
On A Wing And A Prayer Part 5

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Roxanne lifted her hand to her mouth to stifle a sob when she read ... "How could someone as beautiful as yourself produce anything but perfection?"

With tear-filled eyes, she exited e-mail, shut down the computer, and went to bed to escape the nightmare that was her life.


MONDAY MORNING. Ca.s.s wondered where the weekend went as she rolled over and turned off the alarm. d.a.m.n, I've got a flight into Veracruz today, she thought. That part of Mexico was beautiful -- situated on the Gulf coast, it was a popular tourist attraction, but it was a long flight, and it usually meant a layover for at least a day -- sometimes two. There were times that Ca.s.s wished she had never volunteered for specialized flights. At least commercial flights were on regular schedules ... but at the time, it was a good arrangement for her. Patti had just died, and the specialized flight job kept her busy, kept her mind off Patti.

Ca.s.s grumbled as she climbed out of bed and slipped on her spandex shorts and sports bra. Tying her Nike's tight, she stepped onto the treadmill and started the machine on 4.5 miles per hour for a 15 minute warmup. Soon, the had the belt moving at 8 miles per hour and had inclined the bed 10 degrees. For the next half hour, she ran, until she was drenched with sweat and her quads were twitching with over-exertion. Another 15 minutes of cool down and stretching, had Ca.s.s ready for the shower.

Standing under the spray, she supported her upper body with her hands against the wall and stood there, allowing the spray to cascade over her head, savoring the feel of tiny needle-like jets of spray bombarding her skin. Closing her eyes, she remembered all the times she had stood in this very spot, in this very position, with strict instructions to keep her hands firmly against the shower wall, as strong, callused hands slid over her skin, and ran up and down her legs, across her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and abs, only to slide down into her womanhood, while hot breath whispered words of love into her ear from behind. Ca.s.s threw her head backward and pressed her body into the invisible intruder as a moan escaped her lips. Suddenly realizing that she was alone, she straightened her posture and dropped her chin to her chest. Taking a deep breath, she felt a tightness in her gut. Reaching out for the soap and face cloth, and proceeded to cleanse her body and mind of the physical and emotional workout she had just given them.

Toweling herself dry, Ca.s.s couldn't keep her mind off her sense of loneliness. How she craved the feel of someone wrapped in her arms, of coming home to someone who loved her ... shared moments, feeding each other morsels of food in front of the fire place, shared kisses that turned into wild nights of pa.s.sion, tender looks and caresses while watching a movie together on the couch. She stood there in front of the bathroom mirror, staring at her unseen lover as she held the towel in front of her. Angie was right, I am lonely.

Better to be lonely than heartbroken Ca.s.sidy ... remember that, Enforcer piped in. You'd better think long and hard before committing yourself again. You need a safe relationship ... one that can't hurt you. How about that e-mail chick you've been corresponding with? She's a whole continent away. How much safer can you get than that? Enforcer added.

Ca.s.s blinked several times before her surroundings came back into focus. E-mail. She said to herself. Rox. I wonder if she's answered my last post? Hanging the towel on the rack, she pulled her robe on and went to her office to boot up the computer. While she was waiting, she dressed in her uniform and combed out her long dark tresses. Coming back to the computer, she logged onto the Internet and clicked on her inbox. It was empty. Disappointed, she shut the computer down. She's got a life of her own, Ca.s.s. She isn't sitting around waiting for your calls, you know.

Ca.s.s finished preparing for work with a heavy heart. It was going to be a long two days in Mexico. She decided that if she hadn't heard back from Rox by the time she returned, that it was probably a lost cause. Sighing deeply, she pulled her condo door shut behind her and headed to her car.

Had Ca.s.s been thinking straight, she would have realized that she sent the note after midnight, Pacific coast time. Had Ca.s.s been a psychic, she would have realized at the very moment she send the note, Rox was being beaten senseless by Chris. As Ca.s.s sat there this morning, fretting about an empty inbox, Rox was wrapped in the arms of her friend Nikki, crying out her sorrow. Two coasts, two women, one lonely in her solitude, the other in her abuse ... both absorbed in their own private miseries.

It had taken most of the morning to load the cargo onto the plane. Ca.s.s was flying a goodwill mission into Veracruz, Mexico to deliver much needed medical supplies for the outlying regions of the port city. The area had suffered a severe drought that summer and most of the area's monetary resources had gone into maintaining the population's food stores, causing a shortage in other critical areas, such as medical supplies. It was nearly 3 p.m. before Ca.s.s' plane left the runway. With a stop over in Juarez , the flight would take approximately 6 hours, landing in the Veracruz area around 9 p.m. that evening.

