
Popular Lectures on Zoonomia Part 15

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Heat is one of the exciting or stimulant powers which support life, and one of the most powerful of these stimulants; but cold is only a diminution of it: how then can this produce a sthenic state, or a state of too high excitement? The blood is one of the exciting powers, which, by its continual circulation supports life; but surely if we abstracted a quant.i.ty of this fluid from the body, no person will be bold enough to say, that we by that means should produce an inflammatory disease. Cold renders the body more liable to be affected by heat, or any other stimulus applied, but does not of itself produce any stimulant or inflammatory effects.

To see more clearly the manner in which cold acts, let us inquire how it produces or contributes towards the production of catarrh. When we go into the cold air, at every respiration we take a quant.i.ty of it into the lungs, which brushes over the surface of the mucous membrane that lines the nostrils and trachea, and thus, robbing them of their heat, allows the excitability to acc.u.mulate. But we feel no fever, no sense of tightness or stuffing, nor any other symptom of catarrh, so long as we continue in the cold. If however we afterwards go into a warm room, and particularly near a fire, we receive by the act of respiration the warm air into those very parts which have been previously exposed to cold, and whose excitability is consequently acc.u.mulated. The first effect we perceive is a glow of the parts, which is by no means unpleasant, this however increases; and, in the course of half an hour or an hour, a sense of dryness and huskiness comes on, with a sensation of stuffing in the nostrils, and a tendency to a short dry cough: often likewise, if the exposure to cold has been considerable, and the heat afterwards applied great and sudden, we experience a shivering, and other symptoms of fever. These symptoms are all increased by taking into the stomach any liquid that is either of warm temperature or stimulating quality, or particularly both; we spend a restless night, and awake with all the symptoms of a catarrh, or cold, as it is improperly called. For it is evidently an inflammatory fever, and can be speedily cured by the debilitating plan, and particularly by keeping in a moderately cool place, where the temperature is equable, and not subject to alternations of heat and cold.

But how easily might this complaint have been avoided, were the person subject to it acquainted with its real nature, and the manner in which it is brought on. When we come out of a very cold atmosphere, we should not at first go into a room that has a fire in it; or, if this cannot be well avoided, we should keep for a considerable time at as great a distance from the fire as possible, that the acc.u.mulated excitability may be gradually exhausted by the moderate and gentle action of heat; and then we may bear the heat of the fire without any danger; but above all, we should refrain from taking warm or strong liquors while we are hot. In confirmation of this opinion, numerous instances might be brought, where catarrh was cured merely by exposure to cold.

When a part of the body only has been exposed to the action of cold, and the rest kept heated; if, for instance, a person in a warm room has been sitting so that a current of air, coming through a broken window, has fallen upon any part of the body, that part will soon be affected with an inflammation, or what is called a rheumatic affection. In this case, the excitability of the part exposed to the action of the cold, becomes acc.u.mulated, and the warm blood, rushing through it, from every other part of the body, excites an inflammation.

Thus catarrh and rheumatism are inflammatory complaints, or depend on too great a degree of excitement, and are to be cured by lowering the excitement, or diminishing the action of the exciting powers; by bleeding, purging, low diet, and particularly keeping in a moderately cool place; and these complaints will be as speedily and certainly cured by these methods, properly and judiciously persevered in, as a slight cut or wound will be healed by what surgeons call the first intention.

There are complaints which resemble these, but whose nature, however, is very different, and which require a very different mode of treatment. After a part has been long affected with rheumatic inflammation the excitability of the muscular fibres becomes so far exhausted, that a state of indirect debility takes place, and an inflammation, accompanied with pain and redness, which is very different from that I formerly described, as it depends upon a debilitated or relaxed state of the parts, instead of too great a degree of excitement. This instance shows strongly the fallacy of symptoms; but it may be readily distinguished from the inflammatory rheumatism, by attention to the effects of the exciting causes. The inflammatory rheumatism is aggravated by heat, hence it is more violent in bed than at any other time. The latter complaint, however, is greatly relieved by heat: the warm bath alleviates all the symptoms; so does a warm bed. It is evident that these diseases, though attended by the same symptoms, are as opposite, and require as different modes of treatment as an inflammation of the brain, and a dropsy. The inflammatory state has been called the acute rheumatism, and the other, the chronic rheumatism; I would, however, prefer the terms sthenic and asthenic rheumatism.

