
Psychotherapy Part 88

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If there is no expectancy, the physician must be careful not to arouse it by over-solicitous anxiety in the matter. A plain statement should be made on several occasions, however, so that the patient will have in mind a good basis for contrary suggestion when coming out of the anesthetic. Many remedies have been suggested for this post-anesthetic vomiting, but, just as with regard to the vomiting of pregnancy, the most important element in all the cures that have been reported has been the influence upon the patient's mind. Whenever we have a number of remedies for an affection, it is almost sure that it is not their physical but their psychic effect that is of most importance.



Every surgeon feels the necessity of having his patients as quiet and restful as possible after operation. Any unfavorable mental influence will surely hamper the curative reaction of tissues and delay convalescence. We all know how fear blanches tissues, and anxiety causes hyperemia, and how solicitude with regard to any part of the body interferes with the normal control of the sympathetic nervous system and sets up vasomotor disturbances. Either a lessening or surplus of blood in a particular part interferes with the normal and healthy curative reaction of tissues. The patient's mind should therefore be as much as possible diverted from attention to the part that has been operated on in order to leave nature to pursue its purposes without disturbance. For this, of course, pain must be relieved and every possible measure taken that will add to the comfort of the patient. In spite of the fact that opium may interfere with certain natural processes, it is always useful after severe operations, because it represents the lesser of two evils. The pain of itself would produce more detriment than does the opium which relieves the pain. There are, of course, other anodynes which may be used and that have less disturbing sequelae. In this matter, routine is unfortunate, for individual patients react very differently to opium and its derivatives, the disturbing effect upon the mind being greater than the quieting effect on the body. Many patients stand the coal-tar derivatives much better because of their lack of effect on the mind.

Removal of Worries.--Worries of all kinds not a.s.sociated with the operation must have been thoroughly removed beforehand and must not be allowed {760} to obtrude themselves afterwards until convalescence is well established. Business is quite another matter. Whenever it does not imply worry but only means occupation of mind and distraction of the attention of the patient from himself, it may very well be permitted, after only a comparatively brief interval after operation.

Within a few days a business man may certainly be allowed to dictate letters for an hour or so, and an author may even be allowed to dictate notes of some of the fancies that came to him during anesthesia. When a man has the opportunity to look forward to even a short interval during the day when he can do something that is useful, it serves as an excellent distraction for many hours beforehand and as a satisfactory memory for hours afterwards.

Pleasant Visits.--It used to be the custom to keep visitors from patients after operation much longer than is at present the custom.

There has come the realization, however, that short visits from pleasant friends may mean much for the patient. It is hard to make the selection, for certain friends and especially relatives disturb and annoy rather than help the patient. Anyone who shows much solicitude and, above all, fussy over-anxiety, must be excluded, no matter how nearly related he or she may be.

Psychic Conditions of Hospitals.--The atmosphere of the hospital must all conduce to peace and quiet of mind. It is surprising the differences that may be noted in this respect. I have been in a hospital where only a dozen of operations were done a week and have scarcely ever been there without hearing complaints of pain and discomfort that were surely disturbing to others. On the other hand, I have been in a hospital where twenty capital operations a day were done, and have heard no complaint, and at nine o'clock at night have found in it the peace of a religious community. I knew that it was all due to the personality of the surgeons and their lack of power in one case to impress their patients' minds and a very marvelous power in the other of impressing patients favorably. The success of many a surgeon in a material way depends on this power to impress his patients. It is they who send others to him, and in general there is a feeling that if he cannot cure them no one can.

Of course, it is extremely important that circ.u.mspection should be employed as regards chance remarks that may be seriously misinterpreted and prove unfavorably suggestive. Patients should not, as a rule, be allowed to see their own charts whenever there are disturbing developments in pulse and temperature. During dressings the conversation should be cheerful, distracting to the patient, and should not contain remarks that may be disturbing. The surgeon and his a.s.sistants must know how to control their expressions so as not to reveal any solicitude that may be occasioned by the patient's progress or by the state of his wound when these are not satisfactory.

Surgeon's Visits.--Practically every time that a surgeon visits a patient after operation there is something that the patient has to ask or have explained. A good deal depends, as far as regards the comfort and peace of mind during the interval until the coming of the surgeon again, on the satisfaction derived from the surgeon's explanation. He should be prepared, therefore, to answer in such a way as will leave no haunting doubts in the patient's mind. Some patients are very p.r.o.ne to find unfavorable suggestions in even simple expressions of the physician. He must be prepared for {761} this, therefore, and be sure to say nothing that can possibly be misunderstood. In spite of this, at times patients will draw unfavorable inferences and then the nurse should have the confidence of the patient sufficiently to set the matter right or at least to give rea.s.surance that will keep the patient's anxiety from disturbing until the next visit of the surgeon.