Twenty minutes into the flight, Ca.s.s leveled the plane out at the cruising alt.i.tude and engaged the automatic pilot. Releasing her safety belt, she pressed the illuminated b.u.t.ton to notify the pa.s.sengers that they were now free to move around the cabin. Sitting back, she rested her head against the back rest and closed her eyes for a moment.

"Are you okay, Ca.s.s?" the flight attendant asked, placing her hand affectionately on Ca.s.s' shoulder.

Ca.s.s opened her eyes and looked up at the woman. Ginny was a tall, shapely woman with a wild mane of blonde hair, powder blue eyes and a beautiful smile that showed off deep dimples. She had been flying Ca.s.s' flight for the past six months, and made no secret of the fact that she thought the dark haired pilot was attractive.

Ca.s.s smiled. "I'm fine, Ginny. Just a little tired, that's all. Thanks for asking," she said. That certainly was the truth, she told herself. I did lose sleep in the middle of the night.

Ginny squeezed Ca.s.s' shoulder. "Can I get you anything, Captain? Coffee? A soft drink?" she asked.

"Coffee sounds good ... black," she said, smiling once more.

Hey Ca.s.s ... here's your chance -- she certainly seems willing! Enforcer urged. You've got a layover in Juarez ... all you need to do is get her alone in the c.o.c.kpit ... he, he, he ... funny how they call it a c.o.c.kpit, huh? Must be a reason for it, don't ya think? I'm telling you girl... you need to get laid -- it'll do us both some good. Whaddaya think?

Ca.s.s shook off the enticing thoughts as she turned her attention back to Ginny to accept the coffee that was being handed to her. There's not exactly enough room, or privacy in here for that ... she thought, glancing at her co-pilot. Maybe when we land in Veracruz? She smiled once more and let her hand linger a little longer than necessary, on the one handing her the coffee cup. Ginny looked down into blue eyes that nearly mirrored her own and read the promise in them. She smiled nervously, her heart fluttering at the prospect of a s.e.xual encounter with the beautiful Ca.s.s Conway.

"I, ah ... I'd better get back to the pa.s.sengers," Ginny explained, nervously turning to leave the c.o.c.kpit.

"Thanks, Ginny," Ca.s.s said sincerely to the stewardess' retreating form. You've still got it, Conway! Enforcer bragged as she watched the blonde's swaying hips walk down the narrow aisle.

Sitting back in her seat, she sipped her coffee, sighing with deep satisfaction at the rich, full bodied flavor running down her throat. Ah, Ginny, I hope you make love as good as you make coffee, Ca.s.s thought as she took another sip of the flavorful brew.

As it turned out, Ca.s.s was caught up in security checks both on the plane and in the administrator's office at the airport during the layover in Juarez, and had no time to set up a date with Ginny for their night in Veracruz. I'll have to approach her on the flight to Veracruz, she thought to herself as she taxied the plane to the runway for take off. Moments later she had liftoff as the wheels gracefully rose from the runway and the plane made is a.s.sent into the clouds.

Once the plane was at cruising alt.i.tude and locked into auto pilot, Ca.s.s turned the controls over to the co-pilot and went in search of Ginny. After a ten minute search with no success, she approached one of the other stewardesses and inquired as to Ginny's whereabouts, only to learn that she had returned to San Jose from Juarez after receiving an emergency call from her family. Ca.s.s' brow creased in concern for Ginny, and in disappointment for a lost opportunity at sharing a night of mutual s.e.xual fulfillment. d.a.m.n! she said to herself. I was looking forward to feeling alive again... I hope Ginny's family is okay, her conscience added as she returned to the c.o.c.kpit.

Ca.s.s' flight landed on schedule in Veracruz. After filing her flight log and checking on the schedule for unloading her cargo, she arranged for lodging and then went in search of something to eat. An hour later, she was back in her room and laying across the bed, still fully clothed, hands behind her head, thinking of what might have been. Finally, overcome by jet lag an a lack of sleep from the night before, she drifted off to sleep.

Roxanne was still in bed early Tuesday morning when Nikki let herself in.

"Rox? Rox where are you?" she called through the house, knowing her friend was at home as evidenced by her car still in the driveway. "Rox?" she called again as she checked the back deck, living room and kitchen before heading to the stairs. Reaching the second floor, she went directly to Rox' room, knowing the guest rooms would be empty. "This house is way too big for you, Roxanne," Nikki said under her breath. Reaching Rox's door, she turned the handle and slowly pushed it open. She half hoped that Chris had come home last night ... she had a fight to pick with that son of a b.i.t.c.h.