In the same manner, there is a catarrh, which is liable to afflict persons who have often been subject to an inflammatory cold, particularly persons advanced in years; and this depends on a state of indirect debility of the parts, the excitability of which has been exhausted by frequent and violent inflammatory affections. This complaint, which I would call asthenic catarrh, requires directly opposite treatment from the inflammatory or sthenic catarrh. The latter is aggravated by heat, but relieved by a cool temperature.

Warm air is peculiarly grateful to those who are afflicted with the former, and if they go into a cool temperature, they are immediately seized with cough, and expectoration; for the disease being a disease of debility, the withdrawing the stimulus of heat, must increase it.

The excitability of the parts is so far exhausted, that it requires a stimulus even more than natural to keep them in tone: hence persons labouring under asthenic catarrh, and some species of asthma, which are only varieties of this disease, find themselves best when exposed to a warm temperature, but on the heat being diminished, and consequently the parts relaxed, the cough and difficulty of breathing immediately come on.

Having examined the effect of heat, in producing inflammatory or sthenic disease, I now proceed to the consideration of the other powers. Of the articles of diet, the only food in danger of being too stimulant, is perhaps flesh or land animal food, used in too great quant.i.ty, particularly when seasoned, a preparation which adds much to its stimulant power. Spirituous and vinous liquors, let them be ever so weak or much diluted, stimulate more quickly, and more readily than seasoned food, and their stimulus is in proportion to the quant.i.ty of alcohol which they contain. These substances, when conjoined with rich food, must bring on a predisposition to sthenic disease, in almost any const.i.tution, particularly in the young and healthy, and, in many instances, those diseases actually take place; or should this not be the case, should the person avoid, or escape the effects of inflammatory diseases, the excitability will be exhausted, and diseases of indirect debility, such as gout, apoplexy, indigestion, palsy, &c. will take place.

These stimulants are never necessary to a good const.i.tution, and their effects will always, sooner or later, be experienced: for though a person with a good const.i.tution may continue for years to indulge in the pleasures of the bottle, or the luxuries of the table, depend upon it that a continuance of them will sap the vigour of the strongest const.i.tution that ever existed.

As nothing contributes more to the health of the body than moderate and frequently repeated exercise, which rouses the muscles to contraction, and promotes the circulation of the blood in the veins towards the heart: it thus produces excitement; but an excess of it will produce sthenic diathesis; and, if carried to great excess, it will produce a state of indirect debility, or exhausted excitability.

When any, or all of these exciting powers act too strongly on the body, the first effect they produce is a preternatural acuteness of all the senses; the motions, both voluntary and involuntary, are performed with vigour, and there is an acuteness of genius and intellectual power. In short, every part of the body seems in a state of complete vigour and strength; that this is the case with the heart and arteries, appears from the strong and firm pulse; in the stomach it is shown by the appet.i.te; and, in the extreme parts, by the ruddy colour and complexion. In short, every appearance marks vigour of the body, and abundance of blood. Could the body be kept in this state, nothing could be more to be desired; this, however, is impossible; the excitement, though still within the bounds of health, has overstepped the point of good health, and is verging fast to predisposition to sthenic disease; so that, to secure a permanent state of health, it is always better to keep the excitement rather under the middle point, or 40 degrees, than above it. During the predisposition to sthenic disease, which is produced by the longer continued, or increased action of these powers, no symptoms of disease appear; but shortly after, disturbed sleep, depressed spirits, languor, a sense of fulness, heaviness, particularly after eating, show that this sthenic state cannot be further increased with impunity. The least increase of sthenic diathesis now brings on a disturbance of the functions, or actual disease; the commencement of which is generally a shivering, and a sense of cold; thirst and heat succeed; and then generally a pain in some part, either external or internal: costiveness generally attends this state, the urine is clear, and secreted in small quant.i.ty; memory and imagination become diminished, and there is generally less appet.i.te for food.

