with them, to the higher seats of honour, and are as follows: