
Rhymes Old and New Part 13

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Here we dance Looby Loo, Here we dance Looby Light, Here we dance Looby Loo, All on a Sat.u.r.day night.

All your right hands in, All your right hands out, Shake your right hands a little a little, And turn yourselves about.

Here we dance, etc.

All your left hands in, All your left hands out, Shake your left hands a little a little, And turn yourselves about.

Here we dance, etc.

All your right feet in, All your right feet out, Shake your right feet a little a little, And turn yourselves about.

Here we dance, etc.

All your left feet in, All your left feet out, Shake your left feet a little a little, And turn yourselves about.

Here we dance, etc.

All your noddles in, All your noddles out, Shake all your noddles a little a little, And turn yourselves about.

Here we dance, etc.

Put all yourselves in, Put all yourselves out, Shake all yourselves a little a little, And turn yourselves about.

Here we dance Looby Loo, Here we dance Looby Light, Here we dance Looby Loo, All on a Sat.u.r.day night.

Walking up the green gra.s.s, A dusty dusty day, Fair maids, and pretty maids, As ever you did see.

Suppose a man'd die, And leave his wife a widow, The bells'd ring, and we should sing, And all dance round together.

Oats and beans and barley grow, Oats and beans and barley grow; Do you, or I, or any one know, How oats and beans and barley grow?

First the farmer sows his seed, Then he stands and takes his ease, Stamps his feet, and claps his hands, And turns him round to view the lands.

Yeo ho! Yeo ho!

Waiting for a partner, Waiting for a partner, Open the ring, and send one in.

So now you're married you must obey, You must be true to all you say; You must be kind, you must be good, And help your wife to chop the wood.

Yeo ho! Yeo ho!


Green gravel, green gravel, the gra.s.s is so green, The fairest damsel that ever was seen.

O Mary, O Mary, your true love is dead!

He sent you a letter to turn round your head.

O mother, O mother, do you think it is true?

O yes, O yes, and what shall I do?

I'll wash you in milk, and dress you in silk, And write down your name with a gold pen and ink.


Rosy apple, lemon, and pear, Bunch of roses she shall wear, Gold and silver by her side, Choose the one to be your bride.

Take her by the lily-white hand, Lead her across the water, Give her kisses, one, two, three, Mrs Rose's daughter.


One I love, two I love, three I love, I say Four I love with all my heart, five I cast away; Six he loves, seven she loves, eight they both love; Nine he comes, ten he tarries, Eleven he courts, and twelve he marries.


Here we go by jingo ring, By jingo ring, by jingo ring, Here we go by jingo ring, And round about Mary matins sing.

Round the Maypole, Trit, trit, trot!

See what a Maypole We have got.

Fine and gay, Trip away!

Happy in our new May-day.

Gentlemen and ladies, I wish you happy May, We come to show the garland, For 'tis the first of May.

Good-morning, lords and ladies, It is the first of May.

We hope you'll view our garland, It is so smart and gay.

I love my little brother, And sister every day, But I seem to love them better In the merry month of May.


One-ery, two-ery, tick-ery, ten, Bobs of vinegar, gentlemen: A bird in the air, A fish in the sea, A bonnie wee la.s.sie come singing to thee, One, two, three!



It hails, it rains, in Merry-c.o.c.k land, It hails, it rains, both great and small, And all the little children in Merry-c.o.c.k land, They have need to play at ball.

They toss'd the ball so high, They toss'd the ball so low, Amongst all the Jews' cattle, And amongst the Jews below.

Out came one of the Jew's daughters, Dressed all in green, "Come my sweet Saluter, And fetch the ball again."

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Rhymes Old and New Part 13 summary

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