
Sanders' Union Fourth Reader Part 55

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4. In Palestine Sir Walter is known,-- Long years attest his fame; And many brave deeds he there hath done, That ray with glory his name; But his heart doth expand For the fatherland, And he fain its pleasant scenes would see, With his friendly lion for company; But with fearful breast, The sailors protest, As they glanced at the beast and his majesty.

5. Rich guerdon he proffers, and golden store; But though the prize were great, The sailors hurry away from the sh.o.r.e As if from the doom of fate.

The poor beast moans In piteous tones, Then darts impetuously o'er the sands,-- Then looks to the ship, and mournfully stands; Then plunges into the gloomy wave, The perils of the depths to brave.

Already he nears the flying bark, Already his roar of grief they hark; But his strength is spent, and the sea is strong, And he may not the fearful struggle prolong.

His dying glances are fondly cast Along the track where the loved one pa.s.sed; Then sinks to his grave Beneath the wave, And the night and the ocean behold him the last.

QUESTIONS.--1. What did Sir Walter discover as he was riding over the Syrian waste? 2. What did he do? 3. What did the lion do, after being released? 4. Did the sailors allow the lion to go on board the ship? 5.

What did the lion then do? 6. What became of him?


VAL' IANT, strong; courageous, INC LI NA' TION, desire; tendency.

RE PLEN' ISH ED, filled up.

DIS SEV' ER, part; sunder.

SHIV' ER, dash to pieces.

EC STAT' IC, rapturous.

CON CLU' SION, result.

CON CEP' TION, thought; idea.

DEF' ER ENCE, respect.

PHYS I CAL, material.

AR' RANT, mere; vile.

TIME'-BAN DI ED, time-lost.

DE VEL' OP ED, brought out.

CON STEL LA' TIONS, cl.u.s.ters of stars.

DE SIGN ED, planned.

COM BIN' ED, united.

UNINTERRUPTED, (UN, _not_; INTER, _in between_; RUPTED, _broken_;) not broken in between; unbroken.

It is sometimes desirable to have each member of the cla.s.s read a piece complete in itself. To answer this end, the following collection of brief, though beautiful productions, have been brought together all under one head.




It is not what we earn, but what we save, that makes us rich. It is not what we eat, but what we digest, that makes us strong. It is not what we read, but what we remember, that makes us learned. It is not what we intend, but what we do, that makes us useful. It is not a few faint wishes, but a life-long struggle, that makes us valiant.


G.o.d'S LOVE.

There's not a flower that decks the vale, There's not a beam that lights the mountain, There's not a shrub that scents the gale, There's not a wind that stirs the fountain, There's not a hue that paints the rose, There's not a leaf around us lying, But in its use or beauty shows G.o.d's love to us, and love undying!



To acquire a thorough knowledge of our own hearts and characters, to restrain every irregular inclination, to subdue every rebellious pa.s.sion, to purify the motives of our conduct, to form ourselves to that temperance which no pleasure can seduce, to that meekness which no provocation can ruffle, to that patience which no affliction can overwhelm, and that integrity which no interest can shake; _this is the task which is a.s.signed to us_,--a task which can not be performed without the utmost diligence and care.



The brightest stars are burning suns; The deepest water stillest runs; The laden bee the lowest flies; The richest mine the deepest lies; The stalk that's most replenished, Doth bow the most its modest head.

Thus, deep Humility we find The mark of every master-mind; The highest-gifted lowliest bends, And merit meekest condescends, And shuns the fame that fools adore,-- That puff that bids a feather soar.



A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner. Neither do uninterrupted prosperity and success qualify man for usefulness or happiness. The storms of adversity, like the storms of the ocean, rouse the faculties and excite the invention, prudence, skill, and fort.i.tude of the voyager.




Why turn we to our mountain homes With more than filial feeling?

'Tis _here_ that Freedom's altars rise, And Freedom's sons are kneeling!

Why sigh we not for softer climes?

Why cling to that which bore us?

_'Tis here we tread on Freedom's soil,_ _With Freedom's sunshine o'er us!_



If you do not begin, you will never come to the end. The first weed pulled up in the garden, the first seed set in the ground, the first dollar put in the savings-bank, and the first mile traveled on a journey, are all important things; they make a _beginning_, and thereby give a hope, a promise, a pledge, an a.s.surance that you are in earnest in what you have undertaken. How many a poor, idle, erring, hesitating outcast is now creeping his way through the world, who might have held up his head and prospered, if, instead of putting off his resolutions of amendment and industry, he had only made a beginning!




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Sanders' Union Fourth Reader Part 55 summary

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