
O'Neil Brothers: High Stakes Part 14

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He leaned forward. "My ma and Pa drilled into us that its important to help others less fortunate than we are. Hogan and I work to supply food baskets during the holidays and Ive been a Big Brother. Aidans one, too. Liam and his wife Kitty did all sorts of things. And Pat spends a lot of time at his kids school, volunteering, and is part of a committee for the St. Patricks Day Parade."

"A family of do-gooders."

"Yeah." He grinned. "It feels right, doesnt it?"

She nodded. He noted the line of fatigue around her mouth. And those lovely shoulders were slumping.

"Youve had quite a night." He set his drink on the table and stood. "Ill head out and let you get some sleep. For what its worth, I admire you."

"For the studio?"

"Yeah, and, I dont know, enduring your parents condescension. You deserve better than that."

She swallowed hard but didnt say anything.

She followed him to the door. When he opened it, he turned to face her. Her eyes were glittering despite the exhaustion in them. Her lips trembled a bit when he tipped her chin up. He wanted to kiss her in the worst way, drag her to him and drown himself in the feel and scent of her.

But he didnt. Instead, he was going to do something equally unwise. "I told you my parents separated when I was little, but what I didnt reveal is that the experience changed my whole life. I still dream about the day Pa left. And because of that, Ive been overly protective of my family. I dont know"-he raised his eyes to the ceiling-"like n.o.body will do it if I dont. I try to cover it with bravado and arrogance, but down deep, Im a wimp about them. Pats the same way, but he expresses it differently."

She gave him a look so full of feeling it almost destroyed his control not to reach for her.

Almost. He gave her a quick peck on the cheek, turned and walked out.

Leaving her tonight wasnt the hardest thing hed ever had to do, but it ranked up there.

Chapter 10.

Pat rolled over in the big sleigh bed, drew his wife to him and settled back with her onto the pillows. The air was cool, so he pulled up the sheet and blanket.

"Wow!" she whispered, laying her head on his bare chest.

He chuckled. "Not bad for forty-seven."

"Not bad at all." She giggled like a schoolgirl. "We still got it, Patrick ONeil."

He kissed the top of her head. "That we do." And thank G.o.d for that. These days, they needed the closeness s.e.x had always brought, though they were in one of their mellow periods. "And G.o.d bless our educational system." Sinead was at college and Sean and Kathleen had been picked up by the school bus.

"And nannies." The woman who watched Isabella, their youngest, had taken her to a play date. "Coffee?"

"Hmm. Love some."

Stacking the pillows behind him, Pat sat up and watched Brie slide out of bed. She was tall and slender, though her body bore some of the signs of childbearing-a bit of a rounded tummy and fuller b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Which he liked. It made her look earthy. Throwing on a robe, she headed out of their bedroom.

He liked their room, too. Their sanctuary. Although theyd had some bad fights in here, theyd had a h.e.l.l of a lot more fun, like the lovemaking this morning, which had left him limp and satisfied. When they got back together after a separation nearly two years ago, theyd redecorated. Now skylights let in the morning sun, which bounced off the light oak dressers. Plush quilts in browns and tans covered a monster of a bed. Brie had finished the room with some light peach accents. Hed gotten a fifty-inch TV set.

He grabbed for its remote. Pat liked to watch the news before he went to work. With his sister as acting First Lady, he spent a lot of time checking up on her and her husband.

CNN came on-screen. "In global news, another story on Bridgegate."

h.e.l.l, how stupid could a governor be? Pat was sick of all the slurs and accusations spouted by pundits or other politicians, so he changed channels. He watched a sports recap on ESPN, and swore at the Knicks losing another game last night.

He switched again-h.e.l.l, he was a man and channel surfing was in his genes. This time, a morning news anchor on NSMBC was beginning coverage for the hour. "Last night, Acting President Clayton Wainwright attended a gala at the Kennedy Center to help raise funds for at-risk teens."

Brie caught the lead when she returned with their coffee, handed him his and slid back in bed next to him. "Baileys influence."

"Yeah, she keeps them hoppin in D.C." He smiled. He was proud of his little sister and what shed accomplished.

"Wow, look at that dress." Bailey wore a blue, shiny thing that fit her...tight.

"Clay mustve drooled all night. That mans got it bad."

Now Bailey and Clay danced, while the voice-over recounted their "fairy-tale marriage." Pat knew there was no such thing.

"And in other gala news, NSMBCs own Rachel Scott attended a fundraiser sponsored by her renowned parents for the Childrens Hospital. Marian Scott is the lead scientist, whos done miraculous genome research."

Pats blood pressure sped up as shots of Scott in silver and jewels came on-her in a reception line, talking with a senator. Then...

