
Savor_ Mindful Eating, Mindful Life Part 2

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Every one of us can become a Buddha. A Buddha is someone who is fully awake. Prince Siddhartha Gautama was a human being who became a full-time Buddha after years of concentrated practice. We can all touch Buddhahood as part-time Buddhas when we embark on the path of mindfulness training and the road to attaining healthy weight. Bear in mind that as we practice, we should not view the teachings of Buddhism as rigid dogmas demanding blind commitment. They are simply instruments for gaining insight, which help us remove the obstacles to correct perception.

Being mindful does not mean that we just sit for hours on our meditation cushion in a retreat or monastery. There are many ways to practice mindfulness that can be fully integrated into our daily living. Besides conscious breathing, we can do walking meditation, sitting meditation, smiling, mindful listening, mindful speaking, and mindful working. We can practice concentration and looking deeply in all the activities of our daily life. Even while walking, we can practice stopping. We can walk in such a way that we arrive with each step-not walking just to get somewhere else. We can walk to enjoy each step. If we practice stopping while attending to e-mails, surfing the Web, attending meetings or appointments, folding the laundry, washing the dishes, or taking a shower, we are living deeply. If we do not practice this way, the days and months will fly by without our awareness, and we will lose many precious moments of our life. Stopping helps us live fully in the present. We have many daily opportunities to help our seeds of joy and happiness flourish.

IN CHAPTERS 5, 6, AND 7, we will share more everyday mindfulness practices that you can use throughout your daily life and integrate into almost every task you undertake. Every act and every moment of our life is a valuable opportunity to practice mindfulness.

As we deepen our practice of mindfulness, one breath at a time, one step at a time, we will discover its many wonders. It helps us make real contact with life, making it more meaningful. When we are present, life is also present. Mindfulness practice improves our ability to concentrate. When we can concentrate, we understand and look more deeply into whatever arises. Deep looking ultimately leads to insight and understanding, helping to liberate us from our fear, despair, and suffering and to touch real joy and peace. With mindfulness, we can touch and embrace our life more deeply. We can savor the many gifts that life offers us every day, allowing us to receive nourishment and healing for ourselves and our beloved ones.


Mindful Action Plans


Mindful Eating.

WE HAVE JUST LEARNED that conscious breathing is an essential practice for bringing our body and mind together, nurturing the well-being of the body and mind, and fostering our connection to all things. And just as mindfully breathing air sustains our physical and spiritual life, so, too, does eating food. Not only does food provide the nutrients and energy we need to support our physical bodies; mindful eating can also help us touch the interdependent nature of all things-and can help us end our difficulty with weight.

Looking deeply at the food we eat, we see that it contains the earth, the air, the rain, the sunshine, and the hard work of farmers and all those who process, transport, and sell us the food. When we eat with full awareness, we become increasingly mindful of all the elements and effort needed to make our meals a reality, and this in turn fosters our appreciation of the constant support we get from others and from nature. Whenever we eat or drink, we can engage all our senses in the eating and drinking experience. Eating and drinking like this, we not only feed our bodies and safeguard our physical health but also nurture our feelings, our mind, and our consciousness. And we can do this numerous times throughout the day. Mindful eating begins with our choice of what to eat and drink. We want to choose foods and drinks that are good for our health and good for the planet, in the modest portions that will help us control our weight. Yet there are so many types of foods and drinks, and so much information about nutrition and so many diet plans, that we can find it quite difficult to make the right choices. A good way to overcome this challenge is to get up to speed on the latest science-based advice.

The Basics of Eating Well: What Nutrients Are in Our Food?

Food gives the body the raw materials it needs to run the metabolic processes of life. All foods contain at least one, and often two or three, of the so-called macronutrients-carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. These macronutrients give us energy to fuel our daily activities. They also perform unique roles throughout the body. Carbohydrates provide the fastest form of energy, usable by every cell. Proteins provide the building blocks for all of our tissues and organs-skin and muscle, bone and blood, liver and heart. They also form countless cellular mechanisms and minute messengers, such as the enzymes that digest our food and the neurotransmitters that send signals from the brain throughout the body. Fats get woven into the membrane of every cell, insulate nerves, and serve as a precursor to life-sustaining hormones. Food also provides us with vitamins and minerals, the so-called micronutrients-literally, nutrients that are essential in tiny amounts-used to build tissues and catalyze chemical reactions throughout the body.

Nutrition science of the early twentieth century focused on understanding what macronutrients and micronutrients we need to prevent diseases of deficiency, such as protein-deficiency kwashiorkor and vitamin D-deficiency rickets. Starting in the mid-twentieth century, nutrition science shifted its focus to complex chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer-illnesses that develop imperceptibly over time, have no easy cure, and end lives prematurely. Thanks to many advances in science, we now know quite a bit about what to eat and drink-and what not not to eat and drink-to prevent these chronic diseases. But you do not need to be a scientist to eat well. Nutrients, after all, are found in foods. And you need only follow a few fundamental food guidelines to maintain your health and well-being. to eat and drink-to prevent these chronic diseases. But you do not need to be a scientist to eat well. Nutrients, after all, are found in foods. And you need only follow a few fundamental food guidelines to maintain your health and well-being.

The dietary recommendations that follow are for adults and are adapted from dietary guidelines developed by experts in the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health.1 Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats: Choosing the Healthiest Diet books from Atkins to Zone portray carbohydrates as the enemy. Other nutrition gurus tout low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets to lose weight and prevent disease, or push high-protein diets as the way to achieve good health and a healthy weight. The truth about macronutrients and health, however, is that the type type of carbohydrate, protein, and fat we choose is much more important than their relative amounts in our diet. of carbohydrate, protein, and fat we choose is much more important than their relative amounts in our diet.

Take carbohydrates. They are found in many types of whole and processed foods-from apples to ziti-but not all carbohydrates are created equal. The healthiest carbohydrates come from whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and whole fruits. The least-healthy carbohydrates come from white bread, white rice, pasta and other refined grains, sugary foods and drinks, and potatoes. We talk about the reasons for limiting these less-healthy carbohydrates later in this chapter. Here, let's focus on the positive: Whole grains, vegetables, whole fruits, and legumes are good choices as carbohydrates, and they are also rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Whole-grain foods-such as whole-wheat bread, whole oats, brown rice, millet, barley, quinoa, and the like-deserve special mention, because more and more research points to the benefits of making whole grains a daily habit. Long-term studies have found that people who eat, on average, two or three servings of whole-grain foods a day have a 20 to 30 percent lower risk of heart disease and diabetes, compared with people who rarely eat whole grains.2 Eating whole grains may also offer some protection against colon cancer, but more research is needed on this diet-to-disease relationship. Eating whole grains may also offer some protection against colon cancer, but more research is needed on this diet-to-disease relationship.3 Why Are Whole Grains So Good for Your Health?

