
On A Wing And A Prayer Part 37

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I want to fill her body

With my soul

And become one

With her heart.

I wander incomplete

Through the deserts of life,

Desperately wanting her

By my side.

She quenches my thirst,

My longing and ache.

As she fills me with her love

And rescues my soul."

Ca.s.s finished reading the poem, then fell silent, terribly embarra.s.sed.

Rox fell silent too, but for a very different reason. She had totally lost control of her emotions, as she sat there with tears streaming down her cheeks, too choked up to speak.

Taking Rox's silence as dislike for the poem, Ca.s.s began to apologize. "Ah ... I told you it wasn't very good," she began.

"Stop it!" Rox demanded, almost angrily through her tears. "Please ... Ca.s.s, I loved it. By the G.o.ds ... your words have a way of touching me like none others ever have," she said, sniffing loudly. "Ca.s.s, your poem is filled with such depth of emotion ... I ... I don't know what to say. It's beautiful. Thank you so much. I have never received such a wonderful gift. I will cherish it forever," she finished.

"You really liked it?" Ca.s.s asked unbelievingly.

"I loved it, Ca.s.s. Thank you again," Rox replied.

"You're welcome! I meant every word, Rox," Ca.s.s responded, a smile plastered to her face from ear to ear.

"I know you did," Rox answered, yawning loudly.

"Look, honey ... you're tired. I'm going to let you go to bed. I'll be out of town tomorrow, but back Tuesday afternoon. Can I call you then?" Ca.s.s asked.

"I'd like that, Ca.s.s ... I really would," Rox answered.

"Okay then ... until Tuesday. Good night. I love you Rox. Sleep well." Ca.s.s said.

"I will ... you too. Have a nice flight, Ca.s.s. I'll talk to you on Tuesday," replied Rox.

Moments later, both women had hung up and had retreated into their own private thoughts of the other.

Get a grip, Rox, the red head thought to herself. Your heart is beating a mile a minute! You really need to decide what it is you're feeling for this woman ... your entire future depends on it.

Rox yawned loudly once more as she powered down her computer and rose from her chair. Stretching like a cat brought back distinct reminders that she was not yet totally healed from the abuse wielded on her by Chris just a few days earlier. Deciding to take a hot shower to chase away some of the soreness, she descended one flight of stairs to the bathroom and stood there in front of the mirror, looking at herself. As she stood there, she imagined Ca.s.s walking up behind her and wrapping her arms around her waist, pulling her tightly against her chest. Her eyes closed involuntarily at the image as pangs of desire spread through her abdomen. Grabbing onto the edge of the sink for support, she dropped her chin to her chest, and took a deep breath to compose herself. Finally, after several minutes, she stripped off her clothes and quickly showered, then climbed naked between fresh sheets, where within minutes, she drifted off to dreams of dark hair and blue eyes.

Ca.s.s was so elated Rox liked the poem, that her adrenaline level skyrocketed. It was only 8:00 p.m. and she was nowhere near ready to sleep, so she powered up the computer with the intention of surfing the net for an hour or so, showering, then calling it a night.

If anyone had asked which sites she had visited, she would not have been able to tell them. She was so distracted by thoughts of red-gold hair and green eyes, that she was merely going through the motions of surfing. Finally, after losing patience she decided to send Rox a short e-mail to thank her for the phone call and to send along the poem she had been forced to read over the phone.

What started out as a quick two or three lines, turned into a full blown note.

"Hi my love,

How can one person change the life of another as deeply and thoroughly as you have mine?

I literally can not live without you, Rox. You have become part of me... as vital as my heart, as vital as the air I breathe. You have become necessary... a requirement to help me make it through my day. Your voice makes my heart flutter. My hands remember the feel of your skin. Your memory has been burned into my soul, sweet love. It is this memory that sustains me in our separateness. It is this memory that keeps me sane. It is this memory that I hold close to my heart, as I lay alone in bed each night, wishing with all that I am, that you were here with me.

It is my hope that the day is drawing near when we will be together, not as two halves of a whole, but as two complete ent.i.ties merged into one. I have visions of the future, visions of joy, love and family. I have visions of a golden haired angel, voicing the words I do, as I slip a symbol of our love on her finger. I see nights wrapped in each other's arms, and days spent at work, day dreaming of green eyes and a smile so endearing, it takes my breath away to see it.

You truly complete me. There is a spot in my heart that has never been touched by anyone but you, and never will be touched again. You have gained reign over my heart ... it is yours to command. I am powerless to resist, nor do I want to.

I love you with all my heart, Little Bard. I hope the day will come soon, when we can fulfill our dream of being together. Until then, keep me close to your heart, and I will keep you close to mine.

I love you baby....

Your Warrior

Attachment: RESCUE MY HEART "

Ca.s.s read the letter several times before sending it on it's way to the woman she loved. Sitting back in her chair, she looked at the clock and noticed the late hour, realizing that she had to head to bed if she were to make her flight in the morning.

Logging off the Internet, she waited patiently as the wallpaper containing Rox's picture was displayed. Raising her index finger to her lips, she placed a kiss on the end of it, then reached forward to trace Rox's lips.

"Goodnight my love," she said softly as she powered down the computer and went to bed.


AT 7:40 A.M. MONDAY morning, Ca.s.s absent mindedly made her way through the terminal and boarded the plane for her flight to Durango. Seating herself comfortably in the c.o.c.kpit, she stared at the lights, gauges and dials on the control panel and let her mind wander to where she really wanted to be on that sunny Monday morning ... on the Atlantic Coast line of Maine, walking hand in hand along the sh.o.r.e with a beautiful reddish blonde beauty. Sounds of the flight attendants moving around in the cabin broke her reverie as she mentally shook herself and started her routine maintenance and safety check of the flight instruments prior to take off. Ten minutes into the check, the pa.s.sengers started loading for the 8:00 a.m. flight.

"Hey, Ca.s.s!" a familiar voice sounded from the entrance to the c.o.c.kpit.

Ca.s.s raised her face and saw Jason standing there, brushing off the flight attendant's insistent hand which was urging him toward the aisle of the plane.

"It's all right, Ginny," Ca.s.s said when she saw who was causing the commotion. "I'll take care of this."

Ginny nervously released Jason's arm and turned her attention back to the other pa.s.sengers as Ca.s.s climbed out of the bucket seat and stood to her full height in front of Jason.

"How are you, Jason? It's good to have you aboard. Now, I'll have to ask you to be seated. We'll be ready for take off in a few minutes. You'll be able to move about the cabin after we reach cruising alt.i.tude," she explained, motioning for him to leave the c.o.c.kpit area and to find his seat.

"How 'bout a personal tour of the c.o.c.kpit later?" he asked suggestively.

Ca.s.s wanted to rip his throat out. Enforcer wanted to do worse. Ca.s.s, why don't we wait until we reach cruising alt.i.tude, then push him out of the plane without a parachute? Whaddaya say? the alter ego suggested.

Ca.s.s crossed her arms in front of herself and raised her eyebrows at Jason. "I'm afraid that's not possible, Jason. Regulations prohibit pa.s.sengers from visiting the c.o.c.kpit area while the plane is in flight," she explained.

"Even first cla.s.s pa.s.sengers? After all, it's customers like me that pay your salary," he said smugly.

Forget that last suggestion, Ca.s.s ... Let's throw him into one of the turbine engines instead! Enforcer urged, fueling Ca.s.s' already short temper.

Ca.s.s decided to fight fire with fire. Smiling smugly herself, she turned her back on him and started walking away, throwing the words, "Sorry ... no exceptions," over her shoulder. She could almost feel his hateful looks boring into her back at her curt dismissal of him. Moments later, she was strapped into her seat and finishing up the safety check with her co-pilot Brian.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking," Ca.s.s said into the microphone to the group of pa.s.sengers on board. "We have been cleared for takeoff. Please be sure that your seat belts are fastened securely and that the trays in the seat in front of your are locked in their upright position. Be advised that this airline recommends that your seat belt remain fastened throughout the flight or at the very least, while the seat belt sign above your heads is illuminated. A flight attendant will review safety and evacuation procedures with you in the unlikely event of an emergency. As always, thank you for flying Southern Lights Airline and have a nice flight."

Clicking off the microphone, she turned to Brian and made a face. "I'm getting sick of making that speech ... next time, it's your turn," she said.

"Oh no ... not me! With rank, there comes privileges.... sorry!" he said, grinning ear to ear.

"Traitor!" Ca.s.s mumbled under her breath as she prepared the plane for take off.

After waiting for 10 minutes in a taxi position on the runway, they were finally in the air and gaining alt.i.tude.

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On A Wing And A Prayer Part 37 summary

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