
O'Neil Brothers: High Stakes Part 12

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In the ballroom of The Plaza Hotel, The Scotts gala was in full swing, abuzz with donors and their dates, who drifted by in tuxes and sequins. Waiters carrying flutes of champagne whisked through the crowd, followed by those offering appetizers. Standing next to Rebecca in the reception line, Rachel called on the strength shed built up over the years in dealing with her parents. She could do this, stay an hour and leave. To make herself feel better, shed dressed up in sparkling silver and black and wore heavier makeup than usual.

Her sister squeezed her arm in support. There was no time to talk as the queue moved in a steady stream.

"Rachel, dear." On the other side of her, Rachels mother, dressed in a long, black skirt and white blouse, held the hand of another woman in line in front of her. "Pauline, you remember my daughter Rachel. Rach, this is Pauline Depew. She runs the lab where I conduct my research."

Pauline, dressed to the nines, like everybody else here, smiled at Rachel. Was there a bit of condescension in the gesture? "Yes, of course I remember her." A crook of her head. "What exactly do you do again?"

"Im a news anchor for NSMBC." "Thats right." Quickly bypa.s.sing Rachel, the woman leaned over to kiss Rebeccas cheek. "Rebecca, I read that wonderful article you wrote on childhood proclivities to respiratory disease in the Journal of American Medicine. Id like to talk about the basis for your research."

Rebecca shot Rachel a quick glance, then mumbled, "Anytime."

When another group came down the line, her father exchanged places with her mother. "Jared, this is my daughter Rachel." To Rachel, he said, "Darling, Jared Lake. Hes vice president of finance for Global International."

Jared gave her a look of pure male interest. "Shes as beautiful as you said, Maxwell." To Rachel, the man added, "Ive seen clips of your pageants. Youre even lovelier than you were then."

Rachel felt her face flush. Jared probably thought it was caused by false modesty. "Where did you see them?"

"Your parents had several of us over a while back. My wife is on the board of Miss New York now, and she wanted to view the videos of when you won."

Swallowing hard, Rachel could only nod. It didnt help when the exec went on to Rebecca and asked her about her time in England as a Rhodes Scholar. She heard him say hed been one, too.

Surrept.i.tiously, Rachel glanced at her rhinestone watch. G.o.d, shed been here only thirty minutes. Peeking down the line, she half expected Dylan to show up, and now half wanted him to. Though he was an adversary, at least the emotion he showed toward her was because of her work in the news industry.

She endured the rest of the receiving line, and when it ended, her father leaned over. "Good performance, darling. Though I wish you looked like you were having a better time. Put on your game face, and all that."

"Ill try, Dad."

"Come on." Rebecca took her hand after they grabbed their things. "Lets get some of that champagne." As her sister led her away, Rebecca whispered, "In some far and distant corner."

They found just the spot, over by the door to the patios, where it was chilly enough to keep gatherers away and a table sat empty. Rebecca put her pink shawl around her shoulders. It matched her dress. "Are you cold?" she asked Rachel.

Rachels dress was long sleeved, though it did dip in the back. "No." She held up a black wool shawl. "I have this if I need it. I think I got overheated in the reception line."

A waiter came by and offered them gla.s.ses of bubbly. Rebecca took two for each of them and put the reinforcements on the table. She raised her gla.s.s. "To sisters," she said. "I see you, Rach."

Rachel felt tears p.r.i.c.kle behind her eyelids. "I know you do." Sighing, she scanned the crowd. "Lets not talk about it."

"Okay. Then, tell me, whats going on with Dylan ONeil? He looked like he wanted to eat you up at Rachels basketball game."

"Not to get too graphic, but he already had that pleasure."

Rebecca practically squealed. "And Im just hearing about this?"

"Its not something Im proud of." Especially now. She could still see his closed-down face when he told her what he wanted from her professionally. Only professionally.

"Why? Sleeping with the enemy seems like a good plan."

Is that how Dylan felt? "That wasnt why I did it, Becca." Rachel confided a few details. Her sister made comments. "But its over. Were back to professional stuff only."

"Hmm." Rebecca stared out over the crowd. "Then, why is here tonight?"

Her heart lurched a little. "What? Where?"

Rebecca pointed him out. "And hes heading right toward us."

"Thank G.o.d he didnt come down the reception line." She didnt want to be embarra.s.sed in front of him.

His smile was sun bright. "h.e.l.lo, ladies." His grin was aimed at Rebecca. "You look lovely, Rebecca." Then he turned to Rachel. "Youre gorgeous as usual, Ms. Scott. You shine in silver."

She chuckled at the formality. "Mr. ONeil, Im shocked" -and happy-"to see you here."

"I couldnt resist getting a glimpse of you in your element."

Rebecca choked on her wine.

"This isnt my element at all," Rachel commented, her voice turning cold. She scanned him. "I hope you didnt rent that tux for tonight."