All of this seems trivial from a certain standpoint, but even surgery is as yet an art and not a science. Art depends on personality and the influence of it and the power to express itself. The personality of the surgeon must be felt in the patient, and the more he can make it felt the better the convalescence and the less discomfort even though there should be more of pain. The amount of pain actually felt depends on how much of it gets above the threshold of consciousness.

Almost any surgical patient, especially if he has gone through a serious convalescence, will tell you how much good the visits of his physician used to do him, though a glum and over-serious surgeon may have exactly the opposite effect. Sometimes busy surgeons neglect to visit their patients daily, and nearly always this has an unfortunate effect. In serious cases, the seeing of the surgeon several times a day, when it is well understood that his visits are not due to over-anxiety with regard to the patient, may hasten convalescence materially.

Comfort, Mental and Physical.--Everything must be done to make the patients as physically comfortable as possible. It must be well understood, however, that comfort lies much more in variety and response to feeling than in any continuous condition. Patients will have little complaints and there must be always something novel to do for them. This does not necessarily imply medicine or even troublesome external applications, but the rearranging of bed clothing, the use of a hot-water bag or of an ice bag, the relief of pressure, sometimes mild applications of pressure, the lifting of the head, slight turning, even small changes of position and the like. Whenever a patient can be relieved by some means so simple as these external trifling remedial measures, confidence is awakened that the discomfort they feel is not due to any serious condition, but is only such achy tiredness as comes from confinement to bed. Without relief afforded in this way, they are likely to let unfavorable suggestion acc.u.mulate until their dread of something serious may inhibit convalescence or at least interfere with sleep and greatly enhance their discomfort generally. It is the state of mind that develops as a consequence of continued trifling discomforts and not the physical results of those discomforts that must be carefully looked to in post-operative patients.

Nursing.--In the general management of patients after operations it would be eminently helpful to the surgeon if surgical nurses were supposed to read at least once a year, Florence Nightingale's "Notes on Nursing," [Footnote 61] written half a century ago, and if the surgeon himself should have read it through once at least and dip into it occasionally afterwards. In her chapter on Noise there are many remarks that I should like to quote, but the whole chapter is so valuable that it is hard to know where it stops, and so only a few expressions may be given here. For instance, "Never to allow a patient to be waked intentionally or accidentally, is a _sine qua non_ of all good nursing. If he is aroused out of his first sleep he is almost certain to have no more sleep." "The more sleep patients get the better will they be able to sleep." "I have often {762} been surprised at the thoughtlessness (resulting in cruelty, quite unintentionally) of friends or of doctors who will hold a long conversation just in the room or pa.s.sage adjoining the room of the patient, who is either every moment expecting them to come in, or who has just seen them, and knows they are talking about him." "Everything you do in a patient's room after he is 'put up' for the night increases tenfold the risk of his having a bad night. Remember, never to lean against, sit upon, or unnecessarily shake or even touch the bed in which a patient lies."

[Footnote 61: American edition, Appleton, N. Y.. 1860.]

Miss Nightingale, as might be expected, insists emphatically on the state of the room, the arrangement of the furniture and the cheerfulness of surroundings as important factors for the cure of patients. One of the most important elements is, of course, the nurse.

She must be gentle, patient, quick to understand, often ready to antic.i.p.ate wishes, and always as noiseless as possible. Slowness may be neither gentle nor noiseless. Patients, particularly men, often grow impatient at the slowness with which things are done for them.

Chattering Hopes.--There is scarcely an element of mind in the patient's environment that Miss Nightingale has not thought of and touched with very practical wisdom. She deprecates, as does anyone who knows anything about the care of patients, the "chattering hopes" of those who try to cheer patients by simply telling them that they ought to be more cheerful, that of course they will get well and that they must not be anxious. She says: "I would appeal most seriously to all friends, visitors, and attendants of the sick to leave off this practice of attempting to 'cheer' the sick by making light of their danger and by exaggerating their probabilities of recovery."

Cheerfulness and kindness towards the sick are one thing and foolish attempts at encouragement not founded on good reasons quite another.

Variety of Thoughts.--From the chapter on Variety the following quotations show the very practical character of Miss Nightingale's persuasion as to the value of influencing the patient's mind:

"To any but an old nurse or an old patient the degree would be quite inconceivable to which the nerves of the sick suffer from seeing the same walls, the same ceilings, the same surroundings, during a long confinement to one or two rooms." "The nervous frame really suffers as much from this lack of variety as the digestive organs from long monotony of diet." "The effect in sickness, of beautiful objects, of variety of objects, and especially of brilliancy of color is hardly at all appreciated."