Exactly how whole grains protect against heart disease and diabetes is still an open research question. What we do know is that whole grains contain fiber, which slows their digestion and makes for a gentler rise in blood glucose after a meal; the soluble fiber in whole grains, especially the type found in oats, also helps lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the "bad" cholesterol. The germ in whole grains provides folate and vitamin E, and whole grains are also a source of magnesium and selenium-vitamins and minerals that may help protect against diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. Yet some studies have found that the benefits of whole grains go beyond what can be attributed to any individual nutrients that they contain. What seems more likely is that whole grains' health benefits accrue from their special combination of nutrients.4 The whole is truly greater than the sum of its parts-an aspect of interdependent nature. The whole is truly greater than the sum of its parts-an aspect of interdependent nature.

It's a similar story with proteins. Plant foods or animal foods can all provide the body with the protein it needs. But when choosing foods high in protein, we must pay attention to the other nutrients that travel along with the protein. The healthiest plant sources of protein-beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and foods derived from them-also contain fiber, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats, and they are earth-friendly selections, too. Among the animal sources of protein, some contain healthful fats (fish) or are relatively low in harmful fats (chicken, eggs). (For more information on choosing healthy fats, see table 5.1 on page 105.) But red meat and full-fat dairy products are high in a type of fat that is bad for our hearts; furthermore, as we discuss later in this chapter, consuming red meat, processed meat, and dairy products may increase the risk of some cancers. Red meat and dairy products also take a terrible toll on the environment. So to pick the healthiest sources of protein, both for your own welfare and for that of the planet, choose plant-based proteins from nuts, legumes, seeds, and beans. If you do have to consume animal foods, choose fish or chicken. If you have to eat red meat, it's best to limit yourself to no more than once or twice a week. Whole eggs can be a healthful source of protein but should be consumed in moderation, since eating an egg or more a day may increase the risk of diabetes and may increase the risk of heart disease in people who have diabetes;5 if you have heart disease or diabetes, you should eat less than that amount per week. if you have heart disease or diabetes, you should eat less than that amount per week.

Vegetarians and Protein: Variety Is Essential to Good Health There is one difference between plant and animal proteins that is important for us, and especially for vegetarians, to understand. Our body takes the protein in plant and animal foods and breaks it down into smaller components, called amino acids, which it then uses to build and restore tissues and to run a mult.i.tude of functions. Some amino acids are "essential," meaning that the body cannot make them and must obtain them from food. Others are not essential, and the body can build them by rearranging the essential amino acids. Proteins from animal foods are called "complete proteins," meaning that they contain all the essential amino acids. Proteins from plant foods are called "incomplete proteins," meaning that they tend to be low in one or more essential amino acids. Even so, plant proteins can meet your daily protein needs, as long as you choose a variety of plant foods and get enough calories throughout the day. So vegetarians should take care to eat varied high-protein vegetarian foods every day-beans (including tofu), nuts, seeds, and whole grains-to ensure that they get enough of all the essential amino acids.6 The same "quality matters more than quant.i.ty" message is true about fats. Some fats are so beneficial that you can enjoy them every day, while others are so harmful that you should severely limit them or avoid them altogether. There is an easy way to tell healthy fats from unhealthy fats. Most of the healthy fats-the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats-come from plants and are liquid at room temperature. Rich green olive oil, golden sunflower oil, the oil that rises to the top of a jar of natural nut b.u.t.ter, and the oils that come from fatty fish are all examples of healthy unsaturated fats. The unhealthy fats-saturated fats-and the very very unhealthy fats-trans fats-tend to be solid at room temperature, such as the fat that marbles a steak or that is found in a stick of b.u.t.ter or margarine. Meat and full-fat dairy products are the biggest sources of saturated fat in the Western diet; tropical palm and coconut oils are also high in saturated fat. The trans fat in the Western diet comes primarily from vegetable oils that have been partially hydrogenated, a chemical process that makes oils more solid and stable at room temperature-and makes them extremely harmful to our health. unhealthy fats-trans fats-tend to be solid at room temperature, such as the fat that marbles a steak or that is found in a stick of b.u.t.ter or margarine. Meat and full-fat dairy products are the biggest sources of saturated fat in the Western diet; tropical palm and coconut oils are also high in saturated fat. The trans fat in the Western diet comes primarily from vegetable oils that have been partially hydrogenated, a chemical process that makes oils more solid and stable at room temperature-and makes them extremely harmful to our health.

