
Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess Chapter 457 - Numerous Masters Gathered at One Place

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Chapter 457 Numerous Masters Gathered at One Place

“I’m merely a common woman. How am I worthy of a.s.sociating with someone of such high social standing as you?”

Hongyu’s was immediately wary. The reason she was able to survive in a place like Huichun House was because she was highly observant and was very skilled in a.s.sessing situations.

If she got sucked into the whirlpool of the plan of these people, eventually, she might not even know how she died.

“Simple. You only have to be my witness.”

As the inspector hidden behind his black coat spoke, there was disdain in his voice.

Perhaps in their eyes, people like Hongyu were like trash that they would readily sacrifice them anytime.

She should be grateful that she was even a bit useful to them today.

Hongyu certainly did not think in this way. At one glance, she could tell that these people were up to no good.

Naturally, she was aware that they wanted her dead.

On the surface, Hongyu did not dare to show her sentiments.

She kept her eyes low and pretended to be submissive at least until she got through the current danger.

“I, Hongyu, am only a commoner. How would I be of any help to you, my lord?”

With her heart beating hard like a drum, Hongyu tried to offer an excuse.

However, the investigator seemed determined as he commanded her, saying, “Of course you will be of use to us. In a few days, someone will bring you to another place. When you get there, you will answer the people’s questions accordingly. When you accomplish your mission, you may return to Huichun House to be the courtesan there again. You’ll be able to live a good life then. It’ll definitely be better than being a farmer here.”

Hongyu found the words of the investigator repulsive.

She was merely something they could toy around, but what right did they have to do so? She was once a good girl until these evil people made her a prost.i.tute and became hated by her family. What right did these people of high status make use of her?

Perhaps, Hongyu had never experienced such sentiments before.

However, after being dealt so much cruelly that she almost felt hopeless, she was just beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel.

She had hoped that she could lead a quiet and peaceful life from now on, but these people right in front of her eyes had shattered her hope.

She could feel her rage rising and trying to break free.

Nevertheless, the pride deep inside her had calmed her and she soon was able to conceive a plan.

However, all that was crossed her mind was unknown to the investigator and the burly men.

To them, she was merely a tool for them to achieve their goal.

“Looks like it’s some fantastic mission. Who will Hongyu testify for, my lord, the investigator?”

Hongyu finally lifted her head and she was wearing the most charming smile on her face.

Although her clothes were plain, she possessed the innate beauty and talent to please men with her charming smile.

To the investigator, this woman had simply straightened her ideas. Or perhaps people like Hongyu was unable to resist his offer after all.

“You’re doing the right thing. Prost.i.tutes are generally heartless, that’s the real you. In a while, someone will tell you where you’ll be sent to. As for being the witness, someone would ask if you are Sumei’s sister and you are to answer that you indeed are her sister. If someone asks who Sumei is, you are to answer with certainty that it is Lin Mengya.”

Lin Mengya? Hongyu took a moment to recover from her daze as she remembered that Lin Mengya was Princess Yu’s maiden name.

A wave of shock went through her. Were these people trying to frame Princess Yu?

No way! Princess Yu was the only person who showed kindness to her. Hongyu had done Princess Yu wrong for Sumei’s sake. This time, she would not make the same mistake again!

However, on the surface, she had put on an awkward expression as if she had been put in a difficult position.

“My lord, you’re making things very difficult for me.”

There was a bashful look in her eyes and she squeezed her hands nervously with a girlish demeanor.

“You don’t dare to?”

Despite not being able to see the eyes of the investigator, his severe cold voice made the men in the room inhale in nervousness.

“No, no, no, I wouldn’t dare to defy you, but Lin Mengya was such a famous character. Who would believe the words of a courtesan like me? It doesn’t really matter if people disregard me, but your great plan would be upset.”

She sounded bashful and looked pitiful.

However, Hongyu found it strange that all the men in the room were staring at her.

She certainly found such interest familiar.

The strange thing was that the investigator did not seem moved. The investigator still sounded as if he found her repulsive.

Could it be that the investigator was not a man?

While Hongyu pondered over this, the investigator spoke.

“You don’t have to bother. I’ve made all the necessary arrangements. You just have to insist that Lin Mengya was your lost sister. There’ll be someone else who will substantiate your statement. Alright, that’s it. You will wait here until the day breaks. Then, someone will come here to bring you over.”

When the investigator was done talking, he, cl.u.s.tered around by the rest of the men, left the room.

Although the men seemed to look at her excitedly, it appeared that they did not dare to lay their hands on her because of the investigator.

Hongyu, whose hands and feet had been bound was beginning to feel numb and tired on her limbs. She immediately gave the man lagging behind a pleading look and said, “Hey, brother, my hands are numb from being tied up. Would you please loosen the rope a little?”