"Nope." He tugged at the lapels of his gray formal suit, worn with a light gray shirt and black tie. "My sister bought the outfit for me when I had to take her to a shindig much like this." A mischievous grin now. "I have to admit, I dig it a lot."

"You should. It looks wonderful on you." d.a.m.n it to h.e.l.l. Why had she blurted that out? She drained the rest of her gla.s.s.

"Is that a compliment?"

"No, never."

Rebecca slid off the stool. "I have to go find Mike. Nice to see you again, Dylan. Rach, find me if you need to."

When her sister left, Dylan motioned to the seat shed vacated. "May I?"

"Of course."

He studied her. "Maybe you can relax a little before you go back into the fray."

She glanced at the crowd. "What are you talking about?" "Youre strung tight as a bow."

"Im not."

"I watched you in the reception line for a half hour. And heard the comments made by your parents and their friends."

Oh, G.o.d, she didnt know if she could handle his cutting remarks tonight.

"I think I understand some things better now, Rach."

Still she didnt comment. She just stared at him. Where would he go with what hed observed?

"Im sorry. You deserve better than this."

At his kindness, one tiny tear escaped her eye and trickled down her cheek.

One tear, thats all it took. Despite all his proclamations about staying professional, Dylan turned to mush. He always did this; all the ONeil men did. Paddy ONeil had drilled into them, When a woman cries, a real man steps up.

Hastily, Rachel looked away, brushed the evidence aside. When she faced him again, she was more composed, though her cheeks were pink. "I thought youd be mean if you ever found out."

"I might have been at one time. Wanna talk about it?"

"Not much to say." Her voice was raw with emotion as she stared down at her gla.s.s. "It is what it is."

"That day when I told you about Ma and Pa separating, you never said what was the worst thing that happened to you. This is yours, isnt it?"

She nodded.

"How did it get this way? Regardless of our differences, in the times Ive been with you, which arent even that many, I can tell youre a hardworking reporter. You cover important stories. Viewers love you."

"Thanks for that."

Reaching out, he tipped her chin up to meet his gaze.

"You can guess its root. You always call me Miss America. I was only Miss New York, but..." She let the words trail off.

"Their att.i.tude started that late in life?"

She shook her head. "I entered my first pageant when I was five. Everybody thought it was a good thing."

"Even Rebecca?"

"She wasnt born yet." Rachel smiled wryly. "I loved the attention. My parents were always so busy, but they came to my pageants. I thought they approved."

Dylan recalled the comments hed overheard in the reception line.

Meet our lovely daughter, Miss New York.

From the women, as an aside. Shes all fluff.

Another woman. Nothing like her parents and sister. They have important jobs.

He could understand why shed be offended. "Theyve treated you this way since you were five?"

"Yep. You should have seen the looks on their faces when I stopped entering pageants. They were incredulous."

"They didnt see everything else you are, then-or now."

Her eyes glowed with approval, and Dylan realized hed told her he did see her for who she really was. "When I got into dancing, they came to those performances, too."

"Activities of the same ilk, though."

"I guess, though I liked dancing a lot more." Again, she looked away. "But it carried the same price."

He watched as she pushed away her drink. He called over a waiter. "Could you get Ms. Scott some ice water, please?"

When the guy left, Dylan asked, "What kind of student were you?"

"Self-fulfilling prophecy. I was a solid B student. Now Rebecca, she got A plusses. Shes a Rhodes Scholar, for G.o.ds sake."

"But youre smart, Rachel. Intuitive and insightful."

"That kind of intelligence isnt valued in my family. Theyre scientists and financial whizzes."

Briefly, Dylan thought about what he would have turned out like if he hadnt been loved unconditionally. "Did you try to change their minds?"

"Not purposely. But, in college, I went on a school-sponsored trip to help out in Haiti. I loved the work and found other times when I could go back. They were totally shocked."


"A girl like me, helping poor kids in sometimes dangerous situations?" She sighed. "They thought I was too superficial for outreach work in other countries."

"That explains your foreign reporter yen."

Her green eyes flared with fire. "Im not going after that position to impress them."

Not consciously. "I didnt say you were. I think you want it for yourself."

"Which brings us back to you and me. Why did you come tonight?"

Hed been home alone, as Hogan had gone to a movie with Pats boys. For some reason, Dylan couldnt stop thinking of Rachel at the gala. "I havent a.n.a.lyzed my motives. I just came."

Her smile was innately s.e.xy. "In your sisters tux."


"Did you meet my parents?"

"Uh-huh. They introduced me to people as the Second Ladys brother."

"As if youre not more than that."

"Same as you, babe."

Her eyes were bleak. "Dylan, please, dont use this against me."

"How would I do that?"

"Dont see me as some pathetic woman whos still trying to please her parents."

"You know, Rach, I still try to please mine. When my marriage broke up, I felt like a complete failure in their eyes."

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O'Neil Brothers: High Stakes Part 12 summary

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