What effect do these different types of fats have on our health? Numerous studies have found that when people replace carbohydrates in their diet with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, their blood-cholesterol profile improves-heart-harmful LDL cholesterol goes down, and protective high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol goes up.7 Saturated fats, meanwhile, cause both HDL and LDL to rise, so unsaturated fats are a better choice for heart health. Trans fats are the worst kind of fat, harmful in even small amounts. Saturated fats, meanwhile, cause both HDL and LDL to rise, so unsaturated fats are a better choice for heart health. Trans fats are the worst kind of fat, harmful in even small amounts.8 They drive down protective HDL and cause a rise in damaging LDL, and they damage the cells that line our arteries. Research also suggests that trans fats trigger inflammation, They drive down protective HDL and cause a rise in damaging LDL, and they damage the cells that line our arteries. Research also suggests that trans fats trigger inflammation,9 a red alert in our immune system that may underlie a number of deadly diseases, including heart disease, stroke, and possibly diabetes. Diets high in trans fats may promote weight gain, a red alert in our immune system that may underlie a number of deadly diseases, including heart disease, stroke, and possibly diabetes. Diets high in trans fats may promote weight gain,10 although more research is needed into the relationship between trans fats and obesity. Furthermore, eating a low-trans-fat diet that is high in healthy fats may lower the risk of age-related macular degeneration. although more research is needed into the relationship between trans fats and obesity. Furthermore, eating a low-trans-fat diet that is high in healthy fats may lower the risk of age-related macular degeneration.11 Trans fats are getting a bit easier to avoid: since word has gotten out about their ill effects-and since manufacturers have been required to list them on their food labels in the United States-many food manufacturers and restaurants have begun eliminating them from their products. It is nearly impossible to avoid all saturated fats, however, since even healthful sources of unsaturated fats-such as peanuts and olive oil-contain a small amount of saturated fat. So for good health, enjoy healthy fats, limit saturated fat, and avoid trans fat. (See table 5.1.) To Control Your Weight, Calories Matter While there is increasing evidence about the best carbohydrate, protein, and fat choices for health, there has been ongoing debate about the best choices for weight loss. Of course, to lose weight, dieters need to eat fewer calories than they burn. The big question has been whether the relative amounts of carbohydrate, protein, and fat in the diet hold any particular advantage for calorie control and weight loss. Some scientists advocate a low-fat diet, while others stand by a lower-carbohydrate approach, or a Mediterranean-style eating plan, with moderate amounts of healthy fats and plenty of fruits, vegetables, and fiber. Two well-designed clinical studies with hundreds of partic.i.p.ants that put these competing diet styles to the test have come up with similar conclusions: people can lose weight using any of these different strategies as long as they lower the amount of calories that they consume; and having social support for making these behavior changes may help them succeed.16 So to achieve a healthier weight, the message is to find a lower-calorie eating plan that you can follow-one that lets you consume healthy foods that you enjoy-and to find some support for following it. Some people may find that support in a formal weight-loss program; some may find it from an online community; some may choose to create that support within their families or circle of friends, joining or starting a mindfulness living sangha sangha, or by working with colleagues to get healthier foods added to the company cafeteria. (To find a mindful living sangha sangha in your area, visit www.iamhome.org.) in your area, visit www.iamhome.org.) You may be wondering how many calories you should consume each day to maintain your weight and how much to cut back to lose weight. There's no one answer to that question, since calorie needs vary depending on age, gender, body size, and level of physical activity. Some people may need only 2,000 to 2,500 calories per day to maintain their weight, and a bit less to lose weight, while others who have a larger body size or are very active may be able to eat more calories yet still lose weight. As people lose weight, their daily calorie needs drop. There are many Web sites that offer calorie-need calculators based on your current weight and your weight goals, and consulting a health professional, especially a registered diet.i.tian, about your calorie needs is also useful. As a practical guide, an energy deficit of about 250 to 500 calories per day can result in two to four pounds of weight loss per month, and a safe approach to creating this energy imbalance is to moderately reduce one's calorie intake and increase one's activity. This amounts to cutting back on sugary soda by about a can a day and adding a brisk walk daily. (See chapter 6 for more advice on physical activity and weight loss.) [image]

*Coconut oil is less harmful than other forms of saturated fat, since it raises HD ("good" cholesterol), so it is fi ne to include a small amount of coconut oil in your diet.

**Margarine can be a healthful fat choice as long as it contains no trans fats and no partially hydrogenated oils, so check the nutrition-facts label for zero trans fats, and check the ingredients list to make sure the margarine contains no partially hydrogenated oil.

Omega-3s-An Especially Healthy Fat When you choose your healthy fats, make a special effort to include omega-3 fats, polyunsaturated fats that are extremely beneficial for the heart. Omega-3 fats appear to protect against erratic heart rhythms that may cause sudden death.12 They may also hold benefits for people suffering from inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. They may also hold benefits for people suffering from inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.13 Omega-3 fats are essential fats, meaning that our bodies cannot manufacture them and we must obtain them from food or supplements. So it's a good idea to enjoy at least one omega-3-rich food every day. Omega-3 fats are essential fats, meaning that our bodies cannot manufacture them and we must obtain them from food or supplements. So it's a good idea to enjoy at least one omega-3-rich food every day.

An earth-friendly source of omega-3s are the plant foods that contain alpha linolenic acid (ALA)-princ.i.p.ally, walnuts, canola and soybean oils, flaxseeds and flaxseed oil, dark leafy greens, and chia seeds (also known as salvia). For those who consume fish, fatty fish-such as salmon, tuna, bluefish, and mackerel-are rich in two types of omega-3 fats, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), also known as long-chain omega-3 fats. Much of the research on omega-3s and heart disease has focused on consumption of fish or fish-oil supplements.14 Our body can convert the plant form of omega-3 into the long-chain form, but it does so slowly, and there has been much scientific debate over whether these different forms of omega-3 fats work the same beneficial way in the body. Vegetarians, however, can take heart: newer research shows that plant omega-3s may also play an important role in protecting the heart, especially in people who do not regularly eat fish. Our body can convert the plant form of omega-3 into the long-chain form, but it does so slowly, and there has been much scientific debate over whether these different forms of omega-3 fats work the same beneficial way in the body. Vegetarians, however, can take heart: newer research shows that plant omega-3s may also play an important role in protecting the heart, especially in people who do not regularly eat fish.15 Eat and Drink for Your Health and Our World: Practical Guides Beyond the technical words like carbohydrates, proteins carbohydrates, proteins, and fats fats, there are a few practical guidelines to follow that will steer your eating habits in a healthier direction to control weight and help you lower your risk of diseases.

Go with Plants A mindful diet for weight loss should first and foremost be a healthy diet-both for you and for the planet. And the first and most essential principle of healthy eating is to shift more to a plant-based diet. Asians in particular have practiced vegetarianism for thousands of years. As we discussed in chapter 3, the ethical and environmental arguments for a plant-based diet are stronger than ever. The health benefits for eating a plant-based diet are equally strong.