Peering into the room, she found Rox spread out on the bed -- alone, the covers thrown off her upper body, coming to rest on her b.u.t.tocks and legs. She was lying there on her stomach, with no shirt on. Her hair was half in her face, and her arms were tucked under the pillow. Nikki slowly approached the bed and stood there looking down at the criss-crossing welts across her friend's back.

"G.o.d, Rox. That must have been so painful," she said softly as she gently sat on the edge of the bed next to her friend. A tear of sympathy escaped her eye as she opened the bag she had brought and dumped the contents onto the comforter. Picking up the tube of soothing balm, she squeezed a generous amount into her hands and put the tube aside. Rubbing her hands together, she climbed onto the bed and straddled Rox's backside, being careful not to irritate any of the welts.

Rox began to stir as she felt Nikki's presence on her back. Bending over, Nikki whispered in her ear, "Shhhh ... It's okay, Roxie ... it just me, Nikki. It's okay, sweetheart ..." she cooed.

Roxanne immediately relaxed as Nikki smoothed the salve over her friend's back, gently rubbing it in, slowly moving her hands up and down the expanse of Rox's toned back. Rox moaned as the salve cooled the heated welts, and winced as Nikki's hands moved over the tender skin. "Rox, honey, you've got to think seriously about leaving Chris. If you could see your back ... G.o.d girl, it rips my heart out to think of how this must have hurt," her friend whispered in her ear as she bent low over her back to reach her shoulders.

Rox felt her eyes burn as her friend's words touched her heart, causing tears to well up and spill over.

When Nikki had covered Rox's entire back, she helped her slip a T-shirt over her shoulders, then laid down next to her on the bed. Gathering the injured woman up in her arms and holding her close, she kissed her gently on the temple and whispered again into her ear. "Rox, come home with me. Jerri and I want you away from here when Chris comes home," she insisted.

Rox closed her eyes tightly, allowing more tears to escape. "Nik, I can't. This my home ... I won't leave it ... I can't," she said in a small voice, burrowing her head deeper into Nikki's shoulder and tightening the arm she had thrown over her friend's midsection.

Nikki closed her eyes tighter and nodded, knowing the red head would respond that way. "Rox, we are so afraid for you. Please think about it, love. Okay?" she pleaded.

Rox just nodded her head and tightened her hold on Nikki once more.

"Go back to sleep Rox," Nikki said as she kissed her temple again, then reached down to pull the comforter over both of them.

Ca.s.s awoke in the middle of the forest, an intense feeling of foreboding settling in the pit of her stomach. Sitting up, she looked around, confused at her surroundings. Pulling her knees up, she rested her elbows on them and dropped her head into her hands. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she once again looked around. She appeared to be alone, however, the camping gear and bedding laid out by a now-cold campfire suggested that someone else had been there with her. Coming to her feet, she looked around and noticed a sword on the ground next to the bedroll she had been lying on. Reaching down, she picked it up and examined it.

Why does this look so familiar? she asked herself.

Looking around some more, she realized that she was no longer dressed in her flight uniform, but instead, wore leather trousers, boots, a shirt made of some type of thin muslin with long billowy sleeves that cuffed at the wrists and held together loosely with thin leather laces, and a leather vest. A heavy cloak lay near her bedroll. At her hip, was a leather sheath, which fit the sword like a glove as she slipped the weapon into it. For the first time, she realized that it was relatively cool. Reaching for the cloak, she draped it around her shoulders, the proceeded to start another fire to warm herself by so she could comfortably sit and think about where she was and how she got there.

As she sat by the fire, basking in the warmth radiating from the flames, she heard a distant scream in the forest. Instinctively throwing off the cloak and grabbing the sword, Ca.s.s ran toward the source of the scream. Within moments, she came across two figures struggling in the distance. As she neared the cloaked pair, she realized one was a woman, and she was being beaten unmercifully by her larger companion.

