
Searchlights on Health: Light on Dark Corners Part 62

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Bichloride of mercury, 15 gr.

Lime water, 1 pt.

Shake well, and wash affected parts night and morning.


Cyanide of silver, gr.

Powdered iridis, 2 gr.

Divide into 10 parts. To be rubbed on tongue once a day.

FOR ERUPTIONS IN SYPHILIS.--A 5 per cent. ointment of carbolic acid in a good preparation.



Warm poultice of linseed meal, Mercurial plaster, Lead ointment.

GLEET (Chronic Clap).

1. SYMPTOMS.--When gonorrhoea is not cured at the end of twenty-one or twenty-eight days, at which time all {469} discharge should have ceased, we have a condition known as chronic clap, which is nothing more or less than gleet. At this time most of the symptoms have abated, and the princ.i.p.al one needing medical attention is the discharge, which is generally thin, and often only noticed in the morning on arising, when a scab will be noticed, glutinating the lips of the external orifice. Or, on pressing with the thumb and finger from behind, forward, a thin, white discharge can be noticed.

2. HOME TREATMENT.--The diet of patients affected with this disease is all-important, and should have careful attention. The things that should be avoided are highly spiced and stimulating foods and drinks, as all forms of alcohol, or those containing acids. Indulgence in impure thoughts is often sufficient to keep a discharge, on account of the excitement it produces to the sensitive organs, thus inducing erections, which always do harm.

3. GENERAL TREATMENT.--The best injection is:

Nitrate of silver, grain.

Pure water, 1 oz.

Inject three or four times a day after urinating.


SYMPTOMS.--The patient experiences difficulty in voiding the urine, several ineffectual efforts being made before it will flow. The stream is diminished in size, of a flattened or spiral form, or divided in two or more parts, and does not flow with the usual force.

TREATMENT.--It is purely a surgical case and a competent surgeon must be consulted.


1. CAUSE.--Is a morbid condition of the p.e.n.i.s, in which the glans p.e.n.i.s cannot be uncovered, either on account of a congenital smallness of the orifice of the foreskin, or it may be due to the acute stage of gonorrhoea, or caused by the presence of soft chancre.

2. SYMPTOMS.--It is hardly necessary to give a description of the symptoms occurring in this condition, for it will be easily diagnosed, and its appearances are so indicative that all that is necessary is to study into its cause and treat the disease with reference to that.

TREATMENT.--If caused from acute gonorrhoea, it should be treated first by hot fomentations, to subdue the swelling, when the glans p.e.n.i.s can be uncovered. If the result of the formation of chancre under the skin, they should be treated by a surgeon, for it may result in the sloughing off of the end of the p.e.n.i.s, unless properly treated.


Animal Magnetism.


[Ill.u.s.tration: ILl.u.s.tRATING MAGNETIC INFLUENCES.


1. MAGNETISM EXISTING BETWEEN THE BODIES OF MANKIND.--It is rational to believe that there is a magnetism existing between the bodies of mankind, which may have either a beneficial or a damaging effect upon our health, according to the conditions which are produced, or the nature of the individuals who are brought in contact with each other. As an ill.u.s.tration of this point we might consider that, all nature is governed by the laws of attraction and repulsion, or in other words, by positive and negative forces. These subtle forces or laws in nature which we call attraction or {471} repulsion, are governed by the affinity--or sameness--or the lack of affinity--or sameness--which exists between what may be termed the combination of atoms or molecules which goes to make up organic structure.

2. LAW OF ATTRACTION.--Where this affinity--or sameness--exists between the different things, there is what we term the law of attraction, or what may be termed the disposition to unite together. Where there is no affinity existing between the nature of the different particles of matter, there is what may be termed the law of repulsion, which has a tendency to destroy the harmony which would otherwise take place.

3. MAGNETISM OF THE MIND.--Now, what is true of the magnet and steel, is also true--from the sameness of their nature--of two bodies. And what is true of the body in this sense, is also true of the sameness or magnetism of the mind. Hence, _by the laying on of hands_, or by the a.s.sociation of the minds of individuals, we reach the same result as when a combination is produced in any department of nature. Where this sameness of affinity exists, there will be a blending of forces, which has a tendency to build up vitality.