Decades of research on hundreds of thousands of men and women has shown that eating a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats and low in refined grains and unhealthy fats can lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes.17 Some research even suggests that people who eat little or no meat may live longer than people who follow a more meat-heavy diet Some research even suggests that people who eat little or no meat may live longer than people who follow a more meat-heavy diet18 (although the science isn't definitive and not all studies have found such a mortality benefit (although the science isn't definitive and not all studies have found such a mortality benefit19). Vegetarians and vegans tend to weigh less and have lower blood pressure, lower blood cholesterol, and, in turn, a lowered risk of heart disease than people whose diets include some or all types of animal products;20 they may also have lower risks of some cancers, though the studies are conflicting and more research is needed. they may also have lower risks of some cancers, though the studies are conflicting and more research is needed.21 (Of course, for optimum health, vegans must take care to get adequate vitamin B (Of course, for optimum health, vegans must take care to get adequate vitamin B12, vitamin D, and other nutrients they may be missing by avoiding animal foods.)22 There's also strong evidence of the health hazards a.s.sociated with eating animal foods. The Center for Science in the Public Interest estimates that the saturated fat and cholesterol in red meat, poultry, dairy products, and eggs cause sixty-three thousand heart-disease-related deaths a year in the United States and another eleven hundred deaths a year from food poisoning.23 People who eat meat and processed meat have a higher risk of diabetes than individuals who follow a vegetarian diet. People who eat meat and processed meat have a higher risk of diabetes than individuals who follow a vegetarian diet.24 High levels of red-meat consumption, and any level of processed-meat consumption, raises the risk of colon cancer, High levels of red-meat consumption, and any level of processed-meat consumption, raises the risk of colon cancer,25 and eating meat, especially meat that is cooked to a high temperature, may increase the risk of pancreatic cancer. and eating meat, especially meat that is cooked to a high temperature, may increase the risk of pancreatic cancer.26 The Nurse's Health Study II, meanwhile, followed nearly forty thousand women for seven years to determine the relationship between red-meat consumption and the risk of getting early breast cancer. It found that for every additional 3.5 ounces of red meat consumed per day-a portion of meat about the size of a medium fast-food hamburger-the risk of premenopausal breast cancer rose by 20 percent. The Nurse's Health Study II, meanwhile, followed nearly forty thousand women for seven years to determine the relationship between red-meat consumption and the risk of getting early breast cancer. It found that for every additional 3.5 ounces of red meat consumed per day-a portion of meat about the size of a medium fast-food hamburger-the risk of premenopausal breast cancer rose by 20 percent.27 You do not need to become a 100 percent vegetarian to achieve the health benefits of a plant-based diet. Several studies have shown that following a "prudent" diet pattern-one that is rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats but does include fish and poultry-rather than a meat-heavy diet may lower the risk of several deadly and disabling diseases, among them diabetes,28 heart disease, heart disease,29 stroke, stroke,30 and obstructive lung disease, and obstructive lung disease,31 as well as lower the risk of dying from heart disease, cancer, or any other cause. as well as lower the risk of dying from heart disease, cancer, or any other cause.32 A similar line of research has found evidence that following a Mediterranean-style diet pattern, which is also plant based but includes dairy and fish, can lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, and cancer, as well as the risk of dying from heart disease, cancer, or any other cause. A similar line of research has found evidence that following a Mediterranean-style diet pattern, which is also plant based but includes dairy and fish, can lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, and cancer, as well as the risk of dying from heart disease, cancer, or any other cause.33 So you can benefit from becoming even a part-time vegetarian. So you can benefit from becoming even a part-time vegetarian.

Fill Your Plate with Vegetables of All Different Colors-And Enjoy Your Fruits Whole When it comes to vegetables and fruits, the basic message comes down to two words: eat more. People who eat diets rich in vegetables and whole fruits may lower their blood pressure as well as their risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and possibly some cancers.34 Diets rich in vegetables and fruits may lower your risk of cataracts and macular degeneration, Diets rich in vegetables and fruits may lower your risk of cataracts and macular degeneration,35 and thus help protect your vision as you age. and thus help protect your vision as you age.

The benefits of eating whole fruits and vegetables likely accrue from the nutrients that they provide, as well as from the absence of less-healthy or higher-calorie foods, which they may replace on your plate. Fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamins, such as vitamin C, which gives a boost to the immune system and also acts as a powerful antioxidant, preventing cellular damage from free radicals; vitamin K for strong bones; and beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A and also an antioxidant. They are rich in minerals, including pota.s.sium, which may help lower blood pressure, and magnesium, which may help control blood glucose. They are also a great source of healthy carbohydrates, including fiber. Special plant chemicals, also known as phytochemicals, that give vegetables and fruits their bright colors may also play beneficial roles in protecting against disease. Lycopene, for example, a pigment that helps make tomatoes and watermelon such a vibrant red, may protect against prostate cancer. Lutein and zeaxanthin, other members of the carotenoid family, may help prevent age-related macular degeneration.

To get the benefit of all these protective nutrients, make an effort to choose vegetables and fruits in a rainbow of colors every day. Include dark green varieties, such as broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, and collard greens; yellow-orange, such as sweet potato and apricots, carrots and cantaloupe; red, such as tomatoes, watermelon, strawberries, and red bell peppers; white, such as onions, garlic, and cauliflower; and purple-blue, such as red cabbage, beets, and blueberries. Make it your goal to consume at least five servings of vegetables and fruits a day, since several studies find that the heart-healthy benefits of vegetables and fruits begin to accrue at this level.36 More is certainly better. A serving is about half a cup of cooked vegetables or chopped fruit, or one cup of salad greens. To make it easier to gauge the portion, devote half of your plate to vegetables or fruits at each meal. More is certainly better. A serving is about half a cup of cooked vegetables or chopped fruit, or one cup of salad greens. To make it easier to gauge the portion, devote half of your plate to vegetables or fruits at each meal.

Remember to enjoy your fruit whole, not drunk as a big gla.s.s of juice. Fruit juice-even 100 percent fruit juice-is high in rapidly digested sugar. A gla.s.s of orange juice has as much sugar and calories as a gla.s.s of Coca-Cola. Fruit juice also lacks the fiber of whole fruit. Indeed, the Nurses' Health Study found that women who drank a cup or more of fruit juice per day had a 40 to 50 percent higher risk of diabetes than women who drank fruit juice less than once a month. Eating whole fruit, however, was a.s.sociated with a lower risk of diabetes.37 To extend the benefits of fruits and vegetables beyond your own health, buy your fruits and vegetables from a local farmers' market, or buy a share in a community-supported farm. You'll be supporting your local economy, you'll enjoy fruits and vegetables at the peak of their freshness, and your produce will consume fewer fossil fuels on its way from the farm to your plate. (See the appendix for information about how to find community-supported farms.) Limit Potatoes, Refined Grains, and Sweets You may notice one vegetable that is conspicuously absent from the list of rainbow-colored vegetables: the potato. While multiple studies have shown the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables, potatoes do not seem to play a role in these observed protective effects. That's because potatoes-whether their skins are brown, red, yellow, or purple-have more in common with white bread and white rice than they do with broccoli or bell peppers. Potatoes contain rapidly digested starch, and large amounts of it.

Eating a large portion of such starchy foods can send your blood sugar on a roller coaster. First, as your body quickly converts the starch to glucose and absorbs the glucose from the gut, blood-sugar levels rise high; your pancreas pumps out insulin to rapidly clear the glucose from the blood, but it may overshoot things a bit, causing your blood sugar to dip a bit lower. This sequence of events may lead you to feel hungry again, not long after finishing your meal. Over time, eating diets high in such rapidly digested starchy foods may increase your risk of heart disease and diabetes,38 and there is evidence that limiting these types of foods in your diet may help with weight loss. and there is evidence that limiting these types of foods in your diet may help with weight loss.39 So eat potatoes sparingly, if at all, and when you do, don't count them as part of your five-plus servings of vegetables a day. So eat potatoes sparingly, if at all, and when you do, don't count them as part of your five-plus servings of vegetables a day.