Jumping into the fray, Ca.s.s threw her body weight against the figure a.s.saulting the woman, knocking them both to the ground. The beaten woman collapsed where she had been released, and lay there in a semiconscious state as Ca.s.s struggled with her a.s.sailant. Rolling around on the forest floor, Ca.s.s managed to land a few good punches on the attacker's chin, before she was shoved off onto her back. Rising to her feet, she was confronted by the a.s.sailant's blade. Pulling her own, they engaged in a battle of swords, neither having the upper hand as metal clashed against metal. Finally, Ca.s.s caught the handle end of her opponent's sword and managed to disarm the attacker, sending the weapon flying several yards away. Seeing an opening, she reached up sideways and kicked the attacker full in the face with the side of her right foot, sending them crashing to the forest floor in an unconscious heap.

Approaching the defeated warrior cautiously, Ca.s.s used the end of her sword to shove the cloak off the a.s.sailant's face. It was a woman, and she was out cold. Kneeling, she laid her own sword down by her side and reached over to completely expose the attacker's ident.i.ty. The a.s.sailant was indeed a woman, with a heart-shaped face, pointed chin and wild medium length white-blonde hair. Her slight build sported red leggings with dark suede boots that laced to her knee, a loose fitting white shirt, also with long billowy sleeves, and a leather tunic that slipped over her head and was held together by a leather belt that circled her waist twice. She too wore a sheath on her side for the sword she wielded so skillfully in battle.

Ca.s.s' inspection of her foe was interrupted by the sound of whimpering nearby. In the excitement of battle, she had forgotten the a.s.sailant's victim, who lay in a heap few feet away. Checking once more that her attacker was still unconscious, she cut off a piece of the a.s.sailants' own leather belt, and used it to tie her hands behind her back before going to a.s.sist the fallen woman. The woman was lying on her stomach, her cloak lying in shreds around her shoulders, her hair in wild disarray, the cloak partially obscuring her face.

Ca.s.s reached out to touch the woman's shoulder. She recoiled in pain, crying out in terror, begging to be left alone. In soothing tones, Ca.s.s spoke to the woman as she carefully removed the cloak from her body. Her clothes beneath the cloak were also in shreds. Wondering what could have possibly damaged two layers of cloth like that, she cringed and fought to hold the contents of her stomach down as the answer was slowly revealed to her as she de-layered the woman's clothing. The woman had been whipped.

Carefully removing the rest of her clothing, she soaked part of the cloth in a nearby stream to cleanse the woman's wounds. Finally, having done the best she could with what little she had, she returned to the a.s.sailant's still unconscious form and removed her cloak. Returning to the beaten woman, she carefully draped the cloak over her back and gently rolled her over, pulling the woman into her arms in the process. Once she was settled in as comfortably as possible, Ca.s.s reached over and pulled the front of the cloak together then brushed the damp hair from the woman's battered face. The woman's eyes opened suddenly, revealing the most magnificent pair of emerald green eyes she had ever seen. Ca.s.s' brow immediately furrowed, then shot skyward as she realized where she had seen those eyes before.

"Rox!" she whispered.

Suddenly, a piercing sound pealed through the air.

"Son of a b.i.t.c.h!" Ca.s.s exclaimed as she bolted into a sitting position and looked around in alarm, until she suddenly realized the sound she was hearing was the travel alarm clock she carried with her on her overnight flights. Reaching over, she shut off the offending noisemaker, then laid back down on the bed.

Looking up at the ceiling, she realized she was soaked in sweat and breathing raggedly. Raising a shaky hand to her forehead, she pushed back her damp bangs and tried desperately to make sense of her dream. "Rox," she whispered again. "Why am I dreaming about you? Why does it all seem so familiar?" Closing her eyes, she tried hard to remember the dream. She remembered the forest, and the beautiful blonde attacker, and ... "G.o.d, Rox ... the whip marks!" Opening her eyes once more she stared at the ceiling. "Tell me it was just a dream," she whispered into the air.

Several moments later, she threw her long legs over the side of the mattress and sat up. Taking a deep breath, she realized that she had fallen asleep in her uniform the night before. "d.a.m.n," she said into the empty room. Standing, she shook off the effects of the nightmare as she removed her clothes and headed to the bathroom for a hot shower.

Roxanne felt the hair being brushed off her face. She was partially laying, partially sitting, in someone's lap. Her back hurt like h.e.l.l. Opening her eyes, she looked up into a sea of blue, embedded in the most beautiful face she had ever seen. She had an intense feeling of deja vu as she looked up at the creamy skin, high cheekbones and long dark hair that framed the beautiful features. She closed her eyes tightly again to clear away the cobwebs in her mind.

"Rox?" the voice asked.

Her eyes flew open once more, to look straight into Nikki's green eyes.

"Nikki?" she said, painfully pulling herself into a seated position. Her eyes darted around the room looking for the blue eyed beauty she found herself staring at just moments earlier.

