
Searchlights on Health: Light on Dark Corners Part 49

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Sensible Rules for the Nurse.

"Remember to be extremely neat in dress; a few drops of hartshorn in the water used for _daily_ bathing will remove the disagreeable odors of warmth and perspiration.

"Never speak of the symptoms of your patient in his presence, unless questioned by the doctor, whose orders you are always to obey _implicitly_.

"Remember never to be a gossip or tattler, and always to hold sacred the knowledge which, to a certain extent, you must obtain of the private affairs of your patient and the household in which you nurse.

"Never contradict your patient, nor argue with him, nor let him see that you are annoyed about anything.

"Never _whisper_ in the sick room. If your patient be well enough, and wishes you to talk to him, speak in a low, distinct voice, on cheerful subjects. Don't relate painful hospital experiences, nor give details of the maladies of former patients, and remember never to startle him with accounts of dreadful crimes or accidents that you have read in the newspapers.

"_Write_ down the orders that the physician gives you as to time for giving the medicines, food, etc.

"Keep the room bright (unless the doctor orders it darkened).

"Let the air of the room be as pure as possible, and keep everything in order, but without being fussy and bustling.

"The only way to remove dust in a sick room is to wipe everything with a damp cloth.

"Remember to carry out all vessels covered. Empty and wash them immediately, and keep some disinfectant in them.

"Remember that to leave the patient's untasted food by his side, from meal to meal, in hopes that he will eat it in the interval, is simply to prevent him from taking any food at all.

"Medicines, beef tea or stimulants, should never be kept where the patient can see them or smell them.

"Light-colored clothing should be worn by those who have the care of the sick, in preference to dark-colored apparel; particularly if the disease is of a contagious nature. Experiments have shown that black and other dark colors will absorb more readily the subtle effluvia that emanates from sick persons than white or light colors."



The following table exhibits very recent mortality statistics, showing the average duration of life among persons of various cla.s.ses:

_Employment_ _Years_.

Judges 65 Farmers 64 Bank Officers 64 Coopers 58 Public Officers 57 Clergymen 56 Shipwrights 55 Hatters 54 Lawyers 54 Rope Makers 54 Blacksmiths 51 Merchants 51 Calico Printers 51 Physicians 51 Butchers 50 Carpenters 49 Masons 48 Traders 46 Tailors 44 Jewelers 44 Manufacturers 43 Bakers 43 Painters 43 Shoemakers 43 Mechanics 43 Editors 40 Musicians 39 Printers 38 Machinists 36 Teachers 34 Clerks 34 Operatives 32

"It will be easily seen, by these figures, how a quiet or tranquil life affects longevity. The phlegmatic man will live longer, all other things being equal, than the sanguine, nervous individual. Marriage is favorable to longevity, and it has also been ascertained that women live longer than men." {368}



1. THE HOT WATER THROAT BAG. The hot water throat bag is made from fine white rubber fastened to the head by a rubber band (see ill.u.s.tration), and is an unfailing remedy for catarrh, hay fever, cold, toothache, headache, earache, neuralgia, etc.

2. THE HOT WATER BOTTLE. No well regulated house should be without a hot water bottle. It is excellent in the application of hot water for inflammations, colic, headache, congestion, cold feet, rheumatism, sprains, etc., etc. It is an excellent warming pan and an excellent feet and hand warmer when riding. These hot water bags in any variety can be purchased at any drug store.

3. Boiling water may be used in the bags and the heat will be retained many hours. They are soft and pliable and pleasant to the touch, and can be adjusted to any part of the body.

4. Hot water is good for constipation, torpid liver, and relieves colic and flatulence, and is of special value.

5. _Caution_. When hot water bags or any hot fomentation {369} is removed, replace dry flannel and bathe parts in tepid water and rub till dry.

6. By inflammations it is best to use hot water and then cold water. It seems to give more immediate relief. Hot water is a much better remedy than drugs, paragoric, Dover's powder or morphine. Always avoid the use of strong poisonous drugs when possible.

7. Those who suffer from cold feet there is no better remedy than to bathe the feet in cold water before retiring and then place a hot water bottle in the bed at the feet. A few weeks of such treatment results in relief if not cure of the most obstinate case.


Use a compress of cold water for acute or chronic inflammation, such as sore throat, bronchitis, croup, inflammation of the lungs, etc. If there is a hot and aching pain in the back apply a compress of cold water on the same, or it may simply be placed across the back or around the body. The most depends upon the condition of the patient.



Practical Rules for Bathing.


1. Bathe at least once a week all over, thoroughly. No one can preserve his health by neglecting personal cleanliness. Remember, "Cleanliness is akin to G.o.dliness."

2. Only mild soap should be used in bathing the body.

3. Wipe quickly and dry the body thoroughly with a moderately coa.r.s.e towel.

Rub the skin vigorously. {371}

4. Many people have contracted severe and fatal diseases by neglecting to take proper care of the body after bathing.

5. If you get up a good reaction by thorough rubbing in a mild temperature, the effect is always good.

6. Never go into a cold room, or allow cold air to enter the room until you are dressed.

7. Bathing in cold rooms and in cold water is positively injurious, unless the person possesses a very strong and vigorous const.i.tution, and then there is great danger of laying the foundation of some serious disease.

8. Never bathe within two hours after eating. It injures digestion.

9. Never bathe when the body or mind is much exhausted. It is liable to check the healthful circulation.

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Searchlights on Health: Light on Dark Corners Part 49 summary

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