Eating large amounts of refined grains and sweets, similar to eating lots of potatoes, can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar, a spike in insulin, and then an equally precipitous dip in blood glucose. Furthermore, the refined grains that fill our supermarket shelves-white rice, white bread, white pasta, and anything made with white flour-are nutritionally bankrupt subst.i.tutes for whole grains. The grain-refining process removes the bran and the germ, taking away nearly all of the fiber and many of the beneficial vitamins and minerals. What's left is the starchy middle, or endosperm. Food manufacturers must, by law, add back some of the lost nutrients to refined grains, but they do not replace everything that has been stripped away.

The American Heart a.s.sociation (AHA) has recommended that Americans drastically cut back on added sugar, to help slow the obesity and heart disease epidemics.40 The AHA's suggested added sugar threshold is no more than 100 calories per day (about 6 teaspoons or 24 grams of sugar) for most women and no more than 150 calories per day (about 9 teaspoons or 36 grams of sugar) for most men. Keep in mind, however, that your body doesn't need to get any carbohydrate from added sugar. A good rule of thumb is to skip products that have added sugar at or near the top of the list, or have several sources of added sugar sprinkled throughout the list. The AHA's suggested added sugar threshold is no more than 100 calories per day (about 6 teaspoons or 24 grams of sugar) for most women and no more than 150 calories per day (about 9 teaspoons or 36 grams of sugar) for most men. Keep in mind, however, that your body doesn't need to get any carbohydrate from added sugar. A good rule of thumb is to skip products that have added sugar at or near the top of the list, or have several sources of added sugar sprinkled throughout the list.

Take a Daily Multivitamin with Extra D to Give You a Nutritional Safety Net If you live in the higher lat.i.tudes, spend a lot of time indoors, have a dark skin tone, or are overweight or obese, you may be deficient in vitamin D without even realizing it. Vegans and others who mindfully limit their intake of animal products may also be deficient in some nutrients, such as vitamin B12. That's why nutrition experts at the Harvard School of Public Health recommend that adults take a daily multivitamin as "nutrition insurance."

There's no need to buy a fancy supplement. Even a standard store-brand supplement will have enough of the basic vitamins and minerals that you need. There's also no need to take a supplement that provides more than 100 percent of the daily value of any vitamin or mineral, with the exception of vitamin D, a nutrient that is critical for bone health and that scientists believe may also play a role in preventing chronic diseases such as heart disease, some cancers, infectious diseases, and multiple sclerosis.41 One billion people worldwide are thought to be deficient in vitamin D, and scientists now think that our daily vitamin D needs are much higher than once thought. One billion people worldwide are thought to be deficient in vitamin D, and scientists now think that our daily vitamin D needs are much higher than once thought.42 Few foods are naturally rich in vitamin D, and even foods that are fortified with vitamin D (such as milk in the United States) do not provide much of it. Furthermore, during the winter months, the bodies of people who live in higher lat.i.tudes can't make enough vitamin D from exposure to the sun. That's why many people may benefit from taking 1,000 to 2,000 international units (IUs) of supplemental vitamin D a day. Since a standard multivitamin typically provides only 400 IUs, you may want to ask your doctor to evaluate whether you need a vitamin D supplement in addition to your multivitamin. Few foods are naturally rich in vitamin D, and even foods that are fortified with vitamin D (such as milk in the United States) do not provide much of it. Furthermore, during the winter months, the bodies of people who live in higher lat.i.tudes can't make enough vitamin D from exposure to the sun. That's why many people may benefit from taking 1,000 to 2,000 international units (IUs) of supplemental vitamin D a day. Since a standard multivitamin typically provides only 400 IUs, you may want to ask your doctor to evaluate whether you need a vitamin D supplement in addition to your multivitamin.

Finally, be sure to look for a multivitamin that derives most if not all of its vitamin A from beta-carotene rather than from retinol. Consuming high levels of retinol may increase the risk of fractures; pregnant women should also avoid taking high levels of retinol, as this may lead to birth defects.43 Limit Sodium Sodium is an essential nutrient, but most of us get far more of it each day than we need. High-sodium diets can exacerbate high blood pressure in some individuals. Reducing sodium can lower blood pressure and, over the long term, can also lower the risk of heart attack and other cardiac problems.44 It's best to limit sodium to less than 2,300 milligrams per day-the amount found in about one teaspoon of table salt. People who have high blood pressure or are at risk of high blood pressure (including people over the age of forty, African Americans, or people who have prehypertension) should cut back further, to no more than 1,500 milligrams per day. Indeed, the AHA now recommends that most adults cut back to 1,500 milligrams of sodium per day, since new research estimates that 70 percent of U.S. adults fall into this high-risk, salt-sensitive group. It's best to limit sodium to less than 2,300 milligrams per day-the amount found in about one teaspoon of table salt. People who have high blood pressure or are at risk of high blood pressure (including people over the age of forty, African Americans, or people who have prehypertension) should cut back further, to no more than 1,500 milligrams per day. Indeed, the AHA now recommends that most adults cut back to 1,500 milligrams of sodium per day, since new research estimates that 70 percent of U.S. adults fall into this high-risk, salt-sensitive group.45 One way to reduce the sodium in your diet is to cut back on processed foods. Food manufacturers add loads of sodium to frozen meals, soups, condiments, cheese, bread, and chips to cater to our taste for saltiness, but also to improve texture and extend shelf life. Fast-food and sit-down restaurants also offer exceptionally salty fare; the Center for Science in the Public Interest, for example, has found that some U.S. restaurant appetizers and entrees contain more than a day's worth of sodium.46 Cutting back on processed and restaurant foods may also help you limit the amount of another high-sodium food additive, the flavor-enhancing monosodium glutamate (MSG)-and emerging research suggests MSG consumption may be related to weight. A small study in China found that people who had the highest MSG intake were nearly three times as likely to be overweight as people who had the lowest MSG intake.47 The findings are preliminary, and researchers have yet to tease out the way that MSG may be related to weight. It's possible that the enhanced flavor of MSG-laced food spurs people to simply eat more of it; it's also possible that MSG has an effect on the brain centers or hormones that control hunger. The findings are preliminary, and researchers have yet to tease out the way that MSG may be related to weight. It's possible that the enhanced flavor of MSG-laced food spurs people to simply eat more of it; it's also possible that MSG has an effect on the brain centers or hormones that control hunger.48 Get Enough Calcium-But Consider the Source Calcium-the mineral that is essential for strong bones and teeth, the steady beating of the heart, and countless other bodily functions-has been the focus of much scientific debate. The U.S. government recommends that we consume 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day, while the United Kingdom recommends only 700 milligrams per day. Some critics speculate that the U.S. recommendations are shaped more by the lobbying of the powerful dairy industry than they are by the scientific evidence.49 There's also been debate about how best to get calcium. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Agriculture's Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that adults consume three gla.s.ses of milk a day. Yet milk and dairy foods are high in unhealthy saturated fat. Even fat-free milk has about eighty calories per gla.s.s, and three gla.s.ses can really bust the calorie budget of someone trying to lose weight.