Her coquettish voice and her pitiful mannerism had successfully attracted the attention of the burly man.

Checking that the rest had left, he chuckled and walked up to the beauty to help her loosen the rope.

Anyway, his coworkers were standing guard outside. There was no worry that this beauty would escape.

He conveniently touched Hongyu’s cheeks and realized that they were indeed soft and delicate. However, this was all he dared to do.

Hongyu moved her hands and legs to loosen them up. Suppressing her disgust towards the man, she began trying to fish out some information from him softly.

“Kind brother, thank you so much. My life was bitterly difficult. Just when I escape from one predicament, I am thrown into another. That investigator looked like he is very powerful.”

The man, who was just a hatchet man, had obviously never been shown many good graces. He began to show a look of disdain on his face.

He moved closer to Hongyu and lowered his voice as he spoke.

“Who would dare to say no? The investigator, whom no one could tell whether he is a man or woman, always orders us around whenever he comes. If it were not for our master’s instruction, I would have killed him long ago!”

Hongyu giggled shyly, but her eyes were cold and unfeeling.

This dimwitted burly man had unwittingly fed her with much information.

She leaned into the burly man’s chest and continued to pry, saying, “Even I feel that you’re the real hero. Unlike me, a helpless woman, who doesn’t even know whom I’m sacrificing my life to? Forget it. It’s all because I’m fated to such a cursed life. I don’t even know if I can die in one piece this time.”

The burly men immediately held on tightly to the beauty in his arms. Holding a beautiful woman like Hongyu in his embrace was not even something he could buy with money.

Not only was this beautiful lady in his arms, but she was also delicate and gentle that it was like a dream come true. In that instant, he told her everything he knew.

“My little beauty, that stupid investigator is actually a small fry. My master said there is a yet greater master behind him who was much more powerful. Anyway, my master said that whoever works for him will one day become a successful man. Rest a.s.sured that I will take care of you on the way!”

After he was done with talking, he took advantage of the chance to grope at her.

“Big Ox! Why are you dawdling? Get out here now!”

A loud scolding echoed in from outside and Big Ox immediately put Hongyu down reluctantly and dashed out without further delay.

He even threw Hongyu an apologetic glance before he left.

Hongyu held her gaze on Big Ox with a tender smile on her face, but her expression turned cold the moment he was gone.

Bah! What a group of sc.u.ms who treated women as toys!

As Hongyu moved her limbs, her heart was filled with anxiety.

To her surprise, they were actually after Lin Mengya!

After she regained her composure, she gradually got a hold of the situation. What she needed right now was time for her to organize her thoughts.

At this moment, Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu who were hiding just outside the farmhouse did not even dare to take in deep breaths.

Their men, who were ambushed there earlier on, had come back to them with the information they gathered.

They reported back that there were men with high martial skills who were in the courtyard, so they had failed to enter the farmhouse to find out more information.

While the two of them waited patiently outside, the gates to the little courtyard suddenly opened.

A possession of people emerged and was walking towards their direction.

Lin Mengya instantly held her breath and hid deeper into the shade, lest they should be discovered.

Fortunately, those men soon left her line of vision.

At Lin Mengya saw the men disappeared, she fell into deep thoughts.

Strangely Hongyu was not among the group of people. Could Hongyu be still inside the courtyard?

“There are altogether six men who are highly skilled in martial arts, the rest are not too bad too.”

After making sure that they could not be heard, Long Tianyu whispered into Lin Mengya’s ear.

“Six highly skilled men? Didn’t our men just report back to us that there were altogether eight people who are skillful in martial arts? Now that six of them have left. Who could be the most important of them all?”

Lin Mengya wondered, but she soon understood.

She had thought that they would get rid of Hongyu, but it seemed that Hongyu was going to be of some use to them.

Lin Mengya thought she had found her match. She had just cut the ground from under their feet, and her opponent had already thought of a strategy to counter her action.

It appeared that it would be difficult to make a profit in troubled situation now.

“Would you like me to send someone to intercept those people?”

Long Tianyu asked her tentatively, but Lin Mengya immediately shook her head.

If a person needed six highly skilled men to escort him, he ought to be someone very important.

If they remained staying there, it would weaken Long Tianyu’s men whom he could mobilize.

“Allow them to follow from a distance. If they were being found out, they could flee and erase all traces. Let’s go into the courtyard to have look. I believe Hongyu is still in the courtyard.

There was a flash of intelligence that flashed across her eyes.

This game of chess was getting more interesting!

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Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess Chapter 457 - Numerous Masters Gathered at One Place summary

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