
Septem 23 Evelyn Rosewood

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Yosep POV

The main building is quite huge like the main guild base in the capital. It also had huge hall with many receptionists for doing their administration purpose. Many other students already here to do their registration and some administration procedure. In this time of period, this hall will be full of people and packed. Fortunately, I come early so the queue is still not too long.

I am queueing for my registration. Before that, I separate with my brother since they have some appointment to do. We promise will gather again at the lunch time in the dining area. But, before my brothers leave, they also appoint some student which look like their underling to become my bodyguard.

The one that seems to be leader for protecting me is called Lucas Morgan. He has blonde hair with medium build body and brown eye. His attire is student uniform with purple armband that indicated he is also S cla.s.s like my brother.

All student uniform is same except for their armband that indicated their cla.s.s rank. Cla.s.s E is white, cla.s.s D is orange, cla.s.s C is blue, cla.s.s B is yellow, cla.s.s A is red, and cla.s.s S is purple as I hear this information from Lucas.

Apparently Lucas is a commoner with have many talents. Fernan rescue and help him when he is being bullied by other n.o.ble cla.s.s. In this academy, the aristocrat t.i.tle is not applying since a lot of youth from other kingdom come to study here. The one that decide the most in this academy is talent and skill. But, still oppression toward talented commoner from the n.o.ble still occur like Lucas's case.

Lucas started to talking non-stop about brother Fernan did which is start to getting annoying. During this time, my queuing diminishing and It was my turn. I told Lucas and the others to wait for a while approached the receptionist.

"Moru, watch out everyone that handle my doc.u.ment. Take the one that I deemed as hostile target" As I said in whisper and got replied, "Yes, master" from my shadow.

It was one of the Moru skill, shadow blending a stalker master skill. The academy forbids student to bring their own staff to the academy ground. They only allowed other people come in until the main area at the entrance of new freshman.

Since my lovely Moru will go crazy if I leave her a long time as she already depends on me a lot lately, I told her to hide inside my shadow. Besides, I feel more safe with people that I trust around me than this lousy bodyguard my brother appoints.

Moreover, Moru's shadow blending is quite special as I also do some "modification" for her. I already test with my mother. I found that even with eight-star level detection magic can't even detect Moru's presence when she goes hiding. This also the reason why Moru can easily beat Luna who is grandmaster t.i.tle without making any commotion.

Then, I give my letter recommendation, magician certification, and warrior certification to the receptionist while I stare at all the staff for possibility of steal a glance at it. Fortunately, the receptionist is quite professional. After startled a little bit seeing my certification, she immediately goes back to her professional face and handle my registration according to the procedure.

She asked me which certification that I want to add the affiliation of the academy. I choose my magician certification and in few second my registration is done. I checked my magician certification and it show:

Yosep Temus

Age: 8 years' old

Affiliation country: Rosewood Kingdom, Student of Rosewood Royal academy


Main job:

Magician (expert level)

Warlock (expert level)


Blacksmith (Expert)




After done my registration, the receptionist reminds me to check the announcement this evening for distribution of cla.s.s and dorm at the announcement board in this hall. I thank her for the info and leaving the hall. Looking at the time there are still sometime before lunch time. I decide to tour the surrounding academy first even though I already know where, who, and what is it from my 3D map in my head. But, I still can help to feel the surrounding myself.

After a while, I regret my decision to tour the surrounding. It was because these annoying bodyguard keep follow around like I am some sort of mafia boss. People from the surrounding start to look at me weirdly and avoid me. No wonder I hear few of them start to gossiping me "The Untouchable".

While lamenting my embarra.s.sing condition because of my stupid brothers, I saw a girl that in white blouse fall down. She has blonde hair and slim figure with eight years old body. Normally, I will not care about her at all as I am not good person in nature that like to help people.

However, when I see her I notice and surprise that she is one of those "Princess of light". Moreover, her power still in dormant and that's why my scan cannot perceive her.

I immediately help her by catch her from her fall in inhuman speed while asking, "Are you okay? You suddenly fell down." As I try to asked her worriedly.

She has white pale face with charming golden eye and beautiful face. "Ahh.. th.. thank you. It just my const.i.tution is weak from child and this academy is quite big. I just need to rest for a while." As she responded.

"d.a.m.n, I was right that all her feature and same weak const.i.tution from child. She is definitely one of the "Princess of light". But, that's mean I must… no awake my other personality is come first." As I thought while looking at her.

"There is a bench near the shade tree at nearby. Why don't I help you to rest there?" as I offer my help with my hand and smile.

She started to blushing, "In… In that case I will be in your care… Ahh… I mean thank you for the help." She started to stutter a little bit and take my hand.

Then, I help her walk to nearby bench under the shade tree. I already ignore all the stupid bodyguard who praise me like some sort of G.o.d since I help her. During this time, I started to uncertain what to do.

"I.. no we owe a lot to princess of light at that time but she is different princess of light. I shouldn't feel guilty to do that to her. Still I can't decide what to do. Huft.. I guess I can just leave it for later. I will do what I feel when the time come. But, the one for sure is my must protect this woman. Not only because the debt grat.i.tude toward that princess of light but also because I feel this is what Septem will do." I thought a lot.

"Eemm.. are you alright? You seem a little bit out of s.p.a.ce?" she asked suddenly and broke from my thought.

"Ahh.. It's because you are so cute that I start to blank a little bit." As I response by teasing her a little bit.

"Ccuutee… no I.. are you try to flirting at me?" she surprised from my response and started to angry and pouting her cheek as she looks at me disgustingly.

It seems she thought me like other men that only look at her beauty. Considering her const.i.tution and personality, I really understand her predicament.

Then, I just pinch her pouting cheeks and saying, "Of course not, I truly say you are cute. Just look at this pouting cheeks. I really like to pinch it" while I keep playing with her cheek.

She groaned from me playing with her cheek. She also begging me to stop and tearing a little.

I stopped playing with her red cheek from the pinching.

At this moment, "Meaaniee… How can you do this to lady face? It hurt a lot." as she started to begin a little bit crying.

I smiled, "Can I hug you? You are just too cute. I can't resist to hug you."

She suddenly stops crying from surprised with my sudden propose and want to get away from me. But, I immediately hug her and restraint her. She struggles a little bit while close her eyes. I give her a patting in her head until she calms down. Then, after a while I release her from my embrace while she starts to blushing like red tomato.

"I am sorry about my sudden hug. I just can't resist as you are too cute. Anyway my name is Yosep Temus. May I know who is this cute lady?" as I tried to emphasize cute word.

"St.. stop saying I am cute. My name is Evelyn Ros.. Rosewood, third daughter of the current King Rosewood." While she starts to stutter about her royal name part, she looks at me for my reaction.

From my reading I can tell that she expects me to surprised and start to apologized my rude behavior before. But I will just break her expectation.

I started to pinch her cheek again, "Ahh so cute… are really a human or a plushy toy? Oh you say that you are a princess. Then, it means you are a princess plushy toy. Can I hug you again?"

I grabbed her hand. She surprise from my reaction while blushing more, "Wh.. who is princess plushy toy. You are insolent p.r.i.c.k to disrespect me like that. You bla bla bla…." She keeps speaking bad about me non-stop.

After a while she out of breath and done talking. Looking at the time it was almost lunch time.

I hug her once again and said in her ear, "I don't care if you hate me because I will always protect you from anything." In my serious tone.

I release her from my embrace as she blushing like baked crab. While I said that, I feel another girl is approaching here which I feel she is one of her friend. I told her I will meet her again as I go toward dining area leaving her behind.

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Septem 23 Evelyn Rosewood summary

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