This debate over milk gets even more complicated when one considers the relationship between dairy, calcium, and chronic disease. Dairy consumption can protect against colon cancer in modest amounts;50 high levels of dairy intake on their own, however, do not seem to offer protection against fractures late in life. high levels of dairy intake on their own, however, do not seem to offer protection against fractures late in life.51 If there were no harm in consuming high amounts of dairy and calcium, this would be purely an academic debate. But studies raise the disturbing possibility that high levels of milk or calcium intake are a.s.sociated with increased risk of prostate cancer in men and that high levels of lactose intake are a.s.sociated with increased risk of ovarian cancer in women. If there were no harm in consuming high amounts of dairy and calcium, this would be purely an academic debate. But studies raise the disturbing possibility that high levels of milk or calcium intake are a.s.sociated with increased risk of prostate cancer in men and that high levels of lactose intake are a.s.sociated with increased risk of ovarian cancer in women.52 Milk production also has a huge environmental impact, as we described in chapter 3. And there is an ethical implication of drinking milk, since the treatment of cows on dairy farms is often not very compa.s.sionate and cows who can no longer produce milk are then slaughtered. The dairy and beef industries are closely linked, so even if you do not consume the meat of cows or wear leather made from them, someone else does.

So what is the best way to get calcium? If you plan your diet carefully, you can get enough calcium from nondairy sources-among them, leafy green vegetables, calcium-set tofu, and tahini. For some people who eat a vegan diet, however, they may want to consider taking calcium supplements or making sure to consume calcium-fortified soy, grain, or nut-milk beverages, a small gla.s.s of calcium-fortified juice, or calcium-fortified cold cereals. If you do want to consume dairy products, having a modest amount-no more than one or two servings per day-and eating a healthy diet rich in vegetables and legumes can also provide adequate calcium. An additional benefit of taking calcium supplements is that they are often fortified with vitamin D, which helps calcium absorption.

Choose Healthy Drinks Water is the best drink choice for health and weight loss. Sugary drinks are the worst choice, since consuming them in excess contributes to the risk of obesity, diabetes, and possibly even heart disease.53 Sometimes, however, it is not that obvious that a beverage is high in sugar and calories. If you mindfully read the nutrition-facts label, you will see that natural "100 percent fruit juice" has as many calories and as much sugar as a soda. Grape juice and cranberry juice c.o.c.ktails have Sometimes, however, it is not that obvious that a beverage is high in sugar and calories. If you mindfully read the nutrition-facts label, you will see that natural "100 percent fruit juice" has as many calories and as much sugar as a soda. Grape juice and cranberry juice c.o.c.ktails have more more sugar and calories than a soda. If you enjoy juice, stick to one small gla.s.s a day, about the size of an old-fashioned "juice gla.s.s" (4 to 6 ounces). Energy drinks and sports drinks also contain lots of sugar, though drink marketers often try to disguise these beverages as "healthy" by boasting about the vitamins, electrolytes, antioxidants, or herbs they contain. Don't be fooled. Keep in mind that there are many different types of sugar added to drinks-cane sugar, honey, high-fructose corn syrup, fruit-juice concentrates-but to the body, they are all sources of extra calories and sugar. Diet drinks, sweetened with artificial sweeteners, may not be the best alternative, since it is unclear what their long-term effects are on weight and health. sugar and calories than a soda. If you enjoy juice, stick to one small gla.s.s a day, about the size of an old-fashioned "juice gla.s.s" (4 to 6 ounces). Energy drinks and sports drinks also contain lots of sugar, though drink marketers often try to disguise these beverages as "healthy" by boasting about the vitamins, electrolytes, antioxidants, or herbs they contain. Don't be fooled. Keep in mind that there are many different types of sugar added to drinks-cane sugar, honey, high-fructose corn syrup, fruit-juice concentrates-but to the body, they are all sources of extra calories and sugar. Diet drinks, sweetened with artificial sweeteners, may not be the best alternative, since it is unclear what their long-term effects are on weight and health.

The Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health has developed a "traffic-light" system for ranking beverages (see figure 5.1).54 Those highest in sugar-sugary sodas, fruit juices, smoothies, and sports drinks-fall into the "red" category: "drink sparingly and in-frequently, if at all." Slightly sweet beverages-those that have no more than one gram of sugar per ounce and are free of artificial sweeteners-fall into the "yellow" category: "a better choice, but don't overdo it." The "green" beverages are your best bet-beverages that are sugar-free naturally, such as water or sparkling water. Tea or coffee can be a healthy choice for most people, in moderation (up to three or four cups a day) and may even have some health benefits. Those highest in sugar-sugary sodas, fruit juices, smoothies, and sports drinks-fall into the "red" category: "drink sparingly and in-frequently, if at all." Slightly sweet beverages-those that have no more than one gram of sugar per ounce and are free of artificial sweeteners-fall into the "yellow" category: "a better choice, but don't overdo it." The "green" beverages are your best bet-beverages that are sugar-free naturally, such as water or sparkling water. Tea or coffee can be a healthy choice for most people, in moderation (up to three or four cups a day) and may even have some health benefits.55 Skip the sugar and cream to keep these beverages low-calorie and healthful. Pregnant women may want to limit their caffeine. People who get jittery or have sleep problems when they consume caffeine may also want to limit caffeine. Skip the sugar and cream to keep these beverages low-calorie and healthful. Pregnant women may want to limit their caffeine. People who get jittery or have sleep problems when they consume caffeine may also want to limit caffeine.


Figure 5.1 HOW SWEET IS IT?