In peripneumony, inflammatory sore throat, and acute rheumatism, there is an inflamed condition of the lungs, of the parts about the throat, or of the muscles of the extremities: this shows that the excitement here is greater than in other parts of the body; but it is still increased or too great in every part, only those parts which give the peculiar character to the disease are more affected than other parts of the body, by being more exposed to the exciting causes: thus, if a person be in perfect health, or a little below, he will not be easily affected by any of the exciting causes of sthenic disease, unless their application be very violent; he will go into a warm room out of the cold air, and feel no other effect than a pleasant glow: but if, by high living, or other means, he is brought near the point of predisposition to sthenic disease, then the slightest additional stimulus will bring it on, and if the throat has been exposed to the application of cold, and the person comes afterwards into a heated room, an inflammation of the parts about the throat, or an inflammatory sore throat, accompanied by a sthenic diathesis of the whole system, will be the consequence. This cannot be cured by merely diminishing the excitement of the part, while the excitement of the whole system remains: if we apply leeches to the throat in this state, to diminish the quant.i.ty of blood, we only debilitate the vessels, while fresh quant.i.ties of blood are poured into them from the too full vessels of the body; even if we could thus remove the sthenic diathesis of the part, we should go but a little way towards removing the inflammatory disease, which universally pervades the system.

The mode to be pursued therefore is, to take a quant.i.ty of blood from the body, by opening a vein; to keep the body cool, by remaining in a room where the temperature is at temperate, or a little below; by abstaining from animal food, and from spirituous or fermented liquors; and by the exhibition of purgatives, or at least of laxatives. Then leeches or blisters applied to the part affected will produce a good effect; and even stimulant applications to the inflamed part may be advantageous; for a topical inflammation, as we shall afterwards have occasion to see, depends on a debilitated state of the minute vessels of the part, while at the same time the action of the whole system is increased.

Besides the energy of the exciting hurtful powers, which I have mentioned, there is in the parts which undergo the inflammation, a greater sensibility, or an acc.u.mulated excitability; by which it happens that some are more affected than the rest. To this we may add, that whatsoever part may have been injured by inflammation, that part in every future sthenic attack is in more danger of being inflamed than the rest. Hence inflammatory sore throat, rheumatism, and some other complaints of the kind, when once they have supervened, are very apt to recur.

Among the sthenic or inflammatory diseases may be enumerated rheumatism, catarrh, cynanche, or sore throat, scarlet fever, inflammations of the brain, stomach, lungs, &c. &c.

Many of the contagious diseases, particularly small pox and measles, produce a sthenic state, and are to be cured, or their action moderated, by the debilitating plan which has been pointed out; and particularly by a moderate, constant, and equable diminution of temperature. Hence the violence of these diseases is greater when they attack a person already predisposed to sthenic diathesis, but much more mild when the excitement is rather under par.



The last lecture was taken up chiefly with an account of sthenic diseases, or those depending on too great a degree of excitement, and which have been generally, but improperly, called inflammatory or phlogistic. In that lecture I attempted to show, that when the natural exciting powers, which support life, act with too much power, or particularly if we employ any stimulants not natural to the body, the functions both of body and mind become increased in vigour; but if the exciting causes are continued and increased, the functions become disturbed, and their action becomes painful and distressing.

This state, which is called sthenic diathesis, is often accompanied by a redness, swelling, pain, and increased heat of some particular part: these symptoms const.i.tute what is usually termed an inflammation of the part.

The method of cure in sthenic diseases was shown to be, by reducing or moderating the action of the exciting powers; by keeping the body cool; abstaining from high seasoned, and, in general, from animal food; by the use of purgatives, and in many cases by diminishing the quant.i.ty of blood in the body. I mentioned likewise, that it would be but of little use to attempt to subdue the excitement of the inflamed part, unless the excitement of the whole system was previously diminished; but that after a general bloodletting, stimulant remedies applied to the inflamed part, might be employed with success. This is strictly agreeable to experience, but at first sight seems so very contrary to the principles that have been advanced, that I shall endeavour to explain the phenomena of inflammation, which do not seem to be in general well understood.

All kinds of inflammation agree, in being attended with redness, increased temperature, pain, and swelling; but they vary according to the situation and texture of the part affected. All parts of the body, excepting the cuticle, nails, hardest part of the teeth, and hair, are subject to inflammation.

