
Gods Battle 22 The Demon

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"Come on girl I think I finally got the clue to that quest"

A pair of girls venture into a hot desert, distortions happen around them due to high temperatures, but the two continue and spend hours walking with no sign of their destination.

"I can't take it anymore, you go Pink Rose"

The woman further back fell to the ground and then disappeared, the woman who was further ahead looked back and when she saw it happen she fell to her knees on the ground.

"The fire will baptize your soul, and when it seems that you are alone, it will be the time when you will find the sacred earth".

The woman recited the riddle that was given to her at the time of the quest, and magically in front of her came a green land with coconut trees and a lake in between, there were houses and even some people.

"Is that a mirage?"

Black clouds formed in the sky and all the heat from before disappeared as if it didn't even exist, she couldn't believe it, but she finally found the sacred land.

[You completed the quest: finding the lost oasis]

"how dare you steal my family, how dare you steal my kingdom, my destiny!"

Merlin who found himself surrounded by wolves and lost all his underworld minions decided to overflow.

"I don't know how to take care of Merlin children, but I see value in you and so I haven't triggered Aia's punishment on you yet..."

With the eyes of the ruler Sant saw around Merlin a black smoke as dark as the rain clouds, and in the center of this dark ma.s.s he saw a pair of vile red eyes.

"Believe me, that's not you, that's what's..."

"Shut up, it's your fault"

Merlin's ears became long and two long cracks appeared over his eyes.

"What is it, demons again?"

The boy began to float and opened his arms in the middle of the air, so several cracks and doors opened and demons and devils came out of them, it seemed that a small army would be formed from so many who came out.

"It's serious that Merlin ?, corrupted twice by the same demon."

The devil Merlin looked in Sant's direction and an arrogant smile appeared on his face.

"human, I never left this body, because in it I felt something bigger, much bigger than you or me and from the moment he woke up I felt in his black heart stank of envy, hatred and thoughts of betrayal, he never planned to obey you."

"Good to know Balkan, but I also know that demon hybrids like you usually suffer a lot wherever you are and therefore love to create intrigue in the world of the living".

"as you..."

"Shut up, it's almost time for you to suffer a little."

Sant stretched out his hand and all the wolves retreated, Fengir seemed reluctant, but in the end followed the command of his master.

"do you think you can defeat my little battalion by yourself? Go out there and kill him."

All the creatures ran with blood in their eyes, they wanted to kill this human, but when they got close enough they stopped and started looking around, almost as if they had lost their target.


"what?, what have you done with my minions"

"My G.o.d Balkan, you're very dumb, there are three reasons why Merlin will never be able to kill me."

He began to walk and at each point he took another step forward.

"First he is an arcane and I am simply the master of all arcanes the simple thought of that kind would cause pain in his body, according to him he is the holy son of arcania, my power entered his body and that is something he can never erase, unless I want to be clear, and finally, he signed a contract with me and I simply asked for his loyalty"

Balkan's eyes were opened in a way that he himself would not believe he could.

"Do you know what it means to swear allegiance to a Balkan king? It means giving your life, obedience and body to someone, and haha, I'm just too cruel."

"No, don't come near your insect"

Balkan pointed the staff in his hand to Sant and three black fireb.a.l.l.s appeared and flew towards him, but at the moment he arrived near Sant the b.a.l.l.s changed direction and purposely made mistakes.

"How is this possible?"

"Why don't you give me that staff and stay real quiet?"

Balkan found it laughable at first, but unconsciously his hand stretched out and threw the gun at Sant.

"Saw, total obedience, even if he didn't want to, that's the power of a contract, that's the power of Aia, now we'll see if that's the staff I think it is"

The demon tried to escape, but for some reason could not move, panic filled his heart because for some reason at the moment the boy in front of him held the staff a deadly aura that threatens all his kind appeared.

"hehehe, hahahahaha, you're very f.u.c.ked up Balkan"

The boy began to walk towards Balkan and at each step that the fear grew in his chest, he tried in every way to move and run away, but his body remained still.

"This weapon here made from the body of Solomon has some very cool properties you know, and this ability level 05 is perfect for our situation, it is called Extraction of soul, just by the name can already imagine our fun."

Balkan could see that in the boy's face a perverse smile appeared, minutes later screams could be heard throughout the forest and the sound of a demonic voice begging for forgiveness was recorded in the soul of the intelligent beings of the place.


nside a gigantic tree overlooking an entire village ten people gather and discuss the dark screams.

"gyaaaaaaaaaaaaah, please stop."

"What's that?"

"the trees are saying it's the arcane king and some traitorous subordinate."

"not my animals say the arcane king is fighting an evil creature."

"none of this the fairies have told me it's two demons fighting."

The man sitting in the prestigious seat finally spoke.

"If they are as strong as they say, our invasion mission will be totally stopped, but if only their king is strong we will invade as soon as possible, several tribes aim for that fertile land."

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Inside a cave not far from the kingdom of Arcania.

"Sir, it seems that this arcane king is very strong and has managed to subdue some demon."

"That's right, my lord, we must extend the invasion."

A fat man with a crown on his head hit his hand on the stone table and shouted furiously at his subordinates.

"Quiet your chickens, this was a divine mission, we have to destroy the arcane demon before he grows even more."

"Yes, sir, but now we're very wea..."

"Say it again and you'll die, just because you're a shaman doesn't have the right to belittle us, now gather the troops, we'll be gone in two days."

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Gods Battle 22 The Demon summary

You're reading Gods Battle. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): KrazyWriter. Already has 442 views.

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