
The Unexpected Discovery Of Love 48 There's Always Someone Watching

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On seeing the brothers, Kim readjusted her sitting position to create room for them to sit. Carl sat next to Kim while Ryan opted for the floor. He a.s.sumed a lotus pose with his hands folded across his chest, scrutinizing both Carl and Kim. He wasn't sure what exactly was going on but he knew they weren't married. Carl noticed his gaze but ignored him, as for Kim she was soley focused on her drama to notice Ryan.

Testing the waters, he called out, "Sister-in-law, what drama are you watching?" He looked at Carl hoping for a reaction, there was none. Carl was aware of his thoughts, so he let him a.s.sume whatever. Turning his eyes, he stared at Kim, only to miss the slight nervousness in her eyes. "You can call me sister." She said, ignoring his question. Ryan gave a half smile, this was what he was waiting for, a chance to drag Carl into the conversation. "Brother, can I really call her that?" 

"Whatever you want." He said in reply. Placing his hands on his chin, he pretended to be in deep thought. "So, I can I call her 'my wife'?" He questioned, pretending to be curious. Kim's eyes were glued to the TV but her attention and focus was on their conversation. She also be wanted to know what he would say. Few seconds pa.s.sed, there was nothing but silence. She observed him from the corner of her eyes, his eyes were closed. 

"Just call me sister, that's better." She finally said. Ryan immediately changed the topic, seeing he couldn't get them to say anything important. "Brother, let's go, if you're tired." Kim was startled, 'So soon?'. Carl opened his eyes only to meet Kim's questioning gaze, before he could say anything, his phone rang.

Placing the phone by his ears he was surprised to hear the urgent tone of the caller. The more he listened, the more his face darkened. Without telling anyone, he left the house in a hurry, leaving behind a worried and perplexed Kim.

25 hours earlier.

In a dark room, located underground in a deserted area, sat a man in black. His face was covered with a mask. His aura was dark, like a grim reaper. In front of him were two men lying in a pool of their own blood. From the amount of blood, it can be deduced that the men were dead. 'Vroom vroom..' his phone rang. Taking it out, he looked at the caller, his eyes narrowed as he picked. "I hope you have news?" He questioned. It was unknown what the caller said but when he dropped the phone, his eyes brightened. "It seems the players are finally set, let the game begin." He laughed in a penetrating voice. His subordinates shrank back as they heard him.

Picking up his cane, he strode out of the bas.e.m.e.nt, two of his subordinates stayed back to take care of the bodies, while the rest followed him. Just by his car, he stopped, turned to his most trusted aid, "Why don't you surprise him a little and make him understand there's always someone watching." His voice was calm as a river, he spoke nonchalantly that it didn't seem like a threat but those around him knew better. "Yes boss!" His subordinate answered before the man got into the black car.

Carl was so surprised by the call he totally forgot about Kim and Ryan, he just wanted to get to where Allan and Allen where before anything else. He drove at the speed of light, breaking traffic rules as he hurried to their base. He was shaken by the news he received earlier, he wasn't sure why anyone would do that. He was sure he didn't have enemies, may be his step-mother, but he could swear she was not aware of him building himself. Suddenly his mind went to Kim, he slowed down and parked the car by the pedestrian lane. He took deep breaths before he could finally calm down. Taking out his phone, he called Kim.

"h.e.l.lo..?" He heard her worried voice. "Is..." He quickly cut her short, "I'm sorry I ran out without explaining, it's an emergency, just help me look after Ryan, I'll be back." He quickly hung up. Dropping the phone on the pa.s.senger seat, he rested his head on the driving wheel for a while. He was beyond shaken, as a leader, he could not afford to see his subordinates in his current state. He was both afraid and alone, however he has to regain his composure and think of a solution to the problem. After all, you can only solve a problem by being calm and thinking properly. After resting for five minutes, he started the engine again driving to the base.

Ryan looked at Kim trying to enquire why his brother left in a hurry but Kim could not give him a reply as she knew nothing. Her face was pale, she couldn't think of a good reason why he would be worried, she deduced it must have been something really bad. Because she knew he was alone, she began panicking. Having no one to protect you when you can't protect yourself is really scary. She ran into the bathroom and splashed water on her face.

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The Unexpected Discovery Of Love 48 There's Always Someone Watching summary

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