4. A PROOF.--As a proof of this position, how often have you found the society of strangers to be so repulsive to your feelings, that you have no disposition to a.s.sociate. Others seem to bring with them a soothing influence that draws you closer to them. All these involuntary likes and dislikes are but the results of the _animal magnetism_ that we are constantly throwing off from our bodies,--although seemingly imperceptible to our internal senses.--The dog can scent his master, and determine the course which he pursues, no doubt from similar influences.

5. HOME HARMONY.--Many of the infirmities that afflict humanity are largely due to a want of an understanding of its principles, and the right applications of the same. I believe that if this law of magnetism was more fully understood and acted upon, there would be a far greater harmony in the domestic circle; the health of parents and children might often be preserved where now sickness and discord so frequently prevail.

6. THE LAW OF MAGNETISM.--When two bodies are brought into contact with each other, the weak must naturally draw from the strong until both have become equal. And as long as this equality exists there will be perfect harmony between individuals, because of the reciprocation which exists in their nature. {472}

7. SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST.--But if one should gain the advantage of the other in magnetic attraction, the chances are that through the law of development, or what has been termed the "Survival of the Fittest"--the stronger will rob the weaker until one becomes robust and healthy, while the other grows weaker and weaker day by day. This frequently occurs with children sleeping together, also between husband and wife.

8. SLEEPING WITH INVALIDS.--Healthy, hearty, vigorous persons sleeping with a diseased person is always at a disadvantage. The consumptive patient will draw from the strong, until the consumptive person becomes the strong patient and the strong person will become the consumptive. There are many cases on record to prove this statement. A well person should never sleep with an invalid if he desires to keep his health unimpaired, for the weak will take from the strong, until the strong becomes the weak and the weak the strong. Many a husband has died from a lingering disease which saved his wife from an early grave. He took the disease from his wife because he was the stronger, and she became better and he perished.

9. HUSBAND AND WIFE.--It is not always wise that husband and wife should sleep together, nor that children--whose temperament does not harmonize--should be compelled to sleep in the same bed. By the same law it is wrong for the young to sleep with old persons. Some have slept in the same bed with persons, when in the morning they have gotten up seemingly more tired than when they went to bed. At other times with different persons, they have lain awake two-thirds of the night in pleasant conversation and have gotten up in the morning without scarcely realizing that they had been to sleep at all, yet have felt perfectly rested and refreshed.

10. MAGNETIC HEALING, OR WHAT HAS BEEN KNOWN AS THE LAYING ON OF HANDS.--A nervous prostration is a negative condition beneath the natural, by the laying on of hands a person in a good, healthy condition is capable of communicating to the necessity of the weak. For the negative condition of the patient will as naturally draw from the strong, as the loadstone draws from the magnet, until both become equally charged. And as fevers are a positive condition of the system "beyond the natural," the normal condition of the healer will, by the laying on of the hands, absorb these positive atoms, until the fever of the patient becomes reduced or cured. As a proof of this the magnetic healer often finds himself or herself prostrated after treating the weak; and excited or feverish after treating a feverish patient.


How to Read Character.


[Ill.u.s.tration: WELL MATED.]

1. LARGE NOSES.--Bonaparte chose large-nosed men for his generals, and the opinion prevails that large noses indicate long heads and strong minds. Not that great noses cause great minds, but that the motive or powerful temperament cause both.

2. FLAT NOSES.--Flat noses indicate flatness of mind and character, by indicating a poor, low organic structure.

3. BROAD NOSES.--Broad noses indicate large pa.s.sageways to the lungs, and this, large lungs and vital organs, and this, great strength of const.i.tution, and hearty animal {474} pa.s.sions along with selfishness; for broad noses, broad shoulders, broad heads, and large animal organs go together. But when the nose is narrow at the base, the nostrils are small, because the lungs are small and need but small avenues for air; and this indicates a predisposition to consumptive complaints, along with an active brain and nervous system, and a pa.s.sionate fondness for literary pursuits.

4. SHARP NOSES.--Sharp noses indicate a quick, clear, penetrating, searching, knowing, sagacious mind, and also a scold; indicate warmth of love, hate, generosity, moral sentiment--indeed, positiveness in everything.

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