
Rhymes Old and New Part 3

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When the moon is at the full Mushrooms you may freely pull; But when the moon is on the wane, Wait ere you think to pluck again.


Clemany! Clemany! Clemany mine!

A good red apple and a pint of wine, Some of your mutton and some of your veal, If it is good, pray give me a deal; If it is not, pray give some salt.

Butler! butler! fill your bowl; If thou fill'st it with the best, The Lord'll send your soul to rest; If thou fill'st it of the small, Down goes butler, bowl and all.

Pray, good mistress, send to me, One for Peter, one for Paul, One for Him who made us all, Apple, pear, plum, or cherry, Any good thing to make us merry;

A bouncing buck, and velvet chair, Clement comes but once a year; Off with the pot, and on with the pan, A good red apple and I'll begone!


Spring, the sweet spring, is the year's pleasant king, Then bloomes each thing, then maydes dance in a ring; Cold doth not sting, the pretty birds do sing, Cuckow, Jugge, Jugge, pu-we to witta woo.

The Palme and May make country houses gay, Lambs frisk and play, the shepherds pype all day, And we have aye birds tune this merry lay, Cuckow, Jugge, Jugge, pu-we to witta woo.


If apples bloom in March, In vain for 'um you'll sarch; If apples bloom in April, Why then they'll be plentiful; If apples bloom in May, You may eat 'um night and day.

Through storm and wind, Sunshine and shower, Still will ye find Groundsel in flower.


Sound the flute!

Now 'tis mute; Birds delight Day and night, Nightingale, In the dale, Lark in sky-- Merrily, Merrily, merrily to welcome in the year.

Little boy, Full of joy; Little girl, Sweet and small, c.o.c.k does crow, So do you; Merry voice, Infant noise; Merrily, merrily to welcome in the year.

Little lamb, Here I am; Come and lick My white neck; Let me pull Your soft wool; Let me kiss Your soft face; Merrily, merrily to welcome in the year.


Rain, rain, go away, And come again another day, When I brew and when I bake, I'll gie you a little cake.


If the evening's red and the morning gray, It is the sign of a bonnie day; If the evening's gray and the morning red, The lamb and the ewe will go wet to bed.


The rainbow in the marnin'

Gies the shepherd warnin'

To car' his girt cwoat on his back; The rainbow at night Is the shepherd's delight, For then no girt cwoat will he lack.

Rainbow, rainbow, Rin away hame; Come again at Martinmas, When a' the corn's in.

Why, I cannot tell, But I know full well, With wind in the east, Fish bite not in the least.


The west wind always brings wet weather; The east wind wet and cold together; The south wind always brings us rain; The north wind blows it back again; If the sun in red should set, The next day surely will be wet; If the sun should set in gray, The next will be a rainy day.

The wind at north or east Is neither good for man nor beast; So never think to cast a clout, Until the end of May be out.


There was a thing a full month old, When Adam was no more; But ere that thing was five weeks old Adam was years five score.



About the seasons of the year, Astrologers may make a fuss; But this I know, that spring is here, When I can cut asparagus.


Concerning dates, whate'er they pen, No matter whether true or not, I know it must be summer when Green peas are boiling in the pot.


And autumn takes his turn to reign, I know as sure as I'm a sinner, When leaves are scattered o'er the plain, And grapes are eaten after dinner.


Winter is known by frost and snow, To all the little girls and boys; But it's enough for me to know, I get no greens except savoys.

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Rhymes Old and New Part 3 summary

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