
Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home Chapter 1004 A Way

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Chapter 1004 A Way


Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

“There will be numerous future gatherings, both large and small. I can’t simply avoid attending them. I have to take action. Can you truly bear to let me miss out on such a wonderful opportunity?”

“My love, please help me!”

Shao Yunduan remained silent, contemplating his options. What was he going to do?

He regarded Qiao Xuan with suspicion, questioning whether her claims of being bullied were true. Why hadn’t he realized it earlier?

Nevertheless, when he heard her plea, he couldn’t find the strength to refute her or bear to do so.

Shao Yunduan let out a sigh.

Qiao Xuan understood that he had agreed.

She immediately brightened up. “My love, you’re the best! I knew you would a.s.sist me!”

Shao Yunduan.

“Tell me honestly, how confident are you?” he asked.

Qiao Xuan’s smile faded, and she responded earnestly, “I can’t say for certain, but I’m at least 80% confident.”

An 80% chance was almost as good as a guarantee.

Shao Yunduan found himself torn between amus.e.m.e.nt and frustration.

After a brief pause, he suggested, “Let’s visit the Crown Prince at the East Palace tomorrow. The Crown Prince is known for his benevolence. Let’s hear his thoughts first.”

“Alright, let’s go and seek the Crown Prince’s support!”

Qiao Xuan’s remaining worries vanished.

Qiao Xuan harbored no concerns about her ability to save the peony. As long as the flower remained alive, she believed she had the power to revive it and enhance its vibrancy.

It was Shao Yunduan who felt breathless with anxiety.

After all, the events had unfolded within the palace walls. How could they possibly know what was happening?

However, if the crown prince was willing to provide insight, then there was hope. The crown prince would surely be aware if the peony bush was still alive.

Qiao Xuan had heard of the prince’s benevolent nature and hoped that he would grant Shao Yunduan, a mere Primus, some face…

With the crown prince’s a.s.sistance, Qiao Xuan would be secure. But if the crown prince declined, Qiao Xuan would relinquish her pursuit.

The following day, Shao Yunduan sought leave from the Hanlin Academy, and together they made their way to the East Palace to meet the prince.

Although referred to as the East Palace of the Great Qin Empire, it was, in fact, a separate mansion adjacent to the palace, not within its confines.

Not just anyone could enter the Crown Prince’s Eastern Palace.

However, Shao Yunduan’s reputation was too prominent!

Despite being only a seventh-grade editor at the Hanlin Academy, he was the top scorer. He had even confronted the Tian family head-on, and the Emperor had intervened on his behalf!

It wasn’t just the Eastern Palace; the more influential a residence, the more meticulous they were in selecting their gatekeepers. The position of a gatekeeper was not one that could be entrusted to a mere servant.

A single offense, mistake, or unauthorized entry could potentially lead to a disastrous outcome.

Upon Shao Yunduan’s introduction, a polite greeting came from the gatehouse. Coincidentally, the Crown Prince happened to be present within the mansion, and someone hurriedly went to inform him.

The current Crown Prince was not the offspring of the current Empress Qi. The biological son of Empress Qi was the Third Prince, who had recently turned thirty.

The Crown Prince’s biological mother was the late Emperor Xuan of Qi’s Empress Li.

Having held power for a considerable duration, Emperor Xuan of Qi’s reign saw the Crown Prince reach the age of 43 this year. He was known for his integrity, refinement, and gentleness, earning him a reputation as a virtuous individual among the people. The court officials were indeed respectful and deferential toward him.

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Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home Chapter 1004 A Way summary

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