
O'Neil Brothers: High Stakes Part 18

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"That you are, darlin."

"Howd I get here?"

A little bit of devil appeared in his eyes. She noticed a growth of stubble on his jaw. "I brought you here. Carried you in your pjs."

"I dont understand." Her words were slurred.

"Its a long story and Ill tell it all to you, but before anybody comes back, I kinda lied and said I was your husband, or they wouldnt have let me stay with you."

Briefly she closed her eyes, picturing him as hers. "Mmm."

"Jesus, woman, how can you sound s.e.xy even when youre sicker than the proverbial dog?"

She took in a deeper breath, and it didnt hurt too much. "How sick am I? And whats wrong with me?"

"They think its food poisoning."

"Seriously? Whatd I get it from?"

"We dont know yet. Theyre running tests to see what kind you have."

"I cant even remember what day it is, let alone what I ate." She managed to lift her arm but winced in the process. "An IV?"

"Saline. You were dehydrated, and they put you in cooling blankets because of the fever. They also gave you something for the nausea after you threw up all over a nurse."

Her head came off the pillow but only for moment. "Oh, Dylan. Tell me youre joking."

"Sorry. Im not this time."

She glanced around the room as if she was searching for something. "How long have I been in the ER?"

He checked his watch. "Twelve hours."

"Seriously? You stayed all this time?" Even though she was sick, the thought pleased her.

Again, he didnt joke. "I was worried about you, Rach." His voice cracked on the last word. Concern deepened the blue of his eyes to midnight. She was overcome with his thoughtfulness, his caring.


The nurse came in, keeping her from saying...something she probably shouldnt say.

When the woman asked, Dylan stepped outside the room.

She was blond and pretty. As she replaced the IV, she chattered. "Nice guy you got there, Ms. Scott. He wouldnt leave your side, unless we were taking samples or doing tests. The nurses felt sorry for him and brought him coffee and food."

"Ill bet." Dylan attracted the opposite s.e.x like flies. "How long do I have to stay here?"

"You can go home later in the day. You were very sick and youre still weak."

When she finished, Dylan returned and sat back on the straight chair. Suddenly, exhaustion reclaimed her. Her eyes wanted to close, but she tried to keep them open. "I have to stay for a while."

"I heard."

"Go home," she said, shutting her eyes. "Sure thing, doll. You go to sleep."

Rachel awoke again. She couldnt tell if it was day or night as this was an interior room. Turning her head to the side, she saw Dylan, stretched out on a padded lounger, sound asleep. She looked down. Hed tucked her hand inside his. Rachel sighed and drifted off again.

"Heres your tea and toast, milady." Dylan set the tray on Rachels lap and smiled. The steam from the drink curled over the cup, a flowery scent with it, but he still didnt understand anybodys proclivity for the beverage.

"Thank you, Dylan. Sit with me?"

He dropped down onto the comfortable chair hed dragged from the corner of her bedroom when hed brought her home. Hed made himself some coffee and sipped it. "You look a h.e.l.l of a lot better now."

She did. Her cheeks had lost the burning red of fever and now sported a rosy blush. The hospital personnel helped her shower and wash her hair before shed left this afternoon, so her locks hung in waves down past her shoulders. Hed picked up a sweat suit for her to come home in because he guessed she wouldnt want to leave in pajamas shed worn to the hospital. The pink highlighted her complexion. d.a.m.ned if she wasnt beautiful, even after her ordeal.

She nodded to his outfit. "Ive never seen you in jock clothes."

Glancing down at the navy blue sweat suit and sneakers hed had in the car, he nodded. "I showered here and changed." He rubbed his scratchy jaw. "But I dont carry the stuff around to shave."

"You have clothes in your trunk for emergencies? Or unplanned... luck?"

He raised his brows lasciviously. "Just in case I dont make it home at night."

"Ill bet." Lazing back into the pillows, she scanned her surroundings. "Wait a sec." She sniffed. "It smells good in here."

It hadnt. Hed spent an hour and a half while she slept earlier making it sweet again. "I cleaned up while you were zonking out. People arent too tidy when theyre sick."

"I can imagine the shape the place was in." Her expression drew him in. "How can I ever thank you for all this?"