Calories and teaspoons of sugar in 12 ounces of each beverage Copyright 2009 Harvard University. For more information, see The Nutrition Source, Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, http://www.thenutritionsource.org.

Be Mindful of Alcohol Consumption From a health perspective, alcohol should be limited, if you consume it at all. Heavy drinking increases the risk of chronic diseases such as hypertension; cirrhosis; esophageal, breast and colon cancers; and alcoholism.56 Alcoholism also takes a tremendous toll on families, communities, and nations. Worldwide, alcohol consumption has been estimated to cause one in twenty-five deaths, and the cost of alcohol to society-an estimated 1 percent of gross domestic product in high-and middle-income countries-includes the cost of both alcohol-fueled chronic diseases and alcohol-related social problems. Alcoholism also takes a tremendous toll on families, communities, and nations. Worldwide, alcohol consumption has been estimated to cause one in twenty-five deaths, and the cost of alcohol to society-an estimated 1 percent of gross domestic product in high-and middle-income countries-includes the cost of both alcohol-fueled chronic diseases and alcohol-related social problems.57 Although moderate drinking can lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes, Although moderate drinking can lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes,58 it can also raise the risk of breast cancer and colon cancer. it can also raise the risk of breast cancer and colon cancer.59 If you do not drink, there's no reason to start drinking, since there are many other ways to improve your heart health and lower your risk of diabetes. (Skipping sugary drinks is one way; exercising more is another.) If you do not drink, there's no reason to start drinking, since there are many other ways to improve your heart health and lower your risk of diabetes. (Skipping sugary drinks is one way; exercising more is another.) Scientifically, moderate drinking is defined as no more than one drink per day for women and no more than two drinks per day for men, and until middle age, the risks outweigh the benefits.60 Yet even drinking in moderation can be the beginning of alcoholism for some people. Although you yourself may always be on guard about not becoming addicted to alcohol and can safely drink a gla.s.s of wine occasionally without overindulging, this may not be the case for your children, your grandchildren, and other loved ones. Every time you drink in front of them, you may be increasing the likelihood that they will drink in the future. And they may grow up and become dependent on alcohol. By abstaining from alcohol completely, you become a role model for them and may help to protect them from turning to alcohol as a habit or in times of stress and difficulty. Alcohol is an addictive substance. Yet even drinking in moderation can be the beginning of alcoholism for some people. Although you yourself may always be on guard about not becoming addicted to alcohol and can safely drink a gla.s.s of wine occasionally without overindulging, this may not be the case for your children, your grandchildren, and other loved ones. Every time you drink in front of them, you may be increasing the likelihood that they will drink in the future. And they may grow up and become dependent on alcohol. By abstaining from alcohol completely, you become a role model for them and may help to protect them from turning to alcohol as a habit or in times of stress and difficulty. Alcohol is an addictive substance.61 Having the first gla.s.s may lead to the second and the third. When you see that as a society, we are in great danger because of how we use alcohol, refraining from the first gla.s.s of wine is a manifestation of your enlightenment. You do it for all of us. Having the first gla.s.s may lead to the second and the third. When you see that as a society, we are in great danger because of how we use alcohol, refraining from the first gla.s.s of wine is a manifestation of your enlightenment. You do it for all of us.

We must look deeply to see that when we practice mindful consumption we practice not only for ourselves but for others. The way you live your life is for your ancestors, future generations, and your whole society. Even if we completely refrain from all drinking, we can still get killed by a drunk driver, so to help one person stop drinking is to make the world safer for everyone. When we can be free from the sh.e.l.l of our small self and see our interrelatedness to everyone and everything, we understand that our every act is linked with all of humanity, with the whole cosmos. To stay healthy is to be kind to your ancestors, your parents, future generations, and also your society.

From the standpoint of mindfulness and compa.s.sion, we encourage you to abstain from alcohol. As in the case of meat consumption, reducing alcohol consumption can impact world hunger, as the grains and foods used in alcohol production can be used instead for direct human consumption. If you are unable to completely stop drinking, then at least reduce the amount you drink by one-third, one-half, or two-thirds. No one can practice perfectly, including the Buddha. Even vegetarian dishes are not entirely vegetarian. Boiling vegetables kills the bacteria living in them. Although we cannot be perfect, because of the real danger alcoholism poses to our society, destroying many families and causing much suffering, we should practice to reduce or completely stop our alcohol consumption. We have to live in a way that will avoid the tragedy alcohol abuse can create. This is why even if you can be very healthy while enjoying one gla.s.s of wine every week, we still urge you to look deeply into the detrimental effects of alcohol on our society and do the best you can to minimize alcohol consumption. Whenever you drink alcohol, ask yourself: Do I really want to drink this? And if you are going to drink, drink mindfully.

The Practice of Mindful Eating Now that we've covered the basics of healthy eating, let's focus on how to eat mindfully so that we truly enjoy our food and eat with compa.s.sion and understanding. Mindful eating means simply eating or drinking while being aware of each bite or sip. You can practice it at any meal, whether you are alone in your kitchen or with others in a crowded restaurant. You can even practice mindful drinking when you pause to take a sip of water at your desk. Mindful eating allows us to fully appreciate the sensory delight of eating and to be more conscious of the amount and nature of all that we eat and drink. When practiced to its fullest, mindful eating turns a simple meal into a spiritual experience, giving us a deep appreciation of all that went into the meal's creation as well a deep understanding of the relationship between the food on our table, our own health, and our planet's health.

Engaging in mindful eating, even if only for a few minutes, can help you recognize how the practice of mindfulness encompa.s.ses all spheres and activities, including ordinary tasks. Take drinking a gla.s.s of water: if we are fully aware that we are drinking the water, and we are not thinking of anything else, we are drinking with our whole body and mind. While eating, we can also be aware of how we feel and of how we consume, whether we are truly hungry, and whether we are making the best choices for our health and the health of the planet.

Mindful eating sees each meal as representative of the whole cosmos. Recall the apple meditation from chapter 2. Look closely at an apple and you can see a cloud floating in it, as well as the rain, the earth, and the sunshine that made the apple tree flower and fruit. Recognize that this apple contains the universe. When you bite into the apple, can you be fully aware that this is a miracle from the universe that you have just put into your mouth? Notice that there is nothing else in your mouth as you chew, no worries or anxiety. When you chew the apple, just chew the apple, not your future plans or anger. You must chew very consciously and with focus. When you are able to be there for the apple 100 percent, you will feel connected to the earth, to the farmer who grew the apple, and also to the person who brought it to your table. Eating this way, you feel that strength, freedom, and pleasure are attainable. This meal nourished not only your body but also your mind-your whole being. Let's see how a mindful chef would apply these practices in the kitchen and at the dinner table.