Among the causes of these complaints, may be enumerated too full a diet, particularly too free a use of fermented liquors, and whatever increases the impetus of the blood towards the part, as mechanical and chemical irritation, and sudden changes of temperature, particularly from cold to heat.

To explain the nature of inflammation, it may be observed, that such is the wise const.i.tution of the animal body, that whatever injures it, excites motions calculated to correct or expel the offending cause. Thus if an irritating substance is received into the stomach, it excites vomiting; if into the lungs, a violent fit of coughing is excited, and if into the nostrils, sneezing is the consequence. In such cases we can readily trace the motions excited, and the manner in which they act; but cannot trace the manner in which the offending cause excites these motions.

Now if it can be shown that inflammation, like vomiting and coughing, is an effort of the system to remove an offending cause, and if we can trace every step of this operation, with the exception of the changes induced on the nervous system, we shall understand the nature of inflammation as completely as that of any function of the body.

The circ.u.mstance the most difficult to explain, is the increased redness of the part affected, which can only depend on an increased quant.i.ty of blood in the vessels. This has been supposed to depend upon an increased action of the vessels of the part; but that this is not the case, must be evident from what was said when we were speaking of the circulation of the blood. It was shown, that the circulation could not be carried on by the mere force of elasticity alone; this force, were it perfect, would produce no effect; but as there is no body with which we are acquainted that is perfectly elastic; so the coats of the arteries are very far from being so, hence their effect as elastic tubes will be to diminish the force of the heart, instead of adding to it; for a certain quant.i.ty of this force will be spent in distending the vessels, which, were they perfectly elastic, would be restored to them, but as this is not the case, this force is by no means restored. Indeed a variety of considerations, observations, and experiments, tend to prove, that the vessels are endowed with a power very different from elasticity, which differs only in degree from that of the heart; in short, they are possessed of muscular power.

After each contraction of the muscular coat, the elastic will act as its antagonist, and enlarge the diameter, till the vessel arrive at a mean degree of dilatation, but after this there is no further power of distention inherent in the vessel. The action of the elastic coat ceases; and no one will a.s.sert that a muscular fibre has power to distend itself.

The only power by which the vessel can be further distended, is the vis a tergo: after the vessel arrives at its mean degree of dilatation, both the elastic and muscular coats act as antagonists to the vis a tergo, or force which propels the blood into, and thus tends further to dilate the vessel. If then the vis a tergo become greater than in health, the powers of resistance inherent in the vessels remaining the same; or if the latter be weakened, the vis a tergo, or propelling force, remaining the same, the vessel must suffer a morbid degree of dilatation. These appear to be the only circ.u.mstances under which a vessel can suffer such dilatation.

But if, while the powers of the vessels remain the same, the vis a tergo, or propelling force, be diminished, or the propelling force remaining the same, the power of the vessels become increased; then an opposite condition or state of the vessels, viz. a preternatural diminution of their area, will take place.

In the one case the distending force bears too great a proportion to the resisting force; and preternatural distention is the consequence.

In the other the resisting force bears too great a proportion to the distending force, and preternatural contraction is the consequence.

It is not necessary that the vessels should be in a state of greater debility than in health, in order that an inflammation or distention may take place: it is only necessary that the proportion which their action bears to the propelling force be less than in health. If the propelling force remain the same, the vessels must be in a state of debility before an inflammation can take place; but if the propelling force be increased by a fullness of the vessels and sthenic diathesis, inflammation may take place, although the vessels of the part act as powerfully as in health, or more so. But after inflammation has taken place, as the vessels are preternaturally distended, they must also be debilitated.

The degree of inflammation is not however proportioned to the debility of the minute vessels of an inflamed part, but to the diminished proportion of their power to the propelling force.

When, therefore, inflammation arises from an increased action of the arterial system, or an increased propelling force, while the force of the capillaries or minute vessels remains the same, it const.i.tutes what is called an active inflammation, and is to be cured by general bleedings, and then by gentle applications of tonics to the part, to increase its action; but when it arises from a debility of the minute vessels, without any increase of the propelling force, it forms what is known by the name of pa.s.sive inflammation; in which general bleeding is not required, but the application of stimulants and tonics to the inflamed part to enable the vessels to recover their lost tone, and restore the balance between their action and the vis a tergo. From what has been said, it must be evident, that if inflammation depend on the diminished proportion of the power of the capillaries to the propelling force, it will be more apt to supervene under the three following circ.u.mstances.