As Miss Nightingale insists, flowers are remedies of great value for the ailing and especially for those who are confined to their room for a long period. She pleads for having the bed placed near a window in order that they may see out into the fields and the scenery around them, to which I would add with emphasis, and so that, if it is possible, they may see the occupations of human beings. Miss Nightingale adds: "Well people vary their own objects, their own employments many times a day; and while nursing (!) some bedridden sufferer then, they let him lie there staring at a dead wall without any change of object to enable him to vary his thoughts." Quite needless to say, variety is more important for the ailing than the well.

Pain Psychic Conditions.--Pain after operation is an extremely common symptom and often causes much disturbance. Every surgeon knows how {763} individual are patients in this respect, and how much depends on the personal reaction to pain. There are men and women who have very serious lesions, from which much pain might be expected, who complain very little. There are, on the other hand, many men as well as women who complain exaggeratedly after even trifling surgical intervention.

We have probably had some of the most striking examples of the influence of mind over body in these cases. Many a patient who complained bitterly of torment that made it impossible to rest has, after being given a preliminary dose of morphine hypodermically, subsequently been given less and less of that drug, until finally, after a few days, he was getting injections of only distilled water.

Without their injection he was in agony. After it he settled down to a quiet, peaceful night. Very often it is noted that these pains are worse at night and there is a tendency for such patients to attract attention only at such times as may be productive of considerable disturbance of the regular order and as may call special attention to them. We used to call such conditions hysteria, though, of course, they have nothing to do with the uterus and must be looked for in men quite as well as women.

Psychoneuroses.--These neurotic conditions, to use a term that carries no innuendo with it, may affect other functions besides that of sensation. Occasionally a neurologist is asked to see a patient in whom, following an operation, usually not very serious, some paralytic symptoms have developed. There is an inability to use one or more limbs, and the suspicion of thrombosis is raised. It is rather easy, however, to differentiate thrombotic conditions from neurotic palsies.

The ordinary symptoms of the psychoneurosis are present. There is likely to be considerable disturbance of sensation, with patches of anesthesia and hyperesthesia, some narrowing of the fields of vision, and anesthesia of the pharynx, sometimes even of the conjunctiva.

Often there is something in the history that points to the possible occurrence of a neurotic condition. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to get such patients over the mental persuasion that is the basis of their palsy, but usually it can be accomplished by suggestion in connection with certain physical means. Electricity is often of excellent effect in demonstrating to these patients that their muscles react properly under stimulus and that it is only a question of inability to use them because of mental inhibition. Such conditions as astasia-abasia may develop quite apart from surgery, but there is always some "insult," as the Germans say, that is some physical basis for them, and so they are often considered to be surgical.

Psychic Disturbance of Function.--Besides motion and pain, other functions may be affected through the mind. After operations within the abdomen it is sometimes difficult to move the bowels when it is desired to do so. It must not be forgotten that not infrequently in these cases the patient's mental att.i.tude of extreme solicitude with regard to his intestines is inhibiting peristalsis. Such constipation will sometimes not yield to even rather strong purgatives, and yet will promptly be bettered by something that alters the mental state.

It must not be forgotten that it is in cases of neurotic constipation that _pittulae micarum panis_ have proven particularly useful. In the chapter on Constipation there is a discussion of this subject that will often prove suggestive to surgeons.

This same thing is true with regard to post-operative urination. In women, {764} particularly, there may be difficulty of urination after v.a.g.i.n.al operations, which may be attributed to some lesion of the urinary tract and yet only be due to failure of the patient properly to control muscles in these cases. As in obstetrical cases, position, the presence of others, and the mental disturbance, may inhibit urination. The subject is discussed more fully in the section on Psychotherapy in Obstetrics. Surgeons are not so inclined now to insist on absolute post-operative immobility, and even a slight change of position may enable patients to gain control over their bladders without the necessity for the use of the catheter, which always carries an element of danger with it.

The influence of the mental att.i.tude with regard to both of these functions--intestinal and vesical evacuation--must not be forgotten.

There are many persons who find it extremely difficult to bring about such evacuations in the lying position. Everything is unusual, and their exercise of the coordination of muscles necessary to accomplish these functions is interfered with. It is somewhat like stuttering and the incapacity of an individual who may be able to talk very well to close friends and yet stammers just as soon as strangers are present or he is placed in unusual conditions. It has even been suggested that there should be some exercise of these functions in the lying position before operation, in order to accustom patients to the conditions that will obtain afterwards. They thus become used to their surroundings and the newer methods required, and, above all, if there should be any post-operative difficulty, they realize that it is not due directly to the operation, but rather to the unaccustomed conditions. This proves helpful in saving them from solicitude and consequent unrest and adds to the rapidity of convalescence.