Chef Sati Invites You to Dinner Chef Sati-a chef and Buddhist teacher-invited us to dinner to introduce us to the art of mindful cooking and eating. He promised that his dishes would enlighten our senses and that the evening would simply be an opportunity to touch the joy of life, but we would all have to take an active part in the meal.

He placed an array of colorful vegetables, whole grains, and spices on the counter. As we washed the vegetables, he said, "In these vegetables, I see the sun, the earth, the clouds, the rain, and numerous other phenomena, including the hard work of the farmers. These fresh vegetables are gifts of the universe. Washing them, we know we are also washing the sun, the earth, the sky, and the farmers." Because we were attentive to what we were doing, we touched the interdependent nature that makes life possible and felt deep joy to be living in the present moment.

The host made a wonderful soup with mushrooms; a salad bursting with red, yellow, orange, burgundy, and green colors; oven-fresh whole-grain bread with nuts; and, along with other dishes, what appeared to be a chicken dish with a wonderful sauce, decorated with green onions and cilantro. The kitchen was filled with brilliant colors and fine textures of various ingredients, aroma from different herbs and spices, sizzling and bubbling music from the stove-all leading to the mouthwatering dishes that were masterfully prepared. All of our senses came alive. Working together, we prepared all the dishes in no time at all.

As we sat down around the dinner table, we looked at the empty plates in front of us that we were eager to fill with the scrumptious food that Chef Sati had a.s.sembled in the middle of the table. He gently exclaimed, "It's so wonderful for us to be together, and I am so grateful we can share this dinner because in many other parts of the world, our empty plates might remain empty for a long time. Eating is a very deep practice. Let's learn to eat with compa.s.sion and understanding." There was plenty of food on the table, but he suggested that we start by taking only a small portion first. Following his cues, before we served ourselves we smiled at each other, looked at the food, and smiled to it with grat.i.tude. When we picked up our piece of bread, we did not devour it immediately. Behind the tenderness and the inviting aroma of the bread, we tried to look deeply into it-to see the sunshine inside, the cloud inside, the earth inside. We saw also all past generations of wheat plants leading up to the wheat of our times, as well as all the many generations of farmers and scientists who contributed to the evolution of the wheat and bread industry. The bread carried a lot of love and care of many people, including our dinner host. When we had seen clearly the real piece of bread, we put it into our mouth and chewed it mindfully-chewing and tasting only the bread, and not the worries in our minds. This way, we truly enjoyed the bread and could fully receive it as a gift from the universe. The piece of bread in our mouth was a miracle, each of us was a miracle, and the present moment of being together was also a miracle.

As we slowly ate the bread, soup, salad, and other dishes, we became fully aware of each bite, awakening all of our senses. We started to deepen our relationship with the food and to feel how we were all connected in a miraculous way.

Knowing the long history of vegetarianism in Buddhism, we asked our host about the chicken dish. He said, "This may be a surprise to you, but the chicken dish was not prepared with real chicken meat. It is made with soy and wheat gluten, by infusing the glutinous protein with spices and sauces to simulate the flavor and texture of chicken. I included this dish to ensure there would be enough protein in the meal." The dish was indeed as flavorful as it looked. He further explained, "I don't use real chicken meat or any other kinds of meats or animal products in cooking because it harms the environment and is not compa.s.sionate toward animals." The wholesomeness of the chicken dish was truly amazing, and we enjoyed every bite of it. We felt fortunate that we could sit down and enjoy a meal like this, being so present to the food and our friends.

After we finished our meal and had all commented on how good it felt to eat in this peaceful, mindful way, our host unabashedly asked us to help wash the dishes. We knew, of course, that there was another valuable mindfulness experience coming. The idea of doing the dishes was not exactly fun. But once he stood in front of the sink and tenderly and joyfully cleaned the plates with as much care as he had cooked all the wonderful dishes, we rolled up our sleeves and took turns washing as well. He explained that we needed to be mindful of everything we did, including the most mundane of ch.o.r.es such as dishwashing. We should be fully aware of the plates, the water, the amount of detergent, and each hand movement with the sponge. We could wash each dish with the same care that we would use if we were bathing a baby. We had to pay full attention to the task. Any distraction that disengaged us from the dishes would take us away from experiencing the present moment, a valuable moment in which we and the dishes are related. Sounding like a light breeze, he offered, "We should do the dishes just to do the dishes. We should live fully in the moment while washing them, not think about dessert or about going home. Otherwise, we miss an important appointment with life."

After we cheerfully finished putting away the dishes, we made a light, fragrant tea to accompany our dessert, which was a composition of fresh green, yellow, and red melons carefully cut in triangular wedges and presented beautifully on each plate. Chef Sati showed us how to drink tea. He held a cup of tea in his hands, breathed in the fragrance consciously a few times, and said, "Conscious breathing will bring the body and mind together. When the mind and body become one, we feel solid and become fully present for the tea. As we drink our tea, we should be completely aware that we are drinking the tea. When we truly meet the tea in the present moment, we feel alive. Only then are we really living our life." After a few attentive sips, we all experienced that drinking tea had become the most important thing at that moment. The light green tea and delicious melons complemented each other perfectly.

As we relaxed into the evening, we felt nourished-not only physically, but also spiritually. We did not feel stuffed but rather perfectly satisfied, content, fortunate, and peaceful.

Eating Mindfully Every Day We may not all have an opportunity to dine with a Chef Sati, but we should try to follow his valuable example as much as possible.

At home, reserve a time for dinner. Turn off the TV; put away the newspapers, magazines, mail, and homework. If you are eating with others, work together to help prepare dinner. Each of you can help with washing the vegetables, cooking, or setting the table. When all the food is on the table, sit down and practice conscious breathing a few times to bring your body and mind together, and recover yourselves from a hard day's work. Be fully present for each other, and for the food in front of you.

After a few conscious breaths, look at each other with a gentle smile and acknowledge each other's presence. If you are eating alone, don't forget to smile to yourself. Breathing and smiling are so easy to do, yet their effects are very powerful in helping us and others to feel at ease. When we look at the food in such a moment of peace, the food becomes real and reveals our connection with it and with everything else. The extent to which we see our interrelationship with the food depends on the depth of our mindfulness practice. We may not always be abl

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Savor_ Mindful Eating, Mindful Life Part 2 summary

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