1. In a state of plethora, because then all the vessels are over distended, and consequently any cause tending further to distend them, whether it be a cause which debilitates them, or increases the propelling force, will be more felt than in health.

2. In a state of general debility, because the vital powers in any part are more readily destroyed than in health.

3. In a state of general excitement, because then the propelling force is every where strong, and consequently apt to occasion distention of the vessels, wherever any degree of debility occurs.

These are the states of the system which are found to predispose to inflammation. In the first and last, the inflammation is generally of that kind, which is termed active: the propelling force is considerable, and the larger arteries are readily excited to increased action. In the second state the inflammation is of the pa.s.sive kind.

This is not merely a useless physiological disquisition; it is of the greatest use in directing our practice; and teaches us that, in pa.s.sive inflammation, which has all the symptoms of active, and therefore shows in a striking point of view the fallacy of symptoms, we shall not succeed by applying leeches, and other debilitating means, to the inflamed part; on the contrary, we shall aggravate the complaint; and the cure must be effected by stimulants applied to the part.

As an instance of this kind of inflammation, I may mention that kind of ophthalmia or inflammation of the eyes, which is of long standing, and which not only resists the powers of leeches and blisters, but is increased by them. I have frequently been consulted by patients, who had for months been under the debilitating plan, without any benefit; and who have been relieved almost instantly by the application of electricity and a stimulating lotion, which restored the tone of the debilitated vessels of the sclerotic coat, and enabled them to expel their overcharged contents; and the balance between their action and the propelling force being restored, the inflammation disappeared.

Indeed the effects of electricity in these kinds of inflammations are wonderful: it seems to act almost by a charm, so quickly does the inflammation subside; but when we understand the nature of this kind of inflammation, it is nothing but what we might expect from its action.

I have been thus minute on the subject of inflammation, because the theory of it, which I have attempted to defend, differs considerably from the commonly received opinions. I shall now proceed to consider the nature of asthenic diseases.

From what has been already said, it must be evident that the causes of diseases which we have a.s.signed, are very different from those delivered by physicians who preceded Dr. Brown. Some physicians imagined that diseases were caused by a change in the qualities of the fluids, which became sometimes acid, and sometimes alkaline; or on a change of figure of the particles of the blood: some imagined diseases to be owing to a rational principle, which they called the vis medicatrix naturae, which governed the actions of the body, and excited fever or commotion in the system to remove any hurtful cause, or expel any morbid matter, which might have insinuated itself into the body. Others supposed many diseases to arise from a constriction of the extreme vessels by cold; or from a spasm of them, which was a contrivance of the vis medicatrix, to rouse the action of the heart and arteries to remove the debility induced.

We have seen, however, that health and diseases are the same state, and depending upon the same cause; viz. excitement, but differing in degree; and that the powers producing both are the same, sometimes acting with a proper degree of force: at other times either with too much, or too little.

We shall now examine how the diminished actions of the different exciting powers produce asthenic disease; and we shall take them in the same order as when we were speaking of sthenic diseases. It must be recollected however that an asthenic state, or a state of debility, may be produced in two ways. First, by directly diminishing the action of the exciting powers. Secondly, by exhausting the excitability, by a strong or long continued stimulant action. The former state is called direct debility, and the latter indirect debility. This is not merely a distinction without a difference, the body is in very different states, under these two different forms of disease. In the former case, the excitability is abundant, and highly susceptible of the action of stimulants. In the latter, it is exhausted, and the body has very little susceptibility.

Cold, or a diminution of heat, carried beyond a certain degree, is unfriendly to all animals. Dr. Beddoes has shown very clearly in his Hygeia, that it is the cause of a great many diseases which take place at boarding schools, and that it there gives origin to a great number of diseases that afterwards arise, and, indeed, not unfrequently ruins the const.i.tution. It produces relaxation of the vessels, asthenic or pa.s.sive inflammation, and even gangrene. He has shown that in most schools children are afflicted with chilblains from this cause; this is a case of pa.s.sive inflammation, but is only a symptom of the general debility induced, which shows itself afterwards by the production of other symptoms. Hence it is necessary for the preservation of health, that the temperature of school rooms should always be kept equable, and regulated by means of a thermometer. It should not exceed 50 degrees, nor should it be allowed to fall much below it. If precautions of this kind are thought to be necessary, and practised with uncommon attention, in places where vegetables are reared, surely they ought not to be neglected in those seminaries where the human species are to be brought to maturity, and a good const.i.tution established.