He winked at her. "Ill think of something, darlin."

She didnt flirt back. Instead, she grabbed his hand and frowned. "We were supposed to have contact on a strictly professional basis."

He squeezed her hand. "Im beginning to wonder if thats even possible, Rachel. I was worried when you werent on your show."

She sighed heavily.

"Lets forget about all that now."

"Okay." She gestured to the television. "Whats happened on my show? I havent even asked."

"Laura Littman took over."

"I vaguely remember that. I like her. Shes going places."

"Your friend Raskin filled in the first night. I thought he was a jerk and turned the set off."

"No, not a jerk. Hes a complicated man. Hes got his eye on high places in the company, and I get the feeling hed step on anybody to get there."

"Even you?"

"Especially me."

"Why? Did you scorn him?"

Pretty auburn brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"Did you date him, then break his heart?"

She laughed. "Hardly. Hes not my type."

Dylan wanted to ask if he was the kind of guy she preferred, but it was too heavy a discussion to have now. Maybe one they should never have. But since hed found her ill and alone in her apartment, and had been sitting by her side for thirty-six hours, hed been wondering where theyd go from here. And if he even wanted to go anywhere.

He thought about what Bailey had said when theyd called her old boyfriend. I think its time for some honesty, Dyl, with yourself. About how deep your feelings are for her.

Rachel distracted him by speaking. "Dylan, why did you do this?"

"Do what?"

"Break into my house, for which Im grateful. Whisk me away to the hospital and not leave my side, except to pick up stuff for me?"

Time for hedging. "Id already taken the week off to be with you." He gave her a smile. "I had the time."

"Its got to be more than that. Taking care of me like this was...intimate."

"Have you forgotten we slept together? We got very intimate then."

Once again, as in the hospital, she closed her eyes, and a sensual smile spread across her face. "Yes, I remember."

Just that action made him go hard. He shifted in his seat, his jeans tight now. Picking up a magazine hed left on her night table, he put it over his lap.

Her expression was neutral when she opened her eyes. "Beccas coming home in a few hours. I called her because I knew theyd all be at the airport and wouldnt change their plans for me."

"Thats good, I guess."

"For you. She can do whatever I need, and you can be a free man."

His scowl was only half-faked. "Tryin to get rid of me?" She held out her hand and he took it. At least her skin wasnt burning hot anymore. "No, Im not. I feel bad you had to go through this with somebody you hardly know."

His gaze was steady because it seemed important to be honest. "We know each other, Rachel. And despite what we decided early in the week, Im afraid weve come to care about each other. At least I have. About you."

Watching him, she whispered, "I care about you, too." The words were heartfelt.

Suddenly, the air seemed charged. "What are we gonna do about that?"

"I have no idea."

Silence. Uncomfortable. Meaningful.

When he saw her troubled expression, he changed the subject. "Listen, we dont have to decide anything today. Youre still recovering. Lets just take it easy."

"Okay." She nodded to the magazine. "What are you reading?"

He grinned. "An article about names people have that reflect their chosen profession. Its all doctors, appropriate given your situation." He grinned at her. "The nurses were worried Id be bored and gave the magazine to me."

"I heard those nurses were concerned about you."

"They were sweet."

"Read me some examples."

He gave her a wicked smile. "You try to guess what they do. Ted K-a-d-i-a-v-e-r." He spelled out the last name.

She smiled. "Mortician."

"Close, medical examiner."


"How about Alden G. c.o.c.kburn and Abraham c.o.c.kett."

"Oh, Lord. Urology?"


She giggled like a schoolgirl.

"I just thought of one I know of. Mikey, Liams kid, had to see Dr. Mitten."

"Hand specialist?"

"Adorable, isnt it?

"So are you when youre amused." Her expression was appreciative. "You get this little dent in your cheek, and your eyes twinkle."

"This will make your eyes twinkle. These guys are both OB-GYNs. Brian Seaman, William E. Kuntz" He spelled the last names.

"Let me see that. I think youre making this up."

"You questioning my veracity?"

"Never mind, go on."

"All right, just one more set. What do you think Dr. Stopp, Richard Chopp do?"

This time, he joined in laughter that made her eyes water.

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O'Neil Brothers: High Stakes Part 18 summary

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