A little gasp next to him. "Pat, is that Dylan?"

He squinted. "What? Where?"

"The camera panned the crowd, and I think I saw Dylan."

"He wouldnt."

"You said he was spending the week with Rachel."

"But..." G.o.dd.a.m.n it, there he was, sitting at a table with Scott. They were deep in discussion and neither was smiling. "How the h.e.l.l could he do this? Be photographed with her like that? No telling what the mediall make of it."

"I doubt he even saw the cameraman."

Scowling, Pat took a gulp of the coffee. "He shouldve known better."

Picking up the remote, Brie switched off the TV.

"Whatd you do that for?"

Setting aside her coffee, she crooked her arm, slid down and put her cheek on her hand. "I want to talk to you about Dylan."

He didnt like the sound of that. But Brie had her own mind, and when she wanted to discuss something, she always got her way. "What about him?"

"Honey, hes just trying to make things right."

G.o.d, this whole situation bothered him. "He cant make anything right with her."

"Sophie and C.J. said they didnt mind."

Pat sat up straighter. "You talked to them about this?"

"We had lunch yesterday. Were family and have a lot in common. h.e.l.l, we like getting together. Since they were Rachels two last victims, I think their opinions should count most."

Again, he leaned back and stared up through the skylights. "I guess. It just goes against my grain."

"You do hold grudges."

Now he stiffened. "What does that mean?"

"You know what it means. Weve had problems because you cling to the past."

Silence seemed best right now, because if he said what he was feeling, theyd fight big-time.

"Pat, you cant keep trying to run your familys lives."

"Or yours."

"I didnt say that."

"No, but you were thinkin it."

A heavy sigh. "Dont ruin the morning, Patrick."

"Im not. You brought up my grudges. Which Im over."

"You still havent forgiven my parents for supporting me when I didnt want to get married right away."

"Thats not my grudge, darlin. Its theirs. Against me for knocking you up."

"All that happened almost twenty years ago. And theyve forgotten about it. Look how much they love Sinead. Theyd never want for him not to have been born."

"No, they just wish he had another father."

"Stop, Pat. Please." Shed gentled her tone as if she was calming a skittish horse. Her tone irked him.

"I dont want to talk about this anymore."

"Of course not." She threw back the covers and stood again. "Why...why do we have to keep rehashing the past?"

"You brought up grudges."

She shook her head, sending her blunt-cut bob around her chin. "I cant win with you. When I try to be honest, you shut me down."

She started toward the bathroom. "Im going to work."

s.h.i.t. s.h.i.t. s.h.i.t. Bolting off the bed, Pat caught her before she reached the door. Grasping her arm gently, he turned her around and pressed her up against the wood. "Im sorry, a ghra. Ive been tryin to be better."

Her pretty green eyes closed briefly. "I know. But sometimes its like walking through minefields with you. I try to help with your feelings about what Dylans doing, and old stuff crops up."

"I gotta do better, I know. With you and with my family."

"We could go back to marriage counseling."

He met his forehead with hers. "I hated that."

"I know you did." She cupped her hand behind his neck, nuzzling in. "But it helped."

"Give me another chance. We been doin good for a while."

She sighed. "All right."

Because he knew he disappointed her, he reached for the sash on her robe, untied it and eased the rest from her shoulders.

"What are you doing?"

"I want you again. Now. Here against the wall."

Her eyes flamed, not with anger. "Against the wall, huh?"

"Yep, wrap those beautiful arms and legs around me and love me again."

"Always, Patrick. And forever."

Who would have thought it? The notion hit Bailey whenever she walked into the impressive Oval Office with its heavy dark wood furniture, comfortable couches and a view of the Capitol out the windows. A middle-cla.s.s girl turned city social worker welcome here in the room where world-altering decisions were made. The notion made her smile.

Her husband sat behind the presidents desk, his chair at an angle, so she could see only his profile. "Yes, Senator. I know. Yes, but President Langley-" A long pause. "I understand. All right, Ill see you then."

Swiveling around, he hung up and swore. Then he glanced over at her. And his demeanor changed completely. A huge smile claimed his chiseled features-all for her. He could still make her heart swell with that look. "Well, h.e.l.lo, love. What brings you into this neck of the woods?"

"I had to meet with Mich.e.l.les press secretary to see what First Lady duties I have to take over this week."

"Your favorite thing," he said knowingly.

"Its okay. I like Lucy. Shes trying to make this transition as easy as possible on all of us."

"I like her, too."

Bailey moved closer, circled the desk and plunked herself down in his lap.

"Such breach of decorum, Ms. ONeil."

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O'Neil Brothers: High Stakes Part 14 summary

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