But though I have no doubt whatever, that this equable temperature would prevent a number of diseases, which originate in too low a temperature, yet I am far from wishing to have it thought that I would not induce a hardy state of the const.i.tution, which would enable it to bear the vicissitudes to which it must be exposed in its journey through life, by every means in my power. Hardiness is the most enviable of all the attributes of animal nature, and can neither be acquired, nor recovered when it is lost, but upon certain terms, to which many people submit with reluctance, because they must give up many indulgences and gratifications with which it is utterly inconsistent.

One of the causes that chiefly contributes to reduce persons living in affluence below the standard of hardiness, is the dependence they place on a considerable degree of external warmth, for preserving a comfortable state of sensation. From what has been said again and again in some of the latest of these lectures, it must be evident that continued warmth renders the living system less capable of being excited to strong, healthy, and pleasant action: heat in excess, whether it may be excess of duration or intensity, constantly debilitates, by exhausting the excitability of the system, and thus producing a state of indirect debility. Every muscle steeped in a heated medium, whether of air or water, loses much of its contractibility. A heart kept in heated air, or put in hot water, will not contract on the application of a stimulus; even the limb of a frog, when heated in this manner, ceases to move on the application of the galvanic exciters. Every nerve grows languid, and when it does become excited, it acquires a disposition to throw the moving fibres, with which it is connected, into starts, twitchings, and other irregular convulsive motions. Though therefore nothing can more contribute to the health of the body than a moderate and well regulated temperature, about 48 or 50 degrees, sometimes for a short interval a little lower, when exercise is taken at the same time, yet when we consider the life led by persons of fashion, we should hope that it proceeded from ignorance of these consequences; so diametrically opposite is it to the dictates of nature and reason.

Instead of rising from table after dinner, and availing themselves of the cooling and refreshing qualities of the air, even in the finest seasons, when every thing which pure and simple nature can offer, invites them abroad, they do every thing they can, as Dr. Beddoes observes, to add to the overstimulating operation of a full and hearty dinner. After taking strong wine with their food, they sit in rooms rendered progressively warmer, all the afternoon, by the presence of company, by the increase of fires, and for more than half the year, by the early closing of the shutters, and letting down of the window curtains. After a short interval, tea and coffee succeed; liquors stimulating both by their inherent qualities, and by virtue of the temperature at which they are often drank. And that nothing may be wanting to their pernicious effect, they are frequently taken in the very stew and squeeze of a fashionable mob. The season of sleep succeeds, and to crown the adventures of the evening, the bed room is fastened close, and made stifling by a fire: and though the robust may not quickly feel the effects of this mode of life, with the feeble it is quite otherwise. These, as they usually manage, rarely pa.s.s a few hours of sleep without feverishness and uneasy dreams; both of which contribute to their finding themselves by far more spent and spiritless in the morning, than after their evening fit of forced excitement, instead of having their spirits and strength recruited by the "chief nourisher in life's feast," Perhaps they drink tea before rising, and indulge in a morning nap; this weakens much more than the greatest muscular exertion they would be capable of supporting for an equal time. For the sleep at this time is almost invariably disturbed, and attended by a heat of the skin.

The reason of this must be evident to every one who has attended these lectures.

The effect of sleep is to acc.u.mulate the excitability, or render it more sensible to the effects of any stimulants applied. This takes place in every const.i.tution, and much more in the more delicate: hence the heat of the bed, and of the tea, acts so powerfully on the surface, as, in general, to produce great perspiration, or, at any rate, great languor and debility.

Let me ask, can any one, who lives in this manner, expect to enjoy good health? With as great probability might we expect, that when we plunged a thermometer into hot water, the mercury would not rise, or when we applied a lighted match to gunpowder, it would not explode.

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Popular Lectures on Zoonomia Part 15 summary

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