Food Craving.--When food is to be given in small quant.i.ties and there is likely to be craving for it, much can be done to save the patient disquietude and disturbance by giving small portions rather frequently, rather than distributing it over three times a day, as the routine of life sometimes suggests. When water has to be denied, small pieces of ice may occasionally be used with excellent advantage.

Patients learn to look forward to breaks at the end of comparatively short intervals in their craving, and the acc.u.mulative effect is greatly lessened. It is well understood that whenever people are absolutely denied anything, they are likely to let their minds dwell on that fact and crave it much more than would otherwise be the case.

If they can look forward to having even the minutest quant.i.ties of anything that they want, however, craving is much less likely to be insistent, and the state of mind is much easier to manage. In all of these cases the confidence of the patient and the lessening of neurotic tendencies by suggestion means more than most of the physical remedies that have been recommended. There are some patients who respond almost in a hypnotic way to suggestion from a physician in whom they have great confidence.

Position and Peace of Mind.--The patient's general comfort is very important for the maintenance of a favorable state of mind. It used to be the custom to keep patients rigidly in one position for days, sometimes more than a week, after operation. We know now that this is almost never necessary, and that, of course, it is most fatiguing to the patient. Keep the ordinary well person absolutely in one position, without the opportunity to change from side to side even during a single night, and there will be justifiable {765} complaint of tired and achy feelings as a consequence. To enforce such a state for forty-eight hours in those who are well will produce a highly nervous state, consequent upon the fatigue and soreness of muscles induced.

Hence, the importance of taking every possible means to provide even slight changes of position for those who have been operated upon. A number of regular-sized pillows should be provided so that the head may be raised and lowered, and a number of smaller pillows should be at hand which can be so placed as to relieve pressure at various parts and permit the patient to make at least slight changes of position during the first forty-eight hours. After this, usually definite alterations of position may be allowed without danger. The surgeon must think of these elements in the treatment and insist on them with his nurses, or they will not be carried out. It is possible now to permit patients to sit up much sooner than before, and, indeed, in pelvic operations, this is said to be definitely beneficial by preventing the spread of any infectious material that may be present into the general peritoneal cavity, and in older people it prevents the development or, at least, greatly facilitates the dispersion of congestion or such beginning pneumonic areas from hypostatic congestion as may be present.




A physician who wishes to use psychotherapy effectively should know something about physiological psychology, or a.n.a.lytical or experimental psychology, as it is variously called, because of the help that he will derive from it in understanding many of his patients' symptoms. Fortunately this branch is now being taught in some of the medical schools, and the greater requirements for preliminary training bring to the medical school men who have already had a course in this subject. The chapter on Illusions is particularly important because it affords many ill.u.s.trations of how easy it is to be deceived by the senses and, therefore, how many precautions have to be taken in order to be sure that impressions produced on patients'

minds that seriously disturb them may not merely be due to exaggeration of the significance of information brought them by their senses.

These illusions are of special interest because they represent not only failures of the senses to convey truth, but because they ill.u.s.trate how easy it is for the mind to be led astray by the senses.

People often declare that they have seen things with their own eyes or in some other way have definite sensory knowledge of them, yet these illusions make it clear that it is perfectly possible for such sensory phenomena to convey quite mistaken information. People who are suffering from many symptoms are persuaded that they must pay attention to their sensations. The main purpose of the psychotherapeutist often is to have them neglect their sensations and correct them by means of information gathered from other sources. We do this with regard to our sensory illusions, why not also with regard to many sensations which are probably quite as mistaken, in certain individuals at least, as these universal illusions of mankind. The argument from a.n.a.logy holds very well and can be used to decided advantage in many cases.

A startling illusion which makes it clear that care is needed in interpreting our sensations, is the so-called tube illusion or experiment. If a sheet of note paper be rolled into a tube of something less than an inch in diameter and then held close to one eye, both eyes being kept open, while the hand opposite to the eye before which the tube is held is placed palm faceward against the side of the tube about its middle, a hole will be seen, as it were, through the palm of the hand. This false vision is as clear as can be and persists after any number of repet.i.tions of the experiment. It merely ill.u.s.trates two-eyed vision. We have a picture in each eye and we combine them. When the pictures cannot be combined for any reason, optical illusions result. There are many more optical illusions than we think and there are many reasons besides two-eyed vision for them.

Other illusions of two-eyed vision may be ill.u.s.trated rather easily.

If {767} two dots are made on a sheet of paper about two inches apart and the eyes look at them in a dreamy way, looking far beyond the paper, with vision more or less fixed between them, after a few moments a number of things happen. Usually the two dots exhibit a tendency to float together.

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