
Self-Created System 19 The Cultivation Choices

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1. Spiritual Energy Techniques:

i. [Neither World Illusion Attack] - spiritual attack based on illusion, neither world soul corrosive property

ii. [Qi-Energy-Flame Variation 1] - special flame obtained by qi-energy combination - cultivation upgradable using other flames

iii. [Abyss Demon Soul Attack] - special soul attack for heart demon domination - requires life-death element affinity

iv. [Nascent True Shield Variation 2] - builds protected layer - compatible with special bloodlines

v. [Tao Yang Variation 2] - special energy compressing and purifying property with dual cultivation

2. Spiritual Qi Techniques: this includes techniques for qi flow methods, elements methods, etc.

i. [5 Elemental Variation 1] - compatible with 5 elemental body - triples 5 element affinity

ii. [ Force Meridian Variation 3] - strong and wide meridian than normal, attack power triples, cultivation speed doubles.

iii. [Heaven Cleansed Variation 1] - clean blood, bone marrow, meridians, organs - build solid foundation - painful experience while cultivating

iv. [Saint Ling Variation 2] - Able to cultivate 3 times faster than normal cultivators, affinity to life and water increases.

v. [Qi-Energy-Flame Variation 1] - special flame obtained by qi-energy combination - cultivation upgradable using other flames

2. Body Cultivation Techniques:

i. [Chaos Body Variation 4] - Chaos body - Rating - *****

Daitan - first destroys daitan and use whole body to contain qi. Then rebuild unique chaos daitan.

Element Affinity increase - Chaos. -- Specialty - Unknown.

Damage reduction - all elements attack by 30% except Fire & Thunder.

Drawback - 2 Times slower cultivation.

ii. [Poison Demon Body Variation 13] - Poison Demon body - Rating - ****

Daitan - increases daitan volume 3 times

Element Affinity increase - dark, life and death. -- Specialty - quick body regeneration, poison resistance

Damage reduction - all element damage by 10% except chaos

Drawback - Fire & Thunder damage increase 5%

iii. [Devil Variation 43] - Pure Devil body, Rating - ****

Daitan - increases daitan volume 2 times

Element Affinity increase - dark, death. -- Specialty - strong killing intent, devil flame

Damage reduction - all element damage by 10% except light, chaos

Drawback - increase insanity

iv. [Yang body Variation 21] - Yang Fire body - Rating - *****

Daitan - increases daitan volume 4 times

Element Affinity increase - Fire and Yang -- Specialty - good for Dual Cultivation, pure yang flame

Damage reduction - all elements attack by 25% except Yin, Ice & Chaos.

Drawback - Yin, Ice damage increases by 10% and Chaos by 8%

v. [Five Element Body Variation 2] - 5 Elemental body - Rating - ****

Daitan - increases daitan volume 5 times

Element Affinity increase - Fire, Ice, Earth, Wind and Metal -- Specialty - cultivation speed boost

Damage reduction - Fire, Ice, Earth, Wind and Metal damage reduce by 30%

Drawback - requires one whole stage higher spirit energy.

3. Bloodline Cultivation Techniques:

i. [Saint Ling Blood Variation 102] - 78% chance to active Ling Ancestral Blood Line Awakening. 52% chance of gaining Inheritance.

Drawback: Face Bloodline Shackles.

ii. [New Bloodline Variation 12 Awakening] - 76% chance of increase in s.p.a.ce Law affinity.

Drawback: Part loss of both Ling Ancestral Blood Line Awakening and Inheritance. May have to face Bloodline Shackles.

iii. [New Bloodline Variation 5 Awakening] - 42% chance of increase in all elements affinity.

Drawback: Lose Ling Ancestral Blood Line Awakening. May have to face Bloodline Shackles.

iv. [New Bloodline Variation 7 Awakening] - 38% chance of increase in s.p.a.ce Law affinity. And 71% chance of increase in UNKNOWN ENVIRONMENT affinity.

Drawback: Complete loss of Both Ling Ancestral Blood Line Awakening and Inheritance.

v. [New Bloodline Variation 2 Awakening] - 27% chance of increase in s.p.a.ce Law affinity.

Drawback: Face Bloodline Shackles.

4. Movement Techniques:

i. [Thunder Lightening Movement Art Variation 3] - long distance flight and running technique - can be upgraded to short distance teleportation

ii. [5 Elements Movement Variation] - unhindered movement using the five elements

iii.[Wind-Air Flight Step Variation 3] - fast running on land, enables flight from nascent stage and above

iv. [Earth Escape Art Variation 1] - let you escape underground - must have earth affinity

v. [Kangaroo Jump Step Variation 1] - let your jump step cover miles - horizontally and vertically both

5. Body Art Techniques: this includes techniques for body martial arts.

i. [Monkey G.o.d Punch & Kick] - great agile and swift punching and kicking and dodging

ii. [Buddha Palm Variation 2] - spirit-body combined punch attack

iii. [Ashura sacrificial arts variation 5] - a set of sacrificial body art for dealing quadruple damage

iv. [Dragon Claw Variation 1] -strength based attack and defense skill - berserk mode doubles the damage

v. [Snow Wolf Fighting Variation 3] - ice based attack and defense skill - unique use of ice to numb the opponent, inflicting huge damages without realizing

6. Weapons Techniques:

i. [ Sword Art Collection Variation 16] - hint of sword intent hidden in the collection - a killing sword art set

ii. [Saber Art Variation 23] - a complete collection of saber if cultivate to perfection, can gain insight in saber intent

iii. [a.s.sa.s.sin Black Dagger] - hidden dagger killing technique - covers the track

iv. [Sky Hammer, the Destroyer Variation 1] - let the attack forces use gravitation to quadruple the attack force

v. [Bow-Arrow Overload Variation 2] - let you attack enemy at miles away - can increase its range based of cultivation

7. Poisson Techniques:

i.[Neither World Poison Attack] - neither world slow poison corrosive technique - can be upgraded for area attack

Note: no more complete poison techniques suitable for host.


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Self-Created System 19 The Cultivation Choices summary

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