"Rox, are you all right?" Nikki asked.

Rox's eyes met her friend's. Confusion still clearly written across her features, she nodded her head, "Yeah ... yeah, I'm fine. What time is it?" she asked.

Nikki glanced at the digital clock by the bedside. "A little after 10 a.m. You must have been exhausted to have slept in so long, my friend," Nikki said, brushing Rox's hair back once more. "Here, let's get this T-shirt off again so I can rub some more salve into those welts," she instructed her friend.

Rox did as she was told, as she laid face down on the bed and allowed her friend to administer to her wounds. Nikki noticed the taciturn nature of her friend.

"Wanna talk about it?" she asked.

Roxanne shrugged her shoulders. "Not much to say, Nik."

"Why do I get the feeling this is not about Chris?" Nikki observed.

Rox lifted her head and looked back at her friend. "Am I that transparent, Nikki?" she asked.

"No, not really. It's just that you looked pretty confused when you opened your eyes a few moments ago. Wanna tell me what that's all about? I'm here to listen," she offered.

Roxanne allowed Nikki to finish rubbing the salve in before she sat up and put her T-shirt back on. Sitting cross legged on the bed, she faced her friend and took a deep breath. "Nikki, do you believe in dreams?" she asked.

"You mean, do I think dreams have meaning?" she asked for clarification.

Rox nodded her head.

Nikki drew her knees into her chest and wrapped her arms around them. "Gee, I don't know. I've never had a dream that's come true, but that doesn't mean it can't happen. Why, Rox? What were you dreaming about?" the pet.i.te blonde asked.

Roxanne looked down at the comforter, a little embarra.s.sed. Glancing back at the friend, she said, "Nik, I've had this dream about a beautiful, blue eyed, dark haired woman coming to my rescue. It's happened twice now. Different dreams, but the same woman. I don't know what it means," Rox replied.

Nikki reached out and placed a hand on Rox's arm. "I don't know, Rox, but I hope to G.o.d that you don't have this dream with Chris around. This whipping will look like a slap on the hand in comparison. Rox ... Jerri and I really do want you to come stay with us for a while," she urged once more.

"I can't, Nikki ... please understand," she pleaded with her friend.

Nikki dropped her hand from Rox's arm. "Look, Rox, I know you want your father to believe you live an ideal, fairy tale world for the short amount of time he has left, but you're killing yourself in the process -- can't you see that? Sweetheart, I don't want you to become a statistic. Please come home with me," Nikki pleaded again.

Rox just kept her eyes diverted to the comforter, not answering her friend.

Nikki sighed. "All right, Rox," she said in a soft voice. "I can't force you." A slight pause ... "Rox, at least promise me you'll call the moment things start turning sour. Don't let them get out of hand again ... please. Jerri and I will be here before you have a chance to hang up the phone. Okay? Please promise me," she demanded.

Rox was crying ... tears falling onto her crossed legs and she nodded her agreement.

Nikki leaned in and wrapped her arms around Rox's neck. The top of Rox's head rested on the spot just above Nikki's b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Nikki rested her cheek on her friend's head and held her as she cried.

Moments later, Rox broke the embrace and sat up straight, wiping her eyes. Taking a deep breath, she smiled through her bruises. "Nikki, I really have to get to work. I have a deadline to meet on this next book. Why don't you go home and spend some time with that wonderful wife of yours before she has to go to work tonight. I'll be all right -- I promise," she said.

Nikki reached forward with both hands and drew Rox's face in for a kiss. Touching her forehead to her friend's, she said, "Promise me you'll call if you need me, Rox."

Rox thrust her chin forward and kissed Nikki on the nose. "I promise," she whispered.

"Okay," Nikki said as she released her friend and stood to go. Walking arm in arm out into the hallway, they parted company at the stairs to the attic. "I'll let myself out, Rox ... remember your promise -- okay?" she demanded.

"I'll remember," Rox said, smiling once more at her friend's protective streak.

One more hug and a couple of "I love you's" later, and Nikki was on her way home while Rox booted up her computer.


"OKAY, LET'S GET the e-mail out of the way before we get to work, Gerald," Rox said to her Giraffe friend as she clicked on the 'new messages' icon. "Huh... five messages, one old and four new. d.a.m.n, that's right, I never answered Ca.s.s' last post. I hope he doesn't think I'm rude, Gerald," she mused as she opened the post and reread it.

"Hey Rox!

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On A Wing And A Prayer